

Attached: 20190513_161553.jpg (1859x1958, 1.19M)

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>somehow trump is to blame
smooth-brained window lickers

>name dropping trump in some dumb videogame scandal in a transparent effort to draw a comparison and conjure up hate

The only based thing Bethesda has done is blacklist Kotaku.

Wait Trump is on zenimaxs board
>WTF, I love bugs now.

>Rage 2 has microtrans...
No, I'm sorry. Let me try that again.
>Rage 2 has optional, purchasable weapon skins to buy with real money

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I wasnt going to buy this game day 1 but now I feel like I need to

>metacritic matters, but only when it suits my autism
Glad to see this shithole hasn't changed in all these years. Have fun!

Get the fuck out, Todd. You're not fooling anyone.

welcome to literally any game bethesda is going to make from now on

Good riddance.

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So, microtransactions

Jason's autism aside, this is pretty cringe, even for Bethesda.

How the fuck are these 2 still the scapegoats for everything that is "wrong"?

if they are doing this "reviews" as punishment to a game publisher that does not obey them, it is just showing how unproffesional they are. just like movie critcs who had praised star wars EP8 just because its ideology fitted with theirs well.

They're going to sell individual furniture and shit to TES VI Sims style, right?

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You know Bethesda blacklisted Kotaku years ago for leaking information, right? They have every right, as do we all, to shit on Kotaku from now until the end of time.

Because they cannot admit to being wrong.

>blacklist kotaku for doing their job

some shill is not going to get a raise lmao

>leaks are bad
Brainlet, small brain, smooth brain, other general insults aimed at your brain etc.

Fuck off Jason

Don't reply to them. That's what they want.

>iD will die for this

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Why did they try to hype up this game so much when Rage 1 was largely overlooked?

Remember how Skyrim SE launched with shit like individual mage robes and a sword for sale? Expect shit like that.

>Brainlet, small brain, smooth brain, other general insults aimed at your brain etc.

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>anybody owing anything to journalists
please fuck off

iD is still doing DOOM Eternal, this is just a side game to tide people over until that comes out

they didn't develop this game. only the first one. this one was by Avalanche, the devs behind Just Cause games and the recent Mad Max game.

WTF I love Bethesda now

wait i'm an idiot. seems like it was joint developed nevermind.

>Trump is partly responsible for this game
>But there's a female on the cover
Gamers im fucking conflicted

iD did the combat/gun play, Avalanche did the world/level design basically

that's probably why the combat is getting universally praised

I'm not low test enough to be a righty but damn, fucking based. Too bad Bethesda games are shit tho

Let's irritate the shills and journos who review our game


probably cause kotaku is shit

It's the gaming press' holocaust card.

doesn't it come out in like 4 months? Tide people over with what? The fuck are you even talking about?

Eternal doesn't even have a release date beyond "2019"

>wants bigger and bigger, cheaper and cheaper games
>doesn't want transactions

choose one

But I don't want that open world shit.

Mmmmm yes single player games need microtransactions goy! Won't you think of the devs

Fake and gay.

Journalists should leak anything they get their hands on, but yes, it is bad for the business of the person/company who's having their shit leaked. That's how it's supposed to be, journalists shouldn't be sucking up to game companies any more than is necessary to get information, otherwise we get shit like every news outlet blaming the fans for not liking DmC. The only reason Bethesda can afford to blacklist websites that leak information is because most journalists are doormats, content to act as a second marketing division.

MTX have long been normalised in eyes of investors and publishers, it's the new business model; better get used to it, commie.

Trump's brother.

Sorry I'll just pirate your game untill you stop

Shouldn't Schrier be happy and supportive of Trump? The guy sanctioned millions to support Israel last year. Or is this how jews control their pets? Stamping down on their pets to show dominance?

I want to go back user
Older games are better than this nushit

>tells someone to fuck off
>mMmmGhhh DRUMPF

Commie Globalist Jews Hates Israeli Jews because they are conservative and pro family.

Learn your jew and it will save your life

I dont want either of those things.

This big game meme needs to die. Recently started playing paper mario 64 for the first time. Id forgotten how small the worlds were in these older games, but it feels fucking right. The levels are as big as they need to be and not padded out with fluff.

