What went wrong?

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It's a single player game, people finished it and moved on. I know that you know this.

Once you get all the endings and kill all the bosses, there's not much else to do. No other weapons, no nothing. It's a good game but it definitely suffers from a lack of variety.

r1 r1 r1 r1 l1 repeat to win
no exploration
retarded plot and edgelord OC donut steal
terrible weapon/skill variety
grappling hook is jank incarnate
terrible stealth
literally no replay value (and a short game at that)
recycled bosses
no mook variety
no environment variety
easy game, but fromdrones insist it's supah dupah hard
worst fanbase since minecraft

There isn't much replay value, which is pretty impressive considering it's stuck in the middle of being a Souls game and an actual action game, both of which thrive on replayability.

And still better than any game released in the past 7 years.

It is a single player game. That means that people finished it and went onto another game. Also a lot of people pirated it.

Speedrunners lost interest because you can skip most bosses, and boss fights are the only thing that kept the run interesting.
Distortion2, Nemz38 and qttsix bring up the view count a lot, but they're not streaming right now.
Besides, this happens to every single singleplayer game these days, after people stream their first playthrough, view count drops, are you literally retarded?

Everyone beat it or quit.
Game is well over a month old and people moved onto something else.

for fuck's sake, you know very well other From games stayed relevant for far longer that Sekiro. Even REmake 2 did better in this regard.

>Dark Souls 3

> other From games
Other From games were multiplayer you dunce. This is a singleplayer game with only so much to do in.

Nothing? It was a mega hit and FromSofts best selling game, their magnum opus.
Are you stupid you fucking nigger? Did you not read the post you were literally replying to? He said because Sekiro is a single player game. Are "other From games" single player games? No you fucking faggot.

the combat sucks

there, i said it

Yeah but there's no multiplayer, builds, gear, or anything to differentiate a run compared to any Souls runs.

>What went wrong?
Constant stuttering and frame freezes.

>t. low test journalist

I've done more SL1 dark souls runs than you've had total playthroughs in every from game combined faggot

It has no such issues. Upgrade your PC kid.

Not even once

>finally beat isshin after likely 20 hours of only attempts


now wut

Sure you have mr. journalist, sure you have. haha

To be fair, BB is basically single player with how shit the online was, and it was relevant for years. Probably because there was nothing else to play on PS4, but my point still stands.

>Yea Forums is so underage that any singleplayer game that doesn't have a constant stream of content updates or grinding is "dead".

>Ryzen 7 2700X
>RTX 2080
Fuck off, cunt.

they made a game that is more fun to play than to watch?
what the fuck

>Ryzen 7 2700X
It's always some fool who can't into proper pc builds that end up having stuttering and problems with games. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I bet you don't even use tri-channel ram faggot.

Nothing. They made a fun game, people played it, finished it, and moved on.
Not everything is filled with drama, you retarded ape. So stop baiting and be a nigger somewhere else like /vg/.

it takes a absolute retard to think twitch viewership is relevant

So, you're saying it's totally not From's fault, but mine for not buying the CPU you think is proper, even though any other game aside from Sekiro and DS3 run smooth like butter?

this. fuck nu gamers

Yes. You buy cheap hardware what turn out to be the bottleneck on your system. This is entirely your fault for being a cheap jew. Everyone and his friend knows not to buy amd cpus. They have known bottlenecking issues and are not made for games. Not my fault you invested in hardware not designed for gaming.
Those cpu's bottleneck everything and you'll probably get higher performance on your other "smooth" games (ye right), if you used a proper cpu.

t. intel shill

>t cheap jew

>Those cpu's bottleneck everything and you'll probably get higher performance on your other "smooth" games (ye right), if you used a proper cpu.
Didn't know there was a higher performance than max settings, but sure, it's not From's poor optimiziation resppnsible.

Honestly it was pretty mediocre

lolwhat, no.

Keep crying or better yet do your own research better next time before buying shit hardware.
Should have asked /g/ before you fucked up this bad

Seething Soulsnigger

Upgrade your PC or RMA your console.

