Hat In Time

What did the creators mean by this?

Attached: trannies.webm (960x540, 2.79M)

>hat girl has a dick


That they have a weird sexual fetish and want kids to know about it.


explain this one

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>last thread got pruned for seemingly no reason

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>bow kid has much better outfit
>but I hate the hair

Go dilate.

Bow kid is my daughter and I WILL protect her.

black kids need dads user, be a good cuck now.

why do 5 lines trigger Yea Forums and other "redpilled" people so much?

>disregard slut wife
>get brown loli
You're looking at this wrong

Because mental illness should be treated, not enabled

Why is hat loli so smug?

>smash generals
>shitposting threads
>smash shitposting generals
>dmc generals
>dmc shitposting generals
>epic threads
>more epic threads
>rage 2 marketing
>more rage 2 marketing
>tumblr comics thread
>classic generals
>lobotomy generals
>literally "CTR general"
Perfectly fine.
>thread about a video game that got fresh DLC released just 3 days ago
Nooooooooo, my precious advertisers, better delete the thread.

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It's melting because trannies always melt down.

>He says boldly as these threads have been one collective cuckservative meltdown/circle jerk after another

She got away with everything.
>BTFO game journalists and SJWs by keeping JonTron in
>BTFO shitty Yokka Laylee devs
>BTFO Mario Odyssey's toddler boss fights
>BTFO anti-loli fags and people expecting it to bomb
>BTFO people who weren't expecting it on Switch
>BTFO /pol/ by including black girl and trans rights
>BTFO pedo pizza parlors
>BTFO a few other things, I forgot

She can't be stopped.

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Don't forget
>BTFO tryhards by releasing easy af game
>BTFO casuals by releasing Deathwish
>BTFO tryhards AGAIN by releasing easy Nyakuza
Absolute madkid.

So should I get her game?
It looks really fun

They mean that trans people deserve rights too, it should be common sense.

>niggers in children's games

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and from fires.

Attached: Video Game Developer Dies After Setting Herself on Fire.png (668x1128, 536K)

cut of youre dick to become woman

I don't get it. What am I supposed to be looking at here? What's going on?

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What rights do trans people not have that other people do?


Transitioning is the treatment for dysphoria, in case you didn't know.

You do realize that I said nothing about your statement itself? If you honestly think this thread will stay up until bump limit if the other one got deleted with even less reason, you're genuinely retarded.
Not that it surprises me. Only the most braindead buzzword spamming wojak posters still try to bring /pol/ into Yea Forums anyway.

Currently? They have the same rights as everyone else. Since there are many people who encourage violence against trans people though, it makes sense that they want to remind others that they deserve their rights too.

Sure, just like the treatment for body dysmorphia is to allow the person to amputate or starve themselves until they think they look "correct".

Yes, but don't expect much of a challenge.
The fact that the protag is a cute little girl because the devs thought it would be fun, and not to pander/push an agenda/cloak a fetish should tell you enough about the overall tone of the game.
In fact, nearly everything in that game is there because the devs though it was either fun or funny, and they're usually right.

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Dunno man, I'm just going off of what medical professionals have agreed on. I'm sure they would disagree with your outlandish belief about dysmorphia, which is different from dysphoria.


they get literally murdered in the streets, sweetie..

Cute birds, user.
I love photos/videos of birds getting up to jerkass shit.

More porn.

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