Is it okay to put transgender propaganda in games aimed at little children?
Is it okay to put transgender propaganda in games aimed at little children?
Children are the best targets for propaganda.
Homosexuals need to start grooming children as early as possible.
I didn't know these colors have anything to do with trannies, so I seriously doubt little kids will.
i, for one, got most of my information from flags as a child
how much were you bullied in school?
Yes, only a bigot would think otherwise
wew I'm glad I didn't buy it 2bh
You and I both know A Hat In Time's target audience is 25-30. Also yes it is
I'm always confused about the whole trans rights thing. What rights do they not have?
Im trans myself and I don't get excited about a fucking flag. all these trans charities about wheres my fucking cut of it? I don't want a flag I want cash
>Yea Forums triggered over a fucking flag
Horseshoe theory is real
Ever been to the official dev discord? Rule #1 is don't make fun of furries
Many of the main devs are
no little child plays that game
A lot. Why?
>Austria on a blue background is trans
What rights are they asking for that they are being denied?
>tranny enabler is also a manchild
can't make this shit up
Oh wah wah wah you /pol/tards need a real hobby
what games would you put your propaganda in, you dumbass?
of course they put it in games for kids, their minds are more easily influenced
the absolute state of average Yea Forums poster
just wondering
Imagine being such a child to get triggered inner this.
Fuck I mean isn't I misread the question.
Considering they arent allowed to vote, have sex, choose their religion and many other things - no.
It's like a little scooby snack for the mentally disabled, it makes them happy and they give your game free advertisement(they wont' actually buy it themselves though)
You didn't need to add that spoiler, anyone who acknowledges furfags without shitting on them is probably one themselves.
You have to believe me I misread the question user
this game is for bing bing wahoo basedboys. little kids play fortnite
imagine being in school and telling your classmates you played this lame shit. you would get bullied like you deserved
Imagine being so empty and alone at life that they get exited for seeing a %40 added on a game
Why would I play a UC made after Amy Hennig left?
None, but they want to force normal people to play along with their delusions.
The only way any kid is going to even know that's a flag, much less what that flag means, is if they have insane parents who have already filled their head with that shit.
But what is it with that stupid flag popping up everywhere suddenly? It was in those Smash stages too.
One of the better looking trannies imo
lmao all those shills are gone now. If you bought this game you're a tranny enabling cuck soiboi
Imagine being "proud" to be a mentally ill faggot. Go dilate, tranny. Then kill yourself.
I don't even disagree with this, I just wanted to say I think you'd be pretty annoying to spend time with.
oh you
>Im trans myself
I too have a mental disorder that makes me want to cut off parts of my body.
How can anyone be stupid enough to think that there is such a thing as transgender propaganda?
>Man of Shad offers to draw some art for the game
>is rejected because of his NSFW reputation
>meanwhile a literal sexual fetish flag is out there for everyone to see
What gives?
really weird since all trannies and fags are pedos
It’s propaganda because I disagree with it.
>why do people tolerate crossdressers but not pedophiles?
do you have something to tell us, retard?
U can get a piece of my thick dick in ur ass feg
It's a trend, one that devalues real trans people in lieu of fetishists
>interprets trans rights as sexual fetish
Well, maybe to you.
>I don't want a flag I want cash
Absolutely based and shekelpilled
Yea Forums btfo, Trans-women are here, deal with it.
Hating trannies won't gain the love of your butthurt boomer dad back, all he wants is you to spend some time with him, not to imitate him getting mad at shit
why does it matter? Its literally a flag badly painted on a wall, obviously done so they would get the same twitter responses you screencapped
It never plays a part in the story of the dlc or the gameplay, its in a corner and done so only to virtue signal without taking from the gameplay. You also do understand that by making this thread you're doing exactly what they want you to do? to talk about their stupid videogame? Then again this is obviously a bait thread so why should we even bother anymore
>what is it with that stupid flag popping up everywhere suddenly
Trannies feel they didn't ruin enough things for everyone so they starting going for colors.
>little children
Do you mean people around the age of 16-25? A lot of them act like little children.
I find it to be very confusing. Why not just go with "trans pride" instead? I can't think of any legal right they are deprived of. They are guaranteed protection and equal rights under law, at least in America.
so is circumcision and plastic surgery, keep seething incel
I don't think kids would really know what that means
Propaganda doesn't turn anyone, not even children, into trannies you absolute retards. Why would people willingly become a freak of nature and lead a short and shitty life? Because some mongloids on twitter use trans flags? Get real, Yea Forumsirgins
Not equally by state
rights aren't trying to legislate against people calling you a fag who wants to be something that they can't
>They are guaranteed protection and equal rights under law, at least in America.
They're not.
This proves nothing.
Faggotry in all its forms is a fetish, unless you can suddenly find genetic markers for it.
nope, cry some moar
Right for unconditional love and cherishment from normal people.
what rights are being deprived?
>Assuming I'm an incel
so funny
Plastic surgery is also brought about by a mental disorder, same with circumcision.
No, this is for banjofaggots, a different breed that grew up liking Rare shit.
Reminder that less than 1% of straight people would willingly date a trans person, and trannies are absolutely seething calling it discrimination.
Can be discriminated against for medical care, be fired because they are trans, etc.
