Why are Americans so bad at character design compared to the Japanese?

Why are Americans so bad at character design compared to the Japanese?

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Tracer is hot though

Americans are beset with fucking retarded virtue signaling for no good reason, literally just a bunch of dumb bitches and beta boys looking to score some gash kissing up to their dumb ideas.

>Not liking thicc women
What are you, a fag?

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Fewer polygons.

because japs are thin, americans are fat


Top right game is developed by MachineGames, who are based in Sweden, so fuck off with your false flagging and cherry picking. It's good to have a variety of body types in a game anyway

topright is swedish

They're not
Those are very accurate depictions of their people

>Why are Americans so bad at character design
They're not bad, it's just temporary. Once the woke crowd in the industry crashes it just like woke media is doing right now we will have idealized characters again.

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What if you combine both?

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Japanese have higher aesthetic sensitivity. That's why everything Japanese looks cool.

now combine them!

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Murder all the SJWs and everything will become alright.

I don't really care for Borderlands, but it'd make more sense to compare with other characters that're similar. Not complete opposites.

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They're not though

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>cherry picking

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Why are you taking this bait seriously? Nigger brain okay?


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>"every female character is specifically designed to make my peepee hard" is good design

Fuck sjw character design but come the fuck on

>fan art

I liked Ellie. Thought she was pretty funny.

The left are meant to be attractive, the right aren't. It'd be like comparing Nathan Drake for western media and any random jRPG Otaku with thick glasses and bitch tits for eastern.

>maek pp hrd hehe gotem!
Frivolous and childish way to talk about beauty, not to mention hypocritical because i'm sure you're not looking for unattractive people to date or marry.
inb4 you say that beauty is subjective

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Isn't Blizzard Canadian? Doesn't count.

>that buttmad europoor weeb that constantly creates these threads along with the cringy comparison pics
lol imagine being so pathetic

>people want to date or marry every video game character they see
Not that guy, but not every female character needs to fill the role of "waifu material".
Fuckin retard.


There's a huge difference between thicc and being a fat fucking slob, user

Yes it needs, every female who is not waifu material is a wasted oportunity, its fantasy , fuck reality

Tracer's design was actually copied from some manga artist.

>but not every female character needs to fill the role of "waifu material".
Agree? Fuck off and fight with some other windmills someplace else. What i was responding to is specifically the idea that a character isn't better because it's attractive when on it's face that idea is retarded and full of hypocrisy.

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>"every female character is specifically designed to make my peepee hard" is good design

>the idea that a character isn't better because it's attractive
It literally isn't though.
Ellie, for example, wouldn't work as an attractive character. Pull your head out of your ass.

Beauty is ugly.
Weak is powerful.
Thought is bad.
Israel is good.

okay buddy

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>The state of so many American women
Makes me want to move to Europe or Japan where women give a fuck about how they appear, and not just try to doctor up with 3 pounds of makeup

Live in the UK, not just an american problem

2B is so pretty. The Japanese really have a spot on image of beauty and sex appeal in their character designs and just the culture in general. Americans can design a hot babe you can fap to but the nips can design a girl that you unironically fall in love with.

things are only going to get worse in the west since the industry is concetrated in california.
some parts of that state are ~30% white.

both of the characters on the right are played for laughs

That's an old game, find me one from the last 3 years.

>Ellie, for example, wouldn't work as an attractive character.
This should be good. Especially since she started as a cute kid which is probably why she is even popular in the first place. Nobody cares about ugly kids. You're probably going to have an apoplectic shock but it's true.

Main characters always work better when they're attractive except for joke characters like that idiot from monkey island who everybody likes to parade around like a gold standards. Is Ellie a joke character?

>falling in love with a blow up doll

to you

Chinks and japs dont give a crap about western moral though, I hope Chang save us from this madness

Canada is the same as USA

all we have to do is overthrow the american regime of deadbeat capitalists and batshit death cultists

because Japanese designers are dedicated to making great designs, but american designers are dedicated to making most money possible. So they carter to groups like fat people who also want to live trough their fantasies in videogames (fantasies like being able to run or stand up from chair without help)

>I hope Chang save us from this madness
All this censorship is because of China and their new policies. The western companies currently felating china are only mimicking sjwtardation to get good press from the gaming presstitutes at home.

