Hiveswap act 2 will come out this decade

Hiveswap act 2 is currently in development

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Other urls found in this thread:

who cares because all these nuTrolls are shit except for Zebede.

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I think he's in act 2

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I wish he'd release an actual RPG rather than this soicore point'n'cuck garbage.

This Tumblr dogshit still exists?


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Oh really? How's your HRT coming along?

Disgusting, why haven't you just ended it all yet?

The epilogue should have told you that Hussie is interested in doing things that are good or have satisfying payoffs.

This artist was a pedophile who specifically stated they had a fetish for baby gore.

Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?

Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.

Now excuse me, I have to work on Undertale 2. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.

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What was his problem?

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>Is not interested

He was in a webcomic for autistic white girls with no friends

>This artist was a pedophile who specifically stated they had a fetish for baby gore.

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they were japanese

He was Equius without the redeeming qualities

Based fucking Toby

He's based off Aaron Diaz, who is a shitty person.

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Based Tobyposter

So was Equius just strong as fuck, or is that an Indigo Blood thing?

uh all the landdwwellers or lowwbloods as i like to call them, get off this planet because its for highbloods only, understand? cause if you don't i wwill make lowwbloods slavves again!!!

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It was an Indigo Blood thing, but some are STRONGer than others

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Tranny thread

I don't remember anything saying that indigo bloods are inherently strong, I think I do remember something like that being said about purple bloods and sea dwellers though

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The lowwer on the hemospectrum you go the shittier the characters become

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Since I've never bothered with Homestuck I decided to actually stick through to read it and found my self enjoying it.
However right now I'm going through act 6 and holy shit this is really hard to go through, I heard it gets even worse and wondered if I should even bother.

hiveswap is hot garbage but I want a one night stand with Tagora where my legs ache and the next morning I discover my wallet and some valuables missing

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Don't. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for Homestuck.

I'm glad the epilogues confirmed that the Ultimate Self and the ideal self are two very different things.

I know sunken cost fallacy is kicking in even though act 6 is retard long, but it just isn't worth it really.

The only good timeline.

>reads like 7000 pages
>can't finish what they started
fucking zoomers I swear

I finished act 6 recently after having only read up to Cascade while it updated. It was really only worth it to me to understand what happened after and to finish it, not that it's that satisfying though.

Just because Karkat's not a pussy doesn't make it a good timeline. It's a horrible timeline.


Karkat is literally the only person in that timeline who doesn't come out fucked over or fucked up.

>john has a loving family, snaps out of depression
>karkat finally the leader he was always built up to be
>jake finally realizes his aspect, no longer anyone's boytoy
>rose and kanaya genuinely happy
>dave meets his personal christ figure, now on the way to save everything
>gamzee gets brutally murdered

Why does he hate her so much?

Attached: jade wants a hug.gif (500x402, 334K)

Hussie hates happiness.

>john has a loving family
You just skimmed that didn't you
He divorces Roxy and is pretty much in a state of heavy depression
Dave is miserable because he's a bitchboy who can't even be happy with a beautiful wife, and was most likely manipulated by Dirk (who kills himself in this timeline) and has basically regressed as a person in every way.

Nobody gets closure, the authors even admitted the point was to emphasize pointlessly dark tragic stuff and metafiction over any sense of closure

Gamzee did nothing wrong
Vriska has been out of control from day one

Dave being obsessed with Obama is the Dave fanfic equivalent of John being obsessed with Nic Cage.

>Gamzee get's brutally murdered

Can someone please tell me why the fuck the entirety of Yea Forums and Yea Forums hate this motherfucker?

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>He divorces Roxy and is pretty much in a state of heavy depression
Did you like, only read half the story?

They're not down with the clown. They'll learn, someday.

Jade is Hussie's narrative punching-bag and will never find lasting happiness for as long as Hussie lives

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Just because he's never been happy doesn't mean everyone else has to be miserable

Attached: whap!.png (699x583, 182K)

That's how hussie works, senpai.

Attached: hussieJUST.png (532x532, 504K)

She's confirmed that she wanted to breed and start a family. Such a heteronormative attitude is toxic and needs to be idealistically trounced in this modern age.

>be bard
>a giant troll class that fucks up everything just by being alive
is that it?

Just tell me why everybody hates this clown, why no one understands that this guy was fated to become LE slave, he was high on sopor because he didn't want to hurt his friends (aknowledging that he descended from the Grand Highblood), literally karcuck didn't give two shits about him, he was just scared like a pussy that Gamzee was going to kill everybody, idem for his """friends"""", and then, he got brainwashed by lil cal, becoming a murderous moderfucker, why no one seems to understand that this tragic guy's fate was sealed the day he landed on alternia, why?

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Because it was presented in the most confusing way possible


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It feels like all the current authors generally hate her

A Bard can be the key to victory to a session ( if he doesn't fuck up and becomes the exact opposite) and Gamzee was literally a weapon mindcontrolled by LE and Aranea

unculturedfag here what is this

homestuck, google it, leave this thread and don't look back


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>/hsg/ trying to infect other boards again

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he based

I mean you don't have to look very hard to see it

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Epilogue pumpkin that has neither of the Cherub's influences when?

Based off his ex-longtime partner

Dirk Strider is love.
Dirk Strider is life.

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>Homestuck shite leaking onto Yea Forums again.

Homestuck/MSpaintcomics is for fucking emofaggots that should kill themselves
Same with this shit
Kill yourself

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How come these threads aren't on Yea Forums or /mlp/?

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Because this is a cancer that cannot be contained

I don't wanna

Dirk is the best character.

When you make your own

they are literally banned on Yea Forums

But Betelgeuse (Jade's base) is still around. In fact she's the co-owner of Homestuck Inc and What Pumpkin.

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Ignore things you don't like
how do you function in real life?

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>responding to such obvious bait

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I was not aware of that, guess Hussie still hates her though - either that or his JUSTing just got worse
The Tailed one is something you don't summon that lightly

>mods ban e-celeb threads but allow furfag/mlp content banned on other boards

Really stimulates the old brain cells

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>Humiliated post-retcon
>Humiliated in Hiveswap
>Humiliated in Meat
>Humilated in Candy

When will they decide he's had enough?

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Gamzee exists in the epilogue specifically to make fun of you and the other retards like you.

All of you should kill yourselves
Homestuck is fucking cancer

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You rang?
>”Ignore things you don't like”
>Says this while spamming threads that the mods know aren’t welcome here and failing to fet the message.
Takes one to know one I guess.

