Name a better game than Victoria 2 that allows you to live in your ideal world.
Name a better game than Victoria 2 that allows you to live in your ideal world
>Its another underage fag with Germany blobbing
CK 2 is better and more enteratining
ugh what could had been.....
CK2 is even more of a blobbing simulator, you need skill in order to bypass the infamy limit.
are fins greenskin elves irl too?
I remember picking this game up only to drop it when i came to the conclusion that you couldn't for some reason arm your troops out of your own stocks and had to instead buy everything from the world market.
There's none
Großgermania... Home
Except that's wrong. You'll automatically procure from your sphere first, then if and only if your sphere doesn't have enough resources, will you turn to the world market which prioritizes prestige.
In a war, the spheres at war will refuse to trade with other spheres and independents, which usually leads to a huge economy crash for everyone.
Fuck off.
>ugh so based
>what could have been if everyone wasn't a cuck
good to know, might give it another go then
this but unironically
who /kaiserreich/ here
>that allows you to live in your ideal world.
None since none allows to genocide jews from existence
You will never create a sensible and immersive Alternate History book or mod like Divergences of Darkness You will never live in a world where the Dual Monarchy, Bohemia and Burgundy are the leaders of the free world You have to escape reality by playing shitty grand strategy games Pic very related
Germany blobbing should be illegal. The game with its DLCs is otherwise nice.