What’s the point of female characters if you can’t fap to them? You might as well make them men in that case.

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Fairly sure the one on the right is australian.

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i are theoretically right, but only theoretically.
If they did stuff like old and disfigured woman, that would be case of what you say, put punting fat woman in game where they then physically keep up with build man is just sjw bullishit in 100% of cases. that can go for shopkeeper NPC, not for player character

This is the worst bait I've ever seen in a while. You're comparing apples to cantaloupes.

>implying the two on the right aren't a million times more memorable going off of design alone compared to generic anime girls #4758671 and #4758672

since when ugly character translate to good character design

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>into bbw
>go to sadpanda to find some
>western art a shit
>type "bbw eng" in search bar
>always untick western
>get a bunch of thin girls with huge tits
its fine, but japs only know of 2 body types: loli or mommy

I would fuck all four of them.

The ones on the left are Aerith and 2B, and I haven't even played FF7 and Nier:Automata. Who the fuck are the ones on the right? I don't even know what game they're in.

Because Americans understand multiple body types instead of just big boobs and small boobs for women.

That's fat frogposter.

>I don't even know what game they're in.
Top is one of the new wolfenstein games and bottom is borderlands 2.

Woke media crashes? Not bloody likely!

>multiple body types
It's called fat or overweight/obese, you silly cunt.

>top right
>american design
ok retard

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Thicc is catching on in Japan, but it's still relatively niche.

>Main characters always work better when they're attractive
Then why does OP reference 3 side characters?

it is already crashing



Is you and this post the ABSOLUTE final proof that Muttland and its population must be orbital bombarded down to the ocean floor for good?

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>Then why does OP reference 3 side characters?
Because it's either bait or a falseflag.

>Not bloody likely!
It's already begun. Disney's investment in VICE, 510 million$ is worthless. Not many know this but it was libertarian or rightwing investors funding these leftwing clickbaity social justice rags just to make money. Now over the past 5 years+ they managed to radicalize the left so much that the moderates are abandoning it. It's so fucking weird.

Overwatch character design was only good up until a point short after launch, and that was only good in spite of being Western.

Why is this being shilled nowadays?

I really hate /ppl/ and their need to brainwash with spam. BLACKED cucks didn’t even use to be a thing

>BLACKED cucks didn’t even use to be a thing
Isn't that stuff only posted by a white/asian mutt?

I played both those games and I can't even remember their names.
Western female design is such trash.
Even tertiary characters like the Commander in Nier Automata are more memorable.

Americans are bad at character design compared to anyone

Bottom right was made for the BBC.

Who cares if you peronally haven't played borderlands? Looking at the right you can instantly have an idea of what the characters personality is. That's how animated characters should be.

Bottom right is fat, dirty, and tattooed. I can tell right away she's trashy. She's got overalls and wrenches so I know she's handy. Her personality is expressed in her appearance. I can look at either on the left and see...that they're hot girls. That's it. No personality or originality is displayed at all. If you'd never heard of FF7, not one thing about aerith's appearance would stand out amongst the countless other copy-paste anime characters.

And remember it's not about which game is more popular/memorable or their stories. I'm purely talking about appearance.

>boob window
Why do girls do this?

>Commander in Nier Automata
Oh yes. So much yes on this one.

Attached: YoRHa_Commander.png (1060x1928, 1.74M)

yeah discord trannies

>I can look at either on the left and see...that they're hot girls. That's it. No personality or originality is displayed at all. If you'd never heard of FF7, not one thing about aerith's appearance would stand out amongst the countless other copy-paste anime characters.
This is so weird to read, you've got no idea. Are you a woman?

It's just a cycle. Popular art styles and cliches are always changing. Like right now for American cartoons a lot of shows use a Cal-Art style. In Japan the isekai type of story is super popular.

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How is 2B having an eyepatch that covers her eyes = shes just hot ?

>japan hates women
>i'm shaking with despair
>but fear not my fellow retarderans, our mission is pure and righteous!
>we will rid the world of big booby cartoons!
>we shall triumph over this pure evil!
>gross, icky, garbage!
>we will user a new era of ugly for all!
The flamboyant hair, the beard, this has to be a troll.

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Liking thicc women is not the same as liking fat fucks. I don't want 300 pounds of flesh on top of me.

the avatar is from celeste

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