Dragon Age Inquisition

Beyond the memes it was really fine, wasn't it?

It definitely wasn't bad.

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>It definitely wasn't bad.
Yes it was

It was fucking boring. Half an hour of interesting content/interactions out of 10.
And the core combat is the worst it has been in the series

I enjoyed it

It was OK but too big with little content

Too much quantity over quality, it's origins as a MMO show everywhere

Too much quantity over quality, it's origins as a MMO show everywhere

It was mediocre at best
Trespasser and the dwarf DLC were alright

>It definitely wasn't bad.
But it definitely wasn't good either. Sure it wasn't as big of a shitshow as DA2 (which isn't saying much). but it was still boring and shallow with shit-tastic combat, amateurish cutscenes and unnecessary SocJus pandering.

One of my favorite games. I liked playing as a Rogue

>now that we fucked lemme tell you bout my ex boyfriend's dick
cassandra is trash

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I had to walk away from it, because there was too much busywork all over the map, and my autistic brain wouldn't allow me to leave anything undone. It got to the point where I wasn't even having fun anymore, just mindlessly going to the next little emblem on the map like James Woods picking up pieces of candy.

Only thing they got right

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it's a good game buried under lots of dogshit.
i wish bioware would stop dragging its own corpse around and just fucking end already, it's not entertaining anymore it's pathetic.

It was dull as dirt.

There was plenty of content but non of it was that interesting. That one part where you go to the future was kinda cool but thats it.

Not one of one companions was in any way interesting and most i hated.

Very bland.

I liked it but it's really fucking hard to replay without getting bored. Also they got rid of basic healing spells and made combat dull as dirt

That was really weird. A lot of the writing just felt alien. Like the singing scene in the snow.
Didn't they make her really ugly but fans got mad?
What was really good about it?

>Didn't they make her really ugly but fans got mad?
Oh yes.

Did this game even appeal to the autistic women that loved Alistair and Anders?
I never see any of that weird shit about inquisition.

the plot is quite engaging but it's difficult to keep a rhythm in the game. everything that happens is counter intuitive to itself. wide open spaces with fiddly little collection quests, pressing missions but you can't circumvent the timer/prerequisites. it's a mish-mash of convolution and they had a long time to develop this game, i remember when they delayed it's release, i cannot fucking imagine what the game would have been like without the time they put into it. i mean the menu system is just unbelievable, these people are supposed to be professionals.

solas fans. he's not as bad as anders atleast. he's aloof rather than consistently miserable.

Its pretty good compared to other rpgs,they went to open world experiment which fucked their main point"characters and narrative".Its far from DAO level,but better than DA2(ill admit that i liked DA2 cast more)

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I really dislike that you crafted the best gear in the game. Never felt rewarding and devalued boss like enemies.
In a DAO one of the best swords was from a long convoluted series of notes that lead to a murderer or some such. You could easily miss it but finding it was rewarding.
Even DA2 had the cover art gear tied to killing a dragon.


Comfy exploration, alright soundtrack, Mommygan

oh yeah.
i forgot that dude even existed he's so fucking whitebread.

Well you need to kill dragons for the materials right?

She's the best thing out of this series so far I hope she doesn't get thrown under the bus .

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You can just buy them.

Whoever is writing now is probably too afraid to touch her because Morrifags would kill him so she is just gone now

I don't remember being able to buy dragon bones but I also haven't played the game in 2 years

You sure can.
You buy the best schematics too.

Doubt they could salvage the series.

You couldn't buy them in the base game, that was added with DLC. I think one of those was free though

it wasn't bad if you ignore 100% of side content.
6.5/10 sure.

Better than 2 for sure. I liked it.

What does she say?

She fucks her own son

I liked 2 more desu

And it definitely wasn't good either

Bland as fuck.

That she's literally only ever been with one man before you, a long time ago.

It was terrible, felt like playing a F2P mmo alone, the armors and weapons were all ugly and retarded, art direction was garbage in general. Uninteresting plot, shitty characters, bad lore...

Basically if you liked it you’re a plebeian in denial

I got it for like $7 so why not

She talks about her ex.
It's a normal conversation to have with someone, but not right after you have your first romantic moment.

>In denial.
The more i work the more casual i become. Soon i will only play phone games.

Overly romantic, highly prude girls are usually like that speaking from experience

Get a better job that allows you to have hobbies then

All she foes is train and read smut.

It has it's moments. But mostly game was ruined by awful combat system and exploration, it's fucking boring.