Intel Shill spotted

>Dark Souls has good combat

Proof me wrong.
Protip you can't
AMD CPUs are shit for rendering and handling real time graphics. Look it up boi


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>muh optimization
$2000 console with a dedicated internet browser

Seriously who buys AMD cpus in the current year. How fucking dumb or poor must you be to do this? It's like you know you're getting the worse hardware but you still willingly do it. Why?

It's a bland action game. You play it once and drop it. There is nothing to explore or do different, not even a tiny thing.


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He's right. AMD GPUs have been a complete joke for the past few years and the CPUs are only passable if you're a 60hz pleb to begin with.

whens ur next intel paycheck, shill?

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the only reason to watch a game like that is to either watch your favorite streams rage or to pretend you beat the game yourself. the lack of builds and multiplayer don't give the game much replay value outside of getting the different endings.

Too bad it sucks in reality.

Now try using those cpu's for actualy graphics processing data and see what happens. Those benchmarks do arithmetic logic calculations as is the basics of a cpu. Once you throw a data stream from games on an amd cpu you're gonna start having problems. They don't work well with games, what is so hard to understand about this?

Attached: 2018-11-25-image.png (1328x2176, 90K)

>pay $50 premium to get 10 less frames than a fucking 8400
Then think about the expensive RAM you need for AMD LMAO

>what is multiplayer

>defends inferior product
>calls others shills for recommending a better product for the job
I wonder who is behind this post

I agree, But supporting the alternative to (potentially) force innovations in the market is the beauty of competition.

Good on you then mate, I however don't care enough to sacrifice my performance.

They fucked up on replayability. Instead of forcing you to grind after finishing a single skill page, they should have dedicated more time into fleshing out the world and making a proper NPC hub. Slightly mystical pre Tokugawa Japan is so interesting and yet they did nothing with it; felt like a Japanese Dark Souls.

Should have been:

1000x more lore documents/items
A large centipede mountain area
Serpent breeding area in Sunken Valley deeper than the den
Ashina outskirts should have way more cliffside exploration
Fountainhead Palace should be twice as large
Senpou should have had an entire 3 idols worth of experimentation chambers
Should have had to fight a red eyed knight at the bottom of Senpou Mountain as a secret boss.

Keep fighting the good fight, dude. I'm not in the business of trying to save dying companies and frankly, I don't believe companies that can't survive on their own merit deserve to stick around.

Name a better game than Sekiro in the last 7 years that is not bloodborne

yeah revisiting so many areas was lame, and I didn't like how they laid out ashina castle. I wouldn't be surprised if the lack of areas and revisiting was mainly a budget call.

>Name a better game than Sekiro in the last 7 years
Literally any multiplayer game

>that is not bloodborne
I'm dead

>in the last 7 years
I'll do you one better and name you one from the last 2 months. DMC5

gun fort was underused too
>expect to infiltrate a fort full of somewhat more advanced tech and full of guns users
>it was literally 12 enemies and and an old lady camping on a mountain for no reason at all
>boss is just a monkey

Dunno. I mean shit, I agree with you fundamentally don't get me wrong, but at the same time most of what you describe would take a lot of time and budget. It's not like a request for some tweaks that could have been done in a few days, you're asking for a bunch more money and time to have been spent on it. Which, sure, would have been good and the game setting deserved it, but that's true of lots of games. Without knowing whether it was realistic for them to have anymore to work with I can't say that stuff would all have been worse sacrificing something else.

Though maybe they could eventually do an expansion/director's cut edition type thing, I'd pay a certain amount more for something that fleshed out the content like you describe.

>ESL shill

I mean, the online base for these games have shrunk dramatically too. Only DaS3 has an active base.

Attached: soulsborne viewership.jpg (3264x460, 766K)

they're also a lot older than Sekiro

It's expected for sekiro
it's a single player action game and has no major replayability factor like the other soulsborne games (weapon variety, builds, etc)

People are waking up that souls like games were always broken bullshit

Streamers are trend following monkeys that have to constantly stream the New Thing to pay their rent is what happened.


I wish they took more advantage of the grappling hook. It gave them a lot more opportunity to make exploration interesting yet it was the weakest part of the game