Why is it so good for gaming, Yea Forumsros?

Attached: Windows 7.jpg (1200x900, 243K)

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lmgtfy.com/?q=windows update group policy

no freesync kinda blows
I'd argue that Win7 is better for basically everything BUT gaming

It's not 10.

>tfw you see a W7 hipster get mad because a game needs W10

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it isn't, that's just you coping with your shit computer not being able to run new games.

It's not bloatware disguised as an OS

Mate you're about a decade late, Windows 10 is the latest version of Windows.

If a game requires 10, it isn't worth playing. Not a single game has released that requires 10 that I have wanted to play. I anticipate that developers will keep supporting 7 past Microsoft's final security update.

it's not pajetware.
honestly US devs were actually really considerate, when it's about quality and how people gonna use their product efficiently.


aren't you supposed to be in school?

look mum, me projecting.

Why has no one backed up using W7 yet?
It isn't just tribalistic "old thing good" nostalgia fuel from seething third worlders, is it?

Attached: bird hmm.jpg (535x530, 168K)

I can't think of a single worthwhile game that's required W10.

when everyone knows it's good nothing has to be said

look mum, me baiting.
>mm gonna use my birds folder reaction

I remember when all the retards were going on about how shit Windows Vista and 7 is and how they were never going to leave XP, the "best" OS for gaming. Before then retards were saying XP sucks and they were never going to leave 98SE, the "best" OS for gaming. At least now that Windows is going to rolling release all that retard shit is over.

I think we can all agree that windows 8 was a steaming pile of shit.
And Windows 10 is riddled with "technology" that continually phones home your data even if you turn all of those settings off.
That leaves 7 as the only recent and viable option.

tfw I went from 95 to 98 to XP to 7 to 10. The absolute pinnacle of Windows leaps.

what. are you out of words now little fag?

go tie a knot and hang yourself.

Because you're delusional.

no, because windows 10 1709 is the best build. anything later is even worse

No hassle and no fuss, when I tell MS to fuck off and not bug me about updates they fuck off and don't bug me about updates in W7.

wow amazing reasons!
I haven't at all struck a nerve!

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W7 users think they aren't being spied on?

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Upgrading from 7 to was a real eye opener in just how outdated it was. I had a problem with several games in 7 where the refresh rate would just lock to 50hz for some reason, that completely disappeared when I went to 10 presumably because MS figured out that standard was effectively dead.

For the sole reason that it is the last surviving widespread OS for personal computers that is still supported defacto.

Many others in that place would have been as "good" or "better".

Zoomer third worlders haven't went through this shit before so they don't remember the XPfags

>pinnacle of Windows

There's a reason people clung to DOS well after the release of Win95. It was basically the same thing as Vista and 8. Lots of kinks to work out and third party support was terrible for a good while.

It's especially funny to see people praising XP these days. It was fucking despised for quite a while. It had massive compatibility problems. I think when people say XP was great what they really mean is XP SP2 several years later was great.

You are getting spied on by posting on Yea Forums.

Yeah no shit

It just works and doesn't randomly break itself because Microsoft is too cheap to hire internal people to do the testing instead of forcing end users to do it. It's really hard to like the improvements 10 brings to the table when it has a track record of nuking user data and randomly breaking systems with rogue driver updates.

I was four years old at the time of using W95, user


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>can't even play Forza Horizon 3


Not having constant OS-breaking updates is a huge plus.

win7 does have worse performance in games, pc just isn't good for games.

Because you can disable desktop composition and actually play in borderless windowed mode without input lag.

XPfags were right though, because Vista was objectively shit and is still remembered as such. Even Win7 isn't that great, the only real advantage over XP is offering proper 64-bit computing. Win10 has literally nothing to offer other than breaking your computer with shit updates.

>the only real advantage over XP is offering proper 64-bit computing

You should probably not opine on technical subjects you are completely ignorant on.

If the best FF is now political what does the golden shiny wire of hope represent?

It's true though. 64 bit XP was crap.

significantly less than 10 if you know what you're doing but that's not even the goal. 7 is just better in usability. The whole tablet ui design is pure cancer. And they removed settings on top of that. 10 is simply garbage even if you don't care about the spyware.

>The whole tablet ui design is pure cancer
literally just turn it off and it's 7 UI but nicer

just get classic shell if you don't like the start menu

I was more referring to the "only advantage" part of the comment.

Windows 10 is better faggot

I have windows 10 on a laptop and windows 7 is way better, it's not even a competition.

you seem to forget how shit Windows 3.1 was. W95 was a real step forward and it slowly started killing DOS.

In what way?

8 launch was garbage, but 8.1 is honestly a great, overlooked OS. It boots and runs faster than 7, and the Explorer is better, too. All you have to do is install Open Shell and it becomes a faster Windows 7.

Attached: classic-shell.png (1264x757, 748K)

The problem is they simplified the whole UI. Things that take 3 clicks in 7 simply doesn't exist anymore in 10 as part of their clean UI ideology.

I get it that most casuals won't even notice because they don't use more than facebook and steam but it unusable if you do require those old functions that are now gone in 10.

The mere fact that Windows 7 updates don't randomly break shit alone already puts it way ahead. I had literally never seen a corrupted Windows installation until it happened in several machines at my work from the moment they installed W10.

>they simplified the whole UI
And by "simplify", they basically meant that now you can't disable shit like Aero.

I bought windows 10 yesterday. It was like $130 leafs.
Holy shit this is some intrusive fucking spyware. First thing they ask for is facial recognition. And there's ads everywhere in this shit.
Basically delegated to a partition from which I launch games. All other computer usage is done on my Linux partitions.

Forced updates are another vexing thing about 10. No Windows, I don't want to update right now. No, I don't need you reminding me in the middle of my game that you want to shut down my computer this second. No, stop rebooting, where is the cancel button... oh it's greyed out and you can't click it. Wonderful.

>you seem to forget how shit Windows 3.1 was

No, I don't. But it's not worth bringing up because that was back in the days when computer were still expensive and only for nerds and most people didn't know a lot about them.

Cool story bro.


Mostly the UI and the freedom you have. Everything is accessible in W7 and there is no integrated advertisements or overreaching microsoft software bullshit. Even if it might still spy on you, at least it's not in your way. The UI is also dogshit most of the time, anything that was ported from W8 should be removed entirely, I hate those full screen touch interfaces so god damn much. Not to mention the obnoxious apps and advertisements
I've been pretty lucky with W10 in that regard, only problem is that when I installed it the right click function didn't work. How the fuck that even happen is beyond me but it should serve as a pretty good warning.

>new to IT
>first week talks about users wanting w10
>spent all week my first week explaining problems with w10 over w7
>"user, you're in IT, why don't you want the latest and greatest?"
>list reasons for them
>"Oh, you're just being silly. It'll be fine"

I do not want to do the manual labor of porting over 100+ users in this company, 75% of which is out of state. Which means I'm going to have to travel the midwest to update people to OSs I don't want to support.



My Win7 bros

Seething Microsoft shill

Ebin, simply.... ebin.

>when I installed it the right click function didn't work
I actually noticed this in a bunch of test machines, having to spam right click to get it working on fresh installs. Probably shit default drivers or something.

Windows 7 for games, Arch or Debian for anything else

It's not good for anything except for eating your RAM.

>new to IT
>first week talks about users wanting w10
>spent all week my first week rehashing crap I saw strangers say on the internet about how shit Windows 10 is
>"user, are you sure you actually know anything about IT? Because it's sounds like you are talking out your ass."
>"Right... So we'll be doing the upgrade then."


Same shit in our Corporate Enviroment of 1000+ PCs. Even worse our in place upgrade to W10 pushed through SCCM is terrible since most of the local clients aren’t working and random profile issues occur

It was sock money and I need some software for work, fuck you, you white honkey nigga.

