Anybody work in the gaming industry here? How many hours do you usually work? Any Rockstar employees?

Anybody work in the gaming industry here? How many hours do you usually work? Any Rockstar employees?

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i work for sony. i'm the guy that inspects all the anime games and makes the devs take away the titties

rockstar employee here ama
btw my dad nintendo

was it a strained relationship being fathered by a corporation?

How many hours? Are the memes true?

Muttland is one giant IRL meme, of course it's true.

>hurrrr Mexicans are lazy
>work the most hours out of any country in the world

t. angry Manolo

Ubisoft here, I work about 50 hours a week...not bad

40 hours/week x 50 weeks/yr (most full time jobs offer 2 weeks/yr off in paid time off/vacation) = 2,000 hours per year working, so that sounds about right

Mexican here, once i worked from 8:00am until 3:00am of the next day

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Rockstar North - the GTA/Red Dead 2 devs - are in Scotland, user

>seething this hard Germany is more efficient than any of the shithole countries listed there

it was a corporate gangbang but I get free games from all my uncles

>Germans work ha-

Actually working at Nintendo Japan here, I just work 9:30 to 18:30 Mon to Fri like normal company, every two or three weeks there's overtime but never more than one or two hour. My schedule is pretty chill because I'm a foreigner though, normal Japanese employee here seems to go home at around 22-23 everyday even though they start the same time as me; I've seen some core team members sleeping at the office when we near release date of a new game too.

Ala verga cabron!!! No mames puto! Que vergon tienes jose manuel roberto


If they weren't lazy they wouldn't need work so much


I knew there were Nintendo shills here

But the complaints came from the employees at Rockstar San Diego you tard. They even had a washing service so they could wash their clothes on site.

Also keep in mind thats for most low-end positions; many will offer extras. My doctor uncle gets 2 months paid time off on top of paid leave for academic conference time. My sister working a government tax investigation job gets extra paid time off just for regularly showing up and doing her job as a performance "incentive" bonus.

Where's China?

Hey man, I'm not part of the PR department, I'm just a localizer and in house interpreter.

Actually shilling on English websites are done by Nintendo US, we got no part in that shit.

based R* letting its employees hike up their water bill. Devs that whine about mandatory overtime are pussies that think 70 hours p/week is excessive, meanwhile hospital workers and people on assembly lines in factories would consider 70 hours to be normal, despite their earning less money to boot

>All the third world countries
I wonder why

actually germany isn't efficient at all, since most of their workforce is composed of immigrants


Doesnt work, technically China started a work shift when they joined the WTO and have collectively never left, so the shift has to end to set actual work hours

I was just pulling your chain’re alright

Its working efficient not hard, amigo.
Dicking around for 2000 hours is way worse than actually getting shit done in 1000 hours.

>lazy wh*tetoid detected
Have you ever seen how hard Mexicans work?

Confirmed for not knowing a single thing about germany.
Immigrants dont work they all live off the social system funded by the german cucks that actually spend half their time working ti pay for parasites.

>work less hours than half of western yurop nations
>still biggest economic powerhouse in the continent
>not efficient
You must be some special kind of retard.

I work in the games industry and our team is small enough where how much I work heavily impacts how much gets finished. I'm usually working 14-16 hours a day with 2 hours of free time at home. I think a lot of people like me are happy working like this though. Making games is what I would do in my spare time anyway so it's relaxing and not stressful. I do miss some life aspects but I'd rather leave this world having made lots of great games.

Finally, we're at the top of a list that's not "Most dangerous cities/places in the world".

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>Be Spaniard
>Work 4 hours a day for 5 days
>Finish my work in less than 2 hours
>Have to sit around jerking off for the rest of the day being able to do LITERALLY nothing because if something were to happen to me on my way home or at home during working hours the company is made responsible
>Despite my home being literally a 5 minute walk from my workplace

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i used to, but not in gamedev, in esports in a company that most people know. if it was in office, it was regular 9am-5pm unless there was a big event coming. if it's an event, it's basically 8am-10pm, sometimes more if the games drag on.

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>20 hour work weeks
I work that in 2 days

might just be a student working part-time on the side

I also have 30 weekly hours of Uni classes. At least they allow me to get some studying in after work is done else I wouldn't have any free time.

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Most immigrants from the recent years have yet to get a job.

>Be Sp*niard
Go FUCK yourself. Fuck you and fuck your family, filthy sp*niard. Mexico has always been superior. Give back the gold and ask for forgiveness.

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crunsh is necessary because dev work can't be planned on a day-to-day basis, you set milestones and deadlines by week or month, and humans being humans, they always need a little push in the end. It's not even bad, most people enjoy that little end run, it bonds the team and give you stories to tell.

Miguel, we are brothers like it or not

>we are brothers like it or not
I'd rather my dick fall off. FUCK. YOU.