Fuck having miles of nothing with occassional ubishit towers and korok turds to collect. A world should be built around the gameplay, not the other way around.

>How the fuck are these 2 still the scapegoats for everything that is "wrong"?
you guys could've prevented this. but nooooo, had to own the libs

bigger doesn't necessarily mean open world it can mean having 16k, photo realistic hair follicles and 48 hours of dialogue

Basedthesda making shit games but at least mocking the idea of "games journalist"

B u y i n g

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Based, who the fuck even is that shithead

CEO of Avalanche

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Hes fuckin' right

That shit is shameless

So how many points did journalists take off for being offended by the tweet?

>the press
Activism isn't journalism.
Opeds aren't the press.
The bald fag should hang himself.
Video Games aren't press-worthy, unless you are a mental retarded adult whose body grew but brain stagnated.

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I'm perfectly happy with 7th gen graphics at higher resolutions/frame rates with game worlds only as big as the gameplay needs it to be like Yakuza. GTA 5's map was impressive but was just a commute between missions.

>take FPS game
>throw it into a big empty open world where level design is practically non existent
what could go wrong?

>watch the first 5m of gameplay
>already 3 strong womyn and a big bad white incel
yikes, indeed

Calling anybody who works for Shitaku a "journalist" is akin to saying that a garbageman "works in customer service", except a garbageman is useful.

I like Ids MO I don't like Rage 2 though. A pity, if it wasn't a game for pink hairs it might have been worth looking into.

game reviewers aren't "the press". easy mistake jason.

73-76 is not that bad.

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His brother actually. Journos will never give you a full truth.

Imagine actually having a twittard account

I hate kotaku as much as the next guy, but Bethesda blacklisting them when they actually did game journalism (or any "press" outlet) is as anti-consumer as it gets.
Especially when they continue to release games so buggy you'd think they were your mom's cunt.

>all the liberal progressive gaming journalists conspire to give Rage 2, a liberal progressive game, a bad score, because they dare stand up to one of their own on twitter

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I don't want big games. I want good games, games that are made because somebody has a vision that they want to realize, not because a commitee thought it would turn a profit. Fuck off.
AAA needs to die.

It's not the pink hairs. It's because it's yet another "muh australian outback simulator". We've already played it. It was Borderlands, it was Fallout, it was Mad Max, it was Carmaggedon.
The only reason I'd see to get it is id making the weapons, but even then you could just play any of the DOOM games or wait for DOOM Eternal to come out rather than paying extra for this piece of shit just because it has the BFG, to which I might add that Rage does itself no favors by reminding me of an infinitely better game.

Most of the reviewers are saying it's your basic shooter that will hold your attention for fans of the genre, which is what I expected
Somehow CoD still gets 9s by being the same


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"Sperging out a secret" isn't real journalism. But investigation is.

It's as close to real journalism as Kotaku is capable. But IIRC they had no NDA signed with Bethesda so they did nothing wrong in this one case.

wtf I love bethesda now

Wrong. I hate open world games with nothing in them and useless side quests that give shit rewards.

I bet it's a great game. Not paying $60 for it though.

>defending the zionists just because they're 'conservative'
Based retard bootlicker.

He said "a Trump."

Oh, look! Another example of the legacy gaming press holding scores hostage because they don't get free shit. The sooner publishers and developers skip out on these cancerous faggots, the better.



truly /ourcompany/ am I right fellow gamers

Already bought Rage 2 dont @ me I can tell it's fun and that's all I care about

lol who even are you

Why is this new people weren’t buying the game anyways

>pulling the Nuremberg defense for worthless journos

youre missing my point. lets say ever cheaper and more advanced

Nice bait, longnose.
And if it's the new business model then I hope the publishers are ready for their own personal shoah.

A jew is a fucking jew. Label them differently all you want but they're the same

Actual commies have disdain for jews, since they know that they're the main holders of banks and thus capital. However, capitalists are always jews.

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the only worthwhile review

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>Orange man bad

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I was so surprised they even decided to make a sequel to Rage, it was like the blandest, most forgettable thing ever. Did they really think that IP had any name recognition at all?