Forza games
I'm sticking with Win7 + Xbone in the meantime though

If you are going to W10, I’d recommend the Professional version for GPedit and Regedit

Only way to remove Cortona

>he plays vroom vroom games
Lol, gimme a break dude

do your fucking job

Don't talk about shit you don't know about

My win 7 install is from 2011 and it still plays the latest games fine. Maybe the world did end in 2012 and we're in some sort of strange limbo state where nothing progresses anymore.

there's like 7 or so games that are win10 only
all of them M$ trash

I worked for JPMorganChase and they were really insistent on keeping Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 on their workstations and thin clients because of the issues that IT had been facing with W10 and Server 2016 deployment. They haven't even tried the 2019 versions because they never got 2016 to deploy in the branch without errors everywhere.

>rolling out OSs manually
You really are new to IT.
>buh they said on ma favrit forum that 10 bad
Didn't hear what the NHS ended up having to do no?

I stopped using Windows when that W10 adware popped up on it. Linux Mint may not have the library that Windows has, but that's just a sacrifice I'm willing to make in order to avoid adware and data-mining.

Plus, actually switching to Mint breathed a lot of new life into my old laptop, so I'm happy with it.

at least with that turd you can choose when to break everything and die

I´ve had 10 pro on my PC for half a year now, (and still have 7 on my 9 year old laptop in the living room as a spare)
I dont get it, other than installing Classic Shell and replacing the horseshit default image viewer with 3rd party one, 10 seems to be working pretty nicely for me. Games work, controls work, no problem drawing or 3D modelling. I´ve seen an ad in this thing like two or three times.
Maybe I just got lucky. I probably would have continued to use 7 until its support runs out but new hardware didnt work with it anymore without annoying fuckarounds so i just bit the bullet.

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>Not using Windows 10 Pro and turning off the bad stuff in the Group Policy Editor

How do you people even put on your socks in the morning?

>IT department is full of lazy and incompetent people

I'm shocked

How could based Gaben do this to us...

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the W10 edition of RE7 is kino

Windows 8 is better for gaming than 10. Windows 10 is shit even if you don't game.

With my experience I can understand it if they have incompatible software

With us we had all of our Avaya Software that took forever to work with W10 from the vendor , especially since we push out v1809 now.

But if it was just installing it with updates their engineers suck

>thinking that disabled half of the bad stuff
literal brainlet go to /g/ and ask them

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Why do people even say this kind of shit without backing it up

based 8 chad

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Ive never had a problem with 10

I use both but 7 is by far the more stable choice

Recently I had an issue where 10 would auto update my graphics driver to the incorrect driver every time it updated causing blue screens. Every auto update meant I had to rollback divers. A huge pain in the ass.

Another issue I had was it just fucking stopped refreshing any sort of folder content and I had to F5 to get anything new to show. Turns out I had a CD in my drive and fucking 10 would stop to prioritize re-indexing the CD over displaying new values EVERY FUCKING TIME SOMETHING WAS COPY/PASTED

If 10 wasn’t literal beta garbage I’d consider using it full time. But I’m afraid that will never happen. So 7 for games it is.

not him but
>he doesn't play racing games
you're missing out my dude

Attached: 220px-Burnout_3_-_Takedown_Coverart.jpg (220x264, 26K)

t. does not know how to change monitor's hz

Based. OutRun 2 is also acceptable racing kino.

>try to make carmageddon TDR 2000 run on windows 7 for 5+ years, no dice CTD on startup
>install windows 10
>works instantly
>the game is shit

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I cant believe theres no OutRun 3. Imagine the landscapes they could create with our current technology

What are you going to do once Nvidia and AMD end driver support?

Probably get a new computer. It will be time to upgrade the whole thing in a few years. And then go through the lengthy process of blocking all the spyware "features" MS implemented in Win10.

lack of enforced desktop composition + WDDM dictatorship is kept at bay (sound pipeline is fucked tho)


scanline sync is the thing, gramps - get with the times

Vista was basicly beta for 7.

I work in the finance department at a telecommunications company and the entire department moved to Macs and a few W7 PCs because W10 was so dogshit.

It didn't matter refresh rate my monitor was set to. This was actually a pretty well known issue with MGR in particular but people were getting all kinds of shit with that, some as low as 24hz. Again, only windows 7.

>Windows 7 updates don't randomly break shit
Oh they did, just not as often

>tfw the only w7 user in class
feels good to be the alpha

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You could just deny your pc from contacting microsoft with pihole or dnsbl.

Get a real degree, one where you aren't allowed to use wangblows

I think that's one of the major problems with windows 10. It's not that bad for what it's trying to be, but what it's trying to be will always be done better by MacOS.
It's giving up its niche in the market to try and take on a corporation that will always beat them at this thing.

No better than Windows 10

The answer here is "its exactly because im an expert that i don't want w10, normal users simply don't have the knowledge to understand the issues"
If you're fixing everything they gonna respect your authority.

It's because the sad truth is that whatever tech the VR requires can't be backported to 7

>it's dogshit!
>i-it just is, o-okay?!

This is how my conversations with Macfags usually go. Not that Windows doesn't have issues, but people who shit on it usually have no idea what they're talking about and just want Microsoft to be terrible because that's what their hipster friends told them. I'm a software developer and I use both Linux and Windows but Windows isn't nearly as terrible an environment for development as a lot of Mac hipster devs seem to think. I always hear people saying "b-but it doesn't have a Terminal!", which is retarded because it has Powershell and that does almost everything you need to do in the Terminal as a developer. Not to mention that a month from now Windows will be getting a genuine fully-fledged Unix-style terminal, ending this "argument" once and for all. I wonder what people will cling to then.

Even MacOS is better about not forcing me to fucking update.
All I get is a little popup in the upper right hand corner that I can immediately dismiss and the shit will NEVER bug me or force a restart.
Meanwhile W10 will bug the fuck out of you and eventually FORCE you to restart your PC and update.
Shit's annoying.

Why the fuck you deploy windows 7 now in an enterprise setting when it's so close to end of life?

>dun need security updates is 4 fagits

I look forward to seeing you in the news for the next wannacry.

I'm not a developer, I don't care, I just want an OS that I don't have to fight in order to not have to deal with forced updates, hence why I use W7.

>Powershell and that does almost everything you need to do in the Terminal as a developer.
15 year old detected.

Not that guy but enterprises can PAY for updates yearly. And the cost will double each year.

Dude, the entire US military is using computer systems older than you are, no one gives a fuck about this retarded "m-muh security updates" shit aside from pajeets.

>lol u-ur a kid
>no arguments

What a shocker. Didn't see that one coming. At all.

Why would I get in an argument with someone who says such retarded shit? Wintoddlers are a joke.

Microsoft is not ending support of Windows 7, they are ending FREE support of Windows 7.

>I have no arguments and I must post

Literally exactly the kind of brainlet I talked about in the first post. I can't make this shit up, it took just a minute or two for a perfect example to show up. Pure fucking gold lol

with Citra in win10 Im get horizontal scanlines errors that werent there on win7

Imagine making an OS so shitty people are more willing to pay extra than move to "latest and greatest"

Maybe just stick to your "Power"shell, wintoddler. I'm sure you it's great. That is why Microsoft needed to appropriate Linux to get basic functionality, right?

High adoption rate and surrounded by two editions will low adoption rate

You're going to be in deep shit if there's any issues past the EoS date. Consider this scenario.
>ERP/CMS/DMS/Whatever business software is getting closer to its EoS date
>New version doesn't support W7, because W7 is EoS software
>user doesn't want to update because autism
>Business software eventually borks because reasons
>No support from the devs because EoS
>Downtime possibly bankrupts the company
How much does an hour of downtime cost to your company? What about a day? Do you want to be the one held responsible for the eventual problems because you personally didn't like Window 10?

>manual labor
Lol. Learn to use basic deployment and automation tools
>OSs I don't want to support.
Do you understand how many companies got infected with cryptolockers last couple years because retards like you didn't want to update their shit?

Its just beaners and mudsharts getting assblasted and clinging to an old OS.

True words!

Hey, fucking good for him, not only is he pushing them into something they don't want for no benefit but he's costing them extra to do it, all because he doesn't want to explain to Debra in accounting where to find the start menu now.

Yeah they only give a shit when something goes wrong see: NHS and Windows 10.