Mother of the year

Combat was awful
Crafting was a shit addition that bloated too much of the game
The main quest was shit, it felt like they cobbled it together from a detached patchwork of ideas. Execution was awful. Scope of the conflict was impossible to care about, and everyone I know that tried it as their first game had no idea what was going on and lost interest after an hour. Cutting out the prologue they had planned, where you'd run around the temple before it blew up, so they could do what suits love and throw players straight into action doesn't work in a story game from a story studio.
The engine is trash and EA is retarded for forcing it.
World design did not fit the combat, the placement of leveled enemies gated content detrimentally, sidequests were almost universally mmo tier.
All the DLC was marginally better than the base game. I hated what they did on retconning lore, but Tresspasser felt interesting and the dwarf one was helped by it's linear nature of diving into a dungeon. The Jaws of Harkon was trash, though, and just made me made they cut the Avvar beginning from origins.

And Morrigan to be
C) My mother and my girlfriend

>he's so fucking whitebread.

Don't you dare talk about my husband like that, he's had a hard life and doesn't deserve that kind of scorn.

i mean, considering the setting i'd say cullen's had a pretty alright life actually. he's got his lyrium addiction sure but he's a templar, thems the breaks.

I like the combat better than 2's at least and ledging enemies off mountains was nice. Or going crazy as tempest rogue

It's the only bioware game I couldn't finish just because of how boring it was. Dragon age 2 at least kept you entertaining due to flashy, quick combat and comically awful writing.

I made cullen hit the lyrium pipe again.

Iz pretty good. People will yell at you it’s bad because SJW boogeyman coming for their big tittys.
>Gasp. The be Necromancer is gay.

Definitely could’ve been improved on for a sequel but then they had Kotaku say that it’ll be just as microtransaction ladened as ME:A and Anthem and make sure it’s a live service and not a single player experience so clearly EA executives wants BioWare to die faster.

bioware's been dead for years, they just keep digging up the body

In Your Heart Shall Burn and In Hushed Whispers were kino

It feels like a failed MMO.

Am I the only one who thinks the game designer played a lot of Civilization games and thought "Yeah, we need time gates for our game"? There were so many of those gating your progress in the game. I never did finish the game and I even thought about buying it on PC but I never found any mods that would make Cassandra look better, longer hair or anything. She was the only female romance option for straight characters out of a cast of 10 or 11.

You are the only one that brought that up.
Very silly.
People addressed genuine flaws and you ignored it completely.

She was the only exclusive one.
There was Josephine and Harding. If Harding counts.
The time gated shit was pointless. It just gave mediocre rewards. I don't understand why it was a thing. Maybe they wanted a companion app.

Dorian is one of the best characters in the game.


Oh my apologies, it's been a while, I was wrong. I am surprised that other lady with the thick French accent, the black one, wasn't a romance option. Not that I would pursue, but that was pretty funny, think she was married or something. But anyhow, if I replayed Inquisition to finish it I'd pick Hardin as the romance option for myself.

I said the game could’ve used some improvements. Didn’t call it flawless but it’s cool that you’re pretending that’s not the biggest thing people keep bring up when talking about Dragon Age.

I too wanted the maps to not be MMO sized and for the combat/enemy variety to be expanded upon and improved. The story wasn’t an issue because it’s actually the best of the series. There’s nothing “cobbled together” about Inquisition when the other games were just
>lol just do stuff and maybe you’ll interact with the big bad stuff later. Lol.

It was as dull as a single player MMO. Completely lifeless.


It was okay. Definitely better than 2 in a lot of ways. But honestly the characters kinda sucked.

I really want another Dragon Age game, but that's because I'm a helpless optimist under the delusion that there is still a chance that Bioware will be able to scrape together something even remotely as good as DA Origins

God I fucking love that game. I just want a proper DA game...

Last time I played it was at release on a relatively old machine so it ran like shit, definitely didn't enjoy it then.
I heard they managed to optimize it though... Maybe I'll give it another shot

Harding's romance is just one off dialogue in each new zone. Zero substance.
You're a weirdo.
They don't use any of the huge maps that they made. The main quest adds up to like 7 hours. It is crazy. There is no sense of urgency or anything. "Oh my! The queen is going to be killed at her ball! Don't worry though you can do it whenever. There's no time limit at all." It's the same as DAO. I disagree that the story is the best it has been. I preferred Origin's.

Still bakes my CPU. I mean it runs well and it does not actually overheat, it just reaches temps no other game has ever made my CPU jump to

I don't know how you managed to stomach his "my father hates me because I'm gay" subplot. He sucks compared to the DA:O companions.

It made sense at least. He would want heirs and i assume big homo is taboo in the world.
And it's a story. Most characters didn't really have one.

>"my father hates me because I'm gay" subplot

Actually it's "my father hates me because I won't get married and have kids", but you'd know that if you played the game.

I'd take another shitty mmo if the protagonist wasn't cardboard.

>we will never have sassy sarcastic female Hawke again

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Saved the game desu.

