Predict 2019
Predict 2019
Have sex, incel.
>we're petitioning Congress to ban everything in games that offends us
this, but not because of 4channel memes but because thats what blue checkmarks on twitter literally say now
95 - 2005 was never a thing outside movies
2019: Games that I have no interest in buying have problematic content that need to ne censored
please have sex
"We want your money, not your criticism or feedback"
I seem to remember a developer tweeting this not too long ago. The tweet was longer, but it pretty much boiled down to that.
Kill yourself leaf. You're the ultimate trash.
I never got bullied for games. Sounds like a personal problem.
fuck off piss panty sniffer
And movies defined anglo culture (the only culture worth anything)
2019 - "lol look at this loser and his videogames"
It's come back around.
That's definitely 2019 worthy
This image has already been included in the OP. But seriously, who feels the need to protect even hypothetical females?
2020 - Why won't men have sex with us?
2021 - Where have all the good men gone?
2022 - Begin constructing the camps
Imagine being this butthurt.
You probably didn't grow up in a conformist collectivist community. Being any sort of nerd was looked down upon all the way until the early 2000s where I come from unless it was academically related. I had people, even chicks laugh in my face for being into video games too much according to them.
I feel like it hasn't changed from 2018, except it's Twitch instead of Patreon
It was if you lived in a shithole that had a bunch of hicks in it
But generally it's exaggerated as fuck. A lot of things people associated with "nerdy" things weren't actually ostracized as much as everyone claims they were. Star Wars was one of the most mainstream and popular movies ever made, even back when it was released, Pokemon was one of the most mainstream video games in the 90s, etc.
Maybe this image would have a LITTLE more truth to it if it covered the 80s, since that's when shit like D&D was genuinely mocked (lol u worship Satan!) but by the 90s video games, even foreign games were mainstream as FUCK and even before that extremely mainstream games always existed, like Asteroids, Pac-Man, Defender, Space Invaders, etc
He really needs to Have Sex™
At least read the thread for once you pissed up incel
yeah, I can't imaging making an image about REEEEEE WOMEN either
this desu, maybe in the 80s or something but by the mid-late 90s pretty much everyone had at least played pogeyman or something
>anglo culture (the only culture worth anything)
Funniest shit I've read in days, thanks.
I wish Yea Forums would post hard truths more often. I hate that Yea Forums has slipped into being /r9k/ with videogames. So many sad faggots don't realize this isn't actually a recovery center for traumatized incels who never got over a girl laughing at their sonic lunchboxes 20 years ago
already done and roasties are SEETHING
holy SHIT will women EVER recover?
10/10 made me feel great about going to bed alone each and every night
t. virgin that thinks getting a talking piece of roast beef will make him happy in life
i mean, im just someone who always enjoyed video games as a hobby, but the original list was still pretty accurate in terms of womens interactions with video games. Just cause the person who made this probably was a bitter faggot, doesn't mean he's wrong.
How can Yea Forums ever recover
That one was part of OP's image by now
even /r9k/ isn't safe for incels as an incel, Yea Forums is becoming more and more normie(boring)
last part written by the same people who would do a 180 and say girls don't care about looks sweetie
I'm not from murica and the nerd/jock culture is not even a thing here but even I used to get made fun of for playing videogames at the age of 13. This was back in 2003
>tfw I'm the only person in this thread who has had sex
I think everyone already knows this.
Women and girls never cared about video games, they had completely different hobbies and interests. It's only after the nerd culture became something trendy and cool that women started to pretend to be gamers. Keyword pretend. If you ask them something about their favorite game they won't be able to tell you anything about it.