Why is she so perfect?
Why is she so perfect?
Cetra DNA, son
She's a vaginagirl
A face built to be covered in gallons of thick semen.
I'm going to fuck her face!
Japanese fans are furious on twitter though, they think she looks like a tranny due to her sharp jawlines and pronounced chin.
They also say that AC Aerith looked better due to looking younger and cuter with a more round face.
Personally i think they're retarded because that mouth and those lips are made for endless blowjobs, webm related.
Nice get fag
It's undeniable.
sexts of truth
Oh forgot to add, their main complain is that she looks like a foreigner instead of Asian.
waste of a get
>sharp jawlines and pronounced chin.
lmao that's literally the anime sameface shape
why are japs so retarded?
I don't believe this for a second
this I kinda could believe but I'd need some evidence
holy based
wasted desu
kind of a weirdly hostile response
based as fuck
Both posts are true, Japanese fans on twitter are going apeshit over this since the trailer was released, we're talking thousands of shares and retweets of this bullshit. They even photoshopped her face to have less corners.
Her eyes are hypnotizing
Are they blaming westerners for her changed appearance? Capcom has been doing the same thing with their female characters since MH:W.
Why is her tongue such a weird color. Looks gross
>I don't believe this for a second
>comes from an ancient race of people FROM THE FUCKING MOON
>looks like a foreigner
They're being retarded. Aerith was always a white woman and she's being portrayed as accurately as ever. Her face structure is a little Scandinavian just to make sure.
Her dub voice is cute.
>right side
oh no, it's retarded
lol what the fuck are they smoking? The one on the right looks shitty as fuck, considering the overall art style.
Hey it's Michael Jackson
Anybody else wish they look like Cloud? Man, I just want to be like him.
What the fuck is wrong with japs?
right looks like if Aerith was in FFIX
What's worse is that I'm a Tifa fag
why is her nose shopped in this
Pee pee poo poo
>gay little earring
no thanks senpai
No wonder they haven't revealed Tifa yet, if this is the internet's response to Aeris, Tifa is gonna be a million times worse.
eyes on the left
How did they pull it off Yea Forumsros?
>Squeenix actually does something right for a change
>they're going to go fuck up the model because the non-Japanese girl doesn't look Japanese
it's not going to get better until the West can start actually making good games and good character models
Holy fucking based
Mad digits, lad
Oh. Man.
When you're hot you're hot!
The get gods have spoken!
I'm a Tifa fag but......... fuck............ those digits........... can't argue with them...........
Absolutely retarded. FFVII's main cast except Yuffie are all westeners, it's so obvious it hurts. The main character is a blonde dude from a Norse named town for fuck's sake.
Check em
Is this the power of the Ancients . . .
what a get
Because she is a cartoon designed by an undoubtedly large group of horny, lonely men projecting their fantasies onto a blank canvas. Not your waifu.
Well deserved, lad
not a blank canvas
Well, at least it's still Yea Forums related.
she looks like Sephiroth now?
I don't even have a dick and I want these lips around my dick.
Yeah just make her have fetal alcohol syndrome. Pretty good reminder of how nobody should listen to Japanese otakus.
>fetal alcohol syndrome
Why do you think all nips look the way they do?
Because this spaghetti niggers is based
Nomura is doing the main cast, he even talked about touching up clouds design last year
kiss me Yea Forums
silence pedo
>approached by an amazingly pretty girl
>can't respond because you're still nutting over Sephiroth
>The words Flower Girl when transliterated into Japanese read as Furowa Giruru
>the Kanji 風俗 is also read as Furowa Giruru. When translated into english this means prostitute
Cloud knows she's not interested in him. All she wants is his gil.
>non-Japanese girl
All anime girls are japanese.
she seems sweet, i hope nothing bad happens to her :)
if she's so perfect why does she die lol
That'll be 1 gil! Heh, got another sucker! Never forget to smile and lean in so he can take a look at the goods, Aerith. Always works.
Wtf? Her name is actually Earisu?
I like this design. It makes it kind of sad knowing what happens.
Also the game looks good, Yea Forums btfo
Literally no one but 0.01% minority are "furious", just ignore those retards. She has very feminine features all over, literally nothing masculine about her jaw lmao.