>was going to buy

no thanks, will pirate

I would be fine with games staying how they were before microtransactions in terms of scale if it meant they didn't have them, but we both know that they aren't the only thing keeping these companies in business so that's a moot point.


where did you kids get this from?

id didn't evne make rage 2

Games have been 60 bucks for the last 20 years user.

It’ll go down more, they marketed it as frenetic but it’s a colorful yet bland, people will be disappointed

garbage game

why do they put COD style hitmarkers in single player games now? you'd think a game with an emphasis on colorful looking enemies would be able to tell you whether you hit a guy or not through enemy animations or callouts or something fun to look at. Hit markers are so fucking lazy and stupid looking.

>get bored 2 minutes into watching a review of it


You lost me, mate.

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Right, they could have done neon blood or something.

>keep posting leaks about their games
>surprised when he gets blacklisted

wew lad

>yfw he did the same for Sony and Ubisoft and they blacklisted Kotaku too, except he kept sucking all three of their cocks non stop beggint to not be blacklisted and only Sony relented

>banned from the front page
Yeah reddits favorite board lol

What the fuck does that even mean?

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And Trump supporters will never give you an accurate summary of the facts because they are brain damaged.

So now that liberals are turning on Bethesda can we finally stop pretending Skyrim and FO4 were bad games?

you are no different

Reddit got so ass blasted from t_d that its banned from showing up on r/all.

Skyrim's RPG mechanics were a little bit too stripped back for my liking, but otherwise a great game.

FO4 was terrible.

Is this why there's a /ptg/ circlejerk on /pol/ 24/7?

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>trump is on zenimax board
WTF I love Bethesda now

it's a collaboration between Id and Avalanche

he was right, the game will be released tomorrow and most people dont even know that it exists.

Idk man i dont go on pol often that nazi shit is only funny when you do it ironically

>shits on reviewers
>Thinks bad review from reviewers are legit
Stupid fucking retard.

not really. id did engine work, avalanche made the game

autism aside is the game at least fun?

> bigger and bigger
Games have less content at launch than ever.
>cheaper and cheaper
Games are more expensive than ever, especially with season pass and paid DLC kikery
>>doesn't want transactions
Correct, now fuck off.

If an animal shits on your PC, you have a much higher quality review than the best kotaku "review". Kotaku is just a disgusting degenerate site.

Yep, this cuck is literally retarded.

Bethesda is in the wrong, doubly so because id and Avalanche worked on this and they're stealing away from their work by being drama whores who hide any potential word of how the game is.

>bfg locked behind 20 dollar extra "deluxe edition" that gives you nothing but a few skins and shit otherwise


It was years ago. Still a good game tho.

> Communism is a literal jew shit
> The Reds in Russia were jewish
> The commies who created a civil war in Germany were jewish
> Stalin was a huge Jewish dick sucker
> The commies have disdain for Jews
This is comical on so many fucking levels I don't even feel anger towards you user.
Being this level of retarded is a feat in itself.

I agree, I'm just mostly concerned with it because /pol/'s been leaking too much lately.

>> Communism is a literal jew shit
Learn your history, nigger. Communism existed in forms pre-Marx.
>> The Reds in Russia were jewish
Majority, sure. Who then also prosecuted jews. And then were prosecuted by others as well. What's your point?
>> The commies who created a civil war in Germany were jewish
Again, learn your history, nigger. The civil war in Germany was brewing way before any kind of commie activity.
>> Stalin was a huge Jewish dick sucker
Is that why majority of Jews in ex-Soviet lands hate both the USSR and Stalin to this day? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin_and_antisemitism
>This is comical on so many fucking levels
I mean, if you have the IQ of a low brow monkey and only learn things from /pol/ memes, then sure.
>Being this level of retarded is a feat in itself.
Oh the ironing.

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>generic open world shit filled with fetch quests

Trump's probably dont know anything about rage 2 at best his assistants made a summary of the white paper.

Yeah this Open World meme needs to die. Glad ID stuck with levels with NuDoom I bet there were faggot designers who told them they need to make it a giant mars you have to explore.

>shitting on video game "journalists" and focusing on making an FPS focused around having fun instead of Deep and Politically Correct storylines
wait is this game actually going to be good? because it's looking like it.

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>western AAA gaming

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>developers make 60k a year

>bethesda CEO's make 40 million a year


I'd facefuck the ginger one raw desu