Buy game

>Buy game
>Turn on console
>Insert disc

>Pirate shit or buy it on Steam
>Play it

Why is PC gaming so soulless? Emulation is even worse.

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>t. based shilltard

not buying your game todd you can stop making these threads

Why are katposters so retarded?

how tf is there only soul in discs? the soul in the game, not in how u launch it


and this is how console gamers become socialists

>Buy game
>>Turn on console
>>Insert disc
>wait hour for install
>wait two hours for updates
>ps4 crashes
>have to restart the system multiple times

>Buy Game
>Put Cartridge in Console
>Turn on Console

>Buy Game
>Put disk in Console
>Play it

IMAGINE paying scalpers HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS for PS2 video game discs just to play it on original hardware

There’s a reason every “im bored what should i play” thread is made by Pcfags, that soulless platform eventually sucks out all the energy and fun out of you. You could have 500 console ports installed yet you don’t want to play them, you know what you’re doing is wrong, you know those games were never meant to be played on a PC, PC gaming is communism.

> Catridge sticks
>blows into i

yeah it sure sucks having literally everything at your fingertips so you don't play something because you can play anything like living in a first world country and being bored

Keep lying to yoursel.

> can open up any torrent site for any games that will never ever reach consoles and get them in 10 minutes instantly so i have to judge how to best use my time

>Buy game
>Turn on console
>Insert disc

>Gather all informations to hack your console
>Hack it
>Bypass all stupid limitations like memory cards, region zoning and such
>Install your own custom themes
>Install some cool emulators
>Install game
>Mod it to uncensor and have jp voices
>Play it

Why are buyfags so soulless?

>PC gaming is communism.
Having multiple platforms to buy games (and even easily pirate) is Capitalist as fuck. Being tied down to a walled garden with content censored by a California Company is true communism.

Attached: dfa.jpg (1500x1070, 298K)

>literally that mad you broke your f key
just because you live in a third world country doesn't mean we have to, user

>There’s a reason every “im bored what should i play” thread is made by Pcfags
Most of them are made by sonyfags though.

Seethe harder amerimutt.
If a game never released on consoles it’s simply not worth playing.

It's because the PC has too many distractions. Most common being chat honking at you but also everything else in general while the console is a dedicated gaming platform.

Also lack of comfy couch.

Attached: comfy kotatsu.png (891x605, 355K)

Sure thing pumpkin, if that’s what you need to believe :)

Little does he know, I live in Britbongistan.

Okay Mohammed.

because you're autistic

I actually know what you mean. I think there is something that feels naturally and physically analogue about having the old hardware, probably feels realer. Plus playing on PC and worse an emulator kinda makes the interaction with the game feel a bit more arbitrary and distant, like being able to edit files or mess with settings, mods and options, literally fast forwarding/rewinding time and also knowing it's just a program running amongst programs.

A decent analogy would be comparing whipping out your old musky rustic 1965 print edition of Frank Herberts Dune, vs torrenting an epub of it to read it on your phone. Reading the original book is truly where the SOUL is.

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>my thing true ur thing false, sorry sweatie ;)
Neck thine self

What a Trash post.

Cope harder.

>Turn on console
>Insert disc
>wait for it to install
>wait for day one patch to download
>oops, system update is up, restart now!
So much souls. Don't you sully Kat with your shitty memes, you nigger.

Threatened by the truth, still in denial.

Nice meme but this thread isn’t about that, cope harder Pc.uck.
This guy gets it.

Not threatened, just a Trash post.

More like
>Turn on console
>insert disc
>installs in 30 seconds
>can play in 10 seconds cos you only need partial install to play games
>download update in background during play, while pc fag is downloading everything from scratch
>next system update is a month away
>even if it wasn't, you can just postpone update
It's almost like the anti-console fags have never played console...

>t. NPC

Cope harder.

The most soulless part of PC gaming is using KB+M to play. It feels so horrible like I'm doing my taxes or something and hurts your wrists after a while.

This is the dumbest thread I've seen in a while.
Why the Gravity Rush fanbase always comes out with shit like that?

Why does the truth make you so angry?

Must be my faulty PS4 Slim...
Your next line will be:
>he bought Slim
Stop fucking lying, fags.

It's not the truth; it's some weird delusion coming from Katfags, as part of their strategy to trick people into buying that garbage series.

Imagine not being able to enjoy non-physical, let alone pirated games. Sounds more pathetic than my life.
It's the same fucking game.