But, she isn't Asian...
hohoho based
Those edits by Japs look hideous LMFAO
She looks 10/10 in the trailer
Jesus christ nips are fucking stupid. Looks like an alien freak in the edit. Looks gorgeous in the teaser.
that'll be 1000000 gil!
Fucking based
she rents "flowers" by the hour
she looks retarded in both pictures
Nope. She literally has 10/10 looks in the game.
Are you sure? Because from what I've been in JP Twitter and other JP social media is that a lot of them are so excited. The only thing they were disappointed about was that SE didn't show Tifa yet. Also they complained that the trailer was too short.
>canon street walker
what was square thinking?
She got nerfed.
that a girl has to make a living somehow down in the slums
I'm pretty sure he's just making shit up.
I'm obsessed
Have sex
Let's talk about how much better Cloud looks. They finally took a hit from Smash or something, he doesn't look so baby frail.
Just dropping by to check.
source? condom in mouth is my fetish
Son, I'm impressed.
Because we haven't seen Tifa yet
Small tits are not inherently worse than big tits, it's about the shape of them my nigga
Let it never be said that Aeris is a poor businesswoman.
that is just wrong one. this is better. desu, her nose is too long.
Based and Checked
Why does everyone that thinks they can improve the Aeris design we got think it involves turnint her into some kind of twelve year old gremlin with a pronounced forehead?
"Aerith is a prostitute" has to be the flimsiest, dumbest fan theory I have heard regarding any game.
Nomura literally said they designed her with a long skirt because she is too pure to wear a short skirt. Her theme in the OST is called Pure Heart. She is referred to as "The Maiden of the Planet", outright stating she is a virgin.
by the way, the original is the long face version. she looks fucking horse face woman.
Looks worse than in the trailer, eat shit
Either Tifa got nerfed too or they wanted to make Tifa look better. I could buy either really.
Except it's a stretched image to push this retarded gook agenda. Her face is not long in the trailer.
based and cetrapilled
You got a page or something?
except that is not a stretched one though. you can check it in the actual trailer, retard.
It's clearly stretched in the comparison images to a different ratio.
Her face isn't long in any way in this actual 720p screenshot, literally perfect proportions.
fuck off stupid fucking faggot, manjawfag, youve been complaining in all threads
i can see that happening, then a menu opens
>its 1 gil though tehe!
Buy the flower
dont buy the flower
No I don't think he's actually lying. I do think he cherry-picked though.
hes the "manjaw" retard who spam this shit every aeris thread
holy shit
You are fucking retard or simply blind, kys.
Well, just extract the image from hat gif file, then compare it with that PS blog's one, moron
>hfw you put it in
Because she is both cute, beautiful and pure. She is perfection and perfectly designed girl.
She is very wholesome and warm.
There is a myth that men want girl what acts like literal whore, dresses some vulgar shit, takes some vulgar look. Maybe we want that kind only to pump and dump but nothing more.
But in reality we men just love girls that are beautiful and pure, and warm and wholesome.
I wish i could lay my head on Aerith's lap and then she rubs my head and cheek with her soft hands.
Thats how they pronouce Aeris
They should move her eyes a few pixels down.
these fucking jap autistic retards with a 10 day free trail to photoshop think just because they edit a still image it will be fine in 3D. the small alien head edit is gonna look fucking retarded once you see if from the side
Okay, real talk now, I missed out on some good shit growing up, so here goes.
What are some good games of the series that a person who's not really into turnbased-stuff could enjoy? I know that all of them are that, but I've heard stories these games tell aren't that bad and so I'd like to know which games tell the best ones so that the story could carry me through all of that.
I'll probably end up dropping them anyway, because turnbased combat is a huge turnoff for me, but who knows.
Nice ant pictures retard. Too afraid to post high definition images because she's objectively 10/10. They nailed it.
GIF2 = Silver–Russell syndrome
It doesn't stop them with anime. Fucking insect people despise any real proportion that reminds them how ugly and devoid of variety their race is.
Just play 7, it's the most famous one for a reason. It has by far the largest amount of top tier characters, and the best story. For example, the second most popular one, FF9 has a completely generic sword and sorcery fantasy plot with no twists or anything.
FF7 is the only one worth playing if you at this point have never gotten into them.
Also, 7 isn't really "turn based", the enemies don't wait for their turn to attack you. The system is actually time based, and the enemies attack you every few seconds or so, regardless of whether you perform any actions yourself.
