H-home??? home homehome home homehomehome home homehome... homehomehomehome

h-home??? home homehome home homehomehome home homehome... homehomehomehome.

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Yo dawg a rogue spent 12 hours pickpocketing elite mobs in the level 30-40 range and made a video about opening 161 junkboxes from them.
Pretty neat info.

is a release dated confirmed yet?

wow yeah this rogue you just happened to find and don't know or anything

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Find? Nah man it's based and redpilled.

>paladin, druid or shaman?...
based mmo

i'm not watching your shit videos, benji

Guess you'll miss out on making fun of my autism.

fuck off

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1.12 is not your home

Why don't you just not be obnoxious instead?

>Wants me to be a normie.

No thanks.

>region lock
>right click report
>renamed items
>no wall jumping
>multiboxing cancer
>vpns not banned
>only 3 day bans for botters
>nu blizzard
enjoy your stay, homefags

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You can avoid being a normalfag without being an annoying sperg dude
Probably more normalfag what you're doing because you're desperate to be "known" or whatever

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>this is what undead players look like
absolutely disgusting

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legion was actually good though

You sound exactly how I thought you would sound. Fuck off Benji

Only in raids. If you want to raid as those classes without healbotting, find a chill guild that is okay with meme raids.

No it wasn't. Titanforging ruined the game forever.

based please make more content like this and make Yea Forums mad.

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We're going home bros.

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Because your urge for social recognition is that strong

Sure, leave a comment what kind you'd like to see next.

I was thinking making a hunter on Northdale (I don't know shit on how to play a hunter) and just riding around shooting everyone. There's so many fucking targets and with track humanoids it'd be a shooting gallery of ganks.

In retail I am still going rogue to stream snipe girl gamer thots and make my content about that and their reactions, hence the fire border to make the work transformative / my own so they can't copyright or takedown.

Mop is b+ tier easily

mop actually had great pvp even if it brought pandafags

I can guarantee it's not boomer spamming this shit. Boomers were keenly aware craft was terrible.

>WoTLK above MoP
You're a bad man

>US still stuck playing with brazil shitters
whatever you say

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As someone that's played from the start its not vanilla for me at 1.12

Vanilla for me is the progression of patch changes and balances also. 1.12 is retard levels of Easy to level a warrior also.

For the first year of the game class imbalance was amazing. I played a warrior and a mage to max and did lots of pvp at max.

In 1.12 there is zero reason to play fire in pvp
Before 1.12 you missed out on how broken rogues were
Before 1.12 you missed out on how weird warlocks were and how you had no idea wtf to do with it
Before 1.12 you missed how broken shaman were especially Tauren shaman

These are such examples. It's not going to be vanilla for me at all. 1.12 was so fucking late into the games life cycle I can barely call it vanilla. I am still going to have fun with it but people are really missing out on so much stuff.



This is an absolutely fucking awful argument user
Like I get you have fond memories of janker times but you can't want the game to be less balanced just to revisit that
This is a whole new level of rose tinted goggles

That was the vanilla experience retard. It was never about balance.

1.12 is still rock paper scissors u retard

I don't give a shit about any of that I'm just salty that AV is getting fucked

Warriors are rock
Rogue are scissors
Shaman, pally, druid, priest, mage, hunter are paper
Warlock are mushrooms...


I could see it at C desu

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>it was so soul when [class] was broken before 1.12
>wtf 1.12 isn't more balanced retard

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I think the most fun part of classic WoW was not knowing anything about the game and just figuring it now. Now everyone knows the meta, everyone is min-maxing, every knows every single little detail about the game. its not gonna be the same

Let's be honest people only hated mop for the sake of contrarianism, but now that the dust has settled I sure as fuck miss it a lot, had some of the best enjoyment out of this game in its raids.


>tfw any new MMO would be datamined too

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it's nu-wow user, C at best. I've considered putting it there.
As well as moving wotlk to B-, but i kinda like wotlk+tbc fags keeping each other company because it makes tbcucks seethe. They also must repent for starting the downfall and taking us the nu-wow route.

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Based retard anime poster!

>1 thread where people are talking friendly about classic wow
>2 thread where retail cucks are seething


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