>Buy game
>Turn on console
>Insert disk
>Wait until it installs and updates

>Pirate or buy on PC
>Install and update
>Game crashes on boot
>Troubleshoot issue
>"lol works for me :)"
>Find solution after 2 hours
>Game works but runs at 20fps and won't go fullscreen
>Troubleshoot some more
>"lol should've bought the game :)" regardless of if you did or didn't buy the game
>Find and download unofficial patch
>Virus has been detected!
>Find different unofficial patch
>Game finally runs at it should
>Play for an hour
>It's shit

>pirate Vesperia
>play a bit
>not satisfied with some shit so download the unofficial fix
>it has fucking DRM
>find how to bypass the DRM and do it
>get double steam overlay
>search for hours how to fix it
>find jackshit
>deal with it and just keep playing
>drop it soon after because it's actually trash

because pcs weren't made for gaming

>Buy licensee to game
>PC crashes
>Restart PC
>Steam client updates
>Check Steam library
>No game
>Check bank
>Money still stolen

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if soul is the 'spark' of life then a CD is just a vessel and the direct download is true soul.

Poor lost soul wandering aimlessly in the ether(net), without a body for to which give it life. A true shame.

>pirate pc game
>listen to rad installer music
>game works perfectly
>can add as a non-steam game if you need ds4/switch/xbone/steam controller support
>plenty of guides to get steam workshop mods working on the cracked version

Gothic 2 is the most soulful experience I have ever had and it was PC exclusive. I'll never forget those sunday afternoons playing it on the family PC while it was raining. I wanna go back.

are you retards really trying to argue about the emotional value of install methods

Anything to justify being a consolefag

Kat's not the brightest candle in the world, but she deserves better than being used for low-grade retardation

Cope lmao.

I can smell the smoke coming out of your head now mate.


The only objectively correct way to play Doom is via floppy disc.

Another simpleton who’s IQ is too low to get this thread, poor thing.

I get the thread, you're to poor to afford a computer.


Remember when PC had soul and unique games?
Meanwhile i can still play new console games on my new consoles.

I have a great PC i use for avid but that’s it, PCs aren’t made to play videogames, it just feels wrong and soulless.

It takes an intelligent person to understand the soul of PC. The way games are more intimate since you're so close to the screen, having full control with your mouse and setting the graphics until it works perfectly on your machine, playing community mods and play games in dedicated servers with your friends.

Consolefags just play the flavor of the month and then completely forget about it.

Also I remember playing StarCraft as a kid and no console experience came close.

No idea what you're talking about retard. I'm enjoying my free games.

>I have a great PC
I know you do. Absolutely all consolefags do when it comes to argue on the internet.

Playing Morrowind on PC is way more soulful than playing TLOU on a PS4, I don't know what to tell you.

>24 fps
>60+ fps

I've got both a PC and a PS4 actually and can find plenty of games on both to play and have fun with. (You) for getting me to reply though.

Consoles are now just watered down PC with bad performance, they lost what being a console was about like 2 generations ago.

Why are Playstation users like this?
Seriously you rarely see this from Xbox, Nintendo or PC users its always Playstation fans.
Even Sony so fucking fed up with these "people" yet they just don't stop doing this console war shit.
On that note, I'm gonna leave you guys to play Mordhau.

Sony friends like to make enemies whenever they go, it's always Sony vs Microsoft, Sony vs Nintendo and Sony vs PC.
Blame it to the average age on Yea Forums being 18 and the PS4 being the most popular console.

>squatted house
>stolen electricity and water
>eat insects
>stolen pc
>neighbor's wifi
>pirated games
>having the time of my life
When are you changing for the better, buyfags?

Attached: download.jpg (186x271, 6K)

Why are you so obsessed with Sony? I’m talking about consoles in general, i use my Xbox One X for multiplats and my Switch for indies, my PS4 is only for Sony 1st party games and JRPGs.
Stop being poor.

>buys all the consoles and then goes to Yea Forums to complain about PC

24fps is soul because real life is 24fps

the life is given by the computer after the soul leaves the body (cd). it's not the cd that controls the soul, but the computer.

>Buy game
>Insert disc
>Turn console on
>"Please wait while the game is being installed"

Attached: (lol.png (115x189, 31K)

Because they are Snoyniggers?

so you can only play current gen games

I own a Sony PVM 14m2e with RGB scart hooked to my PS1, N64, PS2 and Gamecube.

You’ll literally never get the best versions of these games, ever.

