Why do streamers do this?

Why do streamers do this?

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weebs are fucked in the head


He has a waifu and runs with it. You got to respect that. If you don't like it, watch a different stream.

sometimes they can't make the window bigger to fill the screen so they put space filler like that
you're making a big problem out of nothing

Its his wife idiot.

Because he loves his wife you fucking retard.

Is this another white tranny abortion that presents themselves behind anime avatars?

He knows the meaning of the word "Waifu".
Based Jap.

Isnt she still a teenager? Big yikes...

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>He doesn't love his wife so much that he shows her off

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That's what she moaned.

Find one married man whos stream shows a bunch of pictures of his wife.

Haven't watch Gridman, but he's based if he's a thigh-fag.

Plastering FotM girls all over sounds like a decent enough way to appeal to a certain crowd.

Because chinks are sub-human and will do anything to get clicks.

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before anyone asks for more/sauce this chick is busted af
this is her only good angle and the hair/makeup carries her butterface

Cute, and much better than OMG MY PATREON SUBSCRIBE BUY AAH

Prove me wrong
Amateur tip: You cant

My Amerilard friend found his wife on an anime forum, they both still have cute anime characters on their profiles

Sauce anyway I wanna satisfy my curiosity

it allow them to make more money in a day than you in a month

wife =/= waifu
have sex

>comparing normal husbands with ntr-loving weebshits

>polluting their screen with a shitty FOTM waifu
unironic yikes.

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>fotm pump n dump

oniigai on ig

If the streamer likes things and his audience also likes thing while also keeping it to themselves why the fuck do you care? Go back to swallowing cum, OP.

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She's fucking cute but the video isn't real, you tricked me.

yeah she's a 5/10 thanks, i dont like white girls

Cuz weebs are mentally ill incels.

Yea Forums, what can we do to get anime banned in the west?

Jap streamers are usually guilty of this, they litter their screen full of irrelevant shit.

Looks better than some uggo webcam face.
More people should do that in fact.

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My daughter's girlfriend Rikka is so cute

he gets a pass from me on that alone.

>average sekiro frogposter

>he doesn't pile more and more pictures onto the screen until he's playing through a little box

cute feet

have sex

to cover otherwise blank screen space

With Rikka.

Man, that anime was a such fucking disappointment.

Stop calling it wife. It's waifu, stop giving yourself legitimacy.

If you're genuinely asking OP, it's a piss easy answer but allow me to explain, they do shit like this because it's an easy way to attract retards who will flock over anything that has "my waifu" plastered on it, Otakus do it, i don't see why
dorky westerns wouldn't follow those same principles.
It's an easy way to get people interested because the person dictating isn't enough of an interesting person to do it themselves, they lack the personality and the charisma to actually keep an audience and so they resort to plastering ecchi bullshit everywhere. It works, so why would they stop doing it? They have no integrity and it's not like its hard to do anyways.

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>Things that i don't like should be banned

Unironically lonely and horny.

chinese guys are the biggest weebs


Faggots like you are fucked in the ass.

Well, at least you know his anime taste is shit

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Ironic weebs were a mistake.

It will always make me laugh how proud people are when calling a literal 10 year old their wife



Do you have problem with me you filthy Kafir? Wallahi I'm going to hunt you down and behead you.

>literal 10 year old girl
Pick one

I appreciate streamers that put up animu girls instead of their ugly faces, ewwww

why weebs have such a boner for that bitch? She seem like a generic waifu #3404

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OP posted one

Ironic weebs

>Pick one
>Both choices are embarrasing

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huge ass


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>ironic weeb
It's amusing how retarded this notion is. It's like watching a guy fuck another guy in the ass and calling them ironic faggots.

They think being an ironic weeb makes them funny and unique

It's her outfit. Her body isn't anything exceptional. She's just showing off her bare thighs and that's great. Well, and some people like aloof dark haired girls.

>It's fucked in the head to like cute girls

She was purposely created to be waifu-bait. Japan had a thing for thicc legs at the time Gridman.SSSS was released and the director in particular liked them.

Bet he will have a new "wife" next year

sekiro is pretty good, nothing wrong with playing it

Weebs need therapy. Seriously like holy shit.

Rikka is pretty hot, too bad she's a dyke.

>being embarrassed about weeb shit
>on an anonymous Thai basket weaving forum

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Dick a dyke or put her on pike.

because it works on you

>not just having a fianceifu
>not honestly breaking up with her when you admit you love someone else more

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her fat ass

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Fuck Tsuburaya for making talking about Gridman literally impossible now. It was a great show with good themes and fights but fuck all everyone knows about now is Rikkas thighs.