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>hates her
>gives her half his company

Hussie just hates Harleys. I fully expect Joey to get shit on by the time Hiveswap is done.

Attached: john egbert.png (622x715, 9K)

>tfw Jake English is the most relatable character
>everyone in the fandom hates him

And now for the main event, YOUR GOD COMMANDS IT!

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I don't wanna

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Are you both retarded but also a gorgeous hunk?

Attached: jade sees your penis.gif (393x393, 496K)

Oh boy, here we go again.
You may as well, the Homestuck fandom is infected with underage and Tumblrshite.

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Fuck Tumblr, and FUCK Homestuck

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Stream yourself doing it
You pussy
You will not be missed

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Your Savior is pleased.

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>Hussie realizes Doc scratch was his best villain and tries to bring him back
>it fails

>can't hold onto relationships or friendships

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It’s coming...

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but I don't wanna

Chad as fuck

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Caliborn > Doc

>that entire epilogue
I hate what homestuck has become, please Hussie, just work on something else for the love of god. Remember Wizardy Herbert? Maybe it's time to finish that up?

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Wow I guess I'm the autist trying to discuss something video game related on Yea Forums I have interest in, for once.

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no I don't feel like it


Try making a thread on a more appropriate board, I'm sure they'll be more accepting

>Hussie's old relationships all fail and his family drifts apart
>so that's how every family ever should work
Fuck him, the kids should be inseparable. This whole bullshit is just game of thrones "what's subversive???" bullshit.

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It's always the same person too, gets the noggin joggin

Yes I guess that's where video game discussion goes to nowadays.

no not right now I'm busy


Are you indexer? Only indexer would show your levels of dedication and autism

It's where flies congregate to discuss shit, which is what anything Homestuck related objectively is.

This thread is BARELY vidya and you fucking know it. Might as well be trying to start a Steven Universe thread because they made a few shovelware games.

to be fair killing oneself is also a pussy move
pussy if you do pussy if you don't
also I'm just not feeling it right now sorry

Oh yeah and you're the greatest fucking arbitor of that, are you? The guy spamming underage scat porn in a hiveswap thread.

I love it. He still can't escape Homestuck, and the epilogue didn't generate anything besides disappointment.

>Not written by hussie
>literally implied the epilogues are non canon by the phrase " tales of dobious autenticity"

Fuck off and give me an actual reason of why you hate gamzee, without making retarded comparisions with Epilogue gamzee and "it was made to make fun of you"

>warned for reporting /hsg/ cancer that was banned 5 years ago

Just what did the mods mean by this?

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>Yea Forums is one person
LMAO, the projection. Tails autist is based.

More vidya than 2/3rds of the threads right now and would have remained that way if it wasnt for you autistic shitskins.

reminder that toby fox is still working on the music for HIveswap

I mean if he really wanted to upset people he could post grub torture porn, but I don't think he's smart enough to track that down.
I mean this whole thing is pretty tame. It's like Pete Time. It's so reposted it doesn't phase me, and the art is too cartoony to really evoke a base emotion.

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>always try to fix problems but end up making things worse
>end up becoming elusive and avoidant because of it

Attached: Jake; Fill 'em with daylight already!.jpg (867x922, 76K)

James Roach also got rehired. So we might get one decent song and then a bunch of middling songs that nobody cares about.
Shoulda gotten Michael Guy Bowman instead.

Attached: joey loves her brother.png (1280x1600, 2.69M)

weak cope

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90% of this thread is people complaining about how shitty the fandom is what are you even talking about

he'd probably get a better reaction posting chaz's old davejade comics.
You know the ones.

Why even bother when they will betray you
You might as well go and jump out of a skyscraper fag

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Of course I do.

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>James Roach also got rehired
I shouldn't be this giddy about this, he's so fucking stupid it's funny.

Freindsim ost was ok

Exactly. Get the hint. This shit is so toxic that it's impossible for it it be on topic (that topic is video games btw), even if people wern't shitposting it into oblivion. Fuck off to trash where it belongs.

A bunch of friendsim OST was just songs from the old albums.

Attached: big ole joeys.gif (283x283, 1.79M)

Funnily enough Homestuck threads get deleted on /trash/, they're THAT toxic.

>wannabe jannies

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>These are the kind of people in this very thread demanding to have a place on Yea Forums

And the mods are trying to defend them

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>gets upset and throws a tantrum his child porn comic was deleted

what are you even talking about

>posters: 38
>posters: 38
>"i-it's you who's autistic trash!"

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How can something be toxic when almost all the people posting in the threads are complaining about how toxic it is?

Jade is not a furry, her introductory pages are very explicit about that.

>/hsg/ faggots ITT playing innocent and trying to pretend that they arn't worse than both /mlp/ and /sug/ posters
Fucking hilarious. You niggers are banned from Yea Forums for a reason.

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As someone who actively hates the Homestuck fandom I think that video of them collectively spitting into a bucket or the convention horror stories would've been better than comparing them to known zoosadists, some of which are going through the court system right now.

>not a furry
She's not into fursuits, but she is a furry. She had a canon furaffinity account and furry porn on her walls. Dave sent her a furry SBAHJ poster and they did furry ERP together. Or did you forget that?

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Yes. It's toxic because it applies shitposting, but when you remove the shitposting it attracts the worst kinds of fangirl circlejerkers when left unchecked. You cannot win with Homosuck, it's the definition of a toxic subject.

Reminder that homestuck is fucking gay and full of faggots

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nothing wrong with that btw

>did you forget that?
Yes I did.

>samefags 20 posts straight
>obnoxious frogposter
I know you're 12 and really excited to fit in, but trust me you'll have way more fun over at Yea Forums. Let the grown-ups talk sweetie.

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Well yeah because she's hot.

Wasn't Jade based on Hussie ex?

>unironically falling for my past bait posts

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>nothing wrong with that btw
Furry conventions would like to have a word with you.

She was based on Betelgeuse (who is still around), but as far as we know they never dated.


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What the fuck happened with Dave

>Mod sticky defending ProJarad
>Mods actively defending furries

Yea Forums mods confirmed as degenerates who aren't even from this board

>being this mad
you're just making this fun to watch now

Attached: 602.png (586x586, 348K)

>150+ posts
>/hsg/ thread still up
clean it up already jannies, christ

Attached: 1432667625082.png (263x283, 5K)

Acts 1-5 Dave -> Soul
Acts 6+ Dave -> Souless
Hussie did him dirty. In fact, I've never seen someone done so dirty.

