Do you make anything tasty for when you start a new video game?

Do you make anything tasty for when you start a new video game?

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-y for when you start a new video game

are those cubed up doge?

what's in the red jar

wow learn2place and bake cookies u fucking scrub

helper sauce

no user, i can't see the raptor

>premade cookie dough
I used to be like you too until I realized how much better and cheaper making my own cookies really was. I could make like four or five dozen's worth of dough and use it for weeks at a time if I wanted to, and for less than half the cost. Normally I hate "dude just make it urself lmao" /ck/ fags but in this case there's really no excuse for it.

I can't make any right now though since I'm cutting, but god damn once you get a good recipe going you can't go back to store bought.

wow, everything looks so cramped together. you look like you have no room whatsoever to move. and no i do not make anything tasty when I game. I prefer to grab a beverage.

its water and bread for me

I like to make a cup of tea before I start playing a video game. I use whatever brand of teabag is in the cupboard and two sugars with milk. Sometimes I have three chocolate digestive biscuits with my tea.

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>all those calories

Fucking hell, user. Just use ice cubes if you have to eat something while playing, you animal.


bit of a sweet tooth eh lad?

Can't help it, I went down to one sugar once but it just weren't sweet enough.

Fellow Brit here, but I drink decaf coffee with sweetener. I like either pic related or Kenco Millicano, because they're usually on offer, and I'm too lazy to make proper brewed coffee in a french press (I have several though, and an Aeropress, but they're too much faff and require cleaning out).

Also in my view sugar is pretty bad. It rots your teeth, gives you diabetes, and makes you fat. But, y'know, to each their own.

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Decaf is gay. What's wrong with caffeine?

enjoy your premature death

Noone has time for that bullshit user.

Then desociate games from fucking eating, you big retard. It's like needing to stuff your belly with food while watching movies. Dumb burgeristanis

Caffeine makes me pretty wired after a few cups and it makes me piss a lot. I do drink caffeinated coffee too but normally just one or two cups a day.

I'm not seeing the connection here.

Just do what I do—pour the least amount of tea into a big cup and drink that. Or just plain water. Coffee is not for hydration, you big dummy.

I make a fresh pot pot of coffee and drink that straight.

Enjoy your heart disease from elevated blood pressure when you hit 40s.

i make a coffee and a smoke

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Le ebic retdditard "Nestlé killed a bunch of African niggers" meme

Based Retard.

Oh no, are you one of the "water or nothing" anons that frequent these threads? I drink a bunch of water daily in addition to working out, coffee is about the only drink w/ taste that I consume.

>High blood pressure can also cause ischemic heart disease. This means that the heart muscle isn't getting enough blood. Ischemic heart disease is usually the result of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries (coronary artery disease), which impedes blood flow to the heart.
This isn't hard science, silly memer.

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What a great way to give yourself bowel cancer.

do NOT do this it makes custard gas.

How does this fuck you? The ingredients seem normal.

Does this fucking explode?

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OK this has got to be safe, right?

i've done this

its just, really bland tasting

>I don't have time for that
>continues to go for another gaming session taking between 2-6 hours

That half an hour won't hurt you user.

jesus christ you fucking lardasses
I make this every now and then but with ONE spoon of sugar and oil

Oh yeah, this one definitely safe

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oh that's smart, you don't need eggs if you use nitro

best cookies