Competition is good.
Memes aside, why do we hate Epic?
Other urls found in this thread:
No Steam, No Buy!!
>Competition is good.
No it isn't. Especially when it comes from overseas. Imports are always better than domestic.
epic suck, but so do valve. let them fight.
Make the service better than pirating then we will talk
There's a million and one reasons not to like these guys, shill, but the anti-Linux views is the most low-hanging fruit for me
They are pretending to be for the consumer while not having any more pro consumer practices than other companies other than "we exist, and that's a good thing for consumers".
It's that same shit, but with a fresh coat of paint.
You already know why, stop pretending you not you fucking chink shill
Fuck of chink shill this has nothing to do with steam.
hehe ebin store
>when they're forcing exclusivity
Why do people keep saying this competition is good shit when you can literally buy games on only one specific store?
Speak for yourself. I don't give a fuck about this reddit autism over shitty DRM stores.
>just bought timed exclusivity on another Kickstarter project
Explain why I should support this kind of practice OP
competition is good when the competition isnt objectively worse and forces you to do business with them by throwing money around
this I only care for prices and grey market keys.
It's not competition when the pay money to prevent competition.
Also, I blame a lot the devs for that too since they are the ones who enable this kind of slimey practices. "Developers" who love money more than video games aren't developers to me.
I don't like how they pretend to support indies and small developers by offering them more profits. It is very clear they only care about the money and couldn't give a shit about the success of the games. They are trying to make themselves look like the good guys by literally throwing money around, and it just rubs me the wrong way
Get fucked, this is not a collective
I dont like their practises and all the shilling they get here and elsewhere
steam unironically has sales and promotions, it's like tesco of bydeo gayman
It's anti consumer
A DRM "launcher" with not a single good feature
The same problem I have with steam desu, just that steam is less shit
You care enough to leave a (You) in this thread
>Competition is good.
Name one thing that was improved because of epic shitty exclusivity abuse. Because I can give you million of things that got worse, including:
>lack of sales
>no regional
>no linux
>higher prices
>forced to install multiple stores, some of them being Chinese spyware
>making anti consumer practices like exclusivity a norm, which will only turn things worse in the future
I'll offer a different perspective. As someone who uses only Unreal Engine 4, it's mildly annoying that I have to go through the sluggish client to boot up my engine and get to work.
Valve doesn't allow me to buy Half-Life 1 on any store but Steam. It's the same shit since Valve doesn't even develop video games anymore.
I don't hate them. I wish them all the best.
Thats a retarded argument so I'm not even gonna bother correcting you, retard.
I don't hate epic, fuck steam shills.
>Competition is good.
This is always the first thing brought up. And every time its brought up, it gets shot down. Epic isn't bringing competition to the table. Its buying exclusivity. They're denying users the ability to choose. That's the opposite of competition.
No shit, you piss for brains. I'm explaining to OP that there is no collective mentality on Yea Forums as "we" it's just a vocal newfag minority who came here in the past few years that keep shitting this board up. This board used to be fucking cancer, but somehow it has gotten worse.
>Competition is good
Competion is good if it benefits the customer. However, what Epic does is not competition in a first place anyway.
>own ip developed by the company is the same as buying exclusivity of third party games
Retarded chink.
Every store that also have their own ip only sell it there, that's not exclusivity.
>competition is worse than pirating
>Worse than buying from steam
Hoe did they fuck that one up?
Think about the amount of money they spent on getting these exclusives. All that money is only a tiny fraction of their annual profit. How much do you think they spent on PR or advertisement to make them look good?
Have epic given a single reason to use their shit yet?
You'll be better off by using Paradox games as an example because nobody considers developed titles to be problematic (HL for Valve, Fortnite for Epic).
But people will (((argue))) that this is somehow different because Valve [citation needed] didn't give money to Paradox so IT DOESN'T COUNT. And I ask, what is the difference if money changed hands for the end user? There is none. The outcome is the same.
>memes aside
>posts a meme
Will the faggotry ever cease?
You'd have a point if we're talking about EA
people have grown accustomed to first party exclusives, epic is brings this to a whole another level with 3rd party exclusivity, games that they didn't develop or fund
Daily reminder that this is not about epic vs steam, it's about epic vs the consumers and the whole industry.
You get your personal information stolen and sold to chinks
i like epic because now i know which devs to pirate from
>Hostage games [Marketed as exclusives]
>Run by a faggot on twitter who sucks insect cock
>So far, full of shity games
>Some how can't do better than the low hanging fruit that is steam.
And people take these faggots seriously?
Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数
>Competition is good
Not when it involves exclusives for their shit tier launcher. They can keep adding new games for all I care but this exclusive bullshit needs to stop.
UE4. I'm surprised gamedev anons here aren't more bothered by being forced to go through the extremely slow store to get to the engine.
Because PCtards want to have as few programs installed as possible even tho every gamer that respects themselves have at least three 6TB SSD drives in their builds and Epic managed to snatch a few good games. People just stopped playing Ubisoft and EA games, they are shit anyways and most are on Steam already. This won't be the case with Epic
thank you epic, for paying my games
Valve should start delisting games from publishers that took money from epic for exclusivity, get rid of 2K's and Ubishits catalog.
This. I will pirate and shill against any faggot that sign with the chinks, at every opportunity. Even if game is good.
This guy knows whats up
why ubi?
>buying ubishit
>buying ubishit on another store if you need Uplay either way
people like that are mentally retarded.
Steam drones hate any and all competition
And no, Origin, GoG and Uplay never directly tried to compete with Steam
>Competition is good.
Competition is good but that is not what Epic is. If you want competition for the best service and the best prices put all games on all stores. If this happens everyone will just shop from GOG since they provide DRM free games and an optional launcher for anyone who wants it.
Ubisoft is also making deals with epic for timed exclusivity. I don't blame them though no one uses the uplay store..
>Valve [citation needed] didn't give money
innocent until proven guilty
>what is the difference the end user?
i don't want to create an account, download a new launcher to play phoenix point when it was originally intended to get a gog/steam release
Faggot see this
>you're only competing with steam if you take a scorched earth approach
heres your (you)
>Weeb pic
>Fuck steam shills
Sure buddy and where will you get your next waifu rape simulator?
Hello again dog eater. Wanna suck my dick?
Greenmangaming and Humble now offer Epic store keys
Aren't those sites just selling steam keys?
>he uses steam for buying his weeb vidya
>he buys vidya at all
Sasuga newfags.
Name 1 exclusivity deal that steam made.
Protip: devs choosing steam for quality is not exclusivity deal.
Protip2: own ip is not exclusivity deal.
Well they just delayed all the features that were supposed to come to their store according to their roadmap.
thank you based sweeeny and tencent
They gave them a lot of shekels, steam pre-prders were still up when it happened.
>defending steam
it is not about defending steam, steam is shit
It is about how Epic is even more shit acting like the saviour of us all. Yet people have to pay even more money to get games with an even worse platform than steam.
In a perfect world both wouldn't exist.
>Aren't those sites just selling steam keys?
Steam drones don't like you know about this
>Name 1 exclusivity deal that steam made.
You don't need to when you're the boss baron
>Protip: devs choosing steam for quality is not exclusivity deal.
Do Steam drones not remember when Steam was total shit and offered devs nothing? Achievements weren't added to Steam until The Orange Box in 2007 and reviews weren't added until 2010
All good points bratan, I hate having more launchers than games too. But if Epic didn't give money to dev and dev decided to make it exclusive still would people be furious it's not on Steam? My bet is yes.
You don't need Steam for Half-life 1. You can just buy the disc and instal, there is no client needed.
Dog eater you okay? You okay dog eater?
Epic also promised to stop with the exclusivity off existing stores and broke it a day later, let me know what it actually happens and you see a cheaper price and as much variety as without exclusivity
>Achievements weren't added to Steam until The Orange Box in 2007 and reviews weren't added until 2010
And every service that comes after should have these by default.
ching chong nip nong to you epic shill
>buying ubishit on another store if you need Uplay either way
I hate that. I bought a splinter cell on sale once and was confused when I had to sign up for Uplay to access it. Never buying ubisoft garbage again. It's what stopped me from buying Fractured but Whole, but apparently I dodged a bullet because it was shit compared to Stick of Truth
>Not competing for customers and actively harming competition for customers
>Just continuously trying to be newsworthy so they can make some more money off of a trickle of money from customers as well as selling their data. Not actually interested in competing with Steam properly by providing a better service or lowering costs.
Maybe someone should compete then.
>Do Steam drones not remember when Steam was total shit and offered devs nothing?
So it would be ok to make a new car branch, selling cars with the technique from around 1900 cause they are new to the business?
Steam should be the bottom line.
I don't give a fucking shit. This debate is super fucking gay, autistic, underage, GAY SHIT!!!!!!!
Whatever is the best fucking deal. I don't give a FLYING FUCK.
>>Name 1 exclusivity deal that steam made.
>You don't need to when you're the boss baron
>>Protip: devs choosing steam for quality is not exclusivity deal.
>Do Steam drones not remember when Steam was total shit and offered devs nothing? Achievements weren't added to Steam until The Orange Box in 2007 and reviews weren't added until 2010
That's a lot of words for "I can't give a single example for any exclusivity deal steam ever made". Fuck off chink I'm done talking with you :^)
Pre-order monkeys deserve to get fucked, but I do wonder what happened to the Steam pre-orders then? Did people get refunds?
so we will get reviews back in 2025? based and redpilled, truly competition was good all along
Ebin will fail because they view Steam as just a storefront.