So if you are too slow with your decisions, the enemy will attack you a lot more than you attack it.
Can someone pass that filter that removes the make-up?
Not really. my shit isn't good enough and tumblr is for the gays.
Oh, well, then you retard admit that is not a stretched at all, nice. But I dont think you autist have good appreciation for valuing whether something is beautiful or not when you are not being able to find out whether or not that small gif is actually stretched by me. seriously, you are incompetent more than what you think of yourself.
How do the japs do it? I just can't believe it. SNOY tranny lovers BTFO.
Anyplace I could go to find more of your stuff? I'd like to see what you've done
checked and kek'd
>tfw youre not into tranny Aerith
>wanting to look like a chink
Two nukes weren't enough.
Nigga is right, left looks disgusting
I just realized that Aeris is looking at the buster sword
>comes from an ancient race of people FROM THE FUCKING MOON
>Aerith was always a white woman
yes, people living in moon are white. what a retarded
she looks so repulsive, why Nomura
>Aeris tits and hips got already nerfed
>Tifa is probably next
>last name is Gainsborough
>biologically a member of an ancient race
Japs are fucking dumb.
her cheek bones are also to fucking huge she looks like Kimosabe
>ignoring the massive jaw
My biggest problem with her new model is that her face is too long, and her eyes are way too high
Doesn't stop you morons from complaining that Cloud has asian facial features. You're all idiots.
Aerith lives confirmed!!
yeah if you take pics frame by frame you ARE gonna find some goofy ones, even in attractive people
you have to analyze the model in its context, in movement.
What's your opinion on 6 and 8? Also, does any ps2 era FF worth a try?
They made him too chinky tho
That doesn't change the fact that her face is too long nigga
Anime over exposure melted their brains for sure, jesus christ.
thanks for proving em right retard
The character designer is a westerner, he also probably changed 2015 Cloud (who was amazing) due to feedback, i wish these people would shut the fuck up, he better not change Aerith
yes it does, because it isnt.
>tfw you're a tranny not into Aerith
yeah, its a fucking shame that they changed meth Cloud, his unhinged look was 10/10
Name's origin in our real world doesnt matter in games because its a fantasy world where fantasy people living in not related to the actual world in which we are living. I bet you are the type who argues Kusanagi Motoko is Japanese name so she must be racially Japanese.
Nomura is now in the producer position, he just gives yes's & no's to what he likes or dislikes, he hasn't designed shit for years
His last real design was probably 2006 Noctis
Put down those waifu glasses for a sec, user.
I'm not buying the game unless they fix her jaw/cheeks. It would take 5 seconds to fix in maya.
this. Tranny Aerith is a no buy
it's more like he now looks like a k-pop star with a blonde wig, it does look a bit silly imo
Yes, the ancients in FF7 are white. They are literally space Aryans you dumb gook.
Literally a perfect feminine jaw mate, check your eyes
Completely normal face length, another blind fuck
It's been a while...CLOUD
>when you notice someone jacked your old boyfriends sword
>They are literally space Aryans you dumb gook.
then you are space nazi, great. just dream about your fictional world being delusional.
I really appreciate those little details in these trailers
Anyone that says she has a masculine jaw is a jawlet tofu boku.
This Tifa though.
Nowhere permanent. I frequent the Time Stop thread on /d/, though.
You are a retard
They're nothing special. Trust me, 7 is by far the best one when it comes to story and characters.
PS2 ones, FF10 is good graphically and gameplay wise but again, the story is wack bullshit and the characters are retarded. Just play 7.
You're blind, she has perfect face proportions and features.
Bunch of faggots on Yea Forums as usual.
>why don't you like the manjaw version of Aeris???
You gay nigga
She's cute but could be cuter. All they have to do is bring the jaw in a little.
True. She clearly has like 10/10 idealistic female features, to an almost unrealistic level.
Anyone crying about her feminine jaw must have a seriously awful jawline as a man and is SEETHING because even women have better jawlines.
She objectively has a feminine jaw in every way. Not a single masculine feature about it.
Left picture is obviously what your own jawline is like, and it triggers you to no end that even 99% of women have a better jawline than you.
>wtf why does Aeris GAINSBOROUGH look white
her face is just too long
good get
Noted, thanks. I'll give it a spin.
