Other urls found in this thread:
6 is a solid score
Nothing about this game looks remarkable in any way
wow, imagine my surprise
Zenimax shills gonna have a bad time
>Open world FPS
>All the advertisement was based around the style
>Expecting to be good
Don't see anything wrong with that. Were you expecting a 9 or what? It's one of those games that you pick up for 5 dollars on sale
>main mission doesn't incorporate most of the world
Doesn't that mean there's a lot of world left to explore in the post-game? I see that as a good point
inb4 it has no ending just like Rage 1
Plz buy the game guys, we gotta support Bethesda so that they can making these awesome single player games.
You think people who review games do optional shit? Hell, some don't even finish the games they review.
>short combat sequences
What the FUCK were they THINKING?
Gee, who would have thought
I absolutely forgot this game existed.
I'm sure it'll still be miles better than the original Rage.
God, what a piece of shit. It sucks too that it's remembered as the last game Carmack ever worked on.
When has Avalanche ever made anything good, and why would someone expect a Rage sequel to be good of all things?
Keep on seeing commercials about this on Youtube and the ads make is look like a generic FPS that tries to be the "OMG SO WACKY" like Borderlands.
Sounds a lot like the first game.
>commercials on Youtube
>Same Metascore as Gays Done
So much for Bugfesta's attempt at a Borderlands clone
Mad Max was pretty good, so was JC2 and 3 to a fault
ACG said worth a buy, hmm...
Might torrent it tonight if it's not too big? I just want a fun FPS till more Doom Eternal news.
That's basically exactly WHY it exists; it was greenlit specifically because Borderlands 3 didn't show any signs of coming out for years and Bethesda decided to capitalize on it.
FUCK OFF SHITSPOT THE GAME IS AWESOME. Plz buy the game guys, I want more awesome single player games from Bethesda. We need to help them.
Will pirate tomorrow
it's those shitty 15-30 second "you can't skip this" type of ads
Sounds like the perfect black friday bargain bin game, will wait.
I cant even name other single player FPS games that came out this generation, doom was last gen
get ABP
blocks everything ad on YT
>there are people in this thread in the year of our Lord and Saviour MMXIX that STILL doesn't have an ad blocker
get some adblock
To the surprise of no one, a meh-looking game gets a meh score.
>this is the best single-player FPS game of this generation
>doom was last gen
no it's not. it came out 3 years ago on current consoles
>not recommending ublock origin
So it's the same as RAGE, but with pink hair. I liked RAGE, though. But I'll skip this one.
Well it sure as fuck isn't better than Doom then
I like how gamespot is taking out the trash lately. Were they always the good guys?
too intrusive
you CAN skip them
i will buy this game becauss bethesda did a funny on twitter so now they're my favorite company
lol i haven't seen an ad on jewtube in years, get some ad blockers son
Guess I'll rent it
ouch, i thought it would be as good as Doom, it's a pirate for me then
Sounds like it has some of the same problems as the first game, like the main mission being too short and just...ending all of a sudden. And the underwhelming narrative and bland characters.
I'll do you one better: I will buy it to spite the libs.
>people... doesn't
oof ESL nigger
>watching some gameplay
>the voice acting is horrible
>the tone of the story is the same tone as the mindless capeshit that pollutes the movie industry
>the result is just another generic open world game
also people say you can beat the game in like 12-15 hours
I just don't understand reviews. You could easily replace "rage 2" with "breath of the wild" and all those problems would still be true, yet one gets a 6/10 and one gets a 10/10.
Anyone expected anything from that campy turd?
>Mediocre sequel to a mediocre original game from a mediocre studio.
No, stupid.
are we entering an era where all game genre needs a RPG story mode for the reviewers or something?
Saved me some money I guess
damn those are some shitty + and -'s. literally doesn't tell me anything useful about the game.
no nintendo bonus
I'm gonna buy it to spite the alt right.
They wanted more cinematics and more bullet sponge AI to "show off" their power.
I really wanted it to be good... Like some cuhrayzee combination between Doom and Borderlands but without the loot aspect.
except zelda is beautiful and the game has thicc muscle girls rage 2 chicks are ugly goblins
lol what even is this game
Alt spite
Plus, a sequel that literally no one asked for. No one asked Bethesda "So where is RAGE 2? When is RAGE 2 coming out? You guys are gonna make a sequel, right?"
not much, but it doesn't seems to have flaws big enough to warrant such a low score. By their own logic, soulbornes games are also 5-10. It seems arbitrary to suddenly care that much on the cosmetics
>Gameplay is good
>Story is bland and your choices dont matter
Oh no I wanted to play rage 2 for the fantastic story and rich characters.
>I really wanted it to be good..