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>video game gets announced
>being mad that people discuss it
get fucked zoomer.

One of /vp/'s mods posted a Dephox pic that's kind of furry, so it makes sense.

Game Over Dave was the last real Dave
>all these fujos going "DAVE HATED BEING A HERO"
>now epilogue Dave is a pathetic layabout that sits on the couch all day watching TV instead

We just don't like the kind of people who'd kidnap and fucking our pets given the chance is all

>One of /vp/'s mods posted a Dephox pic that's kind of furry
*One of /vp/'s mods posted a Dephox pic that's kind of furry in the Detective Pikachu sticky.
>being mad that people discuss it
And you faggots are BARELY discussing it. Instead you're discussing the FUCKING WEBCOMIC'S EPILOGUE, SHIT ABOUT THE CREATIVE TEAM, OR JUST PLAIN SHITPOSTING!

Nice retort. Back to cripplechan with you.

Why don't you just go to another thread? Why do you even care so much?

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>trying to push your shitty shovelware as an excuse to have off topic circlejerk on board that hates you (newflash: they all do)


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Would you trust him developing and balancing an RPG? They barely can create an P&C.

You know
Dave coming to accept that his Bro loved him and was still abusive would be a better arc than just "My bro hated me and was abusive"
Because then you have to deal with him facing his own fear that even if he means well he'd fuck up hardcore

Because like any sane person, I HATE Homestuck and anyone that likes it.

Attached: Based+chinman+on+the+sims+post+check+_4da70d34d703b8958dd41f76d6980542.jpg (267x200, 12K)

Not him but see the pic in and see where this thread is going. Also, how's /qa/ treatin' ya?

Better than a dead genre.

Honestly it doesn't even need to be a real RPG in the full sense, just give it some semblance of gameplay. Like If Hiveswap had gone full paper mario it might have been redeemable.

Attached: jade sees just how bad the ending to homestuck is.png (500x489, 101K)

I heard Eridan actually got a redemption arc in the epilogue, is that true?

He never said that his bro hated him in act 6, he said that he should not be taking care of kids.

Nothing wrong with good point and click games

Sounds like you have a bit of the tisms chinman, you're getting mad by your own volition

I might be autistic, but at least I don't like Homestuck.

He literally does
>DAVE: the only feeling left is this insane impression that i was raised by somebody who fuckin HATED me

Why is this thread not autosaging yet?

God I hate act 6 Dave.
It's the punctuation and capitalization. Like him not using that stuff made it interesting to see how he expressed emotion. Now it just reads like a fanfic version of him.

Here we go again.

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He became the gay, and it was not okay

Because the mods are silly little patato children that even the priest wouldn’t molest!

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Turns out Dirk was the better Strider all along.

You're just wasting good ips, you'll get rangebanned if you do this everytime user

you think there will be more armpits in act 2?

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He's doing God's work.

Attached: 1500310593802.jpg (947x734, 122K)

No, but we'll get Joey's feet.

Range bans are EASY to get around these days.

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i heard jade got a dog knot in the epilogue, is that true

There is no God here, only Zuul.

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It's implied

yes it's actually true

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Yes and she is a nympho too

Yes, but also a tail, which she doesn't have in the normal canon comic.

Furry degeneracy at its finest, I bet it burns like peat moss if we were to doused it in gasoline and throw a lit match onto it.

>mobile filename
cringe, but redpilled

Since the thread's about to be pruned, when are we having another Sburb thread?
Whining about fucked sessions, lame specibuskinds and bullshit classpect distributions is always a good time to me.

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I thought that was a misinterpretation and the only thing that's been confirmed is that any music he may have done for future acts is still getting used?

Do you want tha shit to get hit by the Tailsposter as well? Just take your shit to a Discord server and leave Yea Forums out of this.

Probably on saturday

Did the epilogue even have ANY sburb stuff?

Please post an image of your right arm
I'm genuinely curious of your race and build

>oh no please don't be off topic on fucking Yea Forums


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>Oh no the tailsposter
Who cares? He's easy to ignore and he inevitably gets banned anyway.

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Those two are one and the same. Mediocre to the end.

Black or fat
got it

Too bad the main difference between a Homestuck-related vidya thread and a regular vidya thread is that you can actually discuss the latter without getting bogged down by what it's connected to related shitposters..

Terezi and Vriska would have been better as boys and Sollux and Karkat would have been better as girls. prove me wrong

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Every Homestuck character would be better as a girl.

Attached: girl equius is lewd.png (370x425, 40K)

Why would people act like Toby and Hussie aren't in good terms?

That’s all for now.

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>highblood getting off on being fucked by lowwbloods
that's just plain gross

A fair point
This is a fact though

Lol gay

>implying repetitive shitposting awful porn dumps on Yea Forums faze anyone
it's all just an act people put on since everyone's already seen it before

yeah so would roxy lol

More like RoXY

Attached: pregnant roxy.png (468x718, 68K)


>character goes tranny
>In timeline where everyone is happier she gets into the most heteronormative relationship in the whole thing.

VERY Interesting.

Post more R63
Would be short-haired as a girl? Who long?

>everyone is happier
Most aren't though
I mean both are miserable, the writers said that was their goal

>everyone is happier
John is never happy, John will never ever be happy

Jake neither I guess.

Attached: JohnOOF.jpg (1347x200, 80K)

John is finally at peace in Meat.
Unless this shit gets another continuation. He'll definitely become unhappy.

If you actually think some tame cartoon porn is bothering anyone here...

Why every homestuck/sburb thread must be invaded by autists who complain about the fandom by shitposting and post disgusting, thus going off topic?

Attached: Gamzee_honk_by_andrew_hussie_by_californiasigma-d3kprn0.gif (195x225, 13K)

And Jade.

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Attached: 1442359765598.webm (854x480, 2.87M)

This image has killed all interest I have in the naked female form. My balls have literally shrivelled up and fallen off in the course of a few seconds. Congratulations, you have rendered me a eunuch, just by posting what is possibly the worst piece of lewd fanart ever conceived.
Fuck you.

The ending of the epilogues practically beg for a continuation. And Jonn sure as hell isn't staying dead since Terezi has his corpse in the wallet. So he's probably gonna get prototyped or something and come back to life

Kinda miffed report announcing is not allowed, because it's pretty tiring to do it in silence without knowing if anyone else is doing it.

Well if it's going to continue, the authors that wrote it aren't going to do it, since they apparently have no idea if a continuation is going to happen at all.