Impressive. Very nice
>Animu chick gets a realistic jawline
It looks repulsive
You have been jawed, Yea Forums. There is no way they will re-render all the scenes and you know it.
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Capital city
Clockwise from top: City of London in the foreground with Canary Wharf in the far background, Trafalgar Square, London Eye, Tower Bridge and a London Underground roundel in front of Elizabeth Tower
She looks like a chink tho
Convert! God has sent you a message!
>She objectively has a feminine jaw in every way.
And? It could be even more feminine. I want her to be maximum qt.
It's not, it's normal. Maybe you're looking at this from a biased perspective because your own skull is malformed and manlet sized?
It looks perfect. You are a homosexual. And there's nothing anime about anyones appearance in the remake, literally everyone looks photorealistic... Wtf are you on about.
Would it really take that long?
crash zhe météorite
legendary and aeris deserves it
>incels with yellow fever are SEETHING about beautiful 10/10 white female characters that they could never have a chance with IRL so much that they photoshop her jaw wider or longer in images to push their pathetic agenda
That's a yikes from me dude
Never played FF7 because it looked so ugly, but now I will be able to because it is not ugly.
London is considered to be one of the world's most important global cities[17][18][19] and has been termed the world's most powerful,[20] most desirable,[21] most influential,[22] most visited,[23] most expensive,[24][25] innovative,[26] sustainable,[27] most investment friendly,[28] most popular for work,[29] and the most vegetarian friendly[30] city in the world. London exerts a considerable impact upon the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transportation.[31][32] London ranks 26 out of 300 major cities for economic performance.[33] It is one of the largest financial centres[34] and has either the fifth or sixth largest metropolitan area GDP.[note 3][35][36][37][38][39] It is the most-visited city as measured by international arrivals[40] and has the busiest city airport system as measured by passenger traffic.[41] It is the leading investment destination,[42][43][44][45] hosting more international retailers[46][47] and ultra high-net-worth individuals[48][49] than any other city. London's universities form the largest concentration of higher education institutes in Europe.[50] In 2012, London became the first city to have hosted three modern Summer Olympic Games.[51]
London has a diverse range of people and cultures, and more than 300 languages are spoken in the region.[52] Its estimated mid-2016 municipal population (corresponding to Greater London) was 8,787,892,[4] the most populous of any city in the European Union[53] and accounting for 13.4% of the UK population.[54] London's urban area is the second most populous in the EU, after Paris, with 9,787,426 inhabitants at the 2011 census.[55] The population within the London commuter belt is the most populous in the EU with 14,040,163 inhabitants in 2016.[note 4][3][56] London was the world's most populous city from c. 1831 to 1925.[57]
>And there's nothing anime about anyones appearance in the remake, literally everyone looks photorealistic
Holy fuck, you're one dumb nigga
imagine being such a zoomer that you can't appreciate the cute chibi popeye models
She already is. 10/10. Perfect in every way.
Call down dude
Thanks for proving me right by having no counter argument. You literally couldn't come up with a retort to prove me wrong so you resorted to insults, very immature.
You wouldn't be able to prove me wrong anyway, since all characters so far shown have looked photorealistic with nothing anime about their faces.
>horse face
The vertex shading means its aged a lot better than other games of the era.
You have lost your mind homo. They couldn't make her look more feminine if they tried, there's literally not a single masculine feature on her face and you know it.
Seek help.
the game literally has a europe and an asia though
Quite literally garbage.
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Coordinates: 51°3026N 0°739W
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Sovereign State
United Kingdom
Constituent Country
London (coterminous)
Greater London
City of London
Settled by Romans
AD 47[1]
as Londinium
City of London & 32 boroughs
• Type
Separated devolved executive mayoralty and non-legislative assembly within unitary constitutional monarchy
• Body
Greater London Authority
• Mayor Sadiq Khan (Lab)
• London Assembly
• London Assembly
14 constituencies
• UK Parliament
73 constituencies
• European Parliament
London constituency
• Total[A]
607 sq mi (1,572 km2)
• Urban
671.0 sq mi (1,737.9 km2)
• Metro
3,236 sq mi (8,382 km2)
• City of London
1.12 sq mi (2.90 km2)
• Greater London
606 sq mi (1,569 km2)
36 ft (11 m)
Population (2017)[4]
• Total[A]
• Density
14,500/sq mi (5,610/km2)
• Urban
• Metro
14,187,146[3] (1st)
• City of London
7,700 (67th)
• Greater London
GVA (2017)[5]
• Total
£431 billion
($553 billion)
• Per capita
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UTC+1 (British Summer Time)
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All brunette girls with green eyes are perfect
It came out before you were born. Have a little perspective.
very cute, love lambert shaded low poly
Jesus Christ, you waifufags are absolutely insane. SE character are a mix between anime-ish aesthetics and realism. If you think that this thing looks like a normal human being than you are retarded
Imagine not liking soul.