>Implying Hawke won't return in Dragon Age 4

He's definitely a bae
Romancing him as a Dalish elf mage felt great, only the Human Mage comes close

Will she be the protagonist?
If not who cares.

Yeah, but I wouldn't consider it Dragon Age 3 though.


>Playing Hawke as a man

Hawkes male voice is shit.
You play as a female hawk and fuck merril.

Extremely boring and tedious

Since i rushed inquisition due to having a time limit (i had the ps4 lended to me) i didnt waste too much time on sidequests but i can certainly say it was a pretty awkward battle system of which i barely actually paused, mostly just to drug everyone on health potions because they removed the healing spells.

Im actually mad the way it finished the base game and had actual important stuff delivered in the tresspasser dlc.

I never gave a fuck about solas and how he suddenly became by the end of the game this enigma character that was the culprit of everthing happening and i can't even make an assumption of it in the base game even though i did make everything to have him on high approval.

Basically my goal was to fuck dorian and cullen to which at least their romance was refreshing and what kept me hooked.

Adamant is "ok", going to the castle is val royeaux was partly fun because of the interections but not of how it played itself, fighting the dragon felt more like the final battle than corypheus.

The grey wardens got reduced to a point where they became outcasts again and honestly the fade is just a mess.

The game wasn't bad but its not that good either.

What was the point of mounts?
They were barely faster if at all and they ruined the team dynamic.

Honestly this, i thought they would also change the speed lf traveling but it was just a skin on the horse.

I did buy the fancy deer just to feel fancy

>only two romance options for straight males
>one is bisexual
>the other, touted as a romantic, passionate lover with a strong righteous belief in the Andrastian faith, refuses to marry the Inquisitor out of "appearances" and self insecurity, despite being a no nonsense sword and board tank who isn't afraid to speak her mind
>Despite this, lesbians can marry Sera, and tumblr landwhales can marry Ex templar crack addict.
Not even the romances could save this shitshow. So fucking obvious that Bioware had a bigger agenda here than the BBC. Barring that, the game itself was a boring, tedious slog. Graphics were terrible, animations were terrible, fetch quests were unending, and none of your choices really fucking mattered. You could be evil in Origins, or at least make evil decisions. In this one it's just one shade of boring Lawful Good.

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It commits one of the worst sins a video game can.
It's boring.

I always just used to shield charge to move faster and the teleport as a mage. Both are faster and more fun than mounts.

Why does she have a walking stick?

Woops wrong post

It was bad. It played like an offline MMO with the most soulless quests ever. Even with all the new budget and support, the animations were ass. And the amount of literally gay bullshit shoved in your face was horrendous. It was actually inescapable.

Also, making quests take actual real world time was fucking obnoxious especially when all the quests were worthless.

It was okay. It tried to recapture Baldurs Gate with the lvl design but it ended up being souless and the worst part of the game. You also have some shitty snowflake bioware writing mixed in with some good stuff. The gameplay was decent nothing to special but serviceable.

It was shit.
Only faggot-shitters enjoyed it.

I'm playing through it right now rolling a carpet munching fire mage and really enjoying it. The combat just keeps getting better and better as you learn to synergize roles and abilities along with map tactics. Glad I didn't listen to the critics and sleep on it.

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They promoted too much gay shit. Even if the game is good i still remember the amount of gay pandering that they showed in the promotional material. The horn guy the elf dyke. Bioware had a secret lesbian ending in kotor 1 and by the time they got to DAI they made it the focus of their entire games. I won't play their games anymore.

Compared to Andromeda 3 years later it is a masterpiece.

Setting the bar even lower doesn't make the game any better.

Environments are nice but empty. Love the characters. Combat and sidequests meh.

The horn guy fucks everything though.

Play it with mods. It's ok imo

You can literally kick out all gay or even bi characters and just ignore them. It's the focus of the game becaues you are obsessed with looking for these things. I'm not a fan of that shit either but you are overdoing it /pol/ tier

ATTENTION. This game is DOGSHIT. Terrible story and terrible world. Makes 2 look like a masterpiece. Everyone in here praising this game and should be permanently banned.

Gayest fucking post I’ve seen in days. You should be ashamed of yourself

Dragon fights are kino fight me.

>Makes 2 look like a masterpiece
absolutely not

Both frosty and that other tool classify like 95% of the mods I've tried as out-of-date. Triggers me the fuck out.
Don't know how to deal with it nor what's the best patch to roll-back the game to, is it even worth it?

It has worse writing than Bioshock infinite and ME3 combined, the one thing the main villain wants to do is enter the fade, and at the end of the game you defeat him and.... send him into the fade.


no you aren't


No you don't you brainlet.
>People like that judge writing
You create a rift inside him to tear him apart. In a way he enters the fade but he will be dead as shit and ripped to pieces with no way to regenerate.