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In the industry (including myself) and this is a terrible post.
Crunch is a failure of production and planning, if you're actually working with a good experienced producer, they know how to actually plan out the work in such a way that it gets done with minimal crunch. Is it needed now and then, sure, but if you let it become cool or noble somehow, you get Rockstar where it's the fucking standard, which is dumb.
The problem is that games were originally made by a couple of neckbeards that were happy to work 13 hours a day. Now that's not the case, those guys still exist, but regular people with regular lives make games now too. And I know how bad it sounds basically saying make way for the normies, let the weak set the pace, but the reality of the situation is the industry had to and has to mature and grow and there's just not enough hardcore crunch devs in the world to make a modern video game team.
Indie devs still do this all the time (see: Indie Game the Movie and everything Team Meat went through), but the rest of the industry is evolving and developing better practices that don't lead to burnout, which is a huge huge problem in modern gaming careers

note that the French data is only low because they count civil servants time, but in France tech doesn't pay extra hours so nobody report them. Game devs typically stay 12+ hours on the job and often chain no sleep near the deadlines, but not a single minute will be accounted anywhere, because it's a monthly salary job, not a by the hour. Same with lots of service area like restaurant work, and anything related to building and agriculture.

*Many friends in the industry including myself, Jesus I'm fucking retarded

You are a shit eating bootlicker. No amount of "good experienced producer" change the fact deadlines never work, and your team output will always bee lower than expected until the end. Learn to understand normal workflow and deal with it. you can't just point at your manager whenever you fail, shitstain.

>not 1776
So close.

Video games are not the same as literally saving lives.
Also part of the problem is basically no one makes over time, so you're not even slightly being paid for the extra work, you're fucking retarded. Killing yourself isn't badass in games anymore than it is on an assembly line. Wagies just have stockholm syndrome

>deadlines never work, and your team output will always bee lower than expected until the end.
That's literally the managers job. His entire paycheck is to make sure this doesn't fucking happen you mongoloid.
If the deadlines never work then the person figuring out the deadlines needs to get their shit together, you don't just throw out the concept of deadlines entirely and JUST WERK HARDER PUSSY
That's retarded user

The only reason Germans can spend most of their days twiddling their cocks is because the EU is basically a money funnel that sucks every other country dry.

not him but u a fucking dunce. i work in events and if everything is prepared well and we have a good plan with enough people, it's always smooth sailing. If there's a shitter that makes the plan, it's always a shitshow and we have to work 12-16hrs a day to make it in time. Good management is absolutely essential.

And for that matter, if the producer/manager has employees that aren't working hard enough and aren't meeting the deadlines as you suggest, he needs to fire them immediately

They do.
Their 8 hours literally mean 8 hours + they ensure efficiency of their work. I'm pole who worked in german-japan corporation and there was a huge gap between these two nations
> Japs never tried to be efficient as they are expected to sit extra hours. You get no bonus for being efficient.
> Germans are achieving same results in much shorter time. They are also unionized so they can't really sit extra hours. Not to mention it's ok to be a snitch so they'd gladly report each other for overhours.
So while both countries are considered to be hard-working, they are both very different.
Poles in comparison are inefficient in regard of doing offwork stuff very often. We like to chat, eat and generally do anything not work-related. On the other hand we're crafty and creative so we love to make out work more efficient with shit like automation etc. At least as long as we see the payoff.

That's not true.
Germans actually do work in their worktime instead of fucking about. They're very thorough in what they do. You'd know this if you knew anything about the German mentality and culture.
Also they can afford to work less because they have a huge high tech industry which isn't exactly cheap.

crunch isn't a failure of production and planning. Rockstar is making the best games because it has huge teams making huge amounts of progress. Villianizing crunch is just an excuse weak and pathetic people use because they will never amount to those who crunch. Most of the people are passionate and skilled and want to make these top of the line games so piss off if you can't handle it.

Used to work as a code monkey. Typical work week was 37.5 hours, holidays were pro rata, each week would net you around 0.7 days holiday. Salary was around £24k. Crunch time we were paid time and a half, but we were well managed so that was usually just after QA reports came back in. On one occasion we got the reports back late due to a mail strike or some shit and had to sift through 400 pages of bug reporting in 3 day starting Thursday, implement a toonnne of fixes in the next 7 days, and get a new build out for QA on Monday. That was ten 12 hour shifts in a row, though. Thankfully it ended.

>just work 16 hours a day goy and make money for you boss goy
fuck off cunt. also crunch actually reduces fucking performance, people work like shit when overworked like that.

>South Korea #2
I fucking believe it, I follow a Korean artist on twitch and that nigga will do a 16 hour stream, sleep for 6-7 hours, then do another 12+ hour stream. He almost died like a year ago from a brain thing and he still does this shit constantly.