>Do you understand how many companies got infected with cryptolockers last couple years because retards like you didn't want to update their shit?
You mean like Spectre, Meltdown, and that other one?
All of which exploit hardware vulnerabilities and also affect people running W10?
All of which were fixed via microcode and motherboard updates that don't rely on W10 being installed?
What about them?

>can travel for a job

It's hilarious how you keep shitposting but aren't bringing up a single argument as to why terminal is better. Not one. Like I already said, PS does almost everything the terminal does. I never called it a perfect replacement. But you, like every other brainless retard who lets others think for him, just keep shitposting about Windows because you think it's cool and all your script kiddie friends said so. What a joke of a guy you are

If you're such an intellect, you really should be able to come up with better arguments than ad hominem.

>where to find the start menu now.
What dream world do you live in where that is the only issue?

What are you referring to as "almost everything"? This should be worth a laugh. Stupid wintoddler.
There is nothing to argue against. When a wintoddler gets all huffy about superior operating systems it is best to just watch and laugh at their idiocy.

Updating from 7 to Windows 10 gave me a 20 fps boost in almost every game I had installed and the boot time went from 40 to 10 seconds. Fuck you, I'm not going back

>why though?

Truly the lowest form of "argument". Even ad hominem is more acceptable.

No one is paying that unless there's some serious business applications that are too expensive to update and the functionality is too expensive to migrate to a different software.

Sounds like a Shitvidia issue.

>I stick win7
>I buy xbox one

Literal retard

I dunno man, sounds to me like you simply don't have an argument to back up your claim. Could it be that you're just parroting what other people who had no idea what they were talking about said and now you're finding yourself cornered because you can't even name a single reason why the terminal is better than powershell?

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Unix terminals and Powershell are nothing alike for one. Just because they are both text based doesn't mean they're the same thing.

Fucking this, where the fuck my 8.1 bros at?

what are you talking about? there are countless videos of people explaining why W10 is literal gutter trash and cant be fixed. are you seriously pretending to be retarded on the four chan right now?

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my pc still has w7 and still runs wonderful, i rather build a new pc for w10

Not him, but W10 is shit because it's the worst thing that an OS can be; disruptive.
An OS should be seen, not heard, it should blend into the background and leave me the fuck alone when I tell it to, not bug the fuck out of me until I either get a different OS or download third party software to make it fuck off.

No, those are not the vulns I'm looking for. Check what happened to Maersk, Boeing, NHS etc.

Besides, Meltodown and Spectre still aren't fixed and at the moment it seems like they can't even be fixed.
>a total of 27 CPU hardware vulnerabilities versus only two belonging to those families at the beginning of 2018.
>Unfortunately, Spectre and Meltdown are hardware vulnerabilities; they exist at the hardware level, so they can’t be cured completely with software patches.

As someone that actually works in an enterprise environment the biggest issue I have with 10 was removing The Compatibility settings tab.

Also I don’t understand how Pffice 365 has so many issues with W10. It was fucking designed for it

So in other words no matter what you do you have severe vulnerabilities, so what's the issue here again?

Nobody even claimed they were the same thing, but as a developer you'll be using them for much of the same tasks in each respective environment. Powershell technically isn't even text-based but object based, but whatever, that's not the point. I could argue that Powershell is actually a lot more feature rich than a Unix shell because it's not merely a shell but also an entire scripting language. I'm no veteran in development but in the 3 or so years that I've been developing software, not once has Powershell made me go "now if only I had terminal right now". When you know how to use it it becomes about as powerful as the terminal. Having a genuine terminal in windows will be great for people who are already used to working with it.

we're still waiting for you to come up with a single argument against it, but it really seems like you can't because you're one of those 15yos who's just installed his first ubuntu and now acts all high and mighty about it.

Security isn't an on/off switch. It's about layers.

Attached: shrek.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

You're just another sper/g/lord who just left your shitty linux echo chamber board for the first time and now you're shit out of luck because your usual circlejerk talking points don't work against people with real experience

It's also about how "thick" each layer is, or how severe each vulnerability is.

>we have these issues that are potentially unfixable
>fuck it why bother at all?
>Not like there are thousands of other potential issues out there from using an outdated os with no support
>not like Microsoft hasn't put out mitigations for these flaws
>it's all fine fuck it

Yes, I wonder why...

Attached: win.jpg (1300x4704, 716K)

>but as a developer you'll be using them for much of the same tasks in each respective environment.
How so? You need to explain this, since it is clearly false.
Watch less Ben Shapiro, please.

>using a reliable OS is hipster

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cause it's actually a piece of shit and you should get 10


>le windows 10 is bad meme.
I'm sure 90% of the people that complain haven't even tried it.

Because it doesn't hog 1/3 of your system resources to do harmful stuff.

Yup, but leaving your systems unpatched is going to peel a lot of those layers off.

>Hating a genuinely shitty OS is a meme
If you're gonna post bait at least try to disguise it. Have fun with your (you)

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Running DB services and virtual servers, installing packages, managing files, deploying projects, committing new builds, compiling, running packing software etc., all of this is done from either teminal or PS depending on your platform. To claim that they aren't used for many of the same tasks is beyond retarded.

Every new version of Windows was spyware for the last 20 years yet the same people who said they would stick with 98/2000 instead of installing XP then claimed they would stick with XP instead of installing Vista or 7 and are now vowing to stick to 7 instead of installing 10.
At least make true on your promises someday.

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If this is the utmost limit of your terminal use I very much pity you.

>Sea of Faggots
Im good, thank you.

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Aaaaand ... /thread

Are you literally 15 if all you can do is call others by names?

No one cares, faggot.

This. It's literally "OLD OS GOOD, NEW OS BAD". This is coming from someone who actually prefers W7 to W10, but W10 is a far cry from what these faggots say. Notice how there's always a lack of (legitimate) arguments when the W10 discussion comes up. It's just parroting the shitposting of people who parroted the shitposting of shitposters that came before them.

For arguments sake.

If I had a PC that was on 7 and never upgraded forever. Only used a browser with No Script/Adblock to access Yea Forums.

Would I die

>business applications that are too expensive to update
You'd be surprised how many are "too expensive".

>hurr durr they aren't used for the same things
>name a list of things that they are both used for
>uhh... better deflect and say I pity him!

Truly pathetic. All you've shown is that you're a contrarian faggot that simply hates Windows because it's the most popular platform. You sound like every 14 year old script kiddie that hears how Unix is the 1337 hackor platform and then jumps on the bandwagon not even knowing why.

Attached: e93.jpg (680x419, 26K)

You are proving my point, you just jump on the "new thing bad" bandwagon and don't even know what is supposed to be bad about it.
What this guy said basically.

Because it doesn't delete your data after an update.

So what do you do hackerman?

lol you really are an retard who doesn't have a single clue what he's talking about, yet acts like a true hackerman. Well done. Now go fix xorg.conf. It's all borked again.


Management often considers everything IT related too expensive, but they don't always consider the costs of potential downtime and data loss.

I've already explained why it's terrible you fucking faggot, read this

Imagine being so retarded that you can't manually disable telemetry and updates. Imagine being so poor that you don't care about DX12, ray tracing, freesync, or HDR. Imagine actually believing that staying on Windows 7 is saving you from being spied on.

>these simple commands are the same
>therefore they're actually the same
The ignorance of wintoddlers is astounding. Oh, you're going to bitch about "hackers" again. This is always the sign that you have finally lost the argument. Die in a hole.
See above.
See above. xorg.conf? Is this 2007?

>>therefore they're actually the same
Except I never said or implied that you fucking faggot. I said they're used for many of the same things, which they are. Stop strawmanning like a little bitch and apply yourself, I've yet to see a single argument come from you. It's all just fallacies and deflections because you seem to be very aware that there is NOTHING you can bring to this discussion. What a sad script kiddie retard

No user, I'm really interested, please explain in depth.

Nice back pedaling, wintoddler. So now you're just going to accept my argument that Powershit doesn't do anything beyond basic Unix functions and retarded .NET shit? Good. So why are you still defending Powerchuck?
It's called Emacs. Look it up.

>I remember when all the retards were going on about how shit Windows Vista and 7

Noone said anything like this about 7, gramps. 7 took over fast and people liked it from day 1.