>from the people who brought you bland cause 4
lmao you dumb fuck
>Like some cuhrayzee combination between Doom and Borderlands but without the loot aspect.
So bulletstorm?
That game was garbage
I want to believe that RAGE 2 is the project where they contained their incompetent developers so the good ones could work on Doom Eternal unmolested
>Days Gone is too long
>RAGE 2 is too short
When the FUCK is this industry gonna do soulless open world at a just right temperature?
Borderlands is campy trash too
>positive = combat is good
>negative = muh story
Sounds like a great game then.
I LITERALLY havent seen an ad in Youtube for years, last week when FF fucked up and they disabled addons for a couple of days I saw those yellow spots on the video and I didnt knew what the fuck they were, do zoomers really eat 2 minutes of targeted ads in every video?
>vidya """journalists"""
>giving a shit about review scores
>fucking EVER
that said, the game looks like garbage and I'm never gonna play it
game looks so fucking boring
wow, i was expecting at least a 7. all these triple AAA games this year getting 5-6 scores. or we witnessing stagnation or has the bar been upped?
>Yea Forums always shits on journos and movie games
>journo gives bad scores to games who aren't movie games despite praising the combat
>Yea Forums shits on game for not being a movie game and praises journos
I fucking hate this garbage site
It's a play 5 minutes and you already have seen the entire game episode
>shit story
>great game
I don't care about review scores. Has anyone played it?
Nobody is praising journos reddit. Also put me in the screencap
Trumps brother is on the zenimax board of directors. What will you do now, tranny?
Seems to have good reviews otherwise google.co.uk
Who cares if the game is fun to play? I loved DMC and its repetitive as it gets, but the gameplay is excellent.
Seems like I havent paid much attention. Wasnt this from id software?
Naaah problem with Bulletstorm was that it was strictly linear with some very questionable ideas such as regenerating health, no jump button, spam one button to slowmo enemies, turret sections, 2 weapon limit, some quicktime event climbing stuff and probably more but those are what I can get top of my head.
not out yet
What the fuck
So they made literally the exact same mistakes as with the first game and learned nothing, neat
DOOM shooting and Mad Max driving, open world, you unlock whacky gravitational powers/jumps etc.
Assassin's Creed 2 is the only game that did the soulless open world thing right.
Who would have thought a game by the lauded creators of Mad Max and Just Cause could be bad?
How could these paragons of amazing videogame design have made a mediocre game that's just not worth your money?
so, First days gone get reviewed like a rpg, and now Rage 2... what is happening with the journos...
The 12-15 hour mark is if you blast through and ignore the side stuff though
Have you heard about that the CEO of zenimax is a close friend of hillary clinton?
>underwhelming narrative and bland characters
this is about not enough trannies and black people, is it?
>lol what even is this game
an attempt to copy Borderlands in terms of tone and "humor"
and what does that have to do with anything, /pol/?
Don't forget:
>Game I dislike gets good scores from journos: "fucking journos ignorant pieces of shit"
>Game I like gets good scores from journos: "GOTY I told you faggots feels good"
>Game I dislike gets bad scores from journos: "AHAHAHAHA piece of shit confirmed!"
>Game I like gets bad scores from journos: "fucking journos ignorant pieces of shit"
Yea Forums is one of the most hypocrite communities I've seen in the internet
The first game was bland and mediocre too. This shouldn't come as a surprise. The only difference now is that whiny crybabies desperate for drama gave Bethesda an excuse to claim "fake news" over every fucking bad review.
It doesnt have the name. Doom is a legendary franchise. Its like seeing some mario or zelda mainline game get a bad score. Its almost impossible even though Doom 2016 should be a 70 score game too.
Read a book, watch a movie.
If the game has good gameplay then it's a good game.
You should really have an adblocker
Not so you don't see ads, it's to protect yourself from malicious ads
You shouldn't even be browsing this website without an adblocker, hiromoot lets shitty ads through all the time
Nudoom was also shit
Its not a nintedo game or a movie game
Always getting 8 or lower score
>game makes a point to shit on journalists
>gets a shitty score from journalists
I mean, that’s probably an honest score, but a 6 from ‘official’ places means its irredeemable shit.
>6 is a solid score
not for big vidya review sites. 8.5 is "mediocre" to their metric. 6 is a goddamn trashfire.
for reference, shovelware, bejeweled reskins and asset flips typically get 7-8.
that said, these reviewers are shit and unreliable.
THAT said, RAGE2 does look pretty bad. stopped clock etc.
oh hi shill, how much does it cost to buy a 9/10 review? I want to convince Yea Forums to buy my Battle Royale asset dump for $49.99. I'd like you to work the "good value for only 40 bucks" angle and something like "best multiplayer experience of the year". also there are black lesbians in it (they dont do anything lesbian, but they are) so if you don't praise it I'll call you guys racist homophobes.