Except they don't - Origin and Uplay still don't have user reviews
Winnie the Pooh, Steam still sucks.
Steam is better at every single thing and it is not a chinese spyware.
Also it has Linux support and this faggot hates Linux for some reason.
>Memes aside, why do we hate Epic?
Because fuck the Chinese.
>Competition is good.
You're not the customer being competed over in this competition, the publishers and devs are. You're the product. While it is possible for the end user to benefit from this competition, it's not necessary and not likely.
I support it because the /pol/-cunts have started screaming "ANTI-CONSUMER" which means I have to support Epic out of spite.
I don't hate Epic. It's just that I've been using Steam for 14 years. Between the old Steam sales and humblebundles I have over 300 games on that account. I can't really walk away from it.
Actually ubisoft said they are completely removing themselves from steam. All new games are not coming to steam (ghost recon break point).
Friendly reminder to not feed one man autismo chink who smaps the same shit for month farming (You)s so he can exchange them for social credit.
Origin and Uplay are shit
If you want to enter a business as a new big player you would try to overshadow the big guy, not arguing that he was small decades ago, justifiny your shit product.
Is he insane?
>Origin and Uplay still don't have user reviews
Which means they fucking suck. They are only used when they absolutely have to be and no one sings their praises.
The key sellers set their own prices which gives the user some form of choice, which is what matters ultimately.
That aside, Steam doesn't receive a cent from those keys.
the only reason you faggots want reviews is because it gives you the power to shit on games that had nothing to do with your current crusade. i'd rather not have reviews at all than sort through thousands of "fuck " (((reviews)))
steam reviews were a mistake
>that whole post
Is reddit seriously this retarded?
I have never written a review, but I have used many to research my gaming purchases. I haven't had to refund a game in more than a year because I can read about other people's experiences and decide for myself if I am interested.
>"competition is good"
>Epic adds $20-30 on prices where I live
Nah, fuck Epic. Even uPlay and Origin used to overcharge us, Steam was the one that fought for fair pricing for Asia and Origin/ uPlay had no choice but to follow because based Steam made it the norm. I'm not paying $85 for Borderlands and $110 for Metro just because Sweeney says so.
Good thing Epic doesn't think competition is good! Or having actual account security! Or their consumers in general!
When will mods range ban China already??
I wish Yea Forums didn't shill forntie just to spite pubg
now we have to see all those chinks spamming their shit
What is it with mutts and obsessing over chinks? Is it r/t_d shilling this hard for the trade wars?
>Origin and Uplay still don't have user reviews
And no one uses them either.
>No linux support
>Shittier service
>Fucks over customers
>Buying exclusives
>Dev catering
Imagine hating valve so much to the point that you're willing to trade one DRM store for another owned by a hypocritical faggot such as Tim Sweeney.
yes they would be, but i think they will more accepting to this (doesn't apply to kickstarter games) instead of epic just simply paying for exclusivity
like i said before, people grown accustomed to first party exclusivity, i remember when people were mad about bf3 being origin exclusive, and forcing you to use battlelog, but in the end it was a massive success
whats retarded about his statement?
>no reviews
>no forums
>no community guides
>no workshop
A garbage store that there are actually people who shill and defend it
>he thinks it's a competition when chinks are literally throwing money at devs instead of fixing their client
Just because your bus is gold plated that doesn't mean the seats for it aren't laced with needles with AIDS
>epic shills ignore that
Because they're trying to replace what's here with a worse service while insisting they have the moral high ground because they have more money.
Epic doesn't give the consumers anything. Competition is good but it already existed, and in a reality where you can literally throw millions of chinabucks at something to ruin it for everybody I'd rather Valve have a monopoly than let these epic shitters destroy it for the consumers.
>Ebin will fail because they view Steam as just a storefront.
Yeah, Steam is a way of life to Valve drones.
>whats retarded about his statement?
Everything, starting with "the key seller sets the price", which he forgets to mention that a lot of these off hand bought keys can get deactivated. And secondly about steam not receiving a cent from those keys. If the keys are legal, which in most cases they aren't, then steam receives most of the money, if not then it's a stolen key that can get deleted if detected by the system.
>he doesn't remember the orange box
>muh weeb
R*dditors are literallly incapable of forming an argument. Kys you braindead faggot.
Competition is bad when it's an objectively worse choice.
>no refunds
>only recently got a search feature
>I have 3 different Satisfactory versions because flawed system
>actively working against Linux support, which has seen so much progress the last few years
When did we start talking about the grey market?
Steam gives keys to the publisher to distribute to keysellers, did you not know this?
>All thos pics are only strawmen and ad hominem
>ignores all the problems with the launcher and Sweenys tactics
>reddit deflection
Oh shit nigger.
>Competition is bad when it's an objectively worse choice.
finally somebody who said it
why should anyone already in the business improve when the new competitor has no better product?
Except reviews have warned me against unfinished "early access" shit that never got finished, games with intrusive DRM and more.
>no argument
Oh shit chigger.
remainder that there are legions of paid shills shilling for ebin
>game is unplayable
>no one but user reviews talk about it
>Gaymen ""journalists"" don't know shit
I would have burned myself so many times without reviews.
They bought the company that was helping Valve with improving Linux support just to spite them, Sweeney is that petty.
>if detected by the system
You do realize that keys only get banned if the publishers of said game demands it, right?
Competition is good
The Chinese government walking in and buying market share is not.
That's such a retarded way of thinking that I'm surprised you're still alive. Why do you think they've made a filter for reviews which are off-topic or useless?
are you one of those cucked europeans that bought into China's Belt and Road project
>can't provide sources
>ignores the details of how keys are distributed and what kind of terms are set upon said keys
Why would I waste my time seriously responding to you, retard?
That's not how it works, retard. It can ban due to region differences and the like. This shit was literally laughed at on Yea Forums years back, but now newfags can't stop sucking on Gaben's cock. Kinda reminds me of another place that can't get off Gaben's dick.
redpill me from a casual standpoint why should I use epic. All I see outside of free games and holding others at gunpoint is a barebones store
same result is achieved if you go to youtube and avoid searching through thousands of irrelevant spam posts. you're acting as if only steam reviews are somehow telling you the hidden truth. i swear you reatards are incapable of doing basic tasks if valve doesn't provide you with
guess what assholes, steam is just as clunky and awful as epic if not even more so. but what am i doing, you guys will probably defend fucking cards and badges as an amazing feature.
Only legitimate point in this entire thread, Epic store is lacking in crucial functionality, though there is a road-map detailing when these features are planned to become available.
>Take only a 12% cut vs Steam's 30%
>The savings can be passed on the consumer, as we saw with Metro
If the developer/publisher decide to just charge the same price then it is them you should be mad at, not Epic.
They give their engine away for free and have a $100million IndieGrant with the only requirement being that you use their (already free) UE4 engine. They were doing this before the store was even launched. If this isn't supporting indies, what is?
And of course
This has been debunked, the guy that "exposed" the supposed spying processes was outed as a retard who didn't know what he was doing.
Tencent are just a minority shareholder in Epic. They have no influence.
Tencent have their fingers in many pies, Ubisoft, Acti-Blizzard, Paradox, Path of Exile, League of Legends and more. Chances are you've already directly been giving them money without even realizing it.
You faggots have been complaining about Steam being shit and Valve not making games for years. Now something finally comes along that has a chance to change things and you throw a shit-fit because China.
Grow up.
>use game journalists for reviews instead
>like Jason Schrieir who complained that Xenoblade 2 has too much gameplay and never learned how the combat worked
Because their launcher is ass
but steam keys are indeed free, check steamworks wiki, or that pc gamer article from 2017
but ofcoruse there are some restrictions
>instead of a 1 minute search through the filtered reviews go and look for none shill youtube videos that each are at least 5 minutes long
you seem mad bro
>The savings can be passed on the consumer, as we saw with Metro
No it can't. Metro is only $50 in a single country for brownie points with game journalists, and to make up for the loss, Metro's price was raised everywhere else in the world. Last I checked it was $113 where I live and $70 to $80 in most of Europe.
>strawman and ad hominem
>steam is just as clunky and awful as epic if not even more so
I don't use any of the forum bullshit or participate in the autistic jpg collections on Steam.
Is there another reason, aside from identity theft paranoia, that I should dislike EGS?
Nothing like the steamcommunity on steam. As filled with russian 10 year olds the forums may be, easily saving and uploading screenshots is good, having a guides section I can access just by pressing shift+tab is good, being able to trade or sell items on the community market is good, and being able to see reviews and what people are recommending and not is good. EGS has none of these and from what I played of fortnite, has no chat at all in any games except from team-only voice chat
I don't care since I pirate my shit anyway.
It is however hilarious to see all these seething mutts getting buttmad over some chinks fucking their monopoly while they claim to support a free market.
If mutts actually had a capable military that wasn't full of retards they'd invade China and fuck their economy in the ass like they do in the Middle-East but considering they can't even win against a bunch of third world sandniggers they won't risk it.
>but China
It's been said a million times by now. Fuck off back to where you came from.
I think those two are the most valuable ones
>Epic had to tell people to go to Steam for technical support when their stolen games didn't work
Kek, I wonder what will happen when an Epic-exclusive doesn't work.
It's a business transaction.