Attached: jade has been starving for so long.jpg (3036x2207, 1.94M)

That's exactly what I meant you dipshit. Not all of us are blessed to be as simple as you are.

>vriska comes back and gets on with tz
How fucked would he be?how many minutes between hearing the news and then an heroing?

Because the mods usually DELETE these threads before they get this bad, you mercury-slurping sleazebag.

user I'm going to have to ask you to stop

Attached: spoiler.png (1215x700, 884K)

>implying reports matter when Jannies have let this thread go on this long while just deleting the Tails posts

Hussie apparently thinks that ship is abusive now.

hiveswap = videogames
homoshit =/= not videogames

To john too.

Attached: b80.jpg (1440x1715, 105K)

>/hsh/ fags play innocent despite being so fucking awful that even Yea Forumsmblr won't tolerate them
Really activates my almonds. The reason this always happens is because people don't want you around. That's why this always happens in Homestuck threads, specifically. Take. The. Hint.

isn't it time we all put that behind us and give /hsg/ their redemption arc?

Homestuck fans are not and have never been obnoxious
I didn't even know homestuck existed before 2017

It starts with trolling but develops into butthurt and crying when they don't get what they want

Yeah well that's his problem.

No. You don't get to rewrite history. You guys are furfag tier, and people will never, EVER let it go.

Stop fucking dogs first

>"why won't mods side with my brand of autism?"
Just let people discuss the fucking topic. There's like fifty threads up right now, go find one that interests you specifically.

When you still have shit like Trollspeak, "X is best troll" various other forms of off-topic nonsense, and refuse to curb that behavior then you kind of lose the chance for redemption.


That's a lie, but I don't blame you. Tumblr has made it impossible to not shit on homestuck by association alone. It was fucking everywhere at some point and you're not allowed to like popular things.

>He doesn't know about the bucket-spitting and the cosplay horror stories.
Oh sweet summer child, you're in for a Hell of a Time...

You being a newfag doesn't make Homstuck any less irredeemable.


Attached: dogsleep.png (500x677, 879K)

Why even care?
It's one fucking thread on the worst board.
fucking obsessed.
how thin is your skin?

>implying that this thread wouldn't have derailed into /hsg/ circlejerking if left unchecked
Shitposters are heroes for nipping it in the bud, you brainlet. The alternative is worse, as evidenced by the fact that Homestuck fags are banned from their own home board.

>dave keeps trying to throw this away for an angry midget

That's the worst you can come up with? That's weaksauce

>no tyziasbros in this thread

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Attached: rufio from the movie Hook.jpg (640x640, 173K)

Whatever happened to Dante Basco's involvement with Homestuck? Or did he bug out since he was a huge Dave fan?

Filter the thread, nigger.

I fucking love tyzias, tealbloods are the B E S T.

Attached: 37806620_682501822098647_820489584197500928_n.jpg (480x480, 31K)

>That's the worst you can come up with?
Considering that Homestuck cosplayers have a nasty tendency of getting on convention staffs' nerves due to improper body paint application, terrible con etiquette, and being socially awkward fuckwits they're no better than furries.

Filter your existence, clown.


>Why even care? It's one fucking thread on the worst board.
Hmm, furries and bronies use the same argument to justify posting their shit elsewhere so what could possibly go wrong here?
Saw how bad the fandom was and NOPE'd the fuck out.

can't wait to see more of my daughter

Attached: 4ZDqstO.png (194x234, 4K)

You first, nigger.

He came in at the ass end of the fandom. Plus he's an Avatar voice actor. He's seen some shit.

Attached: 120.png (480x369, 110K)

You have no idea what you're talking about do you? If you want reasons to hate it they do exist, but that's still weaksauce and only a child would give a shit about them.

Attached: 0X4vgM4 .gif (360x360, 1.69M)

Nah. You losers don't deserve an inch.

Attached: if-you-give-a-mouse-a-cookie-HarperCollins.jpg (968x681, 60K)

>Caliborn gets one epilogue page
>remains unsullied as a result
You know, you can't win 'em all, but I think we won this time.

Am I watching the birth of the second Barneyfag?

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>the best ending one can hope for is that Hussie forgets or ignores your favorite character
Is this suffering

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Attached: Tirona.png (983x1585, 143K)

Both the hatred towards the Homestuck fandom (and their socially awkward ways) and The Tailsposter have been here for years, it's only recently that the Tailsposter has been targeting Homestuck threads. As to WHY he's doing it? I blame mod fatigue, it's the same reason why he targets other threads on other boards.

Too bad he isn't even half as entertaining

There wouldn't be as much Tailsposting if this threads like this one were deleted in a timely manner, and let's face it this thread should have been pruned a while ago.

>It's 2019 and people are still complaining about a nonexistant fandom

For one part, I'm happy I started reading on november 2018, but I'm also upset that I can't have a normal discussion on sburb (not even the webcomic itself) without being labeled as "the one of the many" from 2012 by retards.

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>I'm also upset that I can't have a normal discussion on sburb
>I'm upset I can't have a an off topic discussion on Yea Forums instead of making a thread on or tumblr

Know your audience retard

My children, the best children.

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>implying the majority of homestuckers arn't the same obsessed fanbois from 2012
Just because you're a newfag doesn't make them any less intolerable. There's a reason people don't want them here.

Have sex


Can you at least try and pretend you're not samefagging. You're fucking embarassing me user.

fuck i hope so

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I don't give a FUCK.

Did you even read my comment? I didn't give a shit about this webcomic/aknowledged it until the end of 2018 and just want sometimes to talk about it, too bad Yea Forums has a retarded janny, also why when you don't know how to reply, you end up with the easy "go back to tumblr!!111


Again, just because you're a retarded zoomer that missed the fucking boat doesn't negate years of shitposting. There's a reason they're banned from Yea Forums, a board that tolerates cancer like Steven Universe. Homestuck is MLP and Frozen General levels of toxic. If you want to be ignorant about it that's your prerogative, but don't expect people to just forget because you're too new to remember how badly discussion of it can actively shit up a board.

This is an instance where telling someone to go to tumblr to discuss it is actually helpful advice, as it's the only place that will accept you at this point.

there's a thread up on /aco/ usually

to be fair as much of a cesspool /HSG/ was it was contained itself fairly well until the nuke

That's not for you to decide faggot. All of the shit in this thread didn't come from people talking about homestuck. Think about that.

this, if you really hated it this much you'd have it contained.

see> >462013843

it was, especially compared to later generals like gfg, sug and korra. any complaints are revisionist history. the only reason the threads were ever banned is because mods and jannies never wanted to deal with the influx of reports from people that simply disliked the comic or its fans.