>Propaganda doesn't turn anyone, not even children, into trannies
Someone post the .webm
You know the one
Based USA.
>Propaganda doesn't turn anyone, not even children, into trannies you absolute retards
Yeah, which is why there's been like a 4000% spike in transitions the last 10 years or so, right?
Glad I never bought this trash, especially after the mecha fiasco.
not an argument
Can you cite me specific cases? This sounds completely unconstitutional. I am genuinely interested.
>Reminder that less than 1% of straight people would willingly date a trans person, and trannies are absolutely seething calling it discrimination.
I don't think that the less than 1% are actually straight
Yeah, who cares, trans shit is becoming pretty normalized in all parts of the world that aren't backwards shitholes. A little virtue signaling doesn't tarnish a game. Also, AHIT's target audience is 20-somethings, retard
Nice burden-of-proof fallacy. Animals exhibit homosexual behaviour, even those which are separated from mammals by more than a hundred million years of evolution. This means there is a genetic component to homosexuality, unless you're going to make the ridiculous claim that fucking birbs can have fetishes.
Have sex
>trans rights
what rights are they missing exactly?
When you turn your own life into a display of degeneration you should expect rejection.
Getting excited over a flag is how you know you're too gay.
yeah sort of like how rates of drinking skyrocketed after prohibition lol
Wow, too bad for you I don't like those two things either
Mental defects are common amongst all creatures.
>letting grown men into the same dressing room as little girls at the gym is normal
nothing to dilate, sorry. :^)
go force your wound open, tranny
The nonprofit Beyond I Do has state by state cases for the 30 states that don't have comprehensive non-discrimination laws
Elizabeth baby let's fucking go
Drink cow milk
friendly reminder that an inside-out penis does not a vagina make.
The percentage is a bit higher at around 15% for LGBT people, but who knows.
look who thought he was special by sending those suicide notes to mom and dad to get hrt treatments.
Recognition and acceptance of gender dysphoria =/= propaganda. It doesn't serve any political message regardless of what /pol/fags think. Get with the times, old man.
Can anyone give a single reason besides muh feelings on why less than a single percent of the population needs to be represented?
I'd wager that there are more people who have a shit fetish than are trans, yet you don't see shit eaters demanding representation
O.K. google "genetic markers gay". And afterwards go fap to some futa like you normally do.
Animals also eat their own children.
sorceress pls
The trannies have noticably been sitting on Yea Forums lately. it's a little weird to know the mutilations are running amok.
>a piece of anecdotal evidence equals proof
The right to show women your female penis in locker rooms.
> gave a guy fieari skin
> won't make a trans flag skin
>" eh just make a shitty flag in the sewers that should calm those faggots down"
wow what a win guys
yikes, no, you fucking meat sculpture freak.
Mecha fiasco?
I'm a faggot and I don't dress in rainbows and advertise my sexuality. I'm okay with trans people as long as they aren't obnoxious and gross
Eh, whatever. If the game is still good, it's fine.
Do you honestly think having someone who regularly draws loli porn make art for your game is a good idea? Even if the art is good quality, safe for work, and free, the bad publicity of associating yourself with Shad simply is not worth it
>animals can't have complex thoughts because I can't talk to them
>first worlders have become too lazy to do something about widespread degeneracy and just let it grow
>this is somehow a good thing
just wait until they start justifying pedophilia
Just as normal as grown women in the dressing room with little girls.
I will
Imagine cutting a deep gash into somebodies leg, waiting a week and then sticking your penis into the bleeding festering hole. It's serial killer shit. I don't know how people do it.
Furry fetish artists make art for games all the time and nothing happens
>thread about pets got deleted
>this shit is still up
And what have you done to deserve these rights? Being a burden on society and lynching people on Twitter doesn't count.
All those studies are done like five minutes after the surgery before regret sets in.
Trannies are the most loud ones online. I have never seen a single trans freak irl, but every second Twitter user is seemingly a troon. Makes it seem like they are overwhelming in numbers.
There's nothing wrong with a clinically diagnosed trans person. Pedos hurt children.
Actual trannies hate those people too. Real trans people aren't the rapists, it's the weird repressed crossdressing type and the psycho fetishists. God I wish
They're trying to "lenepically raid" us, I think they come from Reddit and Discord, possibly RetardERA but I don't think those guys even want to look in our direction
I hope Jonathan Yaniv wins that beauty pageant too, won't it be nice for yaniv to either win out of fear being sued making normal women lose to a man or having yaniv lose to sue the pageant for discrimination.
Actual trans people tend to try to pass better than a fetishist
Im keeping my girl dick hole surgery isnt there yet
Moneys the only thing that matters! im not some retard screaming "YASSSSSS" at my tv because I see a flag
Dude, just imagine yourself 20 years from now as an old man/woman.
Stop now before you ruin your life.
>nothing counts, stay silent, OBEY
If a trait is maintained over the course of time, that means it is not a defect. And mental defects are still not fetishes.
C'mon guys, transgenderism isn't a mental illness. Just look at this beautiful trans woman.
You say that like plastic surgery and circumcision are commonly accepted. If anything I've known more people against it that in favor to all those things. And Id' still put those minor body changes that might fuck you up on the long run than a full genital mutilation that will never be good enough.