>the whole point about engine
Wrong on all accounts, especially since epic doesn't even have a monopoly on engines what the fuck. If anything, Valve could learn and offer to cut some of the fee for their own engine as well.
Gee, I wonder why.
china has everything to do with EGS you retarded european
>It's a business transaction.
so is a bribe
chink spyware. There is no fucking way that im going to willingly give my information to those fuckers.
And I don't give a shit. I hate mutts more than chinks, but I still deal with you subhumans. I can also deal with chinks.
It is Chinese data mining software that has a game store
Sweeney doesnt like to do sales nor allow third party key retailers to do so, so i wont bother with his shitty service.
>the only other alternative to retarded "1k hours 'it's ok'" steam (((reviews))) is game journalist's pieces
Nice mastery over the internet you have there.
>No it can't. Metro is only $50 in a single country
Good job proving your first statement wrong with your second.
>for brownie points with game journalists
Ah yes, a discount that directly benefits the consumer MUST actually be some kind of ploy in favor of another boogieman.
>and to make up for the loss, Metro's price was raised everywhere else in the world.
There is no loss to make up you brainlet. They can easily afford to charge the small amount less that they are, because they're getting a passive %18 more of the total sale. Prices are higher elsewhere due to regional factors.
>Last I checked it was $113 where I live
Not my problem that you live in a shit hole.
In 2005-2009, PC gaming was in a bit of a slump. Xbox 360 had just come out and was hugely popular. The money was in consoles, and developers were not excited about PC with the rampant piracy and leaks that happened there.
Valve didn't abandon PC though. They created Steam and stuck with it. It was terrible at first, but they endured, they improved, and they built the PC landscape that we know today. Thriving, lucrative, attracting even Japanese developers that never considered PC in the past.
Valve stuck by PC and put in work. Epic ABANDONED IT. Epic who got their start on PC with Unreal. They sold out to Microsoft, making Gears of War games 360 exclusive. If asked about PC, they would blame piracy for their own selling out.
But now they're crawling back, the 360 Gears gravy train is over. Fortnite was successful thanks to ripping off PUBG, and they want a piece of the PC pie. The pie VALVE cooked. Gruess what, from the perspective of a PC gamer: FUCK EPIC.
>friend uses fucking WeChat for some reason instead of WhatsApp, and always tells me to switch from Steam to the Epic Store
>one day he gets a picture he wants to save
>his phone won't let him
>the picture is sent to the Tencent servers instead to be checked first
Fucking kek, so these are Epic apologists. His phone can't even save a picture because it needs to be screened by China first.
Why is competition good?
? They are exactly the same, at least in my country
What is the diffrence there between steam and epic in that regard?
>If the keys are legal, which in most cases they aren't, then steam receives most of the money
based retard
steam doesn't get a cut from key sales
Game prices haven't dropped.
>>Last I checked it was $113 where I live
>Not my problem that you live in a shit hole.
but i thought epic was so good for the consumer?
competition and all that bullshit...
>game is $80 in Europe and $100 in Asia
I can tell you are American.
>If mutts actually had a capable military that wasn't full of retards they'd invade China and fuck their economy
The most underage post I have seen in a long time
>What is the diffrence there between steam and epic in that regard?
Epic does exactly what law demands of them, that means no refund
Valve goes far and beyond to give me refunds even for games that I have no claim under their own rules.
>WeChat, a property owned and developed by Tencent is the same as a privately owned company that they are a minority shareholder of
Steam has been fucking us with prices as well, at least us eastern europoors, and this has been problematic for years. So I don't really know why you've all decided to start sucking gaben's cock now.
If I were any more paranoid I'd say that Epic and Valve are working together because you are gladly taking Valve's dick now just because >muh chinese boogeyman
Videogames were a mistake.
>valve was second coming of jesus for pc gaming
My sides
Everywhere that matters he meant
Because someone said so on the internet!
>taking the bait
He's right about the US military being retarded though.
>hating the chink store means you are a steam drone
never change black and white fags
Why would I provide sources to someone stupid enough to think that valve makes anything from third party keys?
>Valve fucked us with prices
>Valve has no control over prices
Hmmm... odd.
>So I don't really know why you've all decided to start sucking gaben's cock now.
I guess they saw what the alternative would look like.
>taking the bait
is this the "only pretending" bait and switch?
I don't fucking care about mutt military yet it reeks of underage
Nigger prices are determined by the publishers in most cases.
>this is what eucucks that only know us laws from Yea Forums actually believe
Pathetic, educate yourself and know your rights. Valve had to be forced by the eu to give out refunds, they didn't do it from the goodness of their own heart jesus fucking christ.
is this tim posting?
If you have multiple products to choose from then the manufacturers of those products must compete with each other in order to get your money.
They can do this in multiple ways.
Offer a cheaper product than the competition, offer a higher quality product than the competition, offer better customer service than the competition, the list goes on but the point is that they have to make their products better and a better product is better than a worse one. You fucking mongoloid.
They're very helpful for smaller games no "professional" reviewer will bother to look at. Just look at the user reviews for BallisticNG or Supraland compared to its Metacritic score. Barely jackall there. Not to mention critic reviews tend to gloss over things like PC specific performance problems or updates potentially fucking over the game.
Eastern yuropoor here. The game is 59.99 yuros for me. Which is the standard on all stores for new games. Usually the prices here should be inflated, so I'm not understanding how this is supposed to work.
actually the 2 hours is a bonus
your right to refund digital content is void when you download it
Every publisher on the planet decided to ignore currency conversions even though every other platform obeys them. Sure thing steambots.
You say Valve is blameless here but will at the same time praise them for making an outstanding move by lowering prices for Russians. You guys are so blind it's not even funny.
I think 96% of the world's population matters.
Ehm, epic actually allow refunds the same way steam does.
Also, what you said is funny because valve for years was fighting the law to not offer refunds. They lost in the end tho.
I know my rights, I'm not eligible for refund of ANY goods I buy in the store only store policy enables the refund. Goods I buy from online have 12 day refund right EXCLUDING DIGITAL GOODS
It is. Subhuman mudshits don't count.
yet they do it
does it matter if it is from goodwill or not?
The simple fact is, you don't need competition between different storefronts on the same platform. The competition in the games industry should come from different developers trying to offer you the most engaging and well made video games.
they lost in Australia, in response everybody on Steam has right to refund. Valve is literally don't have to refund anyone in nordic countries.
Totally man, don't you miss the days of starforce?
Unless you're not from EU, then no, you don't know your rights. Try reading a consumer law on digital goods for once, there's also a free line to Brussels that can explain you everything if you have any legal questions.
About 50% of the population are too busy raping and murdering each other to give a shit about which online video game platform offers cheaper deals.
You're right, which is funny because people praise valve for steam sales.
I mean, EU law does not allow regional pricing. You can hardly blame anyone other than EU for that
Why not charge the same 30% steam does and take 15% and hand it directly back to the consumer after purchase rather than let companies just keep the price the same across platforms
If Valve made PC gaming worse, why does Epic suddenly want a part of it? They didn't want to be part of PC gaming in 2006, but now that Valve made it worse they want to be part of it lol.
In a logical world it wouldn't but here people ignoring that a huge company was made to follow the law and rather believe that they're doing it because they're somehow looking out for the little guy just creates fanatics you see in this thread.
cooling period doesn't apply to digital content
>EU law does not allow regional pricing
It most certainly does, go to your nearest TEDI and look at how German prices are half of your region (which are mostly slavs). TEDI doesn't even fucking bother to hide it, they just stamp both region prices on it.
Sure they do, because freaking law demands it. You think they allow refund out of their good heart? They were trying to not allow customers to refunds but after a fear years it was clear they will lose everywhere so they comply. Freaking EA comply to refund law years before valve, go figure
EU law does not allow region locking parts of eu which makes regional pricing of digital goods in eu not profitable. Slav market is not worth it
>Offer a cheaper product than the competition, offer a higher quality product than the competition, offer better customer service than the competition, the list goes on but the point is that they have to make their products better and a better product is better than a worse one.
So you're saying that the Epic store isn't trying to compete with Steam?
To get back on track, how does anything you just wrote relate to the Steam vs Epic competition?
>hating Epic
The only reason why I could understand hating Epic is if you also hate Steam. Steam is even worse than Epic.
>literally an FBI honey pot
>you don't own shit
>your library can get stolen from you
>you need support? Have fun finding a real person and not just automated "support"
>that's 30 % plus tip :^)
>enjoy the NEW 25 % Steam sales
>"reviews" are completely retarded. The top reviews are most of the time either memes or no lifers who have played the game for over thousand hours and write that the game is not that good
>Steam cards are a huge scam for autists to waste money
>the Steam launcher is just shit
>the "social" features are useless, because if you are a normie you use other things like Discord or Twitter anyway instead of Steam
actually funny because when buying physical I lose my right to refund the moment I remove the plastic covering the package
>Steam is even worse than Epic.
>posts things that are even better or the same as epic
4D chess?
>sales bad
>reviews bad
>some of it is outright made up like 30% extra
it's the logic of "if I say these features are bad, not having them at all is better"
The Epic store is the first platform to offer any real competition with Steam's monopoly. What else has even come close? Origin? The fucking Bethesda Launcher? Don't make me laugh.
There are legitimate grievances to be had with the Epic Store over it's functionality, and buying up exclusives to try and get people to switch over before even having basic things like a search feature, a friends list, chat or even a fucking shopping cart was a bad move.
But flipping your shit because
is just fucking retarded.
