FINALLY finished this bad boy tonight!

FINALLY finished this bad boy tonight!

Been wanting to play Quake 4 since it came out in 2005, but I was a wee lad and my dad actually paid attention to the rating on the case (which in hindsight is fair, there's some grisly shit in there). Installed it a few days ago, played it through, had a blast. Kid me is satisfied.

Quake 4 Thread?

Attached: Quake 4.jpg (800x370, 42K)

>Quake 4 Thread?
I like the hyperblaster.

Attached: Quake4_walk_2161.jpg (290x218, 13K)

What a shitty fucking game. I can't believe you spent over a decade wanting to play it and never got it over with just to see how shit it is.

Is it worth picking up op? I love quake 3 arena but never really played any of the games when I was younger

It played like ass on the 360. It's a solid 8/10 that gets better after you get strogged.

Really linear and wish the aesthetic were a little closer to Q2, in particular the stark orange sky with black clouds and an asteroid belt was a very memorable part of the original's atmosphere. It's one of those weird hybrid FPS games from around the time of HL2 which have pretty slow movement but you still carry a full arsenal with you.

There should be a remake of Quake 2 where the intro movie is played in real time, and every marine is a human player. Everyone crash lands in different areas and the overall goal is to complete the same missions as in Q2.

Consider, kind user: I had fun, and that's all that matters
I couldn't get into Quake 2, it didn't catch me like the original Quake or Q4 did. Should I give it another chance?

Quake 4 was alright, the initial story was a bit too shoehorned in and the multiplayer was trash compared to 2/3 but eh.

Quake 2 initially feels like nothing is happening but I only really came to appreciate it when I got older and more interested in reading what's going on in the datalogs as you progress. Made more sense.

If you liked that game, you should go back and play quake 2. Play it on nightmare of course. Also, make sure you get the music to play too.

Maybe I'll give it another shot, I guess coming right off of the atmosphere of the original (which was fucking delicious, what a game) into Q2's VERY different tone was a bit of a shock to the system

Then when you're done with q2. move to q1 for ultimate quake experience. There isn't strogg, but there is ultimate atmosphere and shooting is tight. texture filtering off, make music work, nightmare, etc.

Oh that's what I mean, I've played the original Quake and loved it, so going from that to Q2 was a bit weird

it's not bad, has arenas kinda like painkiller

That's funny, I finished the game the other day. It's not a great game, it's ok

>I couldn't get into Quake 2
> it didn't catch me like Q4 did
What the ever loving fuck am I reading?

Idk, there was something off about it for me, it could very well have just been the missing soundtrack.

>some grisly shit in game
There is a lot of grisly shit in this game. Like, a LOT. And it also happens to your character.
Hyperblaster is the best weapon in Q4. My personal favorite, followed by shotgun and laser guided missile launcher.
Its great.

That might actually explain it. The soundtrack does a lot for the game.

I played it around 10 years ago. I remember it had some weird DRM that the game wouldn't run unless the internet was disconnected, "always-offline" or whatever you call it.

Completely missed this sorry, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Worth a look-in for sure
Machinegun, Shotgun and Hyperblaster were my most used I think, MG's useful for a LONG time when you aim for the head of course

>tfw you doscover that your weapons are upgradable
>tfw you realise that not all of them are upgradable
Grenade launcher and pistol... they needed an upgrade.
Also, Q4 has mods. I have not used any, but it has mods. Napalm launcher for sp campaign.

Was there ever any sort of fix for this? Besides, well playing the soundtrack on loop in the background. Completely killed any attempts I've made to play this game in recent years.

Not that I knew of. If you can get hold of an original disc or iso, you could try to make a copy of it or mount it from a virtual drive. Playing it in the background works well enough though.

>I had fun
this is such a stupid meme only done by sjws who do not understand real gaming

What does "real gaming" even mean? If I play a game and I enjoy my time with it, what's the problem?

it's ok just ok and gets better once you have strogg legs to go fast

I think that user's argument is that "i had fun" is way too subjective and thus cannot be used to rate/judge the game.

Napalm Launcher comes from official patch and can be used in SP with "give all" lol

fake enjoyment is different from real enjoyment user.

>t. low EQ retard with depression

It was a pain in the ass to get textures that weren't blurry messes in a modern PC for some reason.
I enjoyed the game though, hyperblaster was satisfying.

Aw, did not know that.

Entirely fair, asides from "fun factor" then I think it's pretty mechanically solid, movement speed is a bit slow to start but that gets fixed in the second half. Good variety of weapons with maybe a couple duds (I used the Grenade Launcher like twice honestly). Pacing-wise, the bit with the three towers at the end dragged a little but it wasn't too painfully long.
Respectfully sod off.

dude there's a thread on steam for downloading quakespasm + the full soundtrack.

It's good, it's no quake but it's a fun little fps and the weapons really do feel god

it's leagues better than that horrible excuse for a game they call doom3, that's for sure

Felt like a Doom 3 mod tbqh.

imo the atmosphere becomes completely different and arguably better without the soundtrack. You're stalking through these industrial alien bases with those weird ambient sounds and fighters passing by overhead. Only your footsteps and the sudden screams and gunfire of some alien techno-mutant break the relative silence. Lost Station in particular becomes very unsettling with the ambushes, the continuously running tram and the fish in the water. Becomes really metroid-esque

You're reading a different experience/different thoughts than your own. Try not to chimp out when someone has a different opinion than yours.

A valid take, for me it just felt kinda empty, I guess because I was used to the background music of Q1.

I played it in 2005 when I was young. Jesus christ the Stroggification scene was terrifying.

>I happen to enjoy the taste of frozen shit. It's just my opinion, bro.
Not an argument.


It's possibly the best multiplayer FPS ever made Tbh

>what if we mashed quake 2 and doom 3 together with none of their strengths

thats not fortnite

I wish I could hate you to death.

Quake 4 was great.

It actually is though, it's Q3 except even more elaborate.