>Before then retards were saying XP sucks and they were never going to leave 98SE, the "best" OS for gaming

It was the better option for a couple of years after XP came out. Pre-service pack XP was a dumpster fire and 98 was supported for a while.

Upgrading when OS is mature > "upgrading" when OS still has issues

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Too bad Windows 7 doesn't support HDR or Freesync. That's going to be a hard pass from me.


Wintoddlers fucking seething

>Nice back pedaling

You should learn what buzzwords actually mean before trying to look cool by using them. You have much to learn

Please tell us which features are missing from powershell. We're still waiting for you to even come up with a single one.

Terminal has deeper access to the OS than Powershell, making hacking easier. I've hacked so many things with terminal it's ridiculous. It's so much harder to hack with Powershell because it doesn't give true root access.

Says the toddler who thinks I am "strawmanning" him.

t. your smelly asshole

>How much does an hour of downtime cost to your company? What about a day? Do you want to be the one held responsible for the eventual problems because you personally didn't like Window 10?

At this time W7 is much more likely to break than W10.
The 800+ PCs in the company I work for are all running W7 for this reason.

You're putting words in my mouth and then arguing against an argument that you imagine I made. This is the literal definition of strawmanning, retard. I never claimed powershell and terminal are the same. My very first post in this thread actually points out exactly that. Saying that the two are used for many of the same things does not imply that they are the same exact thing, you brainlet. I can't believe I'm having to explain this basic logic to you, holy shit. You are beyond help.

Nah, I have it on my laptop, even with ShutUp10 and the start menu replaced it still sucks.


Powershell has its equivalent to Unix's grep. Thanks for providing further proof that you have no idea what you're talking about.

>You're putting words in my mouth
No I'm not. Maybe you're just too stupid to express yourself accurately, you tard.
>This is the literal definition of strawmanning, retard
Yeah, no. Lay off the alt-right debaters, like Shapiro and Peterson. They've turned your brain to mush.
>Saying that the two are used for many of the same things does not imply that they are the same exact thing, you brainlet
You compared them directly. You can't compare them as if they are the same and then back pedal and say you didn't mean it. You must be joking at this point.
No it doesn't. Have you used either?

based psychoanalyst

Attached: Political Divide.png (1280x634, 93K)

>powershell doesn't have select-string


Yes it does, brainlet.

t. children who have never used Unix or GNU.

Does WIN 10 still show ads in the start menu?

Is that a problem?

>terminal and powershell are used for some of the same things

Might as well say that Mac and Windows are the same thing because they're both operating systems that do many of the same things, you retard. I can't even begin to comprehend how someone can be as stupid as you.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

It's going to be a wild ride for you to deploy Win10 once the first zero day vulns hit the news.

what happened? is it really just because there's more normies on internet?

>there's nothing like grep on powershell
>yes there is, and it's called select-string
>y-you just n-never used m-muh leet hacker p-platform!

10/10 for your mental gymnastics, this is amazing stuff. Your thought process is just pure deflection. I genuinely find it equally funny and sad.

Yes, it is.

t. child who doesn't have the verbal or logical capacity to have conversation.

My laptop can't even run Forza games, why should I care that they need W10?

>Might as well say that Mac and Windows are the same thing because they're both operating systems that do many of the same things, you retard
That's basically what you are saying, since macOS is Unix and Wangblows is an abomination. Just like Powershell and mksh.
Nice Peterson meme. Too bad you don't have anything from when he was BTFO by Zizek. But, hey, you're already getting BTFO right now.
If you think that garbage is anything like grep you probably sniff jockstraps in your spare time. Just saying.
Wow, good one. Are you 13?

>can't refute extremely clear, straightforward, factual argument
>uhh... you've never used GNU!

Attached: 1406316194498.jpg (640x573, 80K)

I just wish we could go back to a time where computers ran programs, and programs did things without having to call home to a million fucking servers. Can't even edit a picture without people being all up my ass. Also the OS situation just sucks in general. Microsoft has designed Windows 10 in a way that's unforgivable and we can't even count on the government to get their ass in check because they want backdoors and all big data $$$$$$$ too

There's no way you're any older than 15.

You can turn them off.

Attached: waaahh muh ads.png (288x76, 2K)

>uses childish insults
>gets childish insult in return
>lol are you 13?

What an insufferable retard. I don't think I;ve ever seen so much posting without a single argument. You are shitposting incarnate.

>doesn't make an argument
>expects others to provide "refutations"
Was it autism? Yes. All wintoddlers suffer from autism.
Shouldn't you get back to cleaning your room, "bucko"?

just disable updates

Isn't 8.1 generally viewed as being actually worse than 8?

For me it's Windows 10 the perfect operating system.

Oh, are you going to cry? Tell mommy about the mean man who insulted you. Cry harder and let all the pain out. Then Bill Gates will love you. Insufferable turd.

Why are they there in the first place?

You literally haven't said a single meaningful thing in this whole thread, user. Maybe it's time to look in to the mirror.

Because you aren't paying your fair share. Stop pirating.

Both parties have been pushing heavily for open hostility towards their political opponents for a while. And the media has become massively segregated and reinforced this hostility too. The internet is just the continuation and what was already in motion.

Is this le epic switcheroo maymay? Sorry, kid, but I don't fall for basic wintoddler shit.

No one cringes if people give their "informed political opinion" but if they tried to do that for SpaceX or tell any corp what it should do they would rightfully be laughed at for not being an expert in that field
Both sides are feels oriented and about dabbing on the other

>powershell doesn't have this feature
>yes it does but under a different name

This is basically what you've been saying about the overall terminal vs. powershell discussion in general. Claiming that one is better than the other without any arguments whatsoever. And when the very first "argument" you've provided is immediately shot down, all you can do is go back to your "it's just better because I said so!" shitposting. You're absolutely SEETHING at this point, aren't you? Don't answer that. A rhetorical question.

Attached: big_1450724989_image.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>carmageddon is shit

delet this instant


Attached: 1531539382927.jpg (3264x2448, 1.66M)

I didn't say that. I said Powershit doesn't implement the feature in the same way at all. Can you read, kid?

How much do I have to pay?

>has clearly never used powershell
>doesn't know about any of its features
>doesn't know that powershell can do everything terminal can
>thinks his opinion matters

I find it hilarious how you keep using "uve never used linux" as an argument while you're clearly completely unfamiliar with powershell and its features. I've stopped counting all the fallacies you've been using, but it seems you're a hypocrite on top of everything.

b-b-but muh hacking skillzz and DEEEP acces to the rootses of the operations of the systemzz REEEEEEEEEE

>Powershit doesn't implement the feature in the same way at all

So? It does the same thing, you complete brainlet.

What? Did you reply to the wrong post? Are you having a stroke? RIP

>>has clearly never used powershell
I have. But I gladly stopped when I got a promotion and migrated our machines to GNU.
>>doesn't know about any of its features
Hah, if only you knew, kid.
>>doesn't know that powershell can do everything terminal can
This is a bold faced motherfucking lien and you know it. Or maybe you don't. Wintoddlers aren't know for their knowledge.
>>thinks his opinion matters
It fucking does.
>I find it hilarious how you keep using "uve never used linux" as an argument
I never said that. Linux is the most used kernel in the world. It would be ridiculous to assume you have never used it. 85% of all smartphones run Linux.
If you actually think that then you need to get your head checked. What do you think grep does? Are you clinically retarded? Honestly, the mind boggles.

>get asked why terminal is better than powershell
>because it has this feature
>but why is that feature better than powershell's equivalent?

Attached: 3c6a417f-ed61-4068-ae94-7b2392fd1ec3.jpg (1072x1606, 391K)

>>get asked why terminal is better than powershell
>>because it has this feature
>>but why is that feature better than powershell's equivalent?
Nice misquotes, wintoddler. Try to quote actual posts next time and you will see the error of your ways. I said Powerchuck doesn't implement the feature properly at all. Not even an approximation. It misses the mark by a stretch.

Select-String is literally used for the same exact thing grep is used for. You're embarrassing yourself at this point, user. Cut your losses and move on.