I got Subnautica for free on the Epic Store, and they're continuing to give away free games. That's more than Valve has done for anyone in the past 5 years.
the first hit is free
They keep pissing people off by buying kickstarter games that were promised to be on Steam.
I have 200 games on steam with bought keys off G2A not once did they get banned brah
Could you reword that in a way that relates to your post about competition.
I haven't mentioned China once. I'm just trying to figure out how the customer benefits from this competition.
>EU law does not allow regional pricing
What are you talking about, retard?
And EA didn't allow me to buy their shit from anywhere else either
>muh redditor
I think you see how retarded you are.
>C-Competition is good!
Have you seen this new game? I'm so fucking excited for it. I'm going to play it with all my friends. I'm so hyped since I played the first 2 several times and have been itching for a sequel for years. Can't wait for a release date, they said its coming soo-
>Epic Games does a backalley deal and buys exclusivity when it was originally going to come to every single store
>Can't play with your steam friends unless everyone buys it on epic
>Can't use day one 12% off coupons from GMG
>No review system so you won't know if it has launch issues
>No refund system so they run with your money if it's broken or bad
>Forced to download yet another launcher and store and put your financial information in yet another online database
>Zero features on the platform
>Have to support exclusivity and encourage it to buy the game
>Have to support a faggot who is on record saying he cares more about the developer than about you, the customer
>Now your excitement is ruined because some fucking greedy piece of shit decided that instead of letting the consumer have choice, he was going to create exactly the kind of walled garden he criticized the Microsoft store for having
The point is, nothing has to be exclusive on pc. It's one thing to have bad companies like EA lock their games into their own platform, but it's a other thing entirely to have a separate company poach games you were looking forward to. Nothing is safe anymore. This piece of shit is sending PC games down a slippery slope the same way Bethesda keeps trying to do it with paid mods, but at least the customers won that specific battle.
The biggest waste of money ever? $50 for a collection of shitty games with the only worthwhile one being a 3 hour tech demo.
>You faggots have been complaining about Steam being shit and Valve not making games for years. Now something finally comes along that has a chance to change things and you throw a shit-fit because China.
Something with less features than 2004 Steam isnt going to change anything beneficially about people's gripes with steam. You couldnt be a more blatant shill, kys. If you are just shitposting, still kys, you faggots are annoying.
>So I don't really know why you've all decided to start sucking gaben's cock now.
Because no matter what Steam has done, Epic is infinitely worse in every conceivable way as a platform as well as a presence in the industry. Play in traffic retard, do the world a favor.
Steam's features are fine. It's the not making games people don't like. EGS isn't doing jack shit in that regard. Valve had already announced a VR game since before this shit all started.
>people unironically defend this saying this is important to break Steam's "monopoly"
Because it's a joke in its current state. If they had actually put in the effort to make the launcher any good and not missing key features, then perhaps it would be worth using.
But as of right now, the only thing it DOES do well is take games hostage so you have to use its inferior launcher.
>It's the not making games people don't like
Why do we give a fuck? Seriously, I dont care about Valve or Steam because of fucking Half Life or Team fucking Fortress. I use Steam because its a decent platform, since when do we give a shit that they are making games or not?
GoG is the Steam competitor you're looking for. EGS is a Tencent honeypot being used to compile early social credit data.
you must be Chinese OP
>Something with less features than 2004 Steam isnt going to change anything beneficially about people's gripes with steam.
They have a road-map of all the features that are lacking. Buying up exclusives before having basic functionality backfired on them massively but it is still on track to being the first real alternative to Steam with the backing of an industry giant comparable to Valve.
Hey, at least you're not whining about China.
It's not competition, it's replacing one monopoly with another one that is worse.
>since when do we give a shit that they are making games or not?
Phone posters need to be removed.
So each and everytime there is something exclusive on Epic everyone lose their shit. Yet when there is 100% exclusive game that is not sold anywhere outside of steam such as mordhau no one gives a shit. Could anyone explain this phenomenon to me? Are exclusives bad or are they bad if they are aren't on steam?
what does it matter when they don't even follow the roadmap
they just pushed back their updates that were supposed to ship
Where did you get phone posting from his post? He just only cares that Steam is a hub for all the other games, not that valve makes games or not
>Competition is good.
You just explained why. They're not about competition, but about employing monopolistic practices.
Where did you get phone posting from his post?
Because he is blatantly the newest of newfags.
A delay does not an abandonment make.
>Steam competition
You're tripping. If anything GoG shows that even if you are truly nice to customer they won't abandon steam for you
coming soon™
But i've already abandoned Steam for GOG.
>EGS is a Tencent honeypot being used to compile early social credit data.
Why would Tencent need to do that when AMD, Intel and Microsoft are already doing that 24/7?
>im a retard with no argument
Next faggot
>pirate borderlands 3 together with poor south american friends
>install hamachi
>have endless hours of fun playing together
its not hard, is it?
>calls a random post a phone poster
>calls them a newfag
>projecting this hard
No offense but you sound like a faggot, my dude
How exactly does that apply to video games?
>if you are truly nice to customer they won't abandon steam for you
how are they being nicer to me
Cut out the middleman
The US government? I don't think the US govt shares it's stolen data with the Chinese.
You sound like a newfag my dude
>implying you shouldn't do that with all games, including steam ones
Because they killed the Unreal series with poor planning.
Just a reminder that the only ones who can't into fair competition and start to screech autistically every time someone doesn't want to deal with them are the mutts.
Shills will never answer this question:
How does egs promote competition thats good for consumers.
The only response to exclusives is Buying your own exclusives
Taking money away from support/store improvements
The only thing egs does is make publishers more money
Only self publishing indie devs would make money, but they are not allowed on the store
>competition is good
Corporate cuck detected.
>it is ok for anyone to spy cause some already do it
how about the less the better?
>monitoring or trying to prevent questionable countries from buying and amassing an arsenal of insanely dangerous tech is suddenly a bad thing
Fuck off Chang.
That's why they want it so bad
It's even more funny and sad than that.
Competition is always good.
The key difference here is that Epic isn't competing. They're just carving a hole in the market and forcing themselves into it with cold hard cash.
>muh chinese guberment
Tencent couldn't even convince them to keep pubg running in china, but you'd better listen to some mentally ill /pol/ incels about how the cinese government is spying on you while you masturbate because you've installed another bloatware other than steam
You fucks dont kbow wshit about economics. Ever heard of a virtual monopoly?
Kys shill
>Tencent couldn't even convince them to keep pubg running in china
They didnt try. Tencent wants LOTS of money, and they werent making it with PUBG China, infact arguably losing money. They will ditch the EGS for the same reasons soon enough.
>competition is good
>competes by buying exclusive titles
>instead of competing with better deals
8IQ maneuver, all they managed to do was to ruin their name
>no response to a post ignoring the bs and drilling the chink on the consumer benefits
Imagine my lack of shock
>AA systems are dangerous tech
You do realize that the US is trying to sell these countries the Patriot AA systems, right?
Oh and
The thing with competition is no company actually wants it if they can get away with it, so there's always an agenda. So reap the benefits while realizing they're not actually doing it because they give a shit about you or anything.
we do it only on co-op games that can be played on local, if we do buy a game we refund right after since we belong in tf2 and other free games for 3rd worlders
Your cherry picked image of defense systems isnt the real reason for those sanctions you fucking disingenuous faggot.
How many diseases did the person contract?
>three different countries
Sure thing, faggotron. Then go on and prove me that it isn't the reason, Tyrone.
What memes you dumb faggot?
Not American, try again.
they aren't competition, the epic store is an inferior platform due to it lacking a lot of important features, they claim to be pro consumer despite this.
the predatory way in which they're snapping up games is a seperate side issue
The only thing that Steam needs competition in is for adult games. You can't possibly run a storefront that allows porn and think that anything good can come out of becoming so anal about the "gray area"
The shit about developer profit sharing has no effect on me as a consumer, therefore Epic exclusivity is nothing but an annoyance that I want no business in. Sweeney's bullshit is nothing but a red herring anyways. Unionization will help programmers 10x more than hopeing that the extra wealth trickles down from the publisher
competition is good when its actually good competition and not just chinks with too much money and a badly designed product
zero, rather it was the mosquitos that contracted multiple diseases and they all died shortly after
>>Dev catering
Not even that, I would respect them more if they actually cared about devs, but it's just publishers catering. The devs don't see shit from the exclusivity deals, except for their reputation getting dragged through the mud along with the fat publisher who get all the money for it.
>memes asides
>memes himself
user I ...
>conveniently refusing to acknowledge the other weapon deals that werent in the cherry picked image
Its literally a fucking google search away, fuck off, sick of bad faith actors like you.
>Competition is good.
Spicy meme, my dude.
>>conveniently refusing to acknowledge the other weapon deals that werent in the cherry picked image
Such as?
>Its literally a fucking google search away, fuck off, sick of bad faith actors like you.
So you're literally full of shit then, nice.
>This has been debunked, the guy that "exposed" the supposed spying processes was outed as a retard who didn't know what he was doing.
Why do you make up lies? Even epic admitted they are reading steam files, their defense line was "we only store them offline and use them if you allow us, t.. trust us capitalist pigs".
Didnt read the rest of your comment as you're clearly a liar and not worth my time.
EGS isn't competition, making the game exclusive to your shitty downloader and forcing people to use it instead of being able to choose between getting it on steam, EGS or gog is the complete opposite of competition.