>country roads take me home
>selling like hot cakes
>chock full
>absolute unit
>the absolute size of him
>didn’t even know I wanted
>across the board
>crapping on
>was so hype
>we don’t deserve
>it blows my mind
>working himself to death
>was just a meme
>and all that jazz
>this is just bad
>really rubs me the wrong way
>god forbid
>I didn’t really notice it
>can’t come soon enough
>_____ got me super hard
>got canned
>prime example
>given me chills
>gave me chills
>a whole slew of
>holy fuck
>fucking awesome
>fucking great
>fucking epic
>yep this
>pretty much this
>so much fucking this
>this, so much this
>boy do I love
>amen to that
>just the fucking worst
>on another note
>I’m on the fence on this
>fucking incredible
>get the stuffing beaten out of them
>it feels like just yesterday
>on a lighter note
>how did nobody tell me
>the insistence that
>reared their head
>so ya live, ya learn
>got a kick out of
>looks sex
>woot woot

>feels good, man
>you need to spend less time
>I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about this
>speaks to me on a spiritual level
>I’m fucking dying
>fuck yes
>a bit offcolor
>that’s totally fair
>no joke
>in bad taste
>got a take on
>fuck this guy, fuck him very much
>fault him on
>fight it tooth and nail
>instant diamonds
>I’m diamonds
>yeah, pretty much this
>____ good
>____ bad
>my sides
>good night my sides
>my sides are in orbit
>neck yourself
>doom n gloom
>god forbid
>dumpster fire
>brown n bloom
>unironically diamonds right now
>top comfy
>absolute madlad
>see ya later virgins
>be me
>you’re like a baby, listen to this
>consider the following
>sleep on it

It wasn't terrible. There were still some good characters and good moments, but a lot of it was buried beneath layers of singleplayer MMO and abused burnt out employees apparently hoping that it would fail.

Having a secret illicit affair with Divine Cassandra is the ultimate romantic move tbqh

>blue board is nu-reddit
>flooded by zoomers in their 20s

I wish 2 had enough development time. I liked the combat in that game

30 hours of good content spread over a 100 hour game. It wasn't bad, it was boring.

Why do redditers talk like this? Why do they use so many sayings.


Don't be faggots, Yea Forums was filled with 13 year olds echoing expressions way before reddit and 4channel and you know it.
>vomits up a dictionary
>if you use any of these words you're a peepee head
Good job.

>Why do redditers talk like this
Memetic nomenclature born from such a conformist leftist shithole by people devoid of any sense of identity and self-worth, is bound to be fucking garbage.
It's all about being as inoffensive and appealing to the lowest common denominator as humanly possible.

No, I assure you this list is 100% legitimate. You are a redditer

>i assume big homo is taboo in the world.
it isn't
however Dorian is from Tevinter and the high ranking Tevinter families are big eugenics fans who basically arrange marriages both for politics and create magical ubermensch
there's only two for gay men, and one is fucking Iron Bull (Dorian makes up for it though)
now a woman on the other hand gets 6 options which is bullshit

Morrigan couldn't even save this shit show, honestly I just want ""Bioware"" to crash and burn already

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What mods do you want to use? The newer ones are better anyway and far more advanced, epecially the shit from wavebend.

Why is she so fucking ugly

>In muh headcanon this makes perfect sense!
Yea, pathetic retards like you judging the writing eh? That sounds so much better.

Inquisition is shit, anyone trying to defend it is retarded.

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I prefer my videogames to actually have an ending that I can reasonably get to

Game went on for 8 fucking years without being more than barely above average

It wasn't terrible, just boring. really boring. Playing it was akin to playing Far Cry, which is to say it was a Ubisoft checklist game without the serviceable combat.


>no posts about Andraste
You're fucking up, Yea Forums !

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War table timers, more loot, some CC enhancements/replacements and some other stuff.
Wavebend's sprint, spirit blade toggle, and mage AAs are the only mods I find useful but I've never tried them.

Poor dude has survived 2 genocides against the templars already. Wouldn't say his life is pretty alright. More like pretty terrible.

The open world wasn't necessary. I feel like they did it to make up for DA2. If the areas had been slightly smaller and maybe a bit more linear, it would've been fine.

I enjoyed the game for what it was, but DA:O will always be my favourite. Playing mage and doing glyph combos to make mass paralysis and shit like that was fun as fuck.

The main story doesn't even take you to each world.
It is very silly.

based post. origins was and is the only good DA game. everything else is garbage. poor bioware.

combat system barely functional
story was trite bullshit i've seen before and done better
companions, there were like 3 acceptable ones, all the rest were shit
its a terrible game that's not worth your time even for a fan of the original