You claim it's revisionist, but it wouldn't have been reported into oblivion in the first place if it wasn't a problem.

Yea Forums would be better if it had 0 moderation

I do want it contained, to

Attached: barkbark.gif (640x480, 114K)

Nah, fuck that. I've seen what happens when "fandoms" go unchecked. It's the same reason people shitpost furries away.

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it wasnt. the general never leaked, unlike the others in question. the only mod on Yea Forums that still enforces disallowing homestuck discussion has a personal vendetta against the comic quite literally because of people mocking the characters he ships. its then that he crawls out of the woodwork

God I love Amethyst, best gem

>epilogue releases
>nepeta tards stop spamming their horrible ship
thank you Hussie

Attached: 1481838339039.jpg (650x766, 111K)

You really don't know anything about the general, do you? Your newfaggotry is so blatant that I won't even tell you why that statement gets more and more retarded as you keep posting that, I just want you to keep going with your autism until the thread gets pruned.

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Katnep user is still around silly. They just haven't found this thread.

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Love won

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>Nepeta and Equius were the only ones saved from the epilogue

Fucking based I might say.

>I've never seen someone done so dirty.
Rose. God damn im mad about what Hussie did to Rose.

this the projared thread? can I get a rundown

best troll

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I remember when homosuck threads used to be laughed off Yea Forums

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I thought she got it good?

This post clears out how an hatebase can be equally cancerous and illogical as a fanbase, expecially when said fanbase is now unexistant.
This is also why I just lurk around Yea Forums and the internet without being registered to any social media, because I don't want to have anything to do with rude tards like you, who just have to hate on newfags for the sake of hating

>not even mentioned at all

Jesus, and people had hopes for it after the Dream Bubble scene.

But user, the epilogue is all either non-canon or outside canon.

he means before that.
Rose was basically reduced to one half of a relationship.

then you are a lying newfag

>establishes that it makes them miserable and lethargic
>without Dave's influence Karkat goes on to become a great leader
>relationship supported by the main villain
What did Hussie mean by this

The HS fanbase was so awful it warped other fanbases around it with its social justice slant and popolarized stuff like drawing racebent uglified queer character fanart, because HS's characters had no canon race. That's enough to shun them honestly

Haters wouldn't exist if you didn't give them something to hate, retard.

cucked his wife.
asked for nudes on tumblr.
is confirmed dicklet.

it's a visual comic
you can see the fucking characters

This. Homestuck is the progenitor of a bunch of awful trends and offshoots, including the almost equally terrible Undertale fandom.

Oh, yeah I suppose. Rose was kind of fucked from the time the trolls were introduced. It's almost as if the addition of trolls was like a meta troll to the readers and series as a whole. I'm glad they exist, even if they overcomplicated the story, cause they make my peepee feel funny.

Attached: do i know you people.png (800x800, 26K)

This thread lack Vriska for some reason

Attached: 0B37950825AE4988BBD04FBD8B8D5390.png (600x1724, 605K)

it means davekat can only happen when it's forced by an evil gay control freak

Attached: 04_by_i_am_your_lord_d838md5-250t.jpg (250x250, 14K)

Sounds about right.

Forget Vriska she's old news, give me more of these 2

Attached: 142235f420a50d3dd01c64ebbb8b7ff6.png (672x892, 239K)

Dave respects Karkat too much to turn him gay

Too bad he turned Jade gay

That... that I wasn't even what I said, I don't care if something gets hated, because EVERYTHING needs liking and disliking, because if something is too much liked ( 2015 undertale) peoples will attack everyone who dislikes it, viceversa for 2019 homestuck, are Yea Forumsirgins really that retarded, are they so much habituated to swear and talk random bullshit to the point they can't make a normal discussion?

I don't talk to mouthbreather

Holy fucking shit, Hussie

Attached: 1556961924985.png (650x1100, 19K)

Jade is the only person that just wants a baby and a happy home life for her own sake, rather than out of a sense of obligation. She is the straightest character, technically.

Imagine actually liking Homosuck

Attached: 1497375770554.png (540x480, 204K)

And now you don't even know what to say, proving my point even more



will we ever be free from homestuck?
the real question is do we actually want to be free?

no one really *likes* Homestuck, I think it's this thing where you just hear about it, start reading it, realize it's boring, but keep pushing through because there's gotta be a reason everyone loves it, then when you realize it's more of the same you're already in too deep with the time you've sunk into this shit so you keep reading for the pay off, but its still going and going and then finally you reach the end and now you're left with a void in your free time and maybe even genuinely miss the characters because even though the story wasn't the best, the characters were and then this dude tells you "hold up, I'm making this game, its a whole new thing but takes place in this universe with more charming characters" but it never releases so that void grows bigger and bigger

Attached: okisxo8ptk601.jpg (588x620, 43K)

Not really because we have 10 more years
Not really because we STILL have 10 more years

nah I genuinely like act 1-5 and hiveswap

>Act 2
>development is just as quick as Yandere Sim

why does every retard spout this shit? act 6 was the best thing in the whole comic with the best flashes, music, art, storytelling, etc

Thanks for explaining the entire Homestuck thing

I don't hate act 6, I just stopped reading updates after 5 and eventually read the whole rest of the comic later. I guess I'm just more attached to the beginning.

Give me a quick rundown on Hiveswap

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I'm honestly disgusted at myself for being here for 12 years, at least I'm not a homestuck fag.

Jake Harley is a whore

Give me one good reason why I should buy this piece of shit garbage.

Shitty meme plot device who stops having character after murder time

alternate timeline where jake has a daughter named joey and she swaps places with a troll, that's pretty much it

I don't think that's a reason to hate him? But yeah, I see your point

When did you accept that Homestuck is dead?

Attached: 1550934237184.png (704x685, 327K)

Post Game Over


I remember reading this up until the gigapause or whatever it was. Do I need to finish it before playing hiveswap?
Should I finish it? I heard act 6 was bad.

Second verse, same as the first...

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thanks user, my own strength was wavering when I realized that the thread had reached 350+ posts and the jannies still hadn't done their job

I saw what happened to the two previous attempts, there’s a mod coddling the thread for no good reason.

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honestly at this point you're just bumping the thread

I suspect it was the same mod responsible for the furry post in the Detective Pikachu thread too...

