Why you said its utter shit, Yea Forums?

Why you said its utter shit, Yea Forums?

I play this for few days already and it's pretty fun. Sure, talking means nothing since AI happily break engagement and run to squishy members and rouge trying to flank gets nomed in single strike but otherwise its actually fun. And there is mod to remove engagement system altogether.

If only I could make full custom party right away instead of having to carry around useless "companions" until getting enough money since hire cost is too high.

Seriously, why you said its beyond shit game?

Attached: pillars-of-eternity-09.png (1920x1080, 2.28M)

Other urls found in this thread:


first game is alright. the sequel is dogshit.

But Yea Forums based both this and sequel.

>Seriously, why you said its beyond shit game?
Don't think anyone said that. Maybe some Yea Forumsirgins who tend to exaggerate. First PoE is pretty good.
Haven't played the second one but would like to know if that's any good. As usual Yea Forums is flinging shit at it but the wider community loves it. Difficult to find a reasonable review of 2.

poe is good deadfire is fucking cuck shit

I loved it, the beginning is very slow and uninteresting but it gets great.

second one is fucking sjw cuck shit same as tyranny and outer worlds obsidian's fucking done

I just can't get over how poe looks worse than div2 in every way.

I really hope they make a div3 some day.

How bad is it? Is it a light touch like in PoE where they removed a tombstone because someone got upset at a tranny joke or is it full on? If it's the former I don't think it would matter too much if you consider the overall quality of the game.

gay fish man will make you suck his dick if you missclick dialogue

if poe was a light touch deadfire is a fucking cock in your ass

lmao for real?
Playing through PoE I don't recall ever noticing any gay shit desu.

first game is fine it's the sequel with new sjw writers. same writers for outer worlds.

>Why you said its utter shit, Yea Forums?

It's mainly the sequel that's shit

The first is just boring

Wonder why the second game flopped? Must have been the gay fish

Attached: gay fish poe.jpg (1920x1080, 104K)

>romances for straight males end with them leaving you
>gay elf twink is the only romance that stays
>no fucking ydwin romance after dev promises
>fucking rekke romance added in final dlc
fucking obsidian cunts lmao

>Yea Forums?
It's not Yea Forums. It's one turboautist who spams the same images and makes the same threads over and over again shitting up any potential for actually discussing these games.

what are you gonna discuss with this shit your favorite cuck scene?

I hadn't even read the thread. He's already here.

The first game is an okay game. Pretty good, pretty fun, but a bit dragged out.
Deadfire is garbage though, don't bother with it. It's worse in every regard

also: try pathfinder kingmaker,
super annoying loadingtimes but overall a nice rpg experience

>super annoying loadingtimes
Fixed in 1.1
But yeah Pathfinder is a way better game than all PoE combined

Am I gonna like this game, Yea Forums? I dropped Tyranny mainly because of the combat. I feel like I don't have enough control and mostly random shit happens. My units often "stuck" or do retarded automatic moves.
That's said I really liked turn based shit in DoS2.

the first game's good but stay away from this dead series

not for me so far, i think i´m on update 19 from april and sometimes i still need to wait a minute to change maps

>Why you said its utter shit, Yea Forums?
Because it's by far the most boring CRPG released in last 5 years.
Overnerfed into oblivion, with every class feeling like shit to play, mages being both boring AND vancian based, with pointless "resource management" that simply doesn't work because in vast majority of the dungeons you can just escape and rest at the inn anyway.
Sequel is worse even in writing quality department while still retaining the no fun allowed attitude of the first game. Fuck you Sawyer for killing Beckoners

>mfw i just play Pathfinder Kingmaker instead

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Shit pc then. On 1.0 it was loading like good 4-5 minutes on a PCIe ssd. After the patch it was reduced to seconds as it should be

I like PoE1. It's the second game that I shit on.

>liked DOS2 and turn based combat
No you probably won't. As said it's "overbalanced" no fun garbage comparing to DOS.

Who cares about optional gay shit? Are the female romances ugly though?

Engagement is actually good mechanic and there are so many ways to avoid it that i don't see how is that a problem

The problem with the games, both of them is that they're boring as fuck. I've halted my playthrough of 1 at twin elms, 2 I've did half of the last DLC and then have to go to Ukaizo. No intention to finish either. 2 is defo better game, the walls of text are less annoying, character building is fun, some encounters are good too(SSS), but there are also many places where you're just walking around doing mostly nothing or fighting relatively simple enemies(sometimes with some additional gimmick) that aren't however so simple that you can just select all and kill them one after another, no sir, you will have to still use a wide variety of skills at your disposal. It's not challenging, because once you start actually playing the game as it's intended it becomes child's play, but doing so also requires you to pause every 1,5 second

Also TB is shit and will never get fixed. If you really want to punish yourself playing TB mode in PoE2, remember that Perception is the king and Dexterity(finesse? Whatever you know which stat am I talking about) is a dump stat, put it on 1
TRANNY pissed me off like nothing else. I understand it's low budget and so forth, but low enemy variety, seemingly no attention paid to encounter designs and absolute waste of the setting's original idea(a roughly bronze-age world where evil empire is the dominant nation) by the writers. I wish they had read a history book rather than 1984 and Kafka as an inspiration for this game(which is something they've actually mentioned in some interview), because in an era which historical nations were either as edgy as Assyrians or at least somewhat edgy - Egyptian origin myth is about their first Pharaoh winning over his enemy in such decisive way that he started murdering prisoners of war for fun. And what do we have instead? An evil overlord who's evil because she conquers

>xoti leaves you in her romance ending
>maia leaves you in her romance ending
>they stay together if they romance each other
>epilogue mentions how often they fuck each other
it's fucking cuck shit man

>Engagement is actually good mechanic
No, it's not. It straight doesn't work like it should. Enemies with their inflated HP pools simply don't give a shit about it. Your party members generally can't outrun the enemy projectiles and attacks anyway so the mechanic is pointless. It's doubly pointless against mages who can hulk up to 200 deflection on demand at any moment to break the engagement off. It's a shitty mechanic that accomplishes nothing of what it was supposed to do.