I want them all
Keep buying into conspiracy theories when Yea Forums users have been posting themselves in stockings for years.
rolling roll
Browsing it now. Thank you, user.
>Im keeping my girl dick hole
what did it mean by this?
>Real trans people aren't the rapists, it's the weird repressed crossdressing type and the psycho fetishists
There's no difference
Yes, actually.
but nobody gets that
i thought the tranny flag was the rainbow one?
>being disgusting and gross
See I'd like to touch on what you just said. Let me use an example. Let's say we have a girl named Sharron. Sharron sits at the lunch table with everyone and talks about how much she loves sucking dick all the time and getting fucked and doing all kinds of adventurous sexual things and constantly brings it up. She makes an effort to point out how much of a "freak" she is. She is straight. And she is fucking disgusting and annoying. If you are basing your entire character on your sexual preference you need to get a fucking life, it's not discrimination.
Why can't transfaggots stop screeching about their fetish? No one cares what you "identify" as.
what sort of doctor would you be if you didn't prey on the easy money of a lifelong treatment AND a surgery costly enough to get you a new house. All at the expense of fanatics that will never, EVER question the process, and medias that actually funnel more people to your door every day.
>Is it okay to put transgender propaganda in games aimed at little children?
lol this is the paradox of a "free country/free society". The moment you say "people can be who they want, as long as they're not hurting anyone", the door is open to push those ideas to children. Because if it isn't hurting anyone, why not push it to kids? It becomes "what's your problem with ___?" You faggits made your own bed LMAO.
I haven't felt this proud since allied forces raised the trans flag on D-day.
Cosmo was just an awkward male nerd who got BTFOd and then his trans friend killed herself so Cosmo became Narcissa to erase his failure and become someone new
You're literally speaking to insane people.
Expecting logic and sense from them makes you retarded.
Because they want you to care
>first worlders have become too lazy
You really think it's laziness, user? Are you that retarded?
You're welcome. I personally think that gradual acceptance of LGBT people is a generational thing and no amount of shitty "representation" will help expedite that.
So much for being /our/ game.
the trannies now were the bronies of yesterday. tomorrow, it'll be some other special cult they can ostracize themselves in.
I don't understand why these dumb fucking trannies think that they're somehow eternally oppressed or don't have 'rights' just because they didn't see a flag.
That's tough for normal people.
Making yourself a freak will only make that harder
get rekt bigots
>trying to appeal to people who would gladly kill you given the opportunity
absolutely spineless.
If you accept it in any form, it's then legitimized to be openly pushed.
>A little virtue signaling doesn't tarnish a game.
openly shitting on your game's fans with a *word* *clap* *word* *clap* meme does, or at least it should
So? My point of bringing up animals was to show that homosexuality is at least partially genetic. Animal morality is completely irrelevant. Animals only eat their offspring in the most dire of situations mind you.
As if two people on discord prove me wrong, anyone could do this without people knowing and drive you up a wall. Are you retarded, or does confirmation bias that easily delude you?
in awe at the size of this lad
A Tranny in Time
Based and redpilled, Yea Forumsrother
>if they can wear another genders clothes, then I should be able to touch kids
I mean honestly fair enough user, when VR achieves its true potential go and touch as many non-real kids as you want.
Also are traps as low as trannies anons, I need to know my level of degeneracy
If you'd gotten here earlier you could have saved this thread.
Every person can get depression some more then others depending on the circumstances.
can't be a trait if it commits suicide the moment the person with it ends their gene pool. literally can't propagate then.
Check my 96
Every sexuality/gendershit has a different flag
Sexual preference and gender identity are different things. Though there are a lot of straight men who become "trans lesbians" and then only date other troons
>isabelle is the AC representative instead of sable
Of course they can still vote, but I bet some refuse because government was too slow to change their official gender in their record and refuse to vote as “their old identity”
crashing this thread
If children can have a gender identity then it must logically follow that they have a sexuality. This will then be used to push the idea of children having sex education even younger.
It's all part of the plan to ultimately legalise paedophilia. That's why the elites push tranny shit in the media etc. Pieces of shit like the developers of this game are aiding this process.
Then why don't humans have fag genes or markers?
>Game gets boycotted by resetera for having Jon
>Gets pandered to anyway
if an animal exhibits non-complex behaviour, their thoughts are probably pretty simple too. But yeah, aside from checking neuron density within the brain, we can't be sure about what/if animals think
Fuck yeah I got Samus
>teddy's on here
Can you imagine being so deprived?
give me something good
>almost all of those are referencing HRT which is a long term thing, there is no immediately after
>immediately after surgery is exactly when the regret sets in (usually because they went to thailand to get a shitty job done but still)
literally cope
selling the idea that someone can be "transgender" to impressionable kids/young teens is dangerous in itself
The only person screeching here is OP
That's really unsettling but I really don't care what a faggy dude posts on Twitter as long as he develops good games.
Because they want the entire world to revolve around them. That kind of thinking is how they dominated the LGBT world after gay marriage was made nationwide in the US.
There is dangerous precedent with how trans lesbian types are invading women's spaces.
A Hon in Time
>medical care
Your weird hormone therapies not being free isnt discrimination. Also doctors have a right and a duty to deny you access to specific dangerous drugs if they suspect you to be abusing or not physically/mentally sound for it.
