Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone is my favorite game on the playstation 4.
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone is my favorite game on the playstation 4
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imagine being shrunk down and trapped inside one of those boots haha
I haven't played it in ages.
They really should've added a platinum trophy for beating all songs on Hard or something like that to keep us autists interested.
What do you like about it, user?
I like the feeling when you get a high combo and your heart starts beating fast because you don't want to drop it.
Ah, yes. That feels good, but after a bit it turns into nervousness for me for fear of fucking up. Game is still fun regardless.
Wakanda Miku best Miku
Wowaka? Wokada?
FTDX had a platinum trophy but it wasn't for anything that challenging, not unlike what you suggested.
Why not try beating them on extreme or ex-extreme for the ones it's available?
Some guy in Japan is married to her. Stop participating in adultry
You want me to write... what?
On my tummy?
Shit explanation. You should rename it "how github fork works"
I don't think you can give a worse explanation than that.
LUka was a misake
Luka made a mistake on my face
For Luka's use only
There is absolutely nothing wrong with girls kissing girls
How can the new MIku be sluttier?
All Mikus are already huge fucking sluts
miku's feet
がんばれ !
Oh fuck it's monday didn't even realize
What costume is this? Super cute
Sega I am literally begging you for a new Project Diva. It’s been like 3 years since X and there’s been so many new great songs in the live concerts please sega ONEGAI I need a new one my balls are BLACK at this point
The anniversary one, I don't remember if it came with the last DLC that introduced songs or if it was free.
The latest music video was just so colorful and well animated it's amazing.
We are truly blessed to have amazing artists and producers.
I used to be a massive Negitoro fan, but RinMiku grew so much on me I'm conflicted.
This animation is atrocious lmao
>new Project Diva
>On Snoycensorion 4
Oh my. Which song is that?
>new Project Diva
>On Snoycensorion 4
Yes. The gaming franchise that blacks out characters when you try to look up under their skirt. How about you play them before you shitpost in threads about it? Those games have literally no content worthy of censorship.
>He doesnt know
Not even Mikus game gonna past Snoy censorship
This is so pathetic on so many levels I don't even understand how people can even ironically defend SONY on this.
Anyone actually interested in miku and her games or can I close the thread for today? Damn shame that this is what miku mondays have turned into.
I'm interested in it but too many people are here to shitpost.
Might as well close it user.
Doesn't /jp/ still celebrate Miku Monday's?
/jp/ has constant vocaloid threads up.
Why don't you start a conversation instead of bitching?
It's the only game I play on my PS4, and basically the reason I bought one. Still don't have a pad to mimic the arcade setup, though.
>Doesn't /jp/ still celebrate Miku Monday's?
>/jp/ has constant vocaloid threads up.
This was the conversation we had. Why the fuck do you reply with
I know, but like the posts increase and they're more specific to project diva