Someone please post the prerendered backgrounds again, they are so comfy
>SE lost the source code for 7 and 8
It came out less than 30 days after I was born. I feel bad for boomers that are so used to looking at shit that they tell themselves they like it.
Because ugly girls can't be used as a sacrifice.
why do tifa fags hate her so much to lie about her?
She gives the flowers cheap because she wants the slums to be covered by them, polen and stuff to make slums green again.
unbelievable, you truly can't trust them with preservation
>why do tifa fags hate her so much to lie about her?
Most people like them both the rest is waifu wars
Aerith has to survive
Her cleavage goes almost down to her bellybutton, at this point its not a meme anymore
Objectively has perfect face features and proportions of a woman
low poly is a timeless aesthetic and you have garbage taste my friend
Wait, why are people are so upset with her character design? I think she looks good.
t. Never played any of the ff games.
Horse face'd
I play Morrowind unmodded because I prefer the original graphics. FF7 is ugly and the camera is the worst in any video game that exists.
Well Hojo was working on that but someone decided to stop him.
It literally looks like a normal human being, where I live at least. You must be American, I feel bad for you since in that shithole you could go an entire lifetime without seeing even a single actually 10/10 woman in person. But it's not uncommon to see 9/10's and 10/10's anytime you go outside in Scandinavia.
Keep seething retard. No one in the remake looks like an anime character, they have very photorealistic faces. Only thing anime is Clouds haircut, but we were talking about faces.
If she wants the slums covered in vegetation then why doesn't she just plant them herself
Probably "not asian enough".
Protip: avoid conversations with FF fans.
t. FF fan
>the camera is the worst in any video game that exists.
if you legitimately think this you havent played a lot of video games also the camera is standard pre-rendered era fair and functional
Jessie looked more attractive
Hapa mutts are seething because they despise white women due to incel rage. Literally no other reason, she does indeed look insanely good.
Face is too long also rumor is that "she" has a dick
Not him but I've been to Scandinavia and you're fucking delusional. Nobody on Earth looks like her
>insane waifufag has a meltdown because of his tranny waifu
>people in scandinavia have 50 cm eyes
Add me on the screencap senpai
absolutely retarded tier
She was supposed to be the cute type. Tifa was the less cute but big breasted type. Now there is no point in trying to revive her, she looks like a trannie.
I'm going to lick her asshole!
She looks like an onee-san type anime girl that always say ara-ara.
>not wanting to fuck a trannie in a pink dress
this is retarded but true at the same time
I think she looks good too, but I don't think "hold me bros she's so beautiful it hurts" like some of you guys seem to. I certainly don't think she's ugly. The eyes are pretty (except for the lower eyelid skin looks too thick) but they make her seem like another species, which is fine I guess because she actually is another species
>She was supposed to be the cute type
Doesn't she look cute? What's cute nowadays? Vidya wise anyway.
too soon bro
except those are not called as asia or europe, either. the fact that the game has some features reflecting our actual world doesnt mean the rest of it must be perfectly aligned with our actual world. otherwise, yuffie would be called as "chink". in the first place, yuffie is not even a japanese name.
Is Aerith dating Zack and EU thing?
They dont bloom anywhere else than the church, play the fucking game moron.
Women without a manjaw
Stop watching anime.
>My materia is too strong for you, traveler.
Will Tifa be hotter?
her CC look was perfect, this one is a bummer
That "manjaw" incel still samefaging the thread? Rofl have sex
She'd better be, considering Tifa was always hotter
So...average caucasian features?
Get pregnant
>Square lost the native resolution pre-rendered backgrounds for FF9
They will give her also a manjaw and a strap on so she and Aerith can tag-team Clouds assshole
there are no people having a small mouth like that. the funny thing is, that most caucasian's mouths are uglily big.