>can get fired
Businesses should have the right to fire who they want, so you demanding more """rights""" here infringes in the rights of others.
This loops back to the perpetual mental instability trannies are often in. If you do the work and keep your BS to an absolute minimum you wont get fired, and this is the case for EVERYONE. If you are a 400 lbs man in a dress who spits on customers for not accepting you, dont act surprised if you get fired.
Typical commie leech.
Saving this thread
>People saying trannies dont try to brainwash children
The subreddit /r/TransDIY has a rule saying you shouldnt reveal age, for obvious reasons.
Their community is really fucked up.
>this thread again
>95 posters
>nearly 200+ replies
>make studies on animals that only know a small cage
>yup, no trace of complex behavior
can't you read? literally the first line: ''the farther along in the transition, the lower the risk gets''
You can just identify as a child then you can't be a pedophile.
so it's fascism with a trendy leftist look
dare i ask?
This is the most staggering "daft 55 year old Facebook conservative woman" comment I've seen on here in quite some time
They will never be satisfied and always say that there's not enough representation and it will never ever stop. It's fucking retarded.
Based, are you a fan of art?
What are you even saying? Also you can easily get HRT at an informed consent clinic
They prefer not to acknowledge information that goes against their beliefs.
>Every sexuality/gendershit has a different flag
isnt that counterintuitive? i thought the point of the rainbow flag was that everyone could gather under one 'flag' equally.
These people should be in prison for child abuse.
But all forward thinking individuals know that the age of 3 is old enough to profess your transsexuality, why is Reddit leaving these vulnerable 3 year old trannies behind by excluding them from the conversation?
A) A kid isn't going to know or care about some graffiti on a wall
B) The game isn't really aimed at children, it's an all-ages thing with nostalgic roots heavily planted in the Gamecube era, so people who are adults now but were kids in the Gamecube's hayday are the main audience
C) Some fuckin lines are hardly propaganda. Propaganda would be if there was a character going on some diatribe about how you're a shit person if you don't advocate for people fucking mutilating themselves
Stop being such a sensitive little bitch OP
no, many pieces of evidence make a case when it comes to this shit. Find a thousand such proofs and then you can make actual representative claims about the human population of seven billion
That the studies clearly aren't "just after surgery".
>Also you can easily get HRT at an informed consent clinic
Yes, but not SRS, which is what I was referring to there. The two statements I made were not related to each other.
>associating with a literal who drawing pics on the Internet is bad
>but associating with fetishist freaks from real life isn't
Really gets that noggin joggin
People who go on black markets to get HRT without a clinical gender dysphoria diagnosis
They needed their own flag because they thought they were special enough for one.
>everyone who hates trannies would also like to murder them
Speak for yourself.
Just curious what's daft about it? Is it untrue? Are there not animals who eat their young?
>2 things that are horribly incorrect
>add an "etc" to make it seem longer
Lol trannies are pathetic.
You literally can't be fired for not conforming to gender stereotypes. The supreme court had a hearing in 1986 on this.
You know in retrospect I miss >shadman posting
This game is forever cursed and any discussion will be shut down
>tfw political debates are more civilised and productive here than on /pol/
Nope, everyone needs a special flag. They also added brown and light purple to the regular LGBT flag to represent race and trans identities crossing with sexuality which makes the flag a lot uglier
if you wanna see something funny you could go on /r/transpassing and sort by controversial to see all the ugly ones that get filtered
I refuse to believe this is not just a publicity stunt for free advertising.
The sources are literally all right there and are peer reviewed articles from medical journals. Are you autistic?
It was but the whole point of trans is to be even more special so the rainbow flag wasn't inclusive enough for them.
It's like 10 years ago when being emo was cool you still got the turbo cyber-goths who had to be extra special.
They needed child converts.
I am seeing blatant constitutional violations described here. Things that could and most likely will eventually be challenged before the Supreme Court. I understand now. Thanks for the information, rational user.
There's no "debates" in this thread, it's simply back and forth shitslinging.
because this isn't an echochamber like reddit/pol
>dad's face transitioned from a smile to a grimace
Hey I'm not for associating with tranny freaks, I'm just saying that if I was making a game I wouldn't let Shad draw art for it simply because of the bad publicity
all these people mad that there's some dumb colored stripes in a game, meanwhile i'm trying to find all these pecking stickers.
You can easily get SRS if you want a Thai butchery job. Those who do that probably are fetishists looking for a fix over a real trans person who would wait for a safer surgery
>I'm keeping my girl dick. Hole surgery isn't there yet.
I don't think I need to explain what they mean by 'hole surgery'.
I'm not even trans, faggot. I'm a gay guy who does a lot of research on this stuff to argue about it better. Trust me, I'm sick of the constant trans drum beat too.
>this thread
What. This is entire thread is pure shitposting.
I mean the whole cat ears + printed facemask thing is like the trans twitter uniform so seeing this is unsurprising.
Homosexuals don't commit suicide en masse however, so they get to pass on their genes. Natural selection would have gotten rid of homos if they were detrimental to a species as a whole
There's a bit more to this, the actual reason is a bit more petty, the dev said in a statement that he had no problem and corrected her, and then she had the gall to suggest that they should incorporate their gender into their design, what's even worse is that in the statement, which is meant to damage control, he literally admits to looking into her posting history to find an excuse to fire her
Another game to avoid like the pleague
You're welcome. I do my best.
