How big is your harem, Yea Forums?

How big is your harem, Yea Forums?

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>dude sex with children lmao

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Chimera looks adorable, can't wait to find her. Is she good?

>not remaining loyal to your one and only waifu
that being said I imported the game back then for the vita and platinumd it within a few weeks. the game was cash.
in regards to the harem in this game I'd say I hit the maxumin.
Mocha, Will-O-wisp, imp, kentauros, cerberus and satan best girls

I just got Minotaur, I haven't checked any guide so far but I might as well ask. Is there a reliable way to farm materials for room expansions and to find the job panties for each girl or are they completely random?

this but unironically

They're clearly monsters user...

I only have a couple hearts with her for now, will she stay a lesbian or will even she fall for Io's dick eventually? This is important.

as far as I remember pretty much all of em fall for his dick to some degree but its been quite a while so I may not remember it correctly.

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I'm like 30 hours in, started 5th dungeon, but I need to level up my team for a bit.
I like the game so far, even though some design choices are questionable. the combo system makes normal type moves pretty bad outside of bossfights, and the AOE breaking chains at the moment one target isn't weak is annoying. The tinty tits + lolita moe combo is also a bit too powerful, which kinda lock 2 team members with a limited choice of characters (thank god they are actually good chars though).
Some skills like provoke and group heal seems to be mandary for the roles, which lead to hybrid characters jobs to be ineffective.
Same with mono elements characters, why care when you have enough all-element mages to do the job better?

I at least feel there are enough characters + individual classes for each that you have enough freedom to work most of them into a party no matter what, though some will be better than others.

what every non gay male dream is.

Hi Jason

You're losing it, homie.

They aren't real.

In reply to that user from yesterday.
Yes shitting only twice a week is related to autism.

pedo game

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slime is best girl

I like her "panties" which are just some slime covering her genitals.

>The tinty tits + lolita moe combo is also a bit too powerful
It's a godsend. I wouldn't say that it's too powerful, the alternative is just to buy a bunch of SP-restoring items.

As for the combo system, I find that it generally doesn't matter for fodder enemies. Just use whatever and kill them all as efficiently as possible, and if you have enough breathing room to combo, go for it. The boss fights are where you want to combo, the points you get are insane.

One of my favourite costumes, sucks that it has bad skills.

Just started chapter 5. Who's a good tank to use? I've already maxed out Slime and Mummy.

I want to add that it's better to play the game at least in Hard mode, you get a nice bonus in every kind of experience and it's still completely manageable while strolling through dungeons and regular battles.

This. I started on normal because I didn't know what I was getting into, but switched to hard when the game just wasn't challenging at all. Hard is great so far, the regular fights are still fairly easy, and the bosses are a good challenge but not crazy.

>Compile Heart

I used imp for a while, provoke + auto life regen works pretty well.