>game needs W10
I don't think anyone gives a flying fuck about microsoft games

Nice baseless claim. Anyone worth their salt knows you are lying through your teeth.

>doesn't implement the feature properly

You keep making empty claims like this without any further elaboration. One could be excused for assuming you don't actually have arguments and are just shitposting.

You've still yet to name 1 (ONE) thing terminal does that powershell can't. Just saying.

>I'd argue that Win7 is better for basically everything BUT gaming
That's a funny way to spell Linux

the problem is new hardware now making win10 a requirement. when i finally upgrade my good old shitbox, i dont see a way around it.

I haven't got the time or patience to explain what grep is to someone who wouldn't be confounded at the sight of an alias.

3.1 shit? wait, well fuck was gonna rag on you but i think i only used 3.1 for word prossessing and sim tower or sim city 2000, and carmen sandiago everything else was dos. jesus i feel old. wonder if i still have an old xms disc floating around?

>Using decade old OS that is not supported by any recent hardware
Upgrade to Linux if you hate 10 so much.

Attached: 500x500.jpg (500x500, 15K)

Isn't Linux just a kernel?


>I've been shitposting for an hour but I don't have the time to explain the ONE ARGUMENT THAT I'VE POSTED

I don't know, user. I have a rising suspicion that you aren't elaborating not from a lack of time but a lack of knowing what the fuck you're talking about. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't forget to actually elaborate on your argument instead of just shitposting yet again.

I like playing games tyvm.

I've got 8.1 at the moment but am thinking of rolling back to 7. Are there any advantages to doing that instead of just installing Open Shell for 8.1?

You are fond of asking for arguments, but yet you supply none yourself. You really should stop watching Ben Shapiro, kid. Get a life.

>has made 20 posts ITT
>I haven't got the time to explain

Attached: 17c.png (680x337, 125K)

Why did we jump from 7 to 10?

>I can't get to run!
>what's your OS?
>W10, why do you ask?


Attached: f324f5845afa4ab52a942e48384e57504d83da9a_hq.jpg (500x281, 22K)

I'm the one who told you that powershell has an equivalent to grep after you named it as a feature that powershell doesn't have. That's what's called an argument. And you're unable to refute it apparently, resorting to the good old tactic of "uhh I don't have time to explain, it's just better okay?!" lmaoing at your life

Nice memes, kid. No substance, though. I'll give you a 2/5.

Try reading this. It'll explain a lot of weird things in your life.

user, TDR 2000 is so bad that even the carma devs say it's a pile of shit

>has yet to name a feature powershell doesn't have but terminal does
>hurr durr your post has no substance


So you made a claim without argument? Why are you telling me what I already know? That is not an argument, you just blurted out a claim.
Sorry I don't want to spoonfeed a retarded baby like you.
Epic win, kiddo.

grep. Already done.

The same feature under a different name does not count as a different feature. Sorry to burst your smugness bubble, retard.

I'm sorry, but I just haven't the time to answer your non-arguments properly, lad. cheerio!

>So you made a claim without argument?

The claim is factual and is therefore an argument in and of itself. That's what arguments are, you literal retard.

Nice non-argument, you fucking goober.
Eat my dick.

It is false, and therefore not an argument. You are a retarded wintoddler as usual.

>reads argument
>hurr durr that's a non-argument

Then maybe you can refute it for once in your pathetic life? lmao

Attached: DwmcSHc.jpg (300x453, 17K)

No u

That isn't how non-arguments work, you retard. Do you know anything of which you speak?
You lose.

>It is false

It is not, and is therefore an argument. You are a retarded script kiddie as usual.

It is 100% false, are you this dense, you retard?

It's actually not m8. You just don't have anything to compare it with since what came later is even worse. But Windows 7 is every bit the bloated performance degrading piece of shit any version of Windows is, but proportinate to time of release. When it was brand new you wouldn't play games on it, you'd be better off with XP or even Vista. Just when XP was new you'd be better off using Windows 98, and when THAT was new you'd exit to bloody DOS to play anything worth playing.

no u

thanks Stallman

I wish I could still just use DOS.

This is what I'm gonna do, I have a bit of destitute PC (4gb RAM, dual core cpu, 750 ti) on windows 10 for the longest time and recently it was getting kinda annoying how slow everything could feel, downgrading to windows 7 however everything feels and runs much smoother than usual.

When the EoS date starts that's when I'll upgrade and move back to 10.

>what's one thing terminal can do but powershell can't?
>uh... grep!
>what's one thing grep can do that select-string can't?
>uh... you're retarded!


Attached: kek.png (390x470, 12K)

I actually preferred not having a start button. I wish they would still give us the option in the new windows.

Keep crying, wintoddler. No one cares what your retarded ass thinks.

Do you understand that everyone is laughing at idiocy?

Clearly you do, since you keep replying to me. Now if only you were actually able to post a single argument, or at least a counter-argument to my arguments. I know that's asking a lot from a retard like yourself though, lmao. Don't worry kiddo, greater people than you have been BTFO. It happens.

this is your brain on linux. don't let it happen to your child

Attached: stallmeme.png (800x510, 316K)

Yep, yours.
>you reply therefore I win
Nice try, toddler.
>Now if only you were actually able to post a single argument
Look, I know your hero Ben Shapiro tries this tactic but it doesn't work when you yourself have no argument. Get a life off of youtube and reddit. Christ.

Get out of IT, you dipshit.

>implying I update my drivers in the first place

>still no arguments


Attached: not-an-argument-57b7f21381b05.jpg (567x565, 33K)

This isn't a trump card, you meme loving fuck. You need to have your own argument.

Yes it kind of is. Calling others toddlers doesn't really refute their point. It only affirms that you don't have a valid response.

You've read my arguments and your response to them was "I don't have time to explain", even though it's very clear you have tons of free time on your hands right now. Again, it's painfully obvious you're just deflecting and unable to provide arguments or counter-arguments of your own. Sad.

I do

No arguments again. You are a hypocrite.

Meant for

because its simply better than 10, just like xp was better than vista

More non-arguments. You are such memes.

I'm a busy man. I really don't have the time, but of course a scriptkiddie like you wouldn't understand what it means to be productive.


Not that guy, but I posted arguments that you were unable to refute. Do you literally, unironically believe that you've gotten no arguments ITT? If you truly believe that without a hint of irony then you are suffering from very severe cognitive dissonance. I'm not even trying to insult you with this claim, I say this completely seriously.

>wtf XP is bad, unlike 95
>years later
>wtf vista is bad, unlike XP
>years later
>wtf 7 is bad, unlike vista
>years later
>wtf 8.1 is bad, unlike 7
Thank fuck you niggers aren't on /g/ or you'd be slaughtered by actual boomers

Attached: 1463865402787.jpg (250x250, 24K)

>has been shitposting for 2 hours
>I don't have the time to post arguments, I'm too productive!

Attached: shiggy.gif (448x320, 3.02M)

>duhhhrrr derp derp derp
You dumbass, underaged moron.
98 was a clear upgrade from 95. It was ME that shat the bed, not XP.
XP was a clear upgrade from 98. Then Vista shat the bed, not 7.

>uses windows
>thinks he is productive
You punch numbers in a spreadsheet like a monkey lmao

Why didn't it happen with 10 and 8.1 then, smartass?

>>Not that guy, but I posted arguments that you were unable to refute
I'm sure you think that, but it isn't true.

Real boomers never used Windows.

>>wtf XP is bad, unlike 95
Not a popular opinion.
>>wtf vista is bad, unlike XP
>>wtf 7 is bad, unlike vista
Not a popular opinion
>>wtf 8.1 is bad, unlike 7

All these replies and not a single reason to use Windows 7 over 10.

>Forza games
I mean, they're owned by the same retards who made Windows 10. What to expect?

>using 7 when 10 exists
stop living in the past

Stop making old seem better by any metric.

it's not actually

why do boomers like 7 so much?

Windows 7 doesn't have people watching and listening to you fapping

>a game needs W10

Attached: 1.png (240x237, 223K)

Windows 7 has all the same Spyware. In fact, Windows XP had it, too.

The same telemetry was patched in years ago.

What's not to like?