So how about those video games huh?
Everything wrong with western vidya in a single image.
>because this isn't an echochamber like reddit/pol
>Making a nod to acceptance is propaganda.
Yikes, you really are transphobic aren't you?
you weren't wrong
imagine raising a child only for them to look like this
Then why peddle blatant lies dumb faggot. You fruits are all the same.
How is it a "nod to acceptance" if it's literally hidden in a sewer?
>it's illegal so it's literally impossible for it to happen
Who gives even a half of a fuck?
Realistically speaking it doesn't matter if you are trans or straight. The amount of kids who claim to be trans aren't going to change based on some stupid fucking video game.
At the end of the day it doesn't really matter, and the people who claim "degeneracy" are holding on to a purpose which never existed in the first place.
Fuck all of this shit. There is no God, there is no reason
it isn't though.
Have you ever been to reddit or pol?
Say anything against the grain on reddit and your post is gone.
Say anything against the grain on pol and you'll get called kike a trillion times
At least here you can get one or two comments off and somebody my seriously try to discuss it with you.
Are you saying CF, cancer and etc. is not a defect because it's maintained over time?
rollan' for 02, 27, 45, 48, 49, 63, 73, 78, 83, 87, or 93
>implying anyone recognizes the flag anyways
Gay, but fairly irrelevant relative to trannies usual rapist child grooming routine. And, at least 60% of the game's audeince was probably 26-34 N64 nostalgia fags.
Wasn't opposed to eventually checking out the game; but, now I definitely will not.
>most contrarian board on the whole internet
pick one
dumb redditor
That's because there are no political discussions on /pol/. /pol/ is just Yea Forums lite.
Because we haven't found them yet? Do you realise how large and complex DNA is? Many of our traits are also the combination of many genes expressing themselves together. That's an insane amount of combinations to comb through. We will find the fag genes one day, trust me. Did bacteria not exist before we had the microscopes to view them? When a trait such as homosexuality is present across cultures and species, there has to be a genetic component to it
imagine getting told you will meet acceptance and tolerance in the trans community only to get filtered once you've reached the point of no return because you're ugly
no one is afraid of these freaks, they're simply disgusted
Not long ago these freaks would be a circus attraction, and rightly so.
porn of bara mandogs isn't depicting criminal activity
Virtually all trannies get sexually aroused over the thought of being a woman and wearing women's clothing. It's a fetish.
Because it is just a nice easter egg for people to find, if it is "Literally hidden in a sewer" what is wrong with it?
Back to r/the donald you election tourist boomer
>implying you can't study animals in the wild
corvids also exhibit very complex and intelligent (for animals) behaviour in cages user
i honestly like the guy fieri dye, that or the oversized sweater. the latter of which i wear on a daily basis irl as well, any cold day of the week.
So what is it with trannys recently? Are they now aware that people are extra careful in not offending them that they take advantage of it as a flex of power? It's so odd to me that people bend over backwards to not offend these types of people. It's so arbitrary too, putting a flag in your game doesn't really mean anything or do anything of benefit. It's all really for attention and circlejerking among themselves similar to like how /pol/ circlejerks about what how their antics gets on the news and pisses people off.
If the thesis that you're born gay is real, then it's genetic and, ironically, very likely curable.
My controversial opinion on the topic is that anything besides heterosexuality is a fetish. Nothing more, nothing less.
kinda supports my belief that these people have zero self awareness. we're so inclusive that we're segregating people because we're more special than other people.
>no u
nice argument redditor
More like
A man!
>posted just now
>no one is afraid of these freaks
When someone calls someone Trans or homophobic they do not mean they are physically scared of them, it means they are scared of the idea of their acceptance.
So yes, you are transphobic
I posted a website with discrimination evidence per US state dude
Nice deflecting election tourist
even shitposting here sends healthier atmosphere. /pol/ is a fucking mental hospital compared to neckbeards, weebs and virgins here
then what is real, user? what can we trust? why is this study any less trustworthy than one that supports your views?
You'd think if they wanted max visibility it would be out in a day time stage
Make a thread saying jap games/ old crpgs suck and get back to me
A Hat in Time is a middling platformer on the same tier of something like Ty the Tasmanian Tiger - okay, but nothing that great - and all trannies need the day of the rope ASAP.
that's an old picture though
>saving your own posts
Cmon son
My dick agrees. Though I'm more of a scalie
What about the asexual trannies
Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
Just thought I'd remind you of the definition since you seem to be having a case of spontaneous selective amnesia
Being called a kike for saying something kikey isn't censorship. Getting a billion (You)s makes your post more visible. It's the exact opposite of reddit.
>wanting to dress up like a girl without shaving your beard isn't a sexual fetish
my almonds are really firing now
read the image, the sources are in it
they don't pass on their genes. there is no fucking breeding if you're homosexual. are you retarded?
two dads = no bio kid = no genes.
But then they would be accused of "pushing it on our faces" You really cant win with people who dont want to admit they are bigoted.
Why do trans people got to have their own flag. Isn't the LGBT flag enough?
> it means they are scared of the idea of their acceptance.
Nobody is scared of their acceptance though, they're just not accepting them because they don't look or sound like their goal.