>meanwhile hospital workers
Where? I know in the UK to you're not allowed to work more than 48 hours a week in health/social care.

Rockstar isn't the only company making good games. And RDR2 is arguably not even that amazing anyway.
Some crunch is needed, I'll grant that, and if people can't handle a little bit then yeah, they should be in a different field, but I've done my time and I've seen good crunch and bad crunch and the latter is always a failure of planning and management.
It's really tempting to just say don't be a pussy, you're just jealous, you'll never perform as high, blah blah blah, but you're only hurting yourself. Bashing your face into a brick wall isn't bad ass, it's retarded and entirely avoidable so you don't have real talent burning out and leaving the industry

Not if you get paid by the hour.

not to mention, games are moving more and more towards a state where buying a game is more like subscribing to a service dressed as a game. both consumers and publishers now prefer games with longevity and post-release content, the consumers because it's better bang for your buck (and time) and publishers because it's cheaper to just add content than make a whole game every time you want to make money on a franchise.

it follows that pushing games out with a massive crunch is even more stupid because the devs' work doesn't end when the game releases, not even close. that's when they have to start working on balance patches, content patches and other stuff to make sure the game retains its playerbase and the money keeps coming in. just look at MK11 right now, the game was pushed out basically unfinished AND with crunch, so now the devs have to maintain their crunch just to FIX the game and on top of that they need to be working on DLC. not to mention the crunch caused a lot of the current problems the game has right now. it'd probably make much more sense to work at a steady pace, both before and after release.

Wonder how many hours North Korea works

Also this real hard. Actual studies show that people produce lower quality shit when they crunch all the time

>german mentality and culture
I'm german and this is BS, die mentalitaet ist en Stock im Arsch zu haben und die Kultur is Bier und Schnitzel, fuck germans

wouldnt office workers have a salary

You got a Twitter dude

2114 just to be that tiny bit better than South Korea


>nicht mal umlaute auf der tastatur

Literally false.
The average full time worker in germany still has his 40hours week(35 if you work in a higher position at a internaltional multibillion company but thats pretty much as low as it goes).
The thing is germany has a giant complex of low wage seasonal, short term contract or part time work, in fact the highest rate of those in the whole EU.

Filthy Germans ruining yet another thread

work should feel like a punishment that can only be alleviated by spending money on new material goods. anything else is communism

I do audio for a fuckton of games, primarily indie but did some AAA gigs as well
freelancing can be hell or heaven depending on the client
my tip is to charge more, it gets rid of anyone that is not serious and things get done faster when people are scared of going over budget over being fickle

The best of the best are always working, whether it be games, movies, cooking etc. Sure burnout is real for those running on motivation but those who overcome it with discipline will always be the ones on top. Most of these people actually choose to work like this so it seems pretty clear it's just for petty and weak reasons why others would want it to stop.

i unironically worked for nintendo as a graphic designer. didn't get too much insight into the games side itself, but it was fun being in meetings with a bunch of 50+ year old men arguing about how exactly toad should be positioned on a poster

>I'm german
ja klar

I’m a hospital worker. I work between 45-50 hours a week and it is excessive, leads to burnout and hurts patient care. You’re insane thinking 70 is normal or defensible.

Crunch does not equal discipline. The ones on top are working harder, but also smarter.
And again, unless you can somehow pump the brakes on financial growth and go back to the 90s (which I'm not saying would be bad, but it's literally impossible) there's simply not enough top performers to fill out the modern industry.
The people you're talking about that are "always working" make up 1% of the population at best

I worked for CD Projekt Red, quit because of the crunch time and low pay. During crunch before Witcher 2 release I worked 12-14 hours a day, including weekends.

You know your president, the one asking for reparations, is literally the grandson of Spaniards right?

bitch, i worked in a company that did esports events and some were so bad people literally fell asleep on the fucking job, fainted or got infections. i had people do elementary mmistakes while operating a camera because they couldn't get enough rest. i had people drop equipment worth thousands because they were too tired to see an obstacle in their way. if you think the best at their job are constantly working, you are delusional.

Shut up you dumb fuck

How much money do you earn for working that little?

It's the eastern Europeans who suck the EU dry and give nothing in return

Fuck V4, Romania and those other shits do your job you leeches.

pathetic weaklings, enjoy your inferior lifestyles

>ad hominem
fuck off slave worker

Fortnite is the best example of never ending crunch. I don't know how much those fuckers get paid but it should be really good to warrant working that long endlessly. I mean imagine working your life away so your company can make billions while you get jack shit.

Even the eastern Europeans pay more into the EU than they get in benefits.
All the EU does is fuck up the industries on other countries by imposing retarded quotas and standards, just so Germany can have an edge. Fuck off, kraut.

Your b8 is getting real shit mate

650 euro.