I'd rather have this than some retarded webcam

Seem average as all hell in the actual images I see of her. Dumb generic slut.

To drive away shits who just coming into a stream to start shit. They see anime girls/boobs and they flee.

Bitches really fuck up there face with all that make up. No wonder they age like milk.

>They see anime girls/boobs and they flee.
This. it's a pretty good gay repellent.

ecelebs are not video games

>streamer has an anime girl avatar, feminine name, and pictures of the girl plastered all over the layout
>it's a dude who speaks in a semi-smug nasally voice

actually disgusting

Am I the only one who watched SSSS Gridman for the toku?

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>ayy lmao with shitty anatomy and a wig


>watching chink streamers

You just summed up 99% of Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
>being a massive faggot
shigglydigglydoo where are you

Absolutely not. The fights were great on average and using CG to mimic "rubber suit actors" while still being willing to exaggerate actions and use 2D cuts when applicable was a great idea.

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1. To deter Feminist retards, gymnophobes, genophobes.
2. To get free marketing from feminist incels reeeeeing on their social media platforms.
3. To get more teenagers who will ask for artist sources if they shuffle the H.
4. To also provide some advertising to great artists of our time.

All in all, they do it because they are people of culture.

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>roastie seething that superior 2D is taking views away from her 3D pig disgusting

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same reason bait posters use sexual OP images.

easiest way to get attention even for a second


Even worse is that everyone that draws Rikka draws her in a stupid ass way that barely resembles her. The only person that draws her right is one of the dudes who fucking worked on the show in the first place.

i find all anti-weeb posters end up being disgusting furfags

if i woke up one day and was sexually turned on by animals the first thing i’d do is put a gun in my mouth desu

Why is Yea Forums so full of normalfag redditors

To be fair, Rikka is a lot nicer to look at than some pimply faced streamer

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because normalfags started flooding the internet and the mods are fucking normalfags themselves other wise they would do something about it

It's almost like 99% of fanart is fucking trash.

You're not wrong, actually. Furfags are like the epitome of degenerative autism and seem to bash on anyone posting weeb shit on this hellhole of a site when this site is a Japanese inspired image board.

Even more, you'll also discover that they're also from Reddit or ResetEra too.
It's rather quite obvious at times by the way they post or how they react to posts.

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I will honestly say my eyes are drawn to anime girls. Even at book stores I'll home in on the manga section.

I truly get a pleasure out of seeing anime girls even if just breifly.

How the fuck do I cure this infatuation?

t. cuck

>praising CG
The absolute state of Yea Forums

Better than being attracted to anthropomorphic animal characters.

You're alright unless you unironically get a waifu body pillow or dress up as a 2D girl.
If you do that, I recommend seeking actual professional help.

t. weeb

Nah I'm not that far gone. But the joy I feel seeing anime girls is a bit frightening.

I could browse pictures of them all day.

>t.ironic weeb*
Fixed that for you.

This is just normal, your brain still recognizes them as cute females, because they are drawn to be cute females. Just don't go full weeb.

>Using CG as a way to cut costs on production and there's little thought in how well its integrated

>Using CG in a deliberate way to enhance the shows art and narrative

try smelling, touching and fucking your 2d "wife"
You can't


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>You just summed up 99% of Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
I love Lina Inverse for over 20 years already.

>You just summed up 99% of Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
How dare you accuse me of infidelity with my wife, you fuck

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>Hating anime on an anime discussion forum

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based flooffren

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If I'm watching a streamer and he has hentai images on the screen as well as the game. Then as far as I'm concerned my viewing experience gets significantly better. You are literally gay if you disagree.

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The viewers don't have to turn off the stream to go for a fap.

Oh shut the fuck up
A great show with good themes? It was absolutely mediocre

>unga bunga le weeby jeeby
>guy is actually japanese
Have sex

lol i actually randomly found this dudes stream and reported him. he should have sex

Yukari is such a good girl

Good thing /g/ entered cancer remission and is all /c/ute now.
For the better and worse.

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I dont even care about the weeb shit, just fuck using all that as unnessesary border filler. Just full screen your game, have your're waifu as a transparent background for your chat feed on the right, and if that's not enough just use the other images as notification animations so people can jack off if they sub to you or something stupid.
I'm not even mad at his shit tastes, im just mad at the design flaws of the whole thing.

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>he fell for the waifu meme
It was always supposed to be just a joke