I got partially circumcised for medical reasons. Best decision in my life.
Yes if it’s for white kids, they need tranny representation to feel confident in their hrt treatment
Tell me of the gene therapy to turn me straight then.
I'll give you that being gay is more of an abnormal inborn preference towards the same sex, but in theory that shouldn't stop a faggot from contributing to broader society
Having studied sociology in a formal setting I would point out that some try to link this statistic to the way in which others treat transsexual individuals and imply that society is acting cruelly and driving them to suicide. However such an assertion is dishonest as what causes such individuals to commit suicide could be simply characterized as their own realizations. If people try to be something they are not those people will be trying to replicate behaviour they observe rather than simply be themselves. Aside from this sort of act easily being picked up on by others, the individual acting tends to have a crisis of identity. Now one might say that be transitioning they are being more true to themselves, but upon making this argument one might as well be unwittingly entering the field of the Flavian Amphitheatre in its heyday. I want to keep this short but Dramaturgical theory is useful when discussing this subject as it explores the interplay between societal expectations and the development of the self. What is important to note is that people are not acting cruelly nor are they being unreasonable, but it is everyone's normal everyday reactions and the subjects obsessive insecurities that cause the subject deep distress.
Another thing worth mentioning is that drug use is high among transsexual individuals, which some have linked to not being able to experience sexual pleasure.
At the end of the day while LGBT individuals are a notoriously difficult population to track and estimates of their percentage of the population tend to be a little liberal to account for closeted individuals but put the percentage at about 1%. This is important when discussing transexual individuals because they are a small percentage of a small percentage of the population. This in itself makes the fuss and demands about them from opposing political extremes all the more ridiculous. Though being annoyed by the action of one of these political groups is not unreasonable.
no shit
>proving my point
You know someone is a retard when they do their best to be right even if it contradicts them.
Oh good can we start hating Hat in Time now since Yooka Laylee doesn't have a trans flag? (Yet)
You'd do well to read up on the phenomenon of social contagion regarding transexuals
>Have rights
>They get infringed
Yeah, welcome to America. That's not unique to trans. Try buying a gun with a standard magazine in California.
>Pedos hurt children
Yet it's ok if the pedos are gay.
Its not at all like an 11 year old did a strip tease in a gay bar and was praised by the media or anything.
Oh and don't say anything about child rape gangs in the UK, THAT'S illegal but if we persecute the rapists then it's racist.
AND OF COURSE the world organizations like the UN care deeply about protecting children from such people and DEFINITELY AREN'T raping them, grooming them and prostituting them.
You want to be horrified?
>just wait until they start justifying pedophilia
every gay bloke I know doesn't want to be grouped together with trans and doesn't believe in should be a part of LGB grouping, given it's entirely different to those three; maybe this is their secretly being forced out under the guise of gaining their own recognition and acceptance
it's not actually me retards
I had this in my gog wishlist, now I'm gonna pirate.
Thank you for your service.
But there are people here who accuse the flag in the sewer being pushed in people's faces.
It's less an issue of bigotry and more an issue of what's appropriate.
>they're just not accepting them because they don't look or sound like their goal.
In other words, they are scared of the change of accepting them
You can keep tiptoeing around the point but it does not make the point any less valid
>he doesn't know
Because it's too stupid to be for nothing, and too brilliant not to be for free exposure.
because i have a crossdressing fetish and an axe wound where my balls used to be so im more special than those other literal faggots.
thats my interpretation of it.
It's not a call to get more rights, it's a reminder that they are people and should be treated as such. Look at this thread. See the hatred and people wishing death upon them.
This mindset translates into actions and trans people are disproportionally victims of violence. Their mere existence triggers people and will be reason enough for people to attack them.
The hostility shown here is a good justification why trans rights are important.
those fucking clown ass eyebrows lmao
Perhaps if they want to be accepted as men or women they should look like a regular man or woman and not a loud, ugly asshole.
Because being Trans and their fight for acceptence is different than Gays even if they are both under LGBT
Why does Fance have a Flag if the EU has one?
Christian Rights.
>''the farther along in the transition, the lower the risk gets''
>Literal subject mortality means things work out in the end
user, please people's lives are at stake...
Yeah I read into your gay propaganda website. It literally had no evidence. Its evidence was
>take our word for it
Regardless there are no actual rights denied to trannies, or fags. If you're fired odds are you weren't fired for being a tranny, you were fired for being an obnoxious, flamboyant idiot who scares off customers.
>dude wtf
Come on user
It's not fear you fucking idiot. it's disgust and sadness at having to pu in the effort to buy into a mentally ill person's delusion.
stop pretending people are scared to dodge the fact it's disgusting and annoying in nature you fucking freak.
There are much more cis murder victims than trans murder victims
Ok so what's more pathetic, screenshotting your own "ownage" right after you get ignored and banned from reddit, or thinking someone's really funny and cool for doing that and saving his screenshot?
I agree with this.
People who cut their children's dick skin are as sick as faggots.
>this entire thread
That's a lot of posts with literal fucking reddit spacing
>this entire thread is filled to the brim with /pol/tards and raiding discord trannies
>it's still up
Mods, you have one fucking job.
Gimme my waifu so I can finally kill myself.