I'm know a guy who works for rockstar, old friend.
Workplace and people 10/10.
But regarding work hours, all the negative things you ever heard are true, down to their families being concerned about their well-being with the insane hours. They found out of rdr2's launch date from the press. You are not forced to do extra hours, but you'll be peer pressured into it and might not get promotions if you don't put in 100% effort during crunch.
All the good stuff you've read is just damage control.

In short, dream job if you like video games and aren't worried you'll never see your kid/wife/gf if the company demands it. Oh, and you're basically locked out of the industry if you complain.

>Source my ass

I'm not even a kraut, I'm a pasta and the people who want to get out of the EU are out of their fucking mind.

Is this what Americucks are brainwashed to believe? Yikes!

Good goy

This is straight up propaganda fed to you by your government.
Imagine actually falling for the "we are so virtuous, everyone else is leeching off us" while also at the same time everyone seems to be falling into the shit harder and harder while you prosper.
It's a good play honestly but you're fucking stupid for falling for it. At least own up to how great you guys are at the hustle man.

Again I am not a kraut.

Look up how the Eastern dudes use European funds.
And this is not even counting the fact that they are not following some of the basic principles under which the EU was born.
And don't even get me started on Romania and its corruption.


when making a 2D game about 45-50 hrs a week, but a 3D AAA projects ends up raising that by 5 to 10 hrs during crunch especially.

Well at least is not over the minimal salary.

That's it, I'm moving to Germany

Corruption is the excuse used to impose absurd restrictions that have been proven to not work to benefit anyone other than debtors.
Not saying that it's all actually squeaky clean of course but all the EU is interested in is exploiting corrupt states rather than helping them strengthen themselves like they're supposedly doing.
It is not a union man and that's plain to see.

fuck off we are full
of immigrants

You can't stop me, I'm an EU citizen

this guy is correct
this guy is a retard

t Kartoffel

Germany is actually pretty chill, most people really don't care about what you do as long as you have live figured out. And the bosses usually also tend to be very calm and relaxed.

Prisons owned by corporations in the US isn't really good place to work in

No It's the people in Southern Europe and Eastern Europe that don't wanna pay taxes and retire early. They fucked themselves over.

One of the main reasons why Greece crashed.

Every time I think of people working in Germany I imagine a bunch of giga aryans welding steel with sledgehammers to rammstein

>US prisons
You’re dumb

Fuck I meant they want to retire early and not pay taxes.

They get paid even more than base for overtime so I have no sympathy. Oh my poor game devs making 60 an hour working into midnight till morning I feel so bad

Fucking lazy beaner

>Japan not at the top
Bullshit list.

That's kinda nice of you but you should rather imagine a fat moustached man on a forklift loudly talking to his co-worker about yesterday's football match while generic radio music plays over shitty speakers

TL note football means soccer

>Germany at the bottom
You can easily tell that this chart is bullshit Pedro.

>No It's the people in Southern Europe and Eastern Europe that don't wanna pay taxes and retire early.
Literally every person in the fucking world would like to do both of those things you fucking mongoloid.
Get this notion of virtuous honorable northern europeans out of your tiny brain.
Greece hasn't crashed by the way, just perpetually indebted by design., german design that is. Very noble.


Yeah any economy looks good compared to your average euro welfare state. Germany still gets fuckin bodied by america and japan

>facts are not facts because my feelings are hurt



How many hours did Phil fish work during the creation of fez

I love how Germany has to work the least but still has the highest live standards and best economic indicators on this list

>Working more than 8 hours a day for any reason

I picked my career(Bus driver) based on the fact I work maybe 5/5 and a half hours a day 3/4th of the year at a passable salary(45k)

I'd kill myself working proper full time even.

t. Osi

Based and troikapilled.

>German banks must be protected over the greek people.

>Even the eastern Europeans pay more into the EU than they get in benefits.
hahahah nigger are you for real

Germany has a significantly higher GDP per capita than Japan though.


> £24k
i hope that real programmers get paid more

Mexican bosses (specially in goverment) loves what it has been named as "hora nalga" (buttocks hour) which means no matter if you are actually working or browsing facebook, as long as you stayed 2-3 hours after your shift it meant you were a good worker.
I remember when I worked there I was looked down upon for leaving at my hour aince i wasn't commited enough, altough I spent most of the time working (and finishing my daily stuff) while others (specially working moms over 40) spent half their morning eating, gossiping with other cowokers, etc

Buttocks hour the neet life

Sure, 10 million welfare niggers of whom only 34% work are responsible for everything working there.

AfD when?

Maybe if they breed more they will stop getying bodied so hard

>On the other hand we're crafty and creative
You guys literally pump the shit toilets lmao

>miehmlord Partei
hoffentlich gar nicht
Da seh ich uns lieber untergehen