It's the same shit media broadcasting companies are doing trying to force you to sign up to twenty fucking streaming services because of one good show on each of them turning online show streaming into cable tv. (complete with ads!)
>actually swallowed the propaganda that competition can exist anymore
its not the 50s any more. any competition is literally "whoever wins we lose" tier, its just megacorporation shitflinging and the bootlickers
You crack me up little buddy
Chinese don't exist to compete, they exist to control
Not that user, but mos programs read through majority of files on your PC when you launch them. For instance, Behtesda store looks through a bunch of your files and also stores information about them locally, searching for shit like Cheat Engine or other hacks. I swear you retards will come up with any kind of manipulative excuse just shittalk someone else who you don't like. On the other hand, the burden of proof that any kind of data is being sent somewhere is still on faggots like you.
>o-other unamed programs read stuff too!
Gimme an example of a launcher that goes and scrapes your user info from your other installed launchers without permission, or this comparison isn't as valid as you might've hoped
This is why you need to do two things:
1. Pirate anything you want from epic
2. Shit on said games everywhere you can to harm their sales
Publishers should learn that signing with the devil will hit them in the long run.
>literally an FBI honey pot
Need source in that one
>you don't own shit
Also on epic and its a problem
>your library can get stolen from you
Also epic also a problem
>you need support? Have fun finding a real person and not just automated "support"
Same as above unless you request a tiquet
>that's 30 % plus tip :^)
What did retard mean by this
>enjoy the NEW 25 % Steam sales
>"reviews" are completely retarded. The top reviews are most of the time either memes or no lifers who have played the game for over thousand hours and write that the game is not that good
Not an argument you have the option to search for better reviews i will trust more the autist with 1000 hours than a journo also
>no you see is better if you have less options
>Steam cards are a huge scam for autists to waste money
Yes autist what is the problem with that that may as well be compared to fortnite skins also
>no you see is better if you have less options
>the Steam launcher is just shit
In what sense?
>the "social" features are useless, because if you are a normie you use other things like Discord or Twitter anyway instead of Steam
>no you see is better if you have less optionyou can say it serves no purpose but thats not a negative now go suck cock chink
>Gimme an example of a launcher that goes and scrapes your user info from your other installed launchers without permission
Give me an example of that happening in the first place.
You’re bringing up China right now and being disingenuous
Based ESL
post proof of steam reading private files of other programs same way epic do, or stfu.
Are you one of those larping faggots from /pol/ who are some breed of albanian or something, that live in the Czech Republic or in Serbia, or the like, and constantly make /ptg/ threads? It's a blind guess, but US cocksuckers aren't exactly much different from US dogs themselves.
>or stfu
Kill yourself, you underage nigger.
So.... you can't post any proof to back up your bullshit? If you need technical help all you have to do is download procmon, start steam and record screen. Do you need a recommendation of a free screen capture software?
Or you could, you know, stfu.
epic is shit, but i dont care, whatever hurts steam is a good thing
It hurt the small fish more, like gog and uplay. And most importantly, it hurt the industry and the consumers. Congratulations on being retarded m8.
there are no memes, there are legit objective reasons to hate epic aside from their rampant douchebaggery
>Thank god this brain cancer spread and ate my ass cancer.
>as long as the ass cancer got fucked Im happy
Literally you
>still can't post any shred of evidence
So you picked stfu. Thank you for getting btfo so easily, it was fun debunking your bullshit. Hope my cock didnt hurt your anus too hard on my way out :^)
>it hurt the industry
>caring about this shit of a industry
>Congratulations on being retarded m8.
Could you get any more reddit than this?
>Valve doesn't allow me to buy Half-Life 1 on any store but Steam. It's the same shit since Valve doesn't even develop video games anymore.
Blizzard doesn't allow me to buy Overwatch or Starcraft or Diablo on any store but do you know where is the flaw in your logic?
Imagine being a Chinsect shill.
If you're too dumb to read the hundreds of reasons right here in this thread I'm not going to spoon feed you.
Even EA was less fucking greedy than Epic when they made Origin. EA at least kept their old games up on Steam and never pulled them.
Nah dude who needs that stuff lets just keep sucking off Tim and using his shit storefront.
I will never understand why retards say this is competition when the "competition" isn't even trying to match up or be better than the ones they're trying to go against. Other than, "M-muh more money for developers!!" reality being most of that shit goes to the CEOs and other higher-ups
>it took this long for r/the_donald to show up
>The system has been implicated in a number of controversies. Of particular note is how it is applied to individuals as well as companies. People have already faced various punishments for violating social protocols. The system has been used to already block nine million people with "low scores" from purchasing domestic flights. While still in the preliminary stages, the system has been used to ban people and their children from certain schools, prevent low scorers from renting hotels, using credit cards, and blacklist individuals from being able to procure employment. The system has also been used to rate individuals on their internet habits (excessive online gaming reduces one's score), personal shopping habits, and a variety of other personal and wholly innocuous acts that have no impact on the wider community. Criticism of this program has been widespread with the proposed system being described by Human Rights Watch as "chilling" and filled with arbitrary abuses
EGS isn’t actually making the customer experience better though. It’s actually making it worse. So I don’t see how competition is good in this case.
>literally an FBI honey pot
>you don't own shit
same on epic
>your library can get stolen from you
same on epic
>you need support? Have fun finding a real person and not just automated "support"
pretty much same on epic and at least steam has a no questions asked refund system
>that's 30 % plus tip :^)
epic somehow charges the same for customers even if the devs are supposedly getting a bigger cut
>enjoy the NEW 25 % Steam sales
as opposed to no sales ever you fucking shill
>"reviews" are completely retarded. The top reviews are most of the time either memes or no lifers who have played the game for over thousand hours and write that the game is not that good
I'd trust that no lifer with 1000hrs over paid journos
>Steam cards are a huge scam for autists to waste money
says who? I got a few games out of those things
>the Steam launcher is just shit
as opposed to the literal chink botnet that is the epic launcher
>the "social" features are useless, because if you are a normie you use other things like Discord or Twitter anyway instead of Steam
speak for yourself shill,also having social features as a bonus as compared to not even fucking having a shopping cart is retarded. kill yourself you disgusting shill also Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 FREE TIBET winnie the pooh
Competition is good, and the audience has decided Steam is the winner.
Who gives a shit about a bunch of underage b& redditors? If consumers were indeed getting hurt by EGS then the games there wouldn't sell, but according to news they sell there better than on steam. So the only one who's fucking dumb here is you and retards like you.
Why would I support chink spyware
Somebody used my email address to sign up for an Epic account (my name isn’t uncommon and I have just myname@gmail). I tried to email Epic to tell them as I kept getting spam and their support email didn’t even work. Had to block their address and forward to spam.
Honestly fuck Epic.
I don't give a damn, but boy it's funny to see seething streamdrones
Does the Epic Launcher have a speed limiter yet?
Tim Sweeney says he, personally, will decide who gets to breed and father offspring
ive been using these 3rd party sites for more than a decade and not a single time my game has gotten deactivated
i know its anecdotal but its also true for all my friends. its not 2001 anymore, people can just stole credit card information and use the money. those games are just bought in a different region where the price of lower or when there was a sale. its literally impossible to stole money online.
Walled gardens are bad
>Competition is good.
Competition implies mutuality. There is nothing mutual between Steam and Epic just like with consoles that focus on exclusives.
As a consumer you're now forced to download more spy/malware which is collecting your data for them to make more money off you .
All spyware you're now required to download to play games. This is not good.
>but according to news they sell there better than on steam
And you haven't looked into those numbers for at least two seconds? The numbers for Metro Exodus are disingenuous as fuck. They say it sold what, 2.5x more than LL? Last Light, the OG version and not Redux, sold 20,000 copies on Steam. LLR sold over 100,000.
>but according to news they sell there better than on steam. So the only one who's fucking dumb here is you and retards like you
Thank you for confirming you are either a troll or a retarded chink. Any human here knows they keep saying they sell more but haven't posted a single metric to back that up, making this statement a total meme. Go fuck yourself ling ling
I hate Epic because they keep letting my account get hacked by Chinese hackers.
I hate how I need to use another service like Steam that eats away at my CPU.
I hate how Epic removed games I was looking forward to from their Steam store.
I'm not supporting a company that made Fortnite of all games.
It runs like shit compared to Steam and has less features.
Valve is kind of enough to do generous discounts and allow games to games to be free for a limited time on services outside of Steam like Humble Bundle.
Even if Steam has it's issues, it's the lesser evil compared to Epic Games.
>The numbers for Metro Exodus are disingenuous as fuck.
Then the publisher would come out and say something about that. If they sold like shit the publisher or the dev for that matter could make a statement about that, not like they'd lose anything from that. Actually bragging about fake sales would only hurt them more.
>They say it sold what, 2.5x more than LL?
They never specified, which one.
>Last Light, the OG version and not Redux, sold 20,000 copies on Steam. LLR sold over 100,000.
If you're grabbing these numbers from SteamSpy (something that was made by an Epic employee) then you should know that these numbers aren't exactly always correct.
>Thank you for confirming you are either a troll or a retarded chink.
>Go fuck yourself ling ling
God, kill yourself back to wherever you came from already. I swear you newfags are the biggest cancer on this site, making the days of this shit board being Yea Forums 2.0 seem like a marvelous time.
me giving less money to shitty stores.