Attached: 79E4F39D-6A2E-48EF-B912-74F35531A299.jpg (920x1301, 441K)

let the retard do it

First time it's trolling, understandable.
Second time means you're serious.
Third time is just autism taking over you, thanks 4 the bumps.

do you actually look at what you're doing and think you're not the autist here?

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>Homestuck "fans" trying to one-up the Tailsposter.
At this point there's no winner here, only autism.

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Do you think autism is a stoppable force? just look at barneyfag and indexer

Someone assemble exodia again

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reminder homecucks are supposed to be banned from Yea Forums entirely because theyre so fucking cancerous

>Claims autism when he’s supoorting a Homestuck thread
Glad to see someone here is being truthful! Now if only we could cure it...
After this is done.

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>thread was about to archive
You could have let it go and that would have been the weekly thread as per usual, you chose poorly and now the thread is gonna survive another round.
I can't wait till we reach bump limit.

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>that one retard who spams HS threads on both Yea Forums and Yea Forums with the same shit every time
yes user we've all seen those comics a billion fucking times and fapped to them at least once

now to be on Yea Forums related topic
you think hiveswap act 2 is going to be a shitshow or do you think VIZ is stepping up and forcing Hussie to do this properly since you know they fired everyone from whatpumpkin last year even fucking Toby

You don't go down quietly, with grace. This /trash/fire is going to burn bright. It's what you deserve.

we should start a petition to ban homoclowns from all of interenet, they suck

I only hope its longer than act 1 because act 1 was surprisingly short

>A 300+ thread
>On page 7
>About to archive
It shouldn't have even reached the first point, squidhumper.

>doing anything
He wasn't even the main writer for the epilogue

user you're almost as autistic as ACK or Lee take your meds

Just like any other day really

petitions don't work, you need to use physical force

cant wait for hussie to get scammed out another million and the graphics get even worse desu

Attached: 5F252021-2644-4FFD-A000-75AC0B300626.jpg (920x1301, 283K)

>Actually trying to discuss the game
It's a lost cause, it's not from the Tailsposter's doing, and you fucking know it.

So throw a live grenade into the next convention's Homestuck fandom meet-up and watch the fireworks/bloodbath? Got it.

I dunno user, Im having fun here, despite your best efforts. Would recommend,

VIZ invested money in this shit and fired everyone its kinda a sign of hope

Jesus Christ,are the mods dead?

Yet you're letting it go on, if this thread died you'd have a whole week free of it, and you chose to keep it going out of autism.

Attached: 0ab.gif (379x387, 229K)

>I dunno user, Im having fun here, despite your best efforts
>Despite your best efforts
>"Unga bunga. you hate Homestuck? You TAILSPOSTER!"
Jesus fucking Christ...

No cost too great.

"One thread a week" is too good for you.

And now for some fun!

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>"And now for some fun!"
God damn you're one cringeworthy fucker.

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That wasn't the focus point of that comment.

Same to you, troll-raper.

Attached: 2199E631-FB24-4298-BA95-BB1BD8A8127B.png (339x491, 188K)

Honey, adults are talking.

I know.

You’re one to talk.

Attached: ADC4C7BF-965E-4C61-90BA-6A51BB872852.png (339x483, 210K)

except for /aco/ i guess

get ready to get dabbed on sweaty


Attached: YEAH.png (1280x720, 1.69M)

>hide post
Wow that was something els

Seriously feels like two mentally ill discord trannies' idea of epic trolling. Thank you for the trainwreck.

It'll be the same as Act 1, and just as disappointing.

Attached: jade bedroom.jpg (251x255, 17K)

wow after all the buildup i was expecting something worse than just a furry shitting into a bun
like at least post the cheesegrater image or something

>You don't wanna mess with me dumb homosuck, i'm gonna post something GROSS, REPEATEDLY!

We've suffered worse

Attached: ugly people are a plague.jpg (1280x722, 230K)

damn, thread's still up

Attached: fef.gif (500x400, 831K)

I've been on the edge on playing it. Is anywhere near the pre-act 5 quality of writing?

Haha. No. You think the epilogue writers were bad, but Act 1 was written by Cohen, who was a fucking plague.

Attached: I'm sorry John was that YOUR prostate.png (191x174, 11K)

what reddit character is this again?

And there he goes and the thread's still up too, do you know nothing about derailling?

Attached: df02b17b21666d81b664719f89f21763 (1).gif (500x450, 903K)

I take it that same user who tries to ruin every good homestuck thread he sees on Yea Forums went at it again?

Attached: 1323220549061.gif (150x125, 31K)

Never forget that Episode 1 was 80% finished as a 3D game, all of which they threw right in the trash when they shifted to 2D as a colossally misguided cost-saving measure. Odd Gentlemen theft had nothing to do with that, purely their own incompetent mismanagement.

Hussie is dead as a creator and has been since middle of Act 6 when he handed everything over to tumblrina ghost writers.

The 3d one looked like trash anyway

He just keeps on going man, at this point it's just brain problems.

Attached: tumblr_nmc7ojMSWj1reufxao1_500.png (500x437, 16K)

Also one of the lead artists drew toddlercon

Fairly sure losing a million might have had something to do with it. Switching to 2d was still hella retarded tho.


>a million
They lost around 400k. They still had millions to develop the game and it took them years to shat out something so ridiculously basic.

Attached: jade disapproves.png (383x463, 70K)

Sauce or your making shit up

A million if we count Hussie playing business manager by making What Pumpkin Inc.


One of the lead artists was Jitenshaw.
I'm not tracking down and posting their toddlercon. I'm not the fucking autistic tails poster.

Yeah, i've got bills to pay, so i cant afford to kill myself right now.

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>Karkat's character arc

Attached: 1437355019206.png (217x213, 5K)

Really? As far I can ser she only has done macro stuff.

>being alive

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I fucking wish Karkat was fucking dead

Check her website.
First, Hussie officially sold everything to Viz. Not just Homestuck but all of MSPA. MSPA is over, frozen in time at the end of Homestuck, there will never be another, the original site doesn't even exist.
But maybe Hussie can go on and still do something totally new, right? Wrong. A year or two later Hussie put up a new site with some extra content behind-the-scenes stuff as part of a small ARG like event (presumed at the time and in hindsight pretty much confirmed to have been intended to lead into the Epilogue release). It was goofy bullshit, whatever type content, some of it a little interesting, mostly kind of dull 'sensible chuckle' shit. Totally inoffensive and bland. So of course his new/remaining arch-faglord tumblrite SJW wilting daisy fanbase turned it into a bogus 'antisemitism' scandal (making HS-verse Hitler and Einstein both agents of H.I.C., Hitler a retarded dudebro who perpetrated The Holocaust out of petty revenge on star pupil rival Einstein). Which Hussie responded to by immediately cancelling and burying it all and going crawling on his hands and knees begging forgiveness. This was the end of any hope for Hussie personally, as a creator. He's just fucking gone.
Then we did inally get the 'epilogue' and it was literal fanfic, mediocre fanfic at best. And that's that, Homestuck is officially over, and it ended with mediocre fanfic.