>I feel bad for you since in that shithole you could go an entire lifetime without seeing even a single actually 10/10 woman in person.
I'm American and I agree with you. I didn't see any top tier woman until my trip to Tokyo last year. The women there were gorgeous and reminded me of my animes.
It's really not that emphasized and besides it's just one angle, one frame. You can take a pic of any vg character when it's up close like that and break down all of their facial traits to the point where you'll start noticing imperfections.
It could've been worse.
Gainsborough is an adopted name. She's really Aerith Gast.
>American mongrels on total suicide watch
Holy fuck you guys are SEETHING
Just because there's nothing unrealistic or anime about her face and that's just actually how good the best Nordic women look like
She has a perfectly feminine jaw with no masculine features, get help.
Very nice.
What a manjaw
LOL all those fucking brainlets complaining.
Her face looks long on some scenes, because they are using a wide angle lens on the scene.
If you get any scene where she is far from the camera, you can see her face is just the average Square-Enix face.
Look at this screenshot. It is the average Final Fantasy Girl face.
The problem is that her jaw, eyes and cheekbones are way too prominent while her nose and mouth are almost non existing combine this with the more realistic XV textures and you get a uncanny valley look
Nice post parodying those delusional mutts, good one user.
just get it on PC, mods will fix it.
No, there literally is no such problem. You are a mentally ill mutt with issues. Seek professional help.
There's nothing uncanny valley about it, looks perfect.
>This faggot really thinks that the bitch from the image looks anything like this
Your autistic
You're blind and illiterate.
Of course. Tifa is literally famous for being the hottest girl in video games.
Square is setting you up for a very hard fall. I don't even wanna play FF7R, imagine that beauty getting murdered man, fuck that shit.
It was just an example, but she actually very much does, even to the detail of both having big green eyes. Wasn't even intending it as a comparison on a detailed level.
Keep seething nigger mutt.
what the fuck
I don't understand, are you trying to imply that the proportion of Aeris face are anything like pic related?
Because nips
I bet you spent the past 25 minutes writing up an extremely autistic essay replying to each poster on how she looks like a real Scandanavian and how we're all just retarded Americans, then you reread it and realized how dumb you sounded so you just deleted it and went with "SEETHING"
>you are a mentally ill mutt with issues. Seek professional help
peek projection
Which FF7 character fucks black men?
haven't you learnt cherry picking image does not prove anything in school, boy? look at ugly skin spots on that whity face lol
Barret's dead wife
Can't believe Cloud looks like an absolute unit now
>open Yea Forums for the first time in half a decade
>see this almost immediately
>that close up
keep the long shots please
>They also say that AC Aerith looked better due to looking younger and cuter with a more round face.
Why do you care about japan and their pedo-preferences?
I don't care white boy
I dont know if you wrote ironically but i was actually imitating those, so chill
I agree with you
Are you implying it's not similar? Here's an example of an even more similar jaw.
Very nice fantasies you have there. You're one of those Elliott Rodgers types that ignores everything everyone else says and creates their own reality in their mind huh.
No I was serious, but I wasn't 100% sure if you were imitating them. Their delusion has become hard to distinguish from parody. I was like 70% sure.
I wanted to say Aerith but that chick fucks anything for 1 gil
Son, look at the camera angle
who is this cum plum
Who is this semon demon and how good is she at playing the skin flute
>You're one of those Elliott Rodgers types that ignores everything everyone else says and creates their own reality in their mind huh.
The fucking irony
That woman looks nothing like Aeris anime face, incel-kun
>her eyes widen a little bit when she sees the Buster Sword
I feel some deep psychological issues from your obsession to prove that Aerith looks like a REAL Scandinavian women while calling anyone who disagrees with you a mutt nigger
You can figure it out with just two fucking clicks, you autistic zoomer.
This is the ideal anime girl imo. Button nose, extremely soft looking face. Cute Doe eyes. Perfection
lips made for smooching
if they make FF characters to have the faces of these girls people would be really disappointed. anime is just anime and people like it because it is not based on the reality. the reality is too ugly.
no that was cecil not aerith she was the great grandaughter of tidus and yuna who discovered with shinra the ability to star travel and make tons of colonys
she litterally fucked nanaki for hours before they save her besides she was fucking both reno and tsung
but Aeris is from a space nigger race, she can't be Yunas and Tidus granddaughter
Okay but I just want you weebs to know that you're fucked in the head if you really think reality is too ugly for you and only 2D / 3D artworks can be pretty enough. You are genetic dead-ends
no more trannies pls
Her CC look is more or less the same, with less detail. Believe me, I've spent hours fapping to it in various posing programs
Agreed, but what does that have to do with what I'm saying?