The issue was with Samba v1.5 (SMB protocol, you'll see it on older routers as their share method for usb drives plugged into them alongside DLNA) which the WannaCry ransomware exploited for XP and older systems. Samba v2.0 was released as a security update (essential) and Samba v1.5 backwards compatibility removed (breaking my usb share on my router but oh well). The update was only released for W7 and higher however.

>implying I have patched windows in years

Well, I hope Najeesh Pandaharshitstreet appreciates my doujin tastes, I wonder if he came in sync with me just now.

Attached: 1552730253008.png (1080x608, 764K)

Windows 10 with so many structural improvements that it is stupid not to use it

boomers have not updated from XP yet. My mother was using internet explorer until last year despite having three other browser installed by me (including edge) a my endless tries to convince her to stop

Why does Linux even exist?

Literally no one thought vista was good.

linus got drunk and decided he hates humanity

and unix was made because ritchie and co got a new computer that came without an OS so they wrote an OS just so then they could port their favorite game because it would run better on the new machine

Something needs to run the majority of personal computers in the world.

For minimal systems like phones, routers, switches, web servers etc.

>moved everything around for no reason
>made pure cancer startmenu
>search searches the internet and not your fucking hard drives
>telemetry out the ass
>literally no performance benefit in games
It's stupid to use it and the fact normies are using it is proving me right

If "structural improvements" is the only reason you have to upgrade from a perfectly functioning OS then you're braindead. Have fun with your shitty UI, microsoft advertisements and forced updates.

I have 7 on my Desktop for over 5 years, no problem ever.
I have 10 on my laptop for 5 months, twice my wireless drives updated itself in some fucked up version and I needed to uninstall them and install correct ones.

>unlike vista

Attached: visibleconfusion.jpg (220x276, 8K)

literally this.

Right, Windows.

>>wtf 7 is bad, unlike vista
Said no one ever

For hipster faggots to wank over.

>search searches the internet and not your fucking hard drives
What are you talking about?

Attached: search.png (831x679, 47K)

Oh yeah I forgot
>forced updates that delete your files and break everything

>What are group policies
learn to windows

>just fucking works
>can be actually customized
>updates can be disabled and uninstalled
>an actual desktop OS, no mobile shit
>good UI design
>no ads
>no ""apps""
It's amazing.

>a game needs W10
I wonder how butt-devastated MS' boisluts will be when I'll be running all DX12 games through the VK12 ?
And let's not forget how Microshits magically "ported" DX12 to W7 just weeks ago.

Attached: W10 loses sales, W7 rises.png (662x548, 411K)

Nope, Linux does. Android.

There still a way to get windows 10 pro free if on a pirated copy of 7 ultimate?

What kind of perma-virgin dudebro unironically plays car drivan trash in the 2010s? Jesus fuck, you homos are worse than Facebook "gamer" girls!

>just suck microsofts soft micro dick to turn off updates :^)


>being so tech illiterate you unironically shill for W10

not him buy big lack of powershell is lack of proper packaging service. That is only think that comes to mind when comparing powershell to unix shells

>Acting like a child when proved wrong
It's okay to be wrong sometimes, but it's pretty patethic when you get so pissy about it.

W7 support is ending btw

>No DX12 support
>No modern hardware support

If it's so easy to turn off updates why is everyone bitching about it?
Why don't you write a step by step guide on how to turn them off if it's so easy

new games are cuck anyways

Sea of Thieves is unironically great. Its honestly the only game I've enjoyed that's came out in the past few years and the new update only made it better.

Because people are retards and would rather bitch about things than do little research.
lmgtfy.com/?q=windows update group policy

And even after that it's still OPT-IN unless MS wants another EU investigation.

not him but how do you? IIRC you can't disable force updates without 3rd party programs

Why would you voluntarily subject yourself to that torture?

...yes, and?


>No DX12 support
Kinda false. 12 was literally ported to W7 just moments ago, and you can soon run DX12 shit through Vulkan. All three games in fact!

>no modern hardware support
definte "modern hardware". My base PC is 9 years old, and everything works on it so far.

>Imagine being so tech illiterate that you cant customize your Windows for your own tastes.

Attached: 1529227871657.jpg (500x293, 34K)

>definte "modern hardware". My base PC is 9 years old, and everything works on it so far.
Just upgraded my PC a few months ago and my new mobo has no driver support for win7.

>expecting the dominant OS product to be good from the get-go makes people "retarded"
This is how you kill your business, Bill.

*blocks your path*

Attached: download.png (1200x662, 364K)

>my new mobo has no driver support for win7.
Google around. I'm almost certain you can indeed still find drivers for it.


I started with 98, then went to XP, then 7. Each time, I hated going up and it was really because of minor things that was gone. I really liked 98's search box. I liked that you could place toolbars on its own in XP.

You must be over 18 to post here.

What are you on about?

Emacs runs great on win7 what are you on about retard. I love Linux and it has its place but it's just a fact that windows still dominates in hardware performance and thus makes the most sense for gaming quit being a filthy autist.

>*blocks your path (from doing anything with your computer)*

Just pirate Windows 10, obviously.

I did there is some fuckery you can do to get it to sorta work but nothing official and honestly its not worth the time it takes. No mobo/cpu that has come out in the past 3 years supports win7 and its only gonna become more difficult to use it as time goes on.

>No mobo/cpu that has come out in the past 3 years supports win7
I got i7 6700K, and it works perfectly fine on W7 Ultimate.

user thats almost 5 years old.

paid stuff for free user. Just would like to have for the sake of having it. Besides, everyone knows windows 10 LTSC is the best version of windows anyhow.

>Win7 improved upon Vista
>Win 8.1 improved upon Win 8
>Win10 flips a coin every chance it can

literally never happens you fucking retard. why do people still post this windows 10 myths?

And MS doesn't want you to use it. You're not doing them any favors either way.


Attached: 1535154999859.jpg (1920x1080, 437K)

there are no advertisements in 10. and what microsoft software bullshit? everything is the same.

No one cares that you still own a Win98 laptop.

Yeah, we're way over past that. Try to keep up, Pajeet.

There is. They even have a disable advertisements button in the settings.

Modern CPUs require Windows 10, can't install Windows 10 using a Ryzen CPU without preloading USB drivers which most idiots won't think of.

What? I just helped my buddy put together his new Ryzen build over the weekend and I just installed Windows 10 through a normal USB installation. I didn't have to pre-load anything.

does it work?

Mean't you can't install windows 7/8 without preloading USB drivers

Still just as good as anything you can buy now for gaming

hes talking about w7

>windows 7/8 without preloading USB drivers
How would I go doing that?

Gonna have to upgrade eventually.

That's cool. So what are the benefits of modern CPU's? I feel like 10 years ago the best ones had 3.6ghz and now they are still at 3.6ghz. Is it just more cores and power efficiency?

The only time I considered switching to W10 for gaming was when Killer Instinct came to PC
But then it came to W7 and steam afterwards

Doesn't look like it's needed any time soon

You wouldn't. The clue is preloading the usb drivers.

Add the drivers to the windows install

You can see the changes it makes to your hosts file right there and where the other stuff comes from. Here's the threads where he talks about it.

no and it never has. i don't know where this myth started.

Not if you didn't install those particular patches.

no one badmouthed 7. Vista was the one who got bad mouthed at for all the right reasons. it even had an update that moved the boot archives to another hard drive


>shitty UI, microsoft advertisements and forced updates.

lol it is hilarious how fucking dumb windows 7 shitters are. just parroting the same myths over and over despite being proving that they are nonsense. why not find a new argument?

I have a windows 10 laptop right besides me, stupid ass

Yeah Win 7 was well received back when it came out. I don't remember anyone being as pissed about it as with Vista (which I personally never had any problems with).

It's well known how backdoored Windows is. That's why more pesos use Linux.

Reminder Win 7 is chinese spyware and all the people who actually care about their privacy are still on XP

like windows 7 wasn't completely used by normies you stupid fucking moron. and everything you said is wrong. wow so unsurprising.

>user thats almost 5 years old.
Wait, it is?
I thought it to be nearly a decade newer than my i7 2600K!