This shitty mentality is what makes me buy physical games

just bought Tomba for 80$

Switch should be pixelated for extra soul

>hurr durr me get thing and put in other thing good

more like

>Buy Game
>Put disk in Console
>Install game
>download update
>install update
>create account for X
>play it

>It takes an intelligent person to understand the soul of PC.
t. /r/pcmasterrace

You forgot:
>click on "I agree"

Pc gaming is a meme. Let them tranny faggots play their pixel shit tumblr shovelware and korean ASSFAGGOTS in peace.

>buy vinyl
>see the artwork
>put the record in
>adjust the knobs and needle
>press play on computer

I would but they ruined Yakuza threads.

True, same thing happened with the souls series after PC cuckolds were dumb enough to buy it on GFWL. Now it's all sunbro reddit faggotry

I don't understand, console fags think they're better than anyone?

>watch movies on Netflix
>listen to music on Spotify
>read books on a kindle

All pclardasses are fat cuckolds raising another man's child and will eventually die of ass cancer like your mascot totalbiscuit.

pc gaymurrs are all redditfags and discordfags who need to use cheat engines to beat games. they're at the bottom of the totem pole.

PC fags are the most /fit/ of all the gayming community, because they're the only ones who have patience and are willing to put effort into things, unlike console fags who are just lazy faggots and think PCs are too complicated for them. The mediocre mentality carries to everything, from school, to eating habits, to exercise. You can't deny this.

Yes? Even RDR2 threads could have been shit with xbox one x fags bragging about graphics and performance over the PS4 yet they didn’t.

Only Pcmutts ruin threads.

>PC fags are the most /fit/
Stopped reading there

Attached: index.jpg (259x194, 7K)

have sex, you're hating a type of person that doesn't exist

Seething pclardass

>be me
>PC fag
>be /fit/
>fat console neckbeards who masturbate to Persona girls call me fat on Yea Forums

It's just the purhase justification fallacy.

Except i was part of and remember how Dark Souls and Yakuza threads were before PC rebbit subhumans ruined them.

I mean, sony negros ruined Yea Forums with their constant console wars, memes and threads like this, and I don't go around complaining and making threads about it.

>be pc fatfaggot who donates to tranny pixelshit shovelware on patreon and pirates 20 year old console scraps
>go on an anime imageboard and lie about being fit
As if any more evidence was needed that most pclardasses are third world shitskins

>be you
>someone on 4ching wrote something
>you feel insulted and have to defend yourself
>on 4ching

I literally have no idea what you're talking about you have some weird friendships there man

yakuza threads literally never existed until they came out on pc unless you are talking about the ps2 releases

>being more obsessed with the medium than the contents
You enjoy movie games, right?

No shit, you're another PC tranny tourist from plebbit. Go back nigger

>be black
>call others shitskins
Come on man.

>Buy game
>Turn on console
>Insert disc

you got the wrong order there pal

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I mean it doesn't get any easier than steam.
There's not really any difference besides performance and lack of needing to troubleshoot/worry about performance issues due to hardware in consoles and pc anymore, anyone saying there is is just a retard.

>Buy game
>Insert cartridge
>Turn on console

The further you stray from this, the less soul you have. Discs can go blow a dick

I mean you seem to know a lot about these tranny pixel games or whatever, I don't know how does that relate to PC.

And stop pretending to be white, there are no white console fags unless they're 14.

You forgot install directx 3.0a

Nah thanks to cds we got the best Squaresoft and Enix games of all time, there’s a reason the N64 barely has any games.

>Buy game
>Turn on console
>Insert disc
maybe 10 years ago

>Buy PS4 game
>Turn on console
>Insert disc
>Install the game
>Download the patches
>Finally play it

Console cope really ran thin over the years if it has to rely on shitty non quantifiable memes. Guess there are no major advantages of consoles with the death of couch co-op, patching and paid online anymore.

Install takes less than a minute and i can start playing while the patch downloads.

The only thing that died is PC gaming now that it’s a console port graveyard, couch co-op is alive and well on Nintendo consoles and soon Xbox and PS4 too with CTR remake.

That's because pclards shill their FOTM kikestarter pixelshit every day on Yea Forums.
And There are no white pc gaymurs unless they're soi-guzzling faggots like tb. 99% of pctrannies are brazilian monkeys and slavshits.

>Buy game from Epic Store
>Play it
>Mmmmmmmm, that's the stuff
Peak Soul right here