I can’t even tell who is and isn’t shitposting anymore in this hellhole
Try mixing up your faggot slang for more successful samefagging
>if you blast through
10 hours
Tone and humor are literally the two worse things from borderlands.
>first person shooter
>side content
No thanks.
>it actually does
>"journo" is slang
Keep seething
Can you tell me where does this not happen?
Not including Resetera where those journalists come from.
How do you not have an ad blocker in 2019?
Fucking zoomers.
Was anyone expecting this to be good?
I just end up finding reviewers who rate games objectively instead of rating them based on their political preferences.
Or rating games solely based on gameplay like gman does.
>well the controls are smooth and the shooting is fun = game's good
Then again he does not really make reviews, more like opinions.
>Tone and humor are literally the two worse things from borderlands.
I never said that it was copying Borderlands in a good way. It's copying all the bad shit from Borderlands
LOL! So crazy and wacky! xDD
Wait, those negative points sound EXACTLY like the ones skyrim has, yet skyrim got a perfect 10/10 score.
One might begin to think that, dare I say it, these journalists are full of shit.
i dont get people complaining about the lack of interesting story. its a game about shooting people. why do every has to have some pretentious story? no one ever played shooters for the story for fucks sake. i hate this story obsessed era
i'm reserving judgment until i've played it, but it sure looks like Bethesda is the next on journos' shit list after Valve
But isnt the shooting in this game just hitscan vs hitscan humanoids? Its just less corridory I guess.
Bethesda blackisted Kotaku for leaking Fallout 4, and the rest of the journos have been seething about it ever since.
A good story can make a bad game bearable
It was a different time. Unironically. If Skyrim came out today the reviews would be much harsher.
what I don't get is the people complaing about story are the same ones comparing it directly to Borderlands
motherfucker do you seriously play BORDERLANDS OF ALL FUCKING GAMES for it's story?!
>"haha so crazy " marketing
>game is mediocre
Oh no who would have guessed.
Yeah, but skyrim had the potential to be the best sex game ever existed, which came true.
"-Main mission ends too soon..."
This right here is real fucking sad. Everyone who played the original Rage knows that the one of the shittiest parts about it is how abruptly it ends. How the hell do you develop the sequel fully knowing this and when given the chance to correct this with an all-out great ending do you repeat the same mistake?
but everyone say the gameplay and gub mechanics is good so how is it bad again?
literally no one in this thread praises that reviewer. cope more shill your game is garbage
maybe for a 20 bucks game
Rage's problem was the game just ended, no final boss or big fight or anything, just click some consoles and it's over. That wasn't length just bad game design.
>post apocalyptic setting
>everyone is dressed like a 1980s punk because mad max
This. Fuck adblock and its "keep investors-friendly ads".
no, no it doesn't, you fucking capeshit eating nigger.
>ign review
so you all listen to what game journos say?
Well so it depends on how you view the game i guess. If you turn off your brain and just want to hack monsters then the game is good. Otherwise it's shit. The graphics look good but it's what you expect from an AAA game
>Doesn't want to do the non-story stuff in game
Why are you even in this hobby?
dumb crabfag
Not at all.
Maybe it makes it a good visual novel but not a good game
>If you turn off your brain
if you do this you can enjoy basically anything. like when I turned off my brain when I fucked your ugly fat mother lmao kill yourself shill
I don't even plan on buying the game but that review is fucking shit. It's worse than a regular steam review. Games looks like at least a solid 7/10 and I don't even like these types of games.
That's why I'm really looking forward to tarfield and TES:VI. Bethesda are going to get absolutely molested by critics if they stick with their promise now, fix later bullshit.
It's a win/win no matter what, becaus either we'll get to see a fucking shitstorm unravel, and Bethesda's glorious fall from grace, or we'll actually get a pretty decent game or two.
6 is not solid, 6 is average at best. The fuck you talking about shill?
I think what they are getting at is that there isn't really anything interesting going on in the game outside of the main missions
>brown shooter apocalypse
I'm willing to bet this retard never even played the original
nuDoom was fucking atrocious
been watching a stream and this game seems pretty fun underneath all the tedious modern game design bullshit
>nuDoom was fucking atrocious
Name one game you find good, if not great. I'm just interested in seeing where your bar for a quality game is set.
>nuDoom was fucking atrocious
opinion discarded
>underneath all the tedious modern game design bullshit
>go spend 60$ and dig through literal feces to have any modicum of enjoyment
yeah no
>it looks good except for the bad parts
fuck off
Swap the Slayer to any other generic demigod protagonist and it wouldn't really change much. SP deserved every praise it received.