There is something mutual between steam and epic. It's exclusive games
>Developer CHOSE to be on Steam
>Every Epic exclusive exists as such because of Epic bribery
>The publisher would admit to bad sales!
They have no economical reason to do so in a scenario where Epic has loaded their pockets with cash.
>They never specified which one! And even if they did Steamspy isn't accurate!
Okay, Slant.
>Dev chooses to release a game on steam suddenly it's considered equal to epic getting exclusives by paying for it.
Atleast try next time faggot.
>Developer CHOSE to be on Epic
Whoa, it's like it's still the same thing!
It literally is. An exclusive is an exclusive.
Because this is how capitalism works you retard. If you think it's this easy to break capitalism then why aren't you a commie?
Excluding Phoenix Point where Julian admitted outright he got so much money for exclusivity that his company would be in the black even if everybody refunded their KS pledges and nobody bought the game, every single exclusive decision has been made by the publisher and not the developer.
>They have no economical reason to do so in a scenario where Epic has loaded their pockets with cash.
How the fuck do you know that and how do you know what kind of deal they made?
>Okay, Slant.
I mean, you made the initial statements so the actual burden of proof is on you then. If you're going to grasp at imaginery numbers with statements you can't factually back up you're going to get the same kind of replies.
>Valve is kind of enough to do generous discounts and allow games to games to be free for a limited time on services outside of Steam like Humble Bundle.
Don't the publishers/developer set the prices on discounts and allow their games to be given away for free? All of a sudden valve is the one who is kind enough for allowing this now?
>Here are the numbers
>No they're not fact!
>Okay Chink
The numbers are there, you simply deny them.
>How the fuck do you know that and how do you know what kind of deal they made?
>Okay, Slant.
You do realize that when it comes to big companies and steam it's also the publisher who decides that, right? What the fuck kind of point are you even trying to make here?
You said the decision was made by the developers, I corrected you.
Don't try and turn a correction around on me like I'm going to fall for such shitty bait.
>>Here are the numbers
So give me them.
>The numbers are there, you simply deny them.
No, you pulled numbers out of your ass. You didn't even provide links, you couldn't make any proper arguments. All your rhetoric is "chinks". God, mutts are brainwashed as fuck.
I don't give a shit about some literal who dev, I was talking about Metro.
They are fighting to obtain market share. Evidently with the existence of competitor launchers that are on par with steam consumers still choose steam because they deem the competitors to be worse for whatever reason. While epic doing exclusivity deals may be bad it is the only way they see being an actual threat to steam.
I'm not even that user.
>Don't try and turn a correction around on me like I'm going to fall for such shitty bait.
God, this thread is full retards.
Kinda like how in the early-mid 00s devs/publishers were moving to Steam because the 30% cut netted them significantly more profit than retail.
What does it change from customer perspective faggots? Absolutely fucking nothing
>Link has been posted countless times
>No I'm too lazy to find them myself! You're lying!
Unironically fucking kill yourself. They never specified Redux, they said Last Light. They are using shady double speak to bolster how good the Epic launch looks.
I don’t feel like downloading any chink spyware.
exclusivity is not competition, its literally an anticompetitive practice.
>I'm not that user but I'm going to defend his retarded drivel
Okay faggot.
I hate them for fucking up UT3&4 personally
go away, games aren't for you
Which is why steam monopoly has to end. There are thousands of games exclusive to steam and only a few exclusive to epic(most of them only for a period of time).
Developers CHOSE to accept Epic's "bribe". What you call a bribe is simply them offering a better deal. You're making an arbitrary distinction here. Epic is offering them a better service so they're going with Epic. If Epic's deal wasn't good enough then they would decline and stick with Steam, but clearly that's not worth it so Epic's deal's must be really good. That's called competition. If Steam wants to compete over these devs they should offer a better service so that the devs don't want to miss out on Steam
they are not "exclusive", they are free to publish on other platforms. Go away shill
>Epic is offering them a better service so they're going with Epic
I wasn't aware millions being exchanged for an exclusivity deal had anything to do with the service.
>MUH 30%
The industry standard for decades. If anybody cared they would have moved to GOG or Discord which offers significantly less of a cut than Steam. Oh wait, nobody gave a fuck.
But steam never paid publishers money upfront to release games exclusively on they're client. They chose steam because it had the most to offer in return.
Because I put thousands of dollars into steam and I'm entitled to have all games on steam
Their launcher is too fucking insecure and shady. I only made an account to get the free games and didn't even download the launcher yet I got emails saying someone tried to login to my account. Imagine if you actually bought something from their store. Your payment info could be compromised.
A lot of people on Yea Forums aren't capitalists, they're just conservatists. You'll find more signs of this in the coming years
Epic is anti-consumer as fuck. So in this case, it is purely a negative that they're in the market.
>me giving less money to shitty stores.
By literally paying more to epic? Even without the lack of sales and regional pricing, everything epic stole was more expensive on epic.
See this example
And again, those numbers can be incorrect indeed. Since not only it ignores users with private profiles and the like, but Steam's also lately been fucking with data leaks like that, even the fucking Steam Spy dev tweeted about that some time ago. God, you're so retarded.
>Unironically fucking kill yourself.
Unironically, you should actually take that advice yourself.
>They are using shady double speak to bolster how good the Epic launch looks.
You're literally pulling this out of your ass and basing this on your unstable emotional state, as if you have personal investments in steam, instead of looking at things objectively. You dumb motherfucker.
>inb4 cries of shoops or edited elements
I swear you dumb motherfuckers aren never pleased.
You are right, they are not exclusives from developer/publisher point of view. But we are customers, hence we don't care about their view. We care that they are on one platform, hence they are excluvies to us. You can't fucking change your point of view when it fits your narrative faggot.
>I wasn't aware millions being exchanged for an exclusivity deal had anything to do with the service.
Are you retarded? What arbitrary definition of "service" are you using? We're talking about developers here, developers want to sell their game and make money. A storefront that will do things like give them a guaranteed amount of revenue if they don't sell enough as well as give them a higher cut and give them up front money is obviously a better service. If you want to play semantics and use a different word that "service" then go ahead I don't care because it's not even relevant. The point is Epic is winning these developers over fair and square whether you like it or not
I don't like le Ebin one bit but it's hilarious seeing steamcels seethe and cope by making arbitrary justifications about what's right or wrong. Long may this continue.
I don't care about developers. If the games aren't where I can see them, I won't buy them. No amount of exclusivity deals is going to change that.
Is there anything legally binding mordhau to be only on steam? No?
Then don't make arguments about how Steam exclusives and Epic exclusives are different because apparently developers CHOSE to be exclusive on Steam but somehow didn't choose to be exclusive on Epic.
Nah, dude, those are all lies, Tim said your information is secure just put your card info in and buy that game you want.
>I wasn't aware millions being exchanged for an exclusivity deal had anything to do with the service.
Well now you are.
>Oh wait, nobody gave a fuck.
Which is really telling about Steam's stranglehold on the market. Clearly Epic has found that the only way to get people off the platform is to bribe. You Steam drones have done this to yourselves.
That's what I support GOG when I can. Epic is arguably more anti-consumerist than Steam and they're from chinkland. Steam also doesn't (to my knowledhe) do shady shit like forcing (non-valve) games to be only available on their platform so consumers can choose who they want to use when devs pick multiple platforms. Competition for the sake or competition does nothing but benefit the company winning the struggle for the dominant market share. Support alternatives with business ethics you support. Jokes on me for giving a seriously reply to a shillbot.
>anti-cheat software is the same as botnetting your competition
I don't know what else Bethesda's launcher stores locally because I do not use that shitheap nor do I wish to support that shameless company; however, you are dumb. Most programs do not store local information for anything other relevent drivers/plug-ins and "malicious software." Additional more "invasive" data gathering (usually referred to as telemetry) is normally built into individuals games, not the Steam platform.
Why the fuck do you care about that? What does it change in your fucking life, it is exclusive and that's it. No amount of mental gymnastics will get you out of that
I have an epic account and I also never downloaded the launcher, but I never got any kind of e-mails about others trying to hack into my account. Am I special or are you just making shit up?
Unlike Epic where the game will not come out anywhere else for 6 months to a year if they pay for that exclusivity.
>but Steam's also lately
Too bad their "lately" doesn't apply to information from several years ago, you intellectually dishonest faggot.
Tim Sweeney and Epic have been caught lying about how much influence Tencent has. They've been caught indirectly harming Linux-versions of games (a Valve specific focus) by buying out Easy Anti-Cheat and ceasing all Linux support which has created a massive loophole where cheaters have an easy in with no repercussions. Apparently them lying about sales numbers repeatedly is just inconceivable, like getting Ubisoft to say "yeah out game sold really well compared to last time" and then put in small print that they're Uplay pre-orders.
>Most programs do not store local information for anything other relevent drivers/plug-ins and "malicious software." Additional more "invasive" data gathering (usually referred to as telemetry) is normally built into individuals games, not the Steam platform.
So you're saying you know what kind of data Epic stores locally? Could you show me an example?
The launcher isn't why you have people trying to steal your account. Someone got your email from somewhere else and tried to log in with it. But who am I kidding, you're just blatantly fearmongering because this is Yea Forums and that's just what you people do here now.
>Retarded anime faggot with a cringy skin is an Epic shill
The Japs would never accept you.
I don't like EGS or EPIC for their practices or Tim Sweeny. Also, it has nothing to offer me because the games that it has I can either pirate or get somewhere else later and Fortnite is pretty boring.