>literally never happens you fucking retard
Because unlike what you shills claim, it's no myth. My parents in law literally woke up one day and found their W8 laptop being half-way through the installation of W10, without any input from them.

I myself suffered of W10 (Pro) for roughly 6 months before I upgraded it to W7.

Theyre faster. Frequency alone doesnt mean much.

>12 was literally ported to W7 just moments ago
it is going to be on a game by game basis if microsoft thinks the game has enough base to support it.
and developers are waiting for the new consoles for dx12. the new xbox will use it and the engines need to be modified from the ground up to make good use of it.

Fun fact, wannacry made use of a known NSA backdoor to propagate which MS patched out to make 10 immune. You have a backdoor from NOT updating, not the other way around.

>Is it just more cores and power efficiency?
Quite literally yes.
I know folks who are still using the 1st gen Intel i7s or Xeons, and they work fucking great 10 years later. Such things would simply not have been possible a decade ago, when even the cutting edge components could become terribly outdated mere 2-4 years later.

But how much faster are we talk-
Meh if you can still install win 7 on ryzen I'm not going to forage for old cpus.

A Hat in Time works in XP. Just a heads up.

>d developers are waiting for the new consoles for dx12
Buuullshit! All true devs are focusing on Vulkan this day and age. Bethesda's all into that goodness already, Steam's making waves with it through their Proton magic, and all emulators worth their salt are implementing Vulkan modes for obvious reasons.

Meanwhile, DX12 is already 5 years old, has zero noteworthy titles that demand it, and enabling DX12 modes in games that allow swapping the API only tanks the performance.
In short, it's the new DX10. Fucking useless garbage that MS is trying to use as a leverage in order to trick people into """"upgrading"""" to Wontworks ten.

What's the issue with this? You know already existing drivers aren't deleted from the universe when "support" ends right?


Reminder that you share the board with this type of people

Why not just have dual boot?

Attached: 1529467641415.png (294x265, 131K)

Did you quote the wrong person?

Attached: 1500141816405.gif (320x240, 2.12M)

This should be pretty obvious, user. A lot of the new games won't work very well with old drivers. Iirc one of the older Just Causes got 150% fps increase with driver update for a drastic example. New GPUs might not work at all without some advanced trickery.

No. You're being stupid, user.

Attached: 1552783470091.gif (263x239, 357K)

moving to vulkan requires a much larger engine rewrite than going from dx11 to 12. and only id uses vulkan because their engines have always used opengl because of carmack.

Maybe you shouldn't have bought a jewvidia card?

Yes goy, update your drivers! You wouldn't want to miss out on performance upgrades, right? hehehe

Attached: gaming gear.png (1064x698, 337K)

>he thinks 10 doesn't have backdoors

wait you can do this? How?

Just because AMD drivers are 10 years behind doesn't make nvidia bad.

just search tablet mode in settings it should pop up. i have disabled tablet mode for so long i don't even remember how to get it back.

>moving to vulkan requires a much larger engine rewrite than going from dx11 to 12.
Or not, thanks to DXVK, which already works damn amazing, no matter that it has existed a mere year or so now.

Besides, which do you think is the smarter route for businesses:
>make a game exclusive to one system and OS, using tech owned by a multi-billion mega corp.
>make a game usable on just about any system and OS released in the past decade, using opensource tech you can alter freely.

You literally cannot.
One of W10's major pet peeves is the fact that it has TWO (2) separated systems working in tandem: the "classic" desktop style settings, and the "Metro" style mobile shit. Sometimes certain features have versions for both modes, but the classic form may only be accessed through multple clicks on the Metro / system hacks.

There's like 4-5 steps and a couple of programs you have to install and it is basically almost not exactly Win 7 again.

Windows 10 is completely fine now, I really don't get the 'use windows 7' meme when it just runs like shit by today's standards.

Ofc Linux runs better but still.

Attached: 1544082746694.png (515x510, 197K)

What degree do you suggest where Windows wouldn't work, user?

>there are people who genuinely think that some shitty coders in their basement can successfully block ALL of a billion dollar companies spyware features and trust them
>there are people who dont know that windows 10 probably has a fuckton of backdoors that the NSA is gonna use, then lose to some russian intelligence agency that will fuck over thousands of computers like with windows 7
>there are people who genuinely trust microsoft to not sell your information, meanwhile ISP's do it all the time

>One of W10's major pet peeves is the fact that it has TWO (2) separated systems working in tandem
I'd be fired if I half-assed something as badly as this job

freesync works on my win7 install on 19.4.2 drivers

Just went to tablet mode and set it to desktop mode and it did absolutely nothing because I'm not using a touch device.
Okay so is it actually worth to try and do? If so I'll google/youtube some tutorials if I can find some.

All the hardware has backdoors too so we are fucked either way.

that choice was always there for developers and they majorly chose directx. there will not be a mass migration to vulkan. i guarantee it.

It was for me those 45 minutes I tested Win10 before going back to Win7. Just google it and use one of the top articles for "Making Win10 look like Win7"

so then it is already in desktop mode and you don't have to worry about anything. check the notification window. there is a button for tablet mode. if that is greyed out and unclickable it is fully disabled.

>Windows 10 is completely fine now
By whose "standards" exactly?
I loathe Apple with passion, but if I had to choose with a gun pointed to my skull, I'd much rather use Mac OS over W10.

Meanwhile, W7 just fucking werks.
It's snappy, light, no bullshit PC operating system. NOT a "service".

When Nana-san finally becomes completely obsolete (and no, it won't be the 2020), I've already been dual-booting a Linux distro of some sort for years. So far, the Manjaro seems based as fuck.

Attached: you should build your own PC and have fun with W7.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

>uses windows in the first place
>is picky on which version of the botnet
literally makes no sense. either pick botnet (windows & linux) or man up and get FreeBSD.

>Okay so is it actually worth to try and do?
If you are planning to get rid of all the Metro settings and Windows ... that's not gonna happen on W10. Period.

It was an AMD 12.x driver and I've never even played Just Cause series, you retards.

What's your actual problems with Windows 10 at this point?

I feel like most people on Yea Forums are just too fucking young or stupid but they buy into Windows pre-service pack 3 and they get fucking mad when it sucks before then.

Quit being a low IQ baby and following what other people tell you to use, also
You're a fucking idiot in Linux too

how does it feel to be fading into irrelevance 7 fags?

Attached: thiskillsthe7shitters.jpg (377x172, 13K)

>snappy, light, no bullshit PC operating system. NOT a "service".
these words don't mean what you think they mean fucking retard

I thought this was an 18+ board

Imo those words are basically the definition of windows 7. I love when installing it it just asks me for what i want to name the pc. Not a 13 point checklist for windows to gather info with.

>increasing more than w10

Attached: 4225342b3a340bba7c68386bf18ebf96.jpg (406x576, 36K)

This is funny. Those charts used to make 7 retards think they were still using a decent OS that could keep up in anything at all (even legacy shit). Then those charts started omitting China numbers and soon when they remove other Asian pc cafe numbers W7 retards will wonder why their saturation is at 1-5%.

It isn't anymore. Get with the times retard.

>All these people clinging to Linux and W7.

>What's your actual problems with Windows 10 at this point?
>Terrible UI design, both function and visual style
>Non-uniform UIX styles for programs and windows
>Two separated systems running on top of each other
>Ads and marketing up yo ass
>Forced updates. That break and/or reset all changes.
>Terrible backwards compatibility
>"service" rather than a "software"; subject to change its rules.
... etc. I'm sure I am forgetting something.
tl;dr: W10 is a DANGEROUS piece of shit, that looks awful to boot. It does NOTHING better than any of its predecessors.

t. 30yo boomer whose first GUI OS was Windows 3.1.
I would sincerely rather use Windows ME over this shit.

Go back to your MS marketing sub-Ieddit.

>how does it feel to be fading into irrelevance 7 fags?
How does it feel to realize that some of us are not falling for your bullshit charts that don't reflect the reality ?

Attached: W7 vs W10 market share 2019.png (1756x814, 397K)

You can actually change all that in about 10 minutes.