Descent 2 and my bar or quality is clearly higher than yours if you can stomach that AAA game design dogshit
>nuDoom was fucking atrocious
Well good to know what kind of room temperature IQ retard is the target market here.
I'll get it on sale for $15 but no more.
>Descent 2
And I thought I was pretentious.
Not surprised. Gameplay videos looked underwhelming desu.
>game has great combat, gameplay, heavily rewards going off the beaten path and doing your own thing
better than most new triple as
What a useless bar.
>still using the oh no no meme
You insufferable zoomer scum
not really disputing the whole "DDDUURRR I AM SILLY XD" point here
>only redeeming feature of the first game was co-op
>take it out
You have autism lol
>descent 2
>my bar or quality is clearly higher than yours if you can stomach that AAA game design
Pick one you fucking pretentious faggot. Lmao "fly around and shoot shit - the game". More like "decent 2". Get fucked.
If you honestly thought this game was going to be worth playing, your taste is fucking SHIT.
They're probably still mad about getting blacklisted by bethesda for breaching nda.
It's actually out?
BASED hesinposter.
tommorow, embargo lifted today
Putting that aside though. Who the fuck even asked for Rage 2?
It's worse then you think, the same 4 or 5 shills for bethesda were on every BL3 video telling people to buy rage 2 instead
>6 is average at best
That's 5 you autistic fuck.
>6 is above average at best
You sped.
watching gameplay for it it looks really good honestly some of the guns are pretty neat and the powerups are cool
It's funny, you can apply the exact same flaws this review pointed out to the first game too.
really? lmao bethcuck shills are pathetic
These damn disbelievers man...
nice try Randy
no game was ever shilled as hard here as BL
>More like "decent 2". Get fucked.
A semi-decent story is the only thing that dragged me to the end of JC4 and Wildlands.
haha what the fuck
made by Avalanche Studios
it's the people who made The Hunter and Just Cause 2
>Semi-decent story
Is that a joke?
Descent 2 is superior to doom though
but why would you do; kill 5/5 mongoloids here and collect 10/10 turds there side content ?
whats wrong with your life ?
Titanfall 2, which was fantastic.
>DOOM = non existent story, repetitive missions, great gunplay 85/100
>RAGE 2 = non existent story, repetitive missions, great gunplay 73/100
explain this
>spongebob eating snail food
why do you guys have standarts !? just be a drone like me
acg says its good
ill buy it
0/10 bait. Apply yourself.
People who complain about FPS games are stuck in the 7th era and just repeat the same retarded catchphrases so they can be part of a circlejerk of smug internet autists.
This gen has been oversaturated with survival sandbox and battle royal. There aren't many FPS games to begin with, let alone good ones. Or list me those pure fps games. Because all I can think of is
>Titanfall 2
>Doom 2016
>two FarCry games
even CoD went the BR route
Eh, I like Rico and Sheldon enough to give a fuck about their subplot. Plus I enjoyed the sequel hook of taking on the deep state. Shame 4 flopped so it'll never be resolved.
I think this model did so much more to damage this game than anything the game actually did itself.
There is no measurement behind those numbers, they just shit out whatever everytime.
That reminds of an old video game magazine that used to give 1-5 on each aspect of game. Stuff like graphics, sound, gameplay, controls, etc. That seems like a much more objective system.
these things aren’t mutually exclusive, idiot. I hate both bethesda and journalists.
Why weren't these powers included in a CUHRAZEEEEE shooter with actual levels to clear and non-humanoid enemies?
Is unfortunate to know we browse the same forum as this scum.
Yes, in every single video, not just stopping the video, but reseting the part past the ad that you had already loaded. Watching videos like this must be hell.
Why does she look like one of those troll toys with the big ass hair?
>why does she look like one of those troll toys
you literally answered your question with the rest of that sentence
This. Rage 2 was supposed to be open world D44M with endless combat wtf?
open-world-meme fatigue is finally setting in among video game journalists?
"Journalist" 6 means bad. You have to remember these guys operate on a 6-10 scale unless they don't get paid enough
>Uh, boss, why make Rage 2? People have already played an australian outback simulator with Borderlands or Mad Max
>Shut up, it'll surely turn a profit if we pull a Watch Dogs 2 and go from grim and brown to wacky quirky humor and saturated color pallete
DOOM Eternal really is id's only card left. Quake Champions was already a massive failure.
Realistically why would they even make a rage sequel. Nobody asked for it, nobody bought the first game, and everyone who did hated it.
Everyone knows that, its just cheap shitposting tool to pretend anything below 8.5 is playable.
how does rage 2 not have multiplayer?