Yeah you must have been lucky. Apparently it's a known issue judging from a lot of people saying they got similar emails. It has dissuaded me from purchasing games from their store. I mean I'm trying to give them a chance and all but security is important.
So instead of a contract for being exclusive for 6 months they willing choose to be exclusive to steam for the lifetime of the product. Valve doesn't even have to pay anything for that.
>Too bad their "lately" doesn't apply to information from several years ago
Shit if I know if the database is being updated or not, I don't usually follow these things besides if I constantly get to see them spammed on Yea Forums.
>you intellectually dishonest faggot
Take your pills, sperg.
>Tim Sweeney and Epic have been caught lying about how much influence Tencent has.
where and how?
>by buying out Easy Anti-Cheat and ceasing all Linux support which has created a massive loophole where cheaters have an easy in with no repercussions
If they buy them out they can do what they want with them. It's fucking capitalism 101, I don't give a shit.
>Apparently them lying about sales numbers repeatedly is just inconceivable
And yet you still provide nothing.
Valve made Half-life 1. Epic did not make or even fund Phoenix Point and Outer Wilds. Both of those games were crowd funded for a Steam release. Outer Wilds I know was promised a Linux release in it's Kickstarter but that can't happen anymore either. There's no way you can defend problems like these. It's blatant false advertisement and very scummy.
They do. Vâlvedrones praise steam when there is a sale but complain about publishers if a game is too expensive or it never goes on sale (see black ops).
1. Calling both cases "exclusivity deal" is misleading and false.
2. that's the difference between existing market and starting a terrible anti-consumer practice that will fuck us all over when becomes the norm.
I don't give a shit about nip recognition, it's also retarded of you to assume as to what they would or would not do, especially as a fucking hivemind, you underage nigger.
Sure it's just me that had this problem. Clearly all those other anons in threads like these saying the exact same thing were just fearmongering as well.
>And yet you still provide nothing.
every single ubisoft article saying their games are selling super well on PC and the author trying to imply it's the EGS that is the cause, dedicating 95% of the article to details of the title and then in a single sentence stating it's uplay pre-orders and not EGS.
the numbers were up on uplay, the game sold fuckall on EGS
>where and how?
read the fucking thread >tencent has no influence, sweeney doesn't even talk to them!
>yeah tencent are pretty much how we're here today lmao
Is there anything about the EPIC store that isn’t transcendently sketchy
Chinese here, AMA.
honking ojneichi ojneije okaieehashiehie okeoksoe?
So blame the developers for accepting the deal. Epic is offering them a deal in exchange for timed exclusivity. People like to absolve the publishers/developers of all blame and focus only on epic. They've offered the exclusivity deals to several devs who decided not to go exclusive with epic and people praise the devs who do so.
I don't speak Japanese.
Old and misleading
1.Semantics. Fuck off
2.Exclusives on steam are norm since fucking forever faggot.
Try again
I downloaded Epic launcher to get their free games since Subnautica and the only email from Epic I had was to confirm my email address when I created an account. Your (and my) anecdotes mean jack shit.
Even stricter rules for content and no porn.
That shouldn't be tolerated on any level.
Whoa, man are you promoting the exploitation of fictional women user?
They definitely aren't innocent but the fact Epic would even pursue a deal they know full well will completely fuck over everyone who backed the project doesn't make them immune to criticism on it. Epic trying to get it on their store is fine but exclusive is over the line. That shouldn't have even been something they would consider knowing full well it was completely backed by the community funding. They told every single person who allowed the game to even exist to go fuck themselves with their exclusivity contract. It doesn't look good on any party involved.
>the numbers were up on uplay, the game sold fuckall on EGS
Nothing in that article mentions uplay, besides a general tag. Furthermore I'm also interested in where you found out how much the game sold on EGS.
>read the fucking thread
Read what? Retards sperging out and making baseless claims?
>>yeah tencent are pretty much how we're here today lmao
So? Financially they are. Tencent owns majority of stock in PUBG and they're still on steam and the PUBG dev is still making retarded deals with Microsoft. The fuck are these baseless claims? I don't want to get into politics, but this is how mutt SJW news would constantly make allegations about people they don't like, like Trump for instance.
>Epic is upholding christian values
>Yea Forums is mad about that
What happened lads, it's not christian chan anymore?
Fucking subhuman. Unironically kill yourself.
I don't give a shit about installing another launcher, had Battlenet installed once or even if they're chink-owned, I used Huawei.
Nor do I care that they're buying exclusivity left and right, that's just how the free market work.
Their hypocrisy however is made apparent when they tried to mask their greed as a good thing, brute forcing their way into relevancy by waving their thick wallets.
All in the name of breaking Steam's market "monopoly".
If Steam's 30% take is too much for the devs, why do they need monetary incentive to make their game Epic exclusive?
Why not instead release on multiple stores, making both sales and profit and reaching a wider audience while letting fans decide which store offers the better service?
The bought devs should just own up to it that they're just in it for the instant compensation, not because STEAM BAD.
>what is network effect
Well good for you. If you trust epic then go ahead and purchase from their store then. I think they have a lot of work to do before I'm willing to do business with them.
lmao most people here would be happy to live in china if it was a white ethnostate rather than a chinese one.
>he needs steam to buy porn games
You played yourself there, mate.
They want the market share and obviously their store would not do well without exclusivity. Their launcher is not on par with steam or any of its competitors. Nobody likes them for doing the exclusivity deals but it's really the only way they can get people to buy from them. If people have the option to use a better store then they will just stick with that.
Holy fuck you're not even trying anymore, shill.
>That image is just baseless claims
>Article from PCGamer about how Epic is saying they're not controlled by Tencent
>Direct quote from Tim on Twitter that contradicts the article and says he listens directly to Tencent board of directors on how to run Epic
>>Direct quote from Tim on Twitter that contradicts the article and says he listens directly to Tencent board of directors on how to run Epic
Either your reading comprehension is beyond a gradeschooler's or you're so retarded that you're making shit up just to make yourself look better.
>I hate how I need to use another service like Steam that eats away at my CPU.
>I hate how Epic removed games I was looking forward to from their Steam store.
>I'm not supporting a company that made Fortnite of all games.
All these are very retarded normalfags arguments.
>It runs like shit compared to Steam and has less features.
This is the only acceptable argument .If only epic fags spent some of that money on its launcher instead of buying games.
At least you can get world of good for free
>Tencent's directors are super valuable contributors whose advise and participation helped make Epic what it is today
Imagine believing this means anything except "these guys tell me how to run this company."
no replies??? well it looks like my theory is correct. silence is worth a thousand words
what game is this?
They just need to stick with the exclusives that aren't fucking people over. I personally don't like their tactics but when they get exclusivity deal on games that were never advertised for Steam I'm typically fine with it. I dislike the ones that had a Steam page for a while before release then go over to Epic but whatever on those I guess. The ones I have my biggest problem with is when it was funded for Steam and other services and OS. For those they should have pursued it being in their platform and nothing more.
I typically don't like anything about the Epic store but I do find it interesting on how they obtained Detroit, Heavy Rain, and Beyond. If they funded those ports to PC then I think they're actually doing something good for the industry for once. Bringing games PC would have never seen over to the platform. Basically everything else Epic does though seems shady as fuck. I dislike that the only possible way they have to advertise to me the consumer is how much money they are saving publishers like I give a fuck.
are you intentionally being retarded? quite frankly the ability to dodge and twist questions like this is politics-worthy.
isn't metro exodus the only game that is cheaper on their store?
>regarding security concerns with various IPs Epic Launcher handshakes with
>regarding data stored locally by epic and who has access
This isn't anything new but in case it's new to you here it is. I do not agree with Steam for a lot of their practices but, for the record, Steam has not been caught recording """"telemetry"""" data it shouldn't be nor does it have ambiguous and far-reaching clauses in its TOS regarding user data access.
>Disregards valid arguments because he doesn't agree with them.
>Imagine believing this means anything except "these guys tell me how to run this company."
I don't have to imagine anything. The only one who keeps making wild claims here is you. If anything, reading your posts gives off a vibe as if you're mentally unstable.
>are you intentionally being retarded?
No, but it seems faggots like you are.
Are you lonely my friend? For your mental health you should take a break from this place and talk to your loved ones. Think about what's really important in your life.
Yes I agree with you. I'm actually surprised that steam hasn't incorporated a new policy at this point saying they forbid pulling games from their store if they have been advertised for awhile. It'll probably happen eventually though since these exclusivity deals are constantly causing such situations.
>Can't counter what is written in black and white and continues talking shit
>Y-you're just making that up! Tim clearly mispoke about how he takes direct instructions from Tencent BoDs
I love you
No. Just no, retard. Get treated for that /pol/ boogieman in your head
So counter what is written in that Tweet. What did Tim Sweeney mean exactly when he said in his Tweet that the Tencent board of directors who work for Epic are super valuable and are responsible for where his company is today? Doesn't sound like a passive role to be quite honest, sounds like they're guiding him on how to best please daddy Tencent to the surprise of nobody.
Based anti-botnet user. Saved for future shillswatting.
Nah dude can't yah see that could be faked.
Definitely. If they're using Steam for a certain duration to advertise their game and utilizing the community page then they should be required to release the game and all updates simultaneously with any other platform release. Not exclusive, just required to also release and update on Steam, no content exclusive. If people wanna pull and go exclusive to Epic they have to delete the Steam page completely and wait a whole year.
