how is this fair?
How is this fair?
You deserve it for being an unfunny underage piece of shit
what makes you think im doing this for your entertainment you bitch ass faggot
This is the last time I will respond to you in this thread so pay close attention. Kill yourself.
All edgelords deserve it
based and reality pilled
They're doing you and everyone else a favor
you were literally begging for it
what do you expect? You were begging for it.
How boring must life be to spend time like this.
Found the libcucks
Just waiting for the
Your last thread got nuked and you instantly repost?
Unironically yikes
why are you acting retarded for replies?
That name lol
This is your brain on AMM
Reminder that AMM-only games will never be competitive or have a real community, you're all just cheap cogs in a machine waiting to fail
Opened the thread to say this
Well, if you didn't want it, you shouldn't have gone out dressed like that, you whore.
Found the samefag OP
>deliberately get banned
>cry about being banned
can you copy and paste that entire chat, i want to see it and kek
>year of our lord 2019
>still playing LoL
So what is this? Are you trying to get "street cred for fighting the system" or are you really that dense you don't understand that you did wrong or what?
Quit being retarded or kill yourself. You're not even trying.
>Act like a faggot.
>Get banned.
>Whine about it to Yea Forums.
>look guys I'm being racist xD
>level 11 account with le ebin fuck niggers and jews nickname and obvious racism in chat
gee, i don't fucking know, just my spider sense tingling
You lost two hours of your life i guess
>Racism is funny
So this kid is like 12 confirmed? Kek, get that ass banned
he didnt do nuffin
Calling someone a nigger and acting like an underaged edgelord isn't funny or bantz user, it's 12 year old on Xbox Live tier
Learn how to bantz properly
logs were just an excuse. riot probably found out you were black and that's really why you were banned
>lvl 11 account
You made an account just to bitch on a Indonesian basket waveing forum, 3 more like this and you can be an oldfag user ;^)
This seemslike an oxymoron, why not just say you are banned?
Death is like permanent sleep
>Not naming yourself:
It's time to grow up child
Then who were you doing it for? You obviously made an account and purposely flamed to get it banned so you could post it on Yea Forums.
>name is GasJewsFuckNigas
>calls people the black word
>gets banned
you knew this would happen nigger
>Act like a racist asshole
>Get banned for breaking rules
Eat a bag a dicks you waste of a human.
>getting banned from League of Shit
And That's a Very Good Thing
As much as I "agree" with "Gas the Jews and Fuck Niggers" I think it's really stupid and cringy when people are this edgy.
Everyone actually unironically defending this is a cuckold, but you're also a retard for not expecting this, and for playing LoL at all. /threading my own post
>the black word
How much time did you spend playing a game you don't like just so you could out yourself as underage on Yea Forums?
Good job OP, don't listen to the redditors in this thread, you're based.
people don't like it when you call them black user it makes them feel inferior
This guy has to be OP falseflagging to try to throw his useless thread off topic.
Play games like Mordhau where the chat is based and free.
why did he do this?
>Nobody likes you on a certain private space
>People prevent you to join them because they don't like you
Why do you even complain?
>that username
>entire thread is him samefagging
niggers who report people for talking shit in a game should be euthanized
>still playing online games
while I don't support the trend that the internet is become more and more of a safe space for people that can't handle mean words, you deserve the ban just for being an obnoxious edgelord.
they're just words on a screen, user. perhaps single player games would be a better fit for you.
>the black word
+1 good boy points, keep it up and you'll get extra nintendo time
Lmao fucking Zionists
Based falseflagger
>queue to play game with other people of all backgrounds
>mindlessly spew hatred for them because of their genetics instead of playing the video game
>make 9 other people miserable and waste their time
You deserve a fucking bullet through the skull.
if someone can make you miserable with some edgy words on a screen, they are not the problem. you are, you fucking pussy baby
Looks like they'd fit you a lot more than that user considering you're too retarded to not get banned on LoL of all games
i dont play mobas, shit sucks. stop crying about waycissum on a screen babby
Says the guy who's now miserable because his words got him banned for life.
mental gymnastics, kid. you enable people like OP when you cry, remember that lol
you signed the user agreement
Because you're annoying and unfunny to more players than not. It's majority rules on the internet, retard. Maybe you should get more people that think you're funny to pass judgement on LoL reports.
appeal to popularity is a fallacy, user.