>adds romance
>it's all cuck shit
fuck off

>First post is full of problems
>Barely scratches the surface of what's wrong with the game
>"hurrrr durrrr why say it bad"

Why are you pretending to be retarded just to bait (You)'s?

Story is dog shit and the first two years were showered with patches that fucked up your builds.

You are playing the finished, polished and rounded up version.
It's normal the guys who played it at launch thought it was a let down.

Attached: 1424106791493.gif (376x191, 1.94M)

*Shit, wanted to post this.

Attached: jontron-loaded-question.gif (320x180, 640K)

>That's said I really liked turn based shit in DoS2
Because DivOS1&2 are fully 3D games with good level design and physics. Obsidian mounted on the Infinity Engine Nostalgia Bandwagon, and continue to have pretty but utterly terible for good tactical combat 2D planes, instead of actual good battle arenas.
I recommend you to play Open Xcom, Jagged Alliance or 7'62 High Calibre to experience more of DivOs goodness.

Attached: 1434304979626.png (281x297, 153K)

The dogshit writing was never fixed.

Nor your meme parroting brain ever will, but continue to let others think for you.

Are your mistakes acceptable because you learned English as a second language or are they unacceptable because you are just a complete moron who didn't pay attention in school?

>7'62 High Calibre
Not him but I installed this yesterday looking for more JA /k/ autism.
It's pretty good

Go ahead and explain what's really wrong with first game.

Second language. Never really noticed I'm doing any errors.

Because it is.
You can't go 5 minutes without 10 pages worth of exposition thrown awkwardly at you.
Beyond that, the gameplay is okay, I guess. But the writing is absolutely abysmal.

Just play Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Game actually just feels like you're playing a tabletop RPG.

>Hurrr durrr ur a poopoo-head I'm so smort ur so dubm durrrr
Always amusing how brainlets try and ratify their inferiority.

The writing is cringe AF in some point

But I haven't replayed the game in a while but the gameplay was superior from the first one

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Attached: 1521196494132.png (1048x707, 1.33M)

first game is fine. deadfire is fun to play but the story and characters are dogshit.

Literally every aspect other than (maybe) graphics it utter dogshit.

The combat is retarded with very little nuance or strategy, you can identify the best spell at a glance and that's what you'll be using in 90% of your fights, many of the classes don't even have a lot of options to choose from (chanter stands out in particular)

The stats are inconsistent as fuck, you literally need book barbarians and muscle wizards. Retards might try and argue that the stats aren't the same as str/int etc. but that just proves how retarded they are, as checks for doing shit like climbing walls and muscling down a wall are all the same stat as your wizard needs to make his spells strong.

The writing is dogshit, all over the place, constantly contradicts itself and introduces endless plotlines and plot points that either get forgotten a sentence later or completely handwaved. You're sick as shit, but it doesn't matter go into the woods and pick herbs. You're even sicker than before but it doesn't matter go out into the wilds and fight trolls and shiet, oh btw here's a literal madman let's have him tag along and make everyone want to kill us for murdering a bunch of townsfolk oh but that actually doesn't matter at all we just wanted a cool quirky intro :^))). Here's this fort you can build; it literally doesn't matter and nobody minds that a random hobo is squatting in a local fort and levying taxes :^)))

I could go on for pages upon pages as to why the game is bad, but even the devs themselves have admitted the game was dogshit so I'm honestly just calling it quits here.

The only good part was Durance screaming about THE GODHAMMER in casual conversation with me.

>suck his dick if you missclick dialogue
So, like in dragon age 2 again?

>Why you said its utter shit, Yea Forums?
Because Yea Forums is full of shitlords who think it is cool to shit on everything. Especially crpgs.

Is far right actually supposed to be a girl?

Is there a mod with better portraits?

Top looks better though. Drawfaggot is weeb cancer. Look at that fucking anorexic Eder, he is supposed to be big and strong not a scrawny homeless crackhead.


Attached: Quality CRPG writing.jpg (722x809, 129K)

too I dislike rtwp with that many party members

Bottom Eder looks exactly as he looked in PoE1

what game

Neverwinter nights.
Module is called A dance with rogues.

First game is OK, but like most Obsidian games is quick to let down. Becomes very linear, simplistic and dull. I don't remember the combat very well but I recall being too stupid as in you only needed two classes to have a default efficient setting and the rest of the classes were just filling.

The second not only has uncharismatic writing it's also terrible and the game side-mechanics (like the boat stuff) is incredibly lazy.

I'm not sure if dogshit is the word but I added it to my list of games I don't care about and will never bother with sequels again. It seems like mediocre people have seized the CRPG genre since it's easy to bait people with nostalgia and have an incredibly easy concept. All you have to do when marketing it is adding "The spiritual successor of Baldur's Gate" and you're good to go.

Is this true?

Attached: r10788.png (1011x787, 742K)

Quality of writing in this game is abyssmal. Everything except from Eder is shit.
I do like most of its mechanics but I have to admit that they are more about optimizations than powerplays. Everything feels nerfed like Obsidian is afraid of any big effects.

>even the devs themselves have admitted the game was dogshit

Literally where.