Now they're apparently working on Hiveswap, again, but seriously who cares? It goes without saying, only the greatest of utter fucking morons.

He is pretty dead inside

So does he.

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Attached: 550c8080edf5f3dc7c3e6f0823f678bd.gif (450x324, 38K)

Nice presentation but pretty boring. Feels like a generic story about Human Girl X being spirited away to Hostile Alien World Y but the fact that this happens to to set in the Homestuck universe and that alien world happens to be Alternia feels pretty uncessecary so far.

Me in the middle

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the change from 2D to 3D was years after the odd gentlemen embezzlement scandal. it was when they had to kill the NYC based WP?! Studio and move to doing it with just a handful of core people from all over the anglosphere. it was just pure mismanagement. they genuinely just started over essentially from scratch at that point. the excuse at the time was that they had lots of high-quality 2D concept art which they would move to just plugging in as final assets, and that does seem to have worked out OK for them - at least for Act 1. then they no longer had a pile of assets to reuse, and so...



Vriska: Sticc as fuck, no ass nor tits
Aradia: Thicc as fuck, huge ass and tiddies

>he is unaware

Attached: weew.png (448x406, 28K)

Roxy is best girl, even if (or maybe because) she fucks dogs.


Leave Homestuck and the epilogues to me.

Attached: 1512256105618.png (310x576, 10K)

im really glad its not dead, Hiveswap was a genuenly heartwarming game.

>Roxy fucks dogs
You're confusing her with Rose

>mfw i took a classpect test many years ago and got page of blood
now im prince of time

So you're king crimson? Metal

It runs in the family, user.

John's associated animal is a rabbit, not a dog.

Aradiabot was best aradia, prove me wrong

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this is just stupid

What you saw was a character who grew up wearing a mask, and only in isolation did he finally take off that mask and ask himself "who the fuck am I?"

Objectively correct

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Ah yes I'm sure it was that and not hussie making all the characters gay to appease tumblr

...The Lalonde family.

I know, Jade wouldn't settle for three pups

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Are Hiveswap and Friendsim worth it? I thought the Epilogue was kinda shit

No chill, bitch was perfect just the way she was

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>not a furry
>disgusted by bestiality
>imagine it with Roxy
>now I love bestiality
explain this bros

>see plenty of pre act-6 moments of Dave showing emotion
>no hurr durr he was just faking it all along
Fuck off tumblr

Vriska can't come back, so that doesn't matter. A huge point behind John and Terezi's stories in the epilogue are realizing what "home" means to them and abandoning the false pretenses that were killing them. Vriska may pine for Terezi, but Terezi no longer cares for Vriska. She's found a better home.

11 years later and problem sleuth is still the best mspa

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she's a very lonely girl

i liked him better with the mask on
make him put it back on hussie

Everytime it's like "No post retcon it was the TRUE Dave" shit comes up it just makes me think how much of a fucking fanfic that is.
But I guess that kind of person isn't good enough at writing to keep Dave's character on the rails and still have him show emotion.

He HAS his mask back on now. Ultimate Dave is every iteration of Dave (and Nepeta). Dave's coolkid persona is no longer his mask, it's his face. But he needed to take off his mask and see what lied beneath to truly wear it as his own again.

>wearing a mask
It's amazing how that mask was not only a better character (and a funnier one) but also a better person overall.

That's what being human is, your outside seems nicer than what you actually are inside, he hid his powerlevel from everyone even himself



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I forgot how humans were all paradoxical godbeings with the genetic ability to flashstep.

Don't give me that "it's REAL" bullshit. Homestuck lost the right to that the moment it wiped out humanity and literally no one gave a shit. Hussie doesn't get to give his characters realistic stakes and emotions.

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>and literally no one gave a shit.
John wanted to save the world, and was told that it was impossible. And they had to focus on not dying themselves. The entirety of the epilogues deal with saving humanity and the consequences of living in a post-scarcity society as demigods without proper training or life to empower them with the wisdom to lead humanity.

You can't save other people if you're going to get killed in the process.

Pick one

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>ROSE: That’s all in the past, John.
>ROSE: Everything worked out in the end.
>ROSE: Why are you getting so upset about this?
>JOHN: you gave me a list of instructions and told me that i had to use my retcon powers to go back to a very specific point in time to defeat lord english when he was still just a kid.
>JOHN: and you told me that i HAD to do this to... to validate the sequence of reality?
>JOHN: but i didn’t.
>JOHN: i was all ready to go. i... i thought i was going to die, honestly.

Yeah yeah, you always have a convenient excuse for everything.
But again, here's the other thing: literally nobody gave a shit. The world ended. Everyone they ever knew ever fucking died horribly. Civilization was just gone.

Do you know what the word "pretentious" means? Because suddenly having realistic consequences at the ass end of your story for a select few characters, in what was previously a balls to the wall absurd piece, and then spending a bunch of time trying to justify it while a few head-up-their-ass fans fellate you on how it was brilliant and clearly your plan all along is pretty fucking pretentious.

But I guess that's why Homestuck's readership numbers completely died off.

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>calarts mouth

Reminder: game of thrones and basically a bunch of other things has shit writing, character assassination, etc, and people actually say it's shit.

When it happens in Homestuck people act like it's the best thing ever.
And those people are retarded.

This. I have a serious nostalgia for old-school hussie writing the way spoonyfags have for spoony's old videos.

Fuck homestuck, burn it all to the ground and start again. I just want him to write kino again.

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>literally nobody gave a shit. The world ended. Everyone they ever knew ever fucking died horribly. Civilization was just gone.
Yes, and how does one deal with such a preposterous and calamitous event? By praying to god that shit will get better? By immediately doing a 180 and trying to salvage your now dead world? Or by doing the only thing you CAN do and pressing onward to see what's available to you?

