ITT: Video game characters who could pick up Mjolnir

ITT: Video game characters who could pick up Mjolnir

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Other urls found in this thread:ölnir

I'll start.

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master cheef

I can't believe tony stark is fucking dead.

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Your grandmother, bless her soul.

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I think this guy might be able to, not sure though.

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Best girl, easily

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You all know this is the only right answer

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I haven't played Scribblenauts since the first, did the series ever get good?

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oops wrong pic accidentally posted a used cumrag haha

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Unironically Luigi.

Too pure.

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Most incarnations of Link are Cap-level heroic and pure.


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That's his name.

isn't ryu in a constant struggle to not fucking murder people to feel the full limit of his martial arts

>Gil couldn't pick it up but Jets could

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Haha the answer is, of course, my peanus weenus!

He's so fucking bland he should be able to

Not that user but yes. That he hasn't given in makes him worthy.

>a thread like this is being made unironically

It hurts knowing that Yea Forums is literally just kids now. The majority of them probably have MCU posters all over their walls. I am a man without a country.

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How do earn such a title?

good god almighty

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>I am a man without a country
You're just a bitch with a pimp, you're not fooling anyone

Yes you can

Walk around the red light district in only your underwear, frequent strip clubs and jerk off at least 40 times a day.

>Mjolnir is exclusively something in the MCU and hasn't been in comics for 40+ years

>Big bro, look at what I found!

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still mad they bitched out on putting her and Dojima in P4 Arena

>pure in heart
>willing and ready to kill when it's necessary

He's qualified.

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Can DC characters pick the hammer though?

at the top of my head
Elizabeth Comstock
Kyrie (DMC)
Hat girl
Judge Dredd

That's how you know he's an underage masquerading as an oldfag. People like him tend to see the most recent adaptations of a thing as the only definitive iteration because it's all they know, and they pass off their aloof self-importance as being "old and jaded".

A heroic person who is pure of heart is able to pick it up, correct?

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After he comes out of his coma

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Wonder Woman and Superman did

Superman picked it up once.

I agree, though I can at least understand why we can't beat up a small child, leaving Dojima out is just digusting.

Blame Atlus for being autistic about its canon even though Arenas story was fucking garbage.

link is literally a soul reincarnated over several generations to fight evil with his chosen one weapon

>tfw you haven't fought an imaginary culture war in the last hour so decide to force another one

Based recluse Zoomer

Prove me wrong

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>What is thor

>Mjolnir is exclusively something in the comics and hasn't been a part of Norse mythology.

This is the only correct answer in the thread.

most silent protagonists

Thunder God Cid.
Although he would not bother because he already has Excalibur.

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>There is a character who literally has the ability that defines them "Knight of Owner" which allows them to take complete ownership and wield perfectly any weapon they grasp
>This is somehow an incorrect answer
Brain damaged

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Huh, good to know

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It would probably be Nero because Itsuno doesn't want Dante to become too far gone as a Mary-Sue so Dante has to be able to fail in some places for Nero to succeed.

Yes, depending
Dumb robot

The one and only

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fucking casual, I dual wielded mjölnirs in titan quest ragnarök

I never read a superhero comic or watched any of the related movies and I still know about thor and his hammer, it's just a thread to (jokingly) compare vidya character powerlevels.
You're not a man without a country, you're just an autist.

If you weren't such a retarded post-2016 election zoomer you'd know that threads like this were fairly common all the time.

>I am a man without a country.
You're a newfaggot trying to fit in on a board you know nothing about with a bunch of other retards doing the same thing.

I don't think he could because he was an asshole that tried to nuke all the japs and that's not nice.

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Able to lift on the sheer premise of being a robot.


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B.J. Blaskovicz, probably. If Cap qualifies I imagine he would as well.
Mega Man, especially X. Both a robot like Vision AND a super nice guy.
Thor (from the SMT series)
Any DOTA character with enough cash

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>ctrl + f
>no results

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Anyone who could pick up a whole planet.

There are quite a few to pick from.

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If you can believe he was alive, which he never was, you can also believe he's dead. His entire existence is fictional.

Who asked you?

Who asked you to ask him who asked?

There's nothing virtuous about becoming a demon fighting demons.

Oh hey flower girl. I very much liked your services the other day down at the slums.
We should do it again sometime.

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No, with Odin's enchantment machines or other animate objects still can't lift the hammer. They can support its weight when it falls or is placed on them, but can't move it from where it rests any more than an unworthy person.

The movies already got this right when SHIELD and rednecks tried to do anything to move it in Thor and failed.

Any Swordsman and Merchant class character at or above base level 95.

Ashley Riot

Wops forgot the name.

Well Thor was an asshole who killed a bunch of Jotuns because one of them called him a princess.

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You some kind of retard?

He could move it but only far enough to get it out of his apartment

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Can an elevator lift the hammer? Is an elevator worthy?

Soma Cruz, he literally swings it in one of his games.

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you need special gloves to pick up the mythical Mjolnir

Absolutely agree. What a chad

Hell no a Hollywood celebrity couldn’t pick up mjolnir what are you smoking?

Pretty much any incarnation of Link, though most likely WW, BotW and OoT/MM Link.

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and gaming!

Literally chosen by Odin himself

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What are the requirements for this thing again?

Surprised no one has posted him yet

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kazuma kiryu

I wonder if Sora could

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Can I pick it up?

If you have to ask...

Cream, Tails prior to Lost World, Amy, Knuckles, and possibly Vector could hold it. Metal Sonic, having no heart and being a non sentient being could potentially lift it.

Ironically Sonic definitely wouldn’t be able to... but I’m Silver definitely could.

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But who could DESTROY Mjolnir?

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...Then yes, you can!

>chosen by a sperm-drinking basedboy himself
Thats not saying much

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The Titan Quest hero can.ölnir
It's not actually that bad of a weapon if you spec yourself properly, and you can even get Thor's belt and gloves if you farm for long enough.

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It's ambiguous and inconsistent. You have to be "worthy," and this is usually interpreted as being pure of heart and sufficiently strong, although I'm pretty sure some evil characters have picked it up before.

Can he?

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I think you have to be kingly or a natural ruler, too.

Cream's heart is bursting with darkness, vanilla is the only thing keeping her in line

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>powerful enough to challenge Lucifer
>indominable will
>never strays from his own path of morality

Mjolnir wouldn't even be worth picking up for Demi Fiend though.

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He said pick up the hammer, not get raped by it.


I get it

>The graphics come rushing back
It was a simpler time.

>Black Panther on the same tier as captain marvel

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whoever the writers deem worthy because comic requirements are vague for everything to allow for asspulls whenever they write themselves into a corner

Used two with hybrid Thane, so needed str, int and dex too because the hammer needs a shit ton of it to equip. Multiple attribute dependency big time, had to wear some -req shit helm. Got +attack speed and +1 rogue skills on imbue, could dupe that with the doppelganger and use it on a rogue character. I'm thinking sorcerer knife thrower because the proc will probably trigger from knives, but the reqs are pretty harsh

you need the strength of thor and a strength doubling belt to lift it up, the gloves are to properly wield it in combat because the handle is too short thanks to trickster god faggotry

>lifting two mjolnirs
yeah he could do it

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>By his wife Sigyn, Loki is the father of Narfi and/or Nari. By the stallion Svaðilfari, Loki is the mother—giving birth in the form of a mare—to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir
what's his endgame?