>freedom of association is unconstitutional
There's nothing positive about celebrating and accepting mental illness. These people are seriously ill, giving them hormones and cutting off their genitals should never be considered a treatment option in any sane world.
Weird how you ignore a post that directly addresses your lies
Are you scared of the acceptance of bug chasers and bug catchers purposefully spreading HIV and AIDS? Are you a bugphobe?
I don't even like trannys, but even I get depressed looking at this
>Not having a beer with dad and hating trannies together
Must suck being raised by a single mom.
Well the majority are not like that, and even after gender surgery it isnt easy to be 100% convincing in your new gender. I cant really argue against generalizations you are making but most are not the stereotypical caricature of a overly flamboyant person who shoves their identity down your throat.
>Tell me the therapy to something we've yet to fully grasp and understand
Also, in theory, having a fetish shouldn't stop anyone from contributing to society, but take Nick Bate and Ulililla, as two examples: both were mentally vulnerable, but one fell prey to fetishes, while the other flourished.
Fetishes can lead mentally unstable people astray. It's why I'm opposed to this ludicrous LGBT normalization, as vulnerable people may be prone to have their lives absorbed by it.
send this to the twitter trannies
Why do trannies think that literal colours are going to change shit. Proof that they are retarded.
the first books people burned en masse when hitler rose to power were gender studies encompassing an awfully similar tone as to what we see today?
The normal people grow ever weary. Trump ushered the presidency in hopes of an event.
The fagannoyance legion have learned nothing and are now doulbing their efforts to isolate and harrass anybody who doesn't bow to them.
What will happen next children? Can you guess?
Seek help.
This the tranny? Dare I say... she passes.
-insert here-phobic are all purposefully vague umbrella terms that just serve as propaganda tools so they can label dissenters in a negative light.
This is true. Jewdick is indefensible.
Why do you think so many end up like this? Single mothers raise the worst degenerates.
No. I admit I don't really know much about CF, but like sickle cell anemia it could protect the human with it from other diseases. If you use the theory of evolution, CF can't stick around in the human population for prolonged periods without it having some sort of benefit
As for cancer, it is a disease that manifets (much) later in an organisms life and is not present at birth. It is the result of the inevitability of a cell division going wrong when an organism divides a ridiculous amount of cells during its life. The older something gets, the higher chance of cancer rearing its head. There are whales that can easily reach 200+ years without getting cancer however, so there is a genetic trait that helps them avoid the disease. Humans lifespan has expanded insanely fast the past 500 years, which is much too short for evolution to provide a counter to cancer such as in the example of the whales
don't complain about it, it should just be LGB
>I'm a lesbian
>I'm gay
>I'm bi
>I'm a woman
no you're fucking not
and therein lies the difference
I would, but I don't use that shit
feel free to do it and post the outcome
Sure. Then what happened to Cyberdemon? Or Chris chan?
i'd fuck and potentially date him tbqh if his voice and demeanor were feminine enough.
The whole thing is pretty damn pathetic.
It is literally a fear of its normalization, just because you say it isnt does not mean it is.
Most of the people who shit on furries are furries.
What about the actual laws?
This weird circular reasoning isnt getting you anywhere. Transphobic is a meaningless term.
Could you imagine? Just if all the screaming, the delusional whining, the entitlement, the attack on normal people.... just stopped?
all it took was one day. everybody sick of it. just gathered the rope.
Public Gallows. Queued up. A cheer at every drop and swing.
Tears of relief. No more suffering.
Gender dysphoria can not be treated like other mental illness'. Gender reassignment surgery and hormones are the most successful way of treating it.
>HAHAHA they kept Jontron! What a based and redpilled game
>N-N-NOOOO! A trans flag, how could they do this to meeee!
Nice SJW game, retards. It seems like Odyssey really was the winning game after all.
Correct, these are also degenerate. But I don't know what your point is supposed to be.
>implying homosexuals only bang other homosexuals
especially a few hundred years ago, fags just pretended to be 100% straight and had children ya know
Just because you say it is doesnt make it true.
It's on the same level as normalizing anorexia. Delusional people shouldn't be catered to in any way.
>Their mere existence triggers people and will be reason enough for people to attack them
Well considering they lack the ability to shut the fuck up and not be the center of attention, is it really a surprise?
Best they can ever hope for is an ugly woman.
The fact that 99% of them aim for quirky blue haired pixie Run Lola Run x Amélie nerdy dream girl should highlight the level of delusion they're operating on.
Its not circular reasoning, fear of a specific change is marked with "Phobic" or "Phobia" like TransPhobic, Islamiphobe, homophobe. ect.
Just because you can not accept the literal definitions does not make it any less correct.
you can't just say it's what you want when your argument fails and falls apart you fucking freak.
commit 42%.
Game's fanbase it's on the "dangerously friendly with children" tier
>mods are deleting posts
>the tread itself remains up
Yes, but social contagion to the point of cutting of your dick and having to maintain a literal wound for the rest of your life? You realise gender dysphoria works the other way around as well, right? If a normal male starts getting a female body, they will freak out
Jesus christ you trannies are a lost cause. 40%
This is purely anecdotal but every person I've known raised by a single mom was either a turboslut or a junkie. Single moms really are cancer.
I agree! The difference is my view is the one commonly accepted by Society and by literal dictionaries like the Webster dictionary.