Based retard lazy ass boomer

never made any statement one way or the other on quality.
you are irrelevant fag.
that is just because of an increase overall to a windows os. every month prior to this it has been a bleed from every windows os to 10.

who cares. not relevant to gaming.

Reading comprehension much?

lol i remember that. when the chinks started messing up the statistics with their shit 7 systems, 7 shitters thought 7 was making a huge comeback because of widespread outrage over 10 or something.
nope turns out it was valve's statistics being wrong.

>You can actually change all that in about 10 minutes.
1) You should absolutely not NEED to change jack shit in order to make the OS tolerable.

2) You are wrong. Like said, I spent fucking WEEKS trying to "fix" W10 into somewhat usable state that does not leak out my social security details, home address and mother's maiden name.
Every time I got one thing done, something else broke.
At one point, NONE of the Metro-styled menus would open up any more, meaning half of the OS was unaccessible to me.

The only way to cure these bugs was to re-allow Windows Updates, which reseted everything to defaults, including deleting the important hardware drivers that I had to manually seek and install, because 10's own suggested versions literally did not work.

After SIX MONTHS of ping-balling with all sorts of hacks and shit, I just gave up and installed fresh copy of W7 on the device. Life has been good ever since, and it makes me extremely happy to know that some Microshill's day gets ruined every time I remind them of the fact that I'm one of the ~40% still using the superior OS.

Wait so spending 10 minutes to fix all that crap with like 2 programs or a couple power shell lines is too much but you use Manjaro unironically?

user are you just a fucking idiot or are you just this angry about something you don't even use?

Attached: 1548871989841.gif (800x450, 2.71M)

Well then. Nevermind. All of this garbage and the creator update is trash.

Everyone else except you care.
Steam's "surveys" have never been accurate, because there's tons of people who install Steam on everything from their phones to their mother's craptops, just to use it as their IM and social media platform. This is why you got a huge tower of 1366x768 resolutions and Intel HD Graphics systems dominating the survey results; it's full of literal secondary machines that nobody use for gaming.

And because W10 is the OEM operating system of choice for craptops these days, it's no wonder that it has now "peaked" so high.

Modern motherboards don't have a ps/2 port?

where are all these fucking advertisements and marketing?
what forced updates?
what terrible backwards compatibility? oh you know the main reason why windows always feels so slow and bloated? because of backwards compat faggots like you. you don't think microsoft could write a clean slate OS if they wanted? no they have to maintain outdated system shit for morons in the enterprise arena.
windows was always a service you fucking clown. you don't think the 7 TOS said they could disable your shit anytime they wanted? and all it really means is that they are dropping the idea of releasing a new OS every few years.
it does plenty better than 7 but by you stating completely wrong information already you wouldn't believe even if I showed you evidence.

>no freesync
but freesync works fine on windows 7


They do, but do most people have a ps/2 kb+mouse?

It was made to run on 20 year old computers so it has much less overhead and resource consumption than OS's made to run on modern, high-performance hardware. So it has speed that gives the illusion of performance, when in reality nothing is actually "performing" anything - otherwise it would be using more resources. It's stripped bare compared to modern OSs. People are just retards that think a fast boot time means a better OS, even though it has 10% of the features that a computer which bootes 20 seconds slower has.

Incidentally, Windows 10 is still better for gaming even if you're on a fucking toaster.

are you a fucking moron? you are complaining of steam statistics gathering information from computers that aren't heavy gaming machines as an argument against me pointing out your statistics are from every fucking computer connected to the internet?

>w7fags wil never enjoy the best racing game ever made

I can play Crash Team Racing on an emulator just fine what are you talking about?

>buy cuphead on Xbox
>t comes with a free PC version
>Microsoft refused to let me download cuphead on my PC because it wasn’t a windows 10

>being this much of a manchild

You only need windows 10 for the windows store version, Infinite Warfare has a windows 10 version...with no one playing it.

>i drive a virtual car to imagine i'm driving it for real

>10 minutes to fix all that crap with like 2 programs
You keep saying all this shit repeatedly. It won't make it come true.

Like said : I used everything from THE most mainstream "de-crappifyier" apps to some HC power shell codes. None of them worked as claimed, everything always broke something sooner or later. The whole OS literally starts to self destruct if you cut its ties to the Microshit's databases.

>but you use Manjaro unironically?
As if I needed any evidence to realize that you're merely trolling, but yes. Manjaro is way more easier, more comfortable to use, and I don't need to "fix" anything in it before using it. It also supports all my devices and their hardware, out of the box, and does not suddenly kill my audio devices or block my access to Start menu.

Same fagging is not cool m8.
There's endless waves of news articles, forum posts, youtube videos, etc, that prove the W10 to be a hornets' nest of bugs and spying. Merely pretending that there's no issue, just because you get your paycheck from doing so, will not make the OS "good". And it absolutely does NOTHING better than W7; it's already worse than W8.1, which is plenty bad as is.

But hey, at least you're giving me the jolly kicks by demonstrating how seething you Microdicks are from the fact that your scare-tactics and blatant bullshit-spreading are not working on all of us.
Not a single person in my family and in my friends circles will be using W10. If I for some bizarre reason happen to require to use W10, it will be a stripped, pirated copy through VM.

>are you a fucking moron?
No, but you are, lil shill boi.
I knew that your kin can't read.

Lemme try to hammer it into your head:
NOBODY (0) uses those EEE-PC equivalent craptops for gayming. Yet they are filling the Steam survey results, bumping up W10.

Also, literally NOTHING (0) states that the world-wide survey result would NOT include gaming PCs.

Attached: How MS shills W10 with lies and dangerous implications.png (1219x4213, 1.6M)

>mfw haven't bought a triple-A game in years
I'm sure windows-monthly-subscription version one million can come out and there will still not be anything worth while. Get fucked microshills.

Attached: 1553010977295.jpg (700x700, 35K)

Well, I don't have the data on hand, but the gist of it is W8 was made to run on shit hardware (tablets) for the whole Metro push and W10 was coded as damage control by clueless street shitters. It's probably one of the first benchmark results if you search on Youtube. That said, the difference is marginal and MS won't fix the DX9 4GB cap bug on 8.1 out of spite.

>spend the next 8 minutes disabling services

user I build computers as a side thing and I know you're either a retard or full of shit.

It doesn't take much to disable the crap features in windows 10, the fact it took you months and you still couldn't solve it is making you seem more and more fucking retarded.

Attached: 1543976111151.jpg (581x767, 92K)

lmfao. why are you such a fucking clown?
your fear mongering image never happened.
so why did you fucking post something PROVING anti-10 faggots are misinformed hysterical retards?

>Tfw went from 98 to Vista, to 8, to 7

Attached: 1531681596343.jpg (1440x1440, 227K)

Was bepis the name for pepsi is Tarkov or DayZ? Or both? I know it was in one of them at least.

Fuck off Microshits, I'm done eating up your crap.
Microsoft has pushed too much for Windows 10. Personally, I prefer functional computers.

Because what is the point of having two OS's on your computer? Especially when one is renowned for privacy and compatibility issues.

You just need one of the 2 for the installation, then you swap in whatever.

microsoft could literally release the current windows 10 as windows 11 just like they did with vista and 7 and all of you retards who pretend 10 is the worst thing to ever happen to computers would eat it up

Attached: 1544609975372.jpg (994x1200, 101K)

>there are people who genuinely think that some shitty coders in their basement can successfully block ALL of a billion dollar companies spyware features and trust them
The same billion dollar company that can't even release stable updates that don't break your installation?

Linux has come a very long way in the past couple of years thanks to Steam.

Linux for gaming, and ReactOS for everything else once they get comparability up to 7.

OSs evolves, one day w10 maybe better than w7, but this day isn't today

Sometimes I think it's pure luck. I remember installing XP SP3 when it came out in seveal computers and only one broke pretty hard

>microsoft could literally release the current windows 10 as windows 11 just like they did with vista and 7 and all of you retards who pretend 10 is the best thing to ever happen to computers would immediately turn your backs and claim it's awful and outdated while 11 is the best thing ever just because it's new

It's pretty much luck, but win10 seems to be the "unluckiest" seen so far.