Honestly because they're simply trying to buy fans with exclusives. If they gave the client the same features as Steam (reviews, guides, profiles, workshops etc) then I would be all for it but they clearly want the success but can't be fucked improving their service.
Can you be any more of a steamcel?
>>Can't counter what is written in black and white and continues talking shit
What is there to counter?
>Tim clearly mispoke about how he takes direct instructions from Tencent BoDs
There isn't even anything misspoken. Of course he listens to the whole board of directors who invested into his firm. Are you retarded or something?
>he takes direct instructions from Tencent BoDs
At no point anywhere is that said. The mental gymnastics you're doing also aren't proving anything, besides the fact that you probably forgot to take your pills.
>Doesn't sound like a passive role to be quite honest, sounds like they're guiding him on how to best please daddy Tencent to the surprise of nobody.
On what do you base this on exactly? Since spergs like you constantly autistically screech about Tencent every turn surely he'd take the time to try and say something positive about them. Shit, for all I know, they might've never even showed up at any meetings or even phonecalls and he can be just saying that to keep his investors pleased and keeping dumping money into him. You faggots are literally trying too hard to play the Tencent boogeyman. Almost makes me believe you have a personal investement with an agenda to push there, like the US state dept.
Fortnite crashed my PC harder than any game in over a year. Fuck the Epic Store.
I could
I don't, frankly, i like them, they made me pirate again nearly every game released this year, i've only paid for yakuza just because i want to support them and mordhau, thats it
Asked this before, will ask this again. What am I supposed to be seeing here?
Okay you are trying way too hard. Only someone intentionally being retarded could make up shit this idiotic. Here's your last you.
Fuck off faggot, we don't support exclusive games here
>"it's okay that Epic uses scummy business practices because competition is good"
>"no it's not okay to pirate games, stop boycotting us, this isn't fair! stop it!"
Competition IS good, you're just losing.
>Almost makes me believe you have a personal investement with an agenda to push there, like the US state dept.
Almost sounds like you're an actual Chink trying to protect his interests.
Don't use Steam if you don't plan on releasing on it. Having it on multiple platforms would promote Epic actually having to compete with their platform instead of forcefully moving users over because it's their only choice.
>I got Subnautica for free on the Epic Store, and they're continuing to give away free games.
Valve has given away free games before.
Competition is good, but when one company is blatantly blocking another, that’s a whole different thing. I actually don’t mind Epic store, but I hate that for some reason they have a huge hate boner for steam. Games like Borderlands and what not is getting released same day on consoles as epic store and makes no sense at all as to why not also on steam.
Remember, developers will decide who wins the store war, not consumers.
>flat out lie
>I.. it's semantic
I'll "try again" after you'll try for the first time.
Let me enlight you normalfag.
>I hate how I need to use another service like Steam that eats away at my CPU.
This is retarded if you can accept that steam eats away your cpu but not any other launcher.
>I hate how Epic removed games I was looking forward to from their Steam store.
The dev or publisher just accepted to do that for money. It always have been like this mr. bandwagon faggot . Publisher never saw you more than a wallet full of dollars. And now that they have an easy way to get money without bothering with "pleasing" customers , they can dump you directly. Console exclusives are x10 more cancer forcing you to buy over 300$ hardware and limiting modding/community aspect of a lot of great titles.
>I'm not supporting a company that made Fortnite of all games.
There is unironically nothing wrong with fortnite. You just parroting the kool kids meme. Fortnite is an ok cartoonish free game for kids with at least a bit of depth like building. It is still better than a lot of your 60$ grey shooter with dlc map and buggy servers.
You need to go back to wherever the fuck you came from and no people don't get off from getting (You).
EGS accesing steam data, even steam data thats not even sent back to steam and it's only system specific
If most of the consumers aren't braindead sheep and know when to just deal with not buying the latest shooter or whatever, then maybe consumers might decide the result of the storefront war.
>Steam is even worse than Epic.
But it isn't though. It's bad, sure, but anything Steam does that's bad, Epic does worse. That's literally the only reason people pick Steam's side over Epic in the debate, and you're trying to argue the complete opposite? You sure must love them social credits, son.
This is Epics biggest problem. Even someone like you who for the most part is fine with Epic store, even you're disgusted to a degree. Seems like no matter who you are you will find something to absolutely hate about Epic. They basically have no true fans of the platform. I don't know how they plan to succeed in the long run with a userbase like that when piracy exist.
seething yellowskin.
Thanks for the (You) sweatie :)
>>regarding security concerns with various IPs Epic Launcher handshakes with
The first reply to that OP already gives a primary example of what it could be, though to be fair, the question remains open. And someone from Staff, don't know if they were a staff member at the time, but by the way he explains things it seems like that, gives an explanation.
Why am I not surprised. Fairly certain that majority of this thread who're constantly replying to obvious bait are also from there.
You mean publishers. They're the ones opening up their assholes for epic.
If they convinve Valve to developing a release-worthy Half-Life sequel I'll praise them until cows go home.
Otherwise don't care about competition.
>the exclusivity shit
>Sweeney actively trying to kill the progress towards Linux Gaming
>100hr work weeks for epic employees
>appdata locals
What the fuck am I reading?
What you're seeing is a brainlet Steam shill using his own FUD to misconstrue EGS processes
You must understand that steam is ingrained into most of the PC audience. Users simply refuse to consider purchasing from competitors no matter who many advantages they will get because they like having all of their games in one place, they have their friends on steam, they like plenty of the community features, etc. It's just not possible to deter such a person from ever considering to purchase elsewhere unless they are literally forced to. That is what epic store is doing with these deals.
So result is the same in case of epic paid exclusivity and unpaid steam exclusivity.
But you care because it's not proper to call it steam exclusive games as "exclusivity deal"?
It's semantic you retard, steamtards are the worst i swear to god
They won't as evident with steam eradicating physical copies of games sold on PC. The reasons they use are convenience and steam sales. But now that steam sales are lackluster they can only stick to convenience.
>implying i am an epic shill
Keep projecting incel NEET autist.
Or you could make your store better instead of strong-arming your way in and pissing everyone off
Valve was doing a perfectly good job of shooting itself in the foot over and over, Epic could have made an actual alternative for people who were tired of Valve's dumb decisions. Instead they decided to half-ass it by throwing fortnitebux everywhere and ruining any potential goodwill you had with consumers
idk and idc
>There is unironically nothing wrong with fortnite
fuck off
>Almost sounds like you're an actual Chink trying to protect his interests.
If you think that not going off on wild claims with no substantial evidence makes me a chink, then sure, think so. But I think overall that's more telling of you than me. Also, let me remind you that Wikileaks has leaked info of CIA niggers who unironically target websites like 4chins for disinformation.
How many more buzzwords could you fit in a sentence? I'm shocked you didn't use cuck as well
Yea Forums has always been the big draw to Yea Forums and it was only somewhat anime related back in 2005.
based Detroit factory worker.
Trump will bring your job back anyday now.
Only people that hate it are legit autists that invested time in steam meme trophies and shit
>haha you made the obvious mistake of mentioning a website that is my boogeyman.
>now i can safely ignore your argument despite the fact that these are obvious, verifiable issues that Epic's CEO responded to (in adequate fashion)
Imagine my shock when someone defending Epic Launcher doesn't want an honest discussion of nefarious practices.
I don't really care honestly, i use it to get free games and if something exclusive interest me on this i just pirate it.
Why do people say that Steam doesn't "earn" the 30% of the revenue?
Do any of you understand what responsibility it is to have someone else's game distributed on your platform?
Do you think that it's like a fucking flea market where you put something on display and people just buy it out of your shelf and that's it, or are you aware of the fact that there's far more going under the hood than that? Just offering you multiple payment methods like PayPal, paysafecard, webmoney, Skrill, even fucking Bitcoins and many more depending on wehere you live, costs valve extra
Devs are not giving that 30% off of the sales simply because they need a place to sell their games, there's a lot more things taken into consideration when dealing with the transactions of the games.
Why the fuck are you people so retarded
>Yea Forums has always been the big draw to Yea Forums
Used to be. Now /pol/ is the great newfag attractor.
>it was only somewhat anime related back in 2005
I mean, Yea Forums was proto Yea Forums at some point, so a sense of culture there still used to linger even a decade later.
Why are you sperging out so much? Both articles only mention accusations. It's literally a bunch of spergy autists words vs. a corporate ceo's words. Why should I trust or care about either of them? On the other hand, you sure did get butthurt at the negative mention of reddit. Hit too close to home?
Oh no! Poor Valve! Their vending machine is in jeopardy!
All of the userdata files from steam are suddenly accessed the moment epic launcher is launched.
I like how redditfaggots ignore this post though.
As I said, I don’t mind Epic, but their store is shit. Maybe if they worked on that first, have some of the stuff Steam store has to offer, then go ahead and try and get in the market. You can’t just come in, start grabbing games left and right, MANY of them was already announced on Steam, and lock them to Epic store for a year while at the same time said games are STILL being released on consoles same day. That’s pretty fucked up in my book, and again, this is coming from someone who actually is ok with Epic games.
I refuse to buy any game that decided to ignore its fans and just lock itself to Epic store. Now, I don’t mind games that never had a release date on Steam, or already came out as an Epic store exclusive, but fuck those games that was already shown in the Steam store, or even kickstarted to be released on Steam, then switched sometime before release, that shit is unfair.