I have OCD, but I'd never expect my friends to de-crease their duvets, hoover their sofas, or make their curtains match identically etc. before I pop round to see them. I shouldn't have to and refuse to accept trannies; you can't swap genders, you're just batshit crazy and have gone too far.
You're right, but don't expect people to agree. But more than normalization, people simply don't want it to infest what they love. They don't want to have to see it or deal with it in any way.
>accepted by society
and there
in lies the problem
Could you imagine if people just got on with their lives and talked about video games on the video game board? No more petty arguments, no more off topic twitter posts, just vidya.
Anorexia is an mental illness but being Trans is the treatment for the mental illness Gender Dysphoria.
Being Trans sucks and has a lot of problems but the overwhelming majority prefer it to living with gender dysphoria. If you have a better solution that is proven to work by all means bring it to the table and collect your nobel prize.
It's more apathy than anything.
>tranny flag is in the sewer
That says a fear of transgender people, which brings us back to no one being afraid of trannies. Nice attempt at smugly proving yourself wrong i guess?
You're the one giving them attention every time you sperg out by their mere existence. We had a thread like this yesterday and you idiots keep bumping it, you're damn obsessed by the very thing you claim to hate, it's like Stockholm Syndrome.
accepting/not hating a harmless bunch of people is not propaganda, no matter how retarded you think that group of people are, or how retarded they actually are
Subject mortality is kind of a pivotal point in a study about when/why people off themselves. It is a little cruel if you think about it, but I think it is important to know whether or not this kind of ''treatment'' actually benefits its patients or not. I don't care what these people do, as long as it is beneficial to their lives (which it probably is if they go from 40% suicide to ''normal'' suicide levels)
Now we have to look out for tranny angles like we look for fat girl angles
If I were a tranny and I started balding, I'd say fuck it, shave, and get a nice wig. I'd never try and pass with a huge balding dome.
>threads about trannies always ALWAYS get 100's of replies
Suicide might be the best option.
I'm not a freak and I love my penis.
I love myself.
I didn't fall into a dark pit or people making me doubt myself widening my insecurity
Trannies wouldn't allow this to happen. they are attention whores by nature and require attention to literally survive, killing themselves if it is not so. They're just so insecure and pathetic, it actually makes me feel better and stronger.
Do you seriously think these retards will understand anything logical you say? They have a surface level understanding of this topic at best.
Nobody has a phobia of fags and sodomites, it's all natural disgust for rapisst and castrated shitheads with ego issues.
I've never been bullied and can absolutely kick your ass in real life
Obviously they're asexual, though being asexual is typically just a result of a low libido which happens from being extremely depressed. If they weren't depressed they probably wouldn't be asexual, though if they weren't a tranny they probably wouldn't be depressed.
>irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against transgender people
nice job blowing apart your own point?
But these are not accurate usages if the suffix phobia in the first place. They are all relatively new terms coined by progressives to give dissenters a term with negative connotations.
>putting a flag celebrating relishing in mental illness in a children's video game isn't propaganda
I disagree with you, but fair enough. It is however fucking disgusting, propaganda or not
Not him but let me explain something.
Fact #1: a disproportionately large number of homosexuals report being the subject of molestation as children.
Explanation #1: naturally gay children invite molestation ("victim blaming!!!")
Explanation #2: normal children are influenced by homosexual behaviour and become gay (i.e. you are not born gay)
Pick one.
Fact #2: the vast majority of child molestation is done by men against boys.
Explanation #1: pure coincidence bury your head in the sand la la la can't hear me.
Explanation #2: homosexuals are predisposed to pedophilia towards boys.
Combination of facts and explanations leads to supposition: homosexuals reproduce by molestation - heterosexual children in early stages are infected by contact with homosexual behaviour and gay adults are predisposed to infecting children in turn.
I'm very sorry that your parents failed you. Contribute to society by encouraging that a cure be found.
Homosexuals reproduce like a virus does, by conversion.
Some mods are tranny allies, they always give a chance to their masters to "win" an argument. then mass deletion and 3days ban when they lose. It's some sort of infinite honey pot.
underrated post
People in certain countries might go to prison for saying this stuff, the more that occurs the more people will want to get it out of their system.
It also says discrimination, which you do not have to be literally afraid to do and instead afraid of the idea of normalizing integration.
you're not a woman and never will be.
Very bold of the AHiT devs to pander to Yea Forums first with pedo shit and then put tranny shit in the DLC, at least people who first bought the game can't refund it.
Trannies are the biggest threat to trannies because 41%
they're not harmless
Glad I'm not, women are trash.
Honestly, trannies are worse than pedophiles.
The thread gets linked to outside sites that probably have trannie defense squads. I've seen it happen.
I don't think children even know what that flag represents so who fucking cares.
Because nu-Yea Forums is obsessed with transsexuals and cannot stop thinking about them.
But what rights don't they have?
Note:Unconditional love is not a right.
Note: Respect is a two way street, you don't get respect if you don't give it.
the ugly ones get filtered on /r/transpassing
just sort by controversial lmao
>You're the one giving them attention
I'm not the one who put a trans flag in a game
>faggot rouletteposter gets purged
>discussion continues as normal
Based jannies actually doing the right thing for once
I would hope so, I am happy with my body and always have been