>Do you know what the word "pretentious" means? Because suddenly having realistic consequences at the ass end of your story for a select few characters, in what was previously a balls to the wall absurd piece, and then spending a bunch of time trying to justify it while a few head-up-their-ass fans fellate you on how it was brilliant and clearly your plan all along is pretty fucking pretentious.
im not reading your dumb pretentious paragraph about buzzwords that means fuckall
I'm here to discuss actual content

GoT fucking sucks because it thinks harsh reality and death makes it good enough, the characters are just fucking tools to tell the story and nothing else.

>Yes, and how does one deal with such a preposterous and calamitous event?
How about by even acknowledging it to begin with Hussie? Especially when said character isn't some grizzled hardass ready to face danger but a nerdy 13 year old boy obsessed with pop culture?

That's what I mean by the whole "selective realism" shit. We're just going to ignore that John beat up his dad with a hammer (though I bet you have a convenient excuse there too) or Jade stuffing her own grandpa, or any of the other menagerie of dark stuff that really never gets addressed. And we should, because back when Homestuck was good that was just absurd shit and all the dark depressing introspection where characters contemplated their own navels was relegated to teen girl fanfic.

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>GoT fucking sucks because it thinks harsh reality and death makes it good enough
Sounds just like late/epilogue Homestuck.

>Thread rapidly approaching bump limit and the jannies STILL haven't done their job

>im not reading
Yeah we know.

It's no different, but GoT has an entire budget, an entire structure that's actually expected to have some quality ensurance, homestuck is a shitpost story, the villains are from ICP for fuck sake.
GoT is a full blown literary work with a lot of benefits, yet they fuck the pooch in the first chance they got.

>he still cares
just shoo, thread is over already anyways, go have some fun or something

Someone post that quote where Hussie said he realized how much better a work is received when it has a satisfying payoff and ending.

>How about by even acknowledging it to begin with Hussie?
It was acknowledged, but was put on the sidelines and later incorporated as part of John's character. Did you want him to curl into the fetal position and start sobbing about how everything he knew is gone while monsters destroy his house and try to kill him? While increasingly stronger threats and civilizations from other worlds contact him to escalate the danger? When he spent years as essentially the cameraman and editor, watching everything unfold but rarely participating himself, so that when he's finally stripped of his job he feels empty and hollow to the point of accepting a suicide mission just to feel alive again one last time?

>We're just going to ignore that John beat up his dad with a hammer (though I bet you have a convenient excuse there too)
This was comedy, John's dad was not in any real threat by play fighting.
>or Jade stuffing her own grandpa
This was morbid, and likely should've been addressed. Jade shouldn't have been so well adjusted as she ended up being doing something gruesome like that as a child. Fuck, she shouldn't have been able to do that at ALL.
>And we should, because back when Homestuck was good that was just absurd shit and all the dark depressing introspection where characters contemplated their own navels was relegated to teen girl fanfic.
Are you really gonna pull the "characters shouldn't be introspective about the morbid shit happening around them" card while also complaining in the same post that John isn't very much affected by the destruction of the Earth? At least the comic taught you irony.

Why the fuck did Hussie try to spin the story as being about kids growing up when a good half of the cast never acted like kids to begin with?

None of the chracters acted like kids, they always acted like a bunch of college douchebags.

Who do you mean exactly?

Andrew Hussie has actual autism
explains a lot

>Are you really gonna pull the "characters shouldn't be introspective about the morbid shit happening around them" card while also complaining in the same post that John isn't very much affected by the destruction of the Earth? At least the comic taught you irony.

No you retard, I'm saying that never should be introspective in the first place. All that shit happened post-retcon and, surprise, all that post-retcon shit felt out of place and a complete change of tone from Homestuck normally.

That's the whole point about it being pretentious. It's trying to put in all these elements of greater importance that it never had. Somewhere right at the end Hussie decided Homestuck was a story about stories and character drama. But it never was.

You can't say "durr thas how da reel peoples react" when they never acted like real characters. It's the whole "real human beings don't have arcs" bullshit. They're not real human beings. They never acted like real human beings. And the people who want them to (you) have lead to the comic as a whole being utter fucking shit. But I'm sure you're fine with how things ended up, since there was no payoff or anything satisfying and your ilk seems to have a blue-balling fetish.

So please, god, take your post-modernist garbage and go subvert some Star Wars sequels or something.

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So you're admitting that all these characters never acted like real people, then say it's okay that Dave ended up being a shitty person because that's how real people act?

Homestuck fans have committed 0 (zero) mass shootings!
let's keep it that way!

>real human beings don't have arcs
The irony is that they do. But Hussie is kind of a manchild so it makes sense he'd believe this.

is there legitimately ANY point in getting into homestuck nowadays? I've always wanted to get in on it, but never did. Now it feels way too late


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Janny caca

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>mfw both a spoonyfag and homestuck

just end me senpai


The first 5 acts are legitimately fun to read, it only starts going to shit around half-way through. If you've got time to waste I'd say at least give it a try.

>A character arc is the transformation or inner journey of a character over the course of a story. If a story has a character arc, the character begins as one sort of person and gradually transforms into a different sort of person in response to changing developments in the story.


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>tfw no gf like this

T'was a great thread lads, I thank thee jannies for the job you have done today once again.
See you all next week.

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Read until you have decided that it's shit enough to continue

Are they going to fuck

Only read it if you're trying to fuck a questionably legal jade cosplayer

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Gotta say, despite concentrated autism and shitposting, this was a really fun thread. At this point there is basically nowhere else to discuss homosuck shit without running into tumblr retards or reddit drones, so even this much is pretty cool to have sometimes. Thanks for the good times.

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Yeah you can have fun, but it's all internal gratification and not external anymore.

You can try spamming Homestuck discussion threads on Yea Forums and make the fat capeshit janny mad as fuck

...Rose, along with Dirk.

You know she just can't get enough.

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I remember back on Formspring that Hussie once said Dave's arc was learning to get out from his brother's shadow and be a hero on his own terms.

But heroism is toxic masculinity.

So how much of this came true

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>At this point there is basically nowhere else to discuss homosuck shit without running into tumblr retards or reddit drones, so even this much is pretty cool to have sometimes.
God I hate this fact. The epilogues rekindled my interest with the comic and there's just no place to talk about it without running into some form of filter or mental wall and can't hold a discussion with. And I don't want to search out some Discord server for this either since I like to make big posts to prompt discussion and stuff.

So these threads tend to be fleeting, but I always look for them and appreciate them.

>go elsewhere
>it's all davekat wankery and how hussie is a genius

about 20%


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