Does anyone else not like playing with friends?
Is that weird
Does anyone else not like playing with friends?
You mean multiplayer games? Or having friends watch you play or take turns in a singleplayer game?
multiplayer games
Do you mean competitively or casually?
Can you repeat the question?
i enjoy playing with friends, it's the only excuse i have to play video games anymore aside from the casual puzzle games like baba is you
I don't know I just play normal
Yeah it's super weird
You should be happy when you are with your friends
Maybe hey weren't your friends in the first place
I enjoy playing together but I don't anymore because I don't have anyone who likes multiplayer games and just wants to have fun/relax without taking anything too seriously. I also get tired easily.
>exactly one person in the group is an absolute chore to play with and just drags everything down
>but he's RL friends with a handful of people so he gets invited anyways
I only play fighting games with friends.
They usually get "annoyed" because if I win or lose, I won't say anything. And they hate me in that one game where i'm better
Of course. Most of the fun of multiplayer is doing it with randos, it's a new experience every time. Playing with friends forces you to wait on each other and shit, takes too much time/work organizing and waiting on each other.
Tewi Inaba!
Too much autism to play with someone I know, dunno why but randos are easier for me to handle, I guess because I dont have to deal with them later.
Not really. They want to get meta or social which is not why I play games. It's kind of distracting.
I have friends that always want to play with me. But I really don't like multi-player games either. I tend to get annoyed at my casual friends under performing. Me or this guy is normally always the best in our group while everyone else gets carried. My other friend and I play on a whole other level.
Single-player games are for chads, multiplayer is for autists and zoomers. Multiplayer should only be played with friends to have a good time, not playing in order to achieve some pathetic self-worth from a video game. Go out and fucking lift if you want that, or apply some dedication to an interesting hobby.
especially in MMOs because it means you can only play when theyre playing otherwise you'll become overlevelled
If I loose something I only want to blame myself. I hate blaming others. I rather play a game that is just my skill alone as thr deciding factor. I don't want to be carried or carry others. Even if I win with a sucky team I get pissed off.
I went through 8 captcha to post this....god fuck
have sex
>tfw had 2 friends that I used to play vidia with all the time
>one goes to uni and stops talking to me out of nowhere
>other one is turbo-poorfag and his old shitty pc broke about a year ago
Lots of newer MMO have systems in place that stop you from invalidating lower level content so you can't play with your friends
But when they don't have these systems in place it blows. Even in single player coop games this is a problem. I wound up hating BL2 because I started it with friends and felt obligated to only play with them because the level curve in BL2 is WoW-tier steep. I'd play solo for a few hours and I'm basically a god compared to my friends; that blows.
more like ew
it often depends on the game, I hate competing against my friends because I always compare myself to them afterwards
but co-op and team based games are just fine
>have 2 friends from high school that I play vidya with all the time with
>we’ve all been NEETS since high school
>I get a job finally
>they turn on me and stop playing with me and start ignoring me
i like playing with friends but they all they play now is league of legends
>friend stops talking to you
>one or two conversations a year where they actually type back
>why don't you talk to me anymore
>"i'm busy"
That's how you know it's safe to delete them. It still hurts that they don't have the balls to be honest.
>Hold up guys gotta have a bong/smoke
>Hold up guys gotta get some food
>brb but never comes back
i'd rather play with dedicated autists who have no lives and piss in bottles, shit in bags/diapers
Shut your whore mouth.
>>other one is turbo-poorfag and his old shitty pc broke about a year ago
if you were a good friend you'd buy him new pc faggot
I only play multiplayer with irl friends. Too shy for randos
yeah I deleted him from steam friends
I hoped he at least asks why I deleted him but nope not a word from him to this day
I heard from our mutual friend that he turned into typical leftie sjw-lite unironically using insults like incell or righttard
I'm also a poorfag neet
theres no winning in this situation
I'll make you and your whole species into stew.
7/21 never forget
It was nice at first, over time the quirks of my friends got fucking insufferable.
>very angry guy
>guy who turns into a m'lady whenever there's a girl
>guy who would throw tantrums and message me hours later suicide baiting if they played poorly
There was also the friend who couldn't stop humble bragging and would set off angry and suicidey.
I hate Co-Op, i beat monster hunter solo, i play solo classes i don't summon help.
If my friends call me for help sure i'll help but i hate playing with randoms i don't know, i can only rely/blame myself for winning/fucking up.
This is why i'll never play ASSFAGGOTS.
Depends, there are some games I'd rather play alone, PAYDAY being one, and some games I only play with friends, these are usually the more competitive games like mobas. One interesting thing is that if we ever start up a private Minecraft server I always tend to fuck off and live alone for whatever reason.
Only if it involves actually competing against my friends; if it's just co-op stuff then it's fine.
Co-op stuff is fine as long as you're content with stomping the AI. Once you start raising the difficulty you start getting to the point where one of you can't keep up. It's especially bad in RTS games where you get to the point where one of the players is able to solo a Hard AI but the other guy can only beat Medium with help.
>When a guildie asks if you're free
It' not my fault I'm an RTS-let and I don't have a mack-daddy base with an army 100s strong with like 3 experimentals and max level resource production by the time 15-minute no rush is over.
>want to play balls to the walls versus
>can only find people who want to do easy modo AI stomping
I've been on both sides and it's pretty honest. Some friends are only good when it's convenient. Put some distance in there and have some other things going on and you stop talking.