What JRPG is Yea Forums currently playing?

What JRPG is Yea Forums currently playing?

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Persona 5

Dragon Quest XI

Tales of Vesperia

It keeps getting better

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Hyperdimension Neptunia, it's really fun and super interesting.

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Got done with nep 1 a while ago, playing nep 2 rn and it's even better

I'll go jerk off to less embarrassing porn instead, thank you.

Some random shit from kemco's hitpoint

Nobody asked you about your disgusting masturbation habits, you nincompoop.


DeSu 2 trying to get through it so I can get the rest of my backlog done which is other megaten shit

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Are you kidding me? Nep 2 is the worst in the series.

good choice user.

I'm juggling a couple at the moment, mainly playing Tales of Vesperia, Lost Sphear and Wild Arms; also Tales of Legendia whenever I have free time.

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I don't play games that pander to pedophiles.

Almost got the Ni No Kuni 2 plat, if it wasn't for the absurd level grinding involve-
>Poison enemies
Well, there it is. Fucking broken status.

You play games that pander to faggots like you and your dads you boy kissing fruit

Seraphic Blue

Fucking masterpiece

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7th Dragon 2020

No, you just molest kids in real life, just like all the other SJWs.

Persona 5.
Trying for Platinum on NG++ (missing all sidequests, hangout spots, and books)
god damn I forgot how slow and restrictive the game is and I just beat Kamoshida's palace

This. I beat all the rebirth games but going back and playing the original now since everyone says it's a lot different.

I'm between games right now. Going to probably play Etrian Odyssey Untold for the 1#th time next.
Thinking of running Axe Landsknecht, Sword DH, Survivalist, Alchemist, Troubadour.

Just finished SMT If...

Saving your school just isn't the same as deciding the fate of the entire world.

if what?

I'm playing SMT1 on my SNES mini and I'm going with the neutral route. Tokyo just got nuked by a Norse god and I'm in some other god's lair or some shit. The stories in these games are silly.

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Was playing XBC2 but god are the gameplay elements fucking bad
It's like they tried to make it deep and rewarding but forgot to force people to think so building your party is mostly just a linear checklist that might as well be automatic

I don't think Pokemon counts anymore.

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It's always amazing how no one in Japan knows how to hold a gun.