>the Cetra
>space niggers
pic has never been more related
square even said that the lifestream is the pyrefiles 2.0 after they modded it during space travels.the reason it can be controlled and she can come back to infulence cloud is because shes half aeon
Is this from the game? I don't believe there's a cutscene showing her wearing bra.
Final Fantasy XV is the better game
Prove me wrong Yea Forums
Final Fantasy XV is THE worst RPG of this decade alongside FFXIII
Two of the HIGHEST BUDGET RPGs of ALL TIME and they were still SHIT
Only if you like boys and want Gladio to feed you some delicious noodles
There are so far nothing but very attractive women in FF7 remake. Seek help.
Both FFXIII and FFXV are great games. Get your shit together. As far as jRPGs go they are among the best. Only the Persona/SMT series rivals FF. Every other jRPG is dumb low budget same-face anime bullshit.
XII was better than XIII.
I wish I could post images but I'm banned from doing so. Holy shit niggas out there actually like them? WOAH.
Final Fantasy simply isn't good anymore and hasn't been since XII. Cope and face reality.
Good one user
Well, have fun being a cynical cunt then.
I'm sure one day you will find a game that meets your discriminating and classy taste!
>FFXIII and FFXV are great games
Damn son what are you smoking?
I kinda liked XIII battle system. But that's just it. XV's battle system is downright atrocious. Both as RPGs are shit.
It's called having standards :)
FF as a franchise is not worth playing anymore. JRPG fans have moved on.
It's my custom model that's been further customized from someone else's custom model (forget who's)
Iphones have unlimited IPs why would you not post from them?
The only good thing about XIII was Sera's breasts.
>that Tifa
I understand why Yuffie looks like a who, but why not rip Tifas Dissidia model if you want to make porn with the ff vii chicks
I’m sure it looks like you’re wining this argument. But to everyone else, you’re the one who’s desperately coping with the truth.
Nah sorry and stop changing your IPs. I know it's the same person. I shitpost and have shitposted on Yea Forums for 8 years so I know samefagging.
you're a fag, that's for sure
lmao XVfag seething. Enjoy your endless DLC and broken up game.
Her Dissidia model can't emote, being that it's literally just a dynamic texture. and the model I took I used instead was her Mobius model (which is closest I can get right now to her canon appearance) but since the mobius model uses her AC hair, I instead used Kokoro's DOA5 hair modded with a dolphin tail.
What do you think the chances are that SE will actually change Tifa's outfit when they reveal her on E3?
10% those original designs are nomura's children, he clearly would have more input about that kind of stuff than your typical director since he was the character designer on the original game.
Why does Tifa have such big milkies?
they are a bunch of big pussies if they change her hooker outfit
Your guess is as good as mine, user...
There's a better chance of them changing her bust size than her outfit. It's not like she's walking around in a skintight leather suit or a bikini, it's just a tanktop with exposed midriff and a short skirt, not even shorts that would outline her butt more.
Every time I see a post get this many replies I just imagine a bunch of spergs screaming out of their lungs.
Jealous, HAPA scum?
Do you have more of this Yuffie?
Yeah I agree with this. They will adjust her bust size for sure to Advent Children levels. Well if there's one thing I'll trust Nomura with him sticking with his original designs.
We are all Ryan Gosling at heart
God I hope the Nips won't get them to change her. Aeris looks good unlike... Cloud.
Not a whole lot. I'm not much of a Yuffiefag; I just included her for completion's sake, which is why I haven't put much effort in her model or poses.
How to make a character immortal
>holy digits
I doubt that any girl would look cute making that expression
she looks like my high school math teacher
lmao stupid cucks btfo. They kept saying in these threads Aerith looked japanese and anime.
both look like shit
Those are just insecure dicklets who keep saying because it's a Japanese made game everyone is automatically Japanese.
I like both.
I desperately want to fuck your high school math teacher