How do you deal with cheaters/hackers? Especially in FPS games.
How do you deal with cheaters/hackers? Especially in FPS games
>Report them
>Realize it does nothing
>Play a better game
Its that simple.
but i'm addicted :(
better not be overwatch
Ban Russia and China from western servers.
that pic is pure, distilled twitch cancer
Join another server.
t. doc
Believe it or not, but those aren't even the worst offenders. The ones who cheats the most are Germans.
and turks.
t. turk
Same thing nowadays
eceleb cancer die
It sounds retarded, but don't take the game sriously. Best way to play any game is with a full team of friends just playing it to have fun.
I'm extremely calm when i play with friends. Solo queue on the other hand... Same in doto.
I don't play garbage """""competitive""""" games that force me to only play with randoms
Play with your friends or play alone, you're being corralled
Stop playing competitive multiplayer games or F2P games and play with my friends instead in the very few co-op games that exist because the vast majority have shit taste in vidya.
And Brazillians too.
Can I get a small walkup ?
i use his stream when i want to annoy my retarded neighbours so i put the volume and bass on full
man this fucking stream is cancer
whats bajs btw?
cant wait to see our favorite racist swedish streamer break Rage 2 today
leave and don't give them any attention. the retards who flame them in chat are giving them exactly the kind of validation they seek
>spam the emote dude hahahahaa
underage faggot detected
The multiplayer shit with stream snipers is fucking KINO
those pubg streams were kino. i wish he goes back to playing it.
>10 years later still making the same transparency jokes
Forsen bajs are really a dull bunch
Report them if they're dumb enough to admit it. Other than that, outskill their cheats and watch them cry about it, which usually gets them to admit their cheats, and THEN report them.
what's the next meme his "community" will steal and people think they came up with it?
they're probably just better than you, kid.
I just stop taking the game seriously once i know there are hackers in the lobby. Not much you can do unless you get lucky really so why get heated about it
>this is Yea Forums in 2019
please take me back when reddit did not control this board.
I don't play online games because human interaction increasingly fills me with hate and disgust.
the zoomers are taking over this board
>you now share a board with people who watch streamers
>boomers seething
You play in console