RDR2 PC will be announced Friday at 9 am ET

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no it won't

never ever

Consolelets btfo imminent


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Based and Bespoke

good, I want to mod single player

Yes please
t. Shameful double dipper fuck Take-Two.


I wish it was true, I'm tired of playing it on my xbone with 30 fps. How console peasants can cope with it, eludes me.

It fucking better be

About time.

lol guys op here you fell for my bait fucking dumbasses

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Its already on PC though, namely youtube

shut the fuck up and check these dubs

Nice one fucker hoped you like making an embarrassment of yourself. I reckon you should be used to it by now anyway lol

lol op guys here you fell for my bait fucking dumbass

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op here dumbasses lol fell fucking bait guys you my for

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Not gonna lie I'd probably pay to play it on PC too

of course you are you little fucking nonce Take-Two pray on fags like you to double dip because
guess what idiot its going to be the same game except considerably worse due to all the online patches that brake the single-player. But thats okay cuz muh grafics

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Game is trash don't bother pc-only bros. It's not worth the hype.

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Not just the graphics, but 60 fps also. Additionally, you can't really compare aiming with a mouse to a controller, it's a completely different experience of the game

the input on console is so ridiculously delayed, honestly i don't even t think KB+M will save it. maybe with mods to cut out the obnoxious overantimated garbage can decrease it some how but vanilla it's not gonna be worth it

I enjoyed playing it on console, still, so I know that I will enjoy it that much more on PC still - same with GTA V (although I only tested that on console briefly).

Getting to move your mouse freely and quickly to aim is a different game than repeating the chore of releasing the buttons on your controller, tapping L2, aim slightly up, R2 - rinse repeat