So like how should I start playing this game series? How would you recommend?
Bio shock
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Play the first one, then the second one. Realize the second one is better than the first one and don't play the third one.
Play the first game, then the second game, then the DLC for the second game called Minerva's Den, then actually do NOT play the third game because it's actually one of the worst games I've ever played.
Don’t play the third?
You mean Infinite? I thought people liked that game...
1 > 2 > Prey (2017)
It is dreadful. Completely awful. Anyone who says otherwise cannot be trusted on such matters ever again.
infinite (buried at sea) is only kinda worth playing to see ken's utterly hilarious attempts to use quantum bullshit to retcon the second game.
Play the first one then play System Shock 2 then play Prey. (Not the one about the Native American dude who got abducted by aliens, the other one)
Infinite is good despite what brainlets tell you. The only reason they hate the game is because it's different from the other two which ironically was the biggest complaint of the second one. It's a fun gallery shooter game that is worth the like 20-25, hour investment. You can finish it in a weekend and enjoy it. The dlc is pretty good too.
Hold the shit.
Prey Is a bioshock game? Or am I missing out on a joke? Either way I’m a dumbass...
the first one retard. second one is better but you should play the first one. i actually like infinite, it's not nearly as good as the first two but it's worth playing. absollutely do not play burial at sea
>only reason i don't like it is because it is different
>not the god awful gameplay mechanics, shit story, or asinine retconning
Infinite is a barely passable game, its such a downgrade of the first two that its a waste of time playing something less then mediocre when there are better games out there to play
Yeah I usually play the first game In the series but then when I tell people most everyone Is like “you fucking KEK, you should’ve played the 2 one first you donkey!”
Remaster or no?
Remaster for 1, standard for 2.
Play the firs 2 in order. Forget the third one.
There are pros and cons. More cons than there should be.
If you're stuck on console and Xbone backwards compatibility is poor, it might be worth it. If you're on PC then just play their original versions.
Play 1, Play 2, Jerk off to SFM porn of 3.
Remastered versions have massive crashing and save delete problems, they are a fucking joke
Aren't they pretty much the same?
Played original B2 back when it was released and remaster of Minerva's Den recently. It felt like the same game to me.
System Shock 1->System Shock 2->Bioshock 1->Bioshock 2
Play Infinite if you really want to play another Bioshock game.
For the first one the remaster makes it much nicer looking and the pc version comes with extra content that the OG version does not. For the second game there is basically no difference beyond the fact the pc remaster of B2 does not work on 80% of pcs and has not been patched.
Well the skyhook was a fucking blast and the tears were very creative and fun to use also the vigors were nice. I'll agree the story was up it's own ass a fair bit but do you remember the ending to Bioshock 1? Could've been much better. I don't see how they retconned anything, the tied it all together in the end. Nothing was reset and the original story doesn't change
Literally why? It was a fresh take on the series with interesting characters, story and gameplay. Mediocre would be Bioshock 2. That's a mediocre game.
>Replay Bioshock
>It is shit
Other games with this feel? I loved the world, but the gameplay and level design is fucking brain dead.
It's bad, haven't played it in years but I still remember
>here's "big daddies", they have no reason or explanation to exist here, but they're here anyway
>2 weapon limit, each gun has like 3 factional variants, upgrades only affect the one version of the gun, none of the variants
>the powers were all the same, just different particle effects, don't remember there being any interesting combos or things like burning enemies then electrocuting them when they jump into water
>hope you like fighting the same boss 3 times
>many dropped mechanics, there were multiple tutorial popups that were literally never relevant, alluding to mechanics that were dropped from the game
>first one
>second one
>minerva's den
If you want, play also infinite and its dlcs, but don't set your expectations too high.
I don't recommend playing it, extremely weak shooters
Play the first one, if you like it give the second a try. Infinity is an OK game, if you find a cheap copy of Infinity you should give it a try, also the DLC are pretty good if you're a fan of the series.
Play all of them so you can see for yourself how bad Infinite is. It's worth at the very least one playthrough
Well to be fair, they explain why you can find "big daddies" on the DLC. The rest is true.
>so like how
So you like put the disc like in the disc tray, then you like, push the start button and start like playing
I was talking about the base game, I think they were called handymen? I don't remember them ever being explained, they were just kinda there to fulfill the big daddy enemy role.
Alright thanks everyone for the replies. Gonna play the first one because I already have all the games because of PS Now. Hail Riche!
why do asian women look like children? is there a technical term for this?
No I mean what about an asian womans face makes her look like a child?
Oh I don’t know, I guess It’s just how they look.
>Literally why? It was a fresh take on the series with interesting characters, story and gameplay. Mediocre would be Bioshock 2. That's a mediocre game.
>different = good
>same = bad
Try looking at things from an objective point of view. By your opinions i can see you're more interested in shitty mechanics and removed stuff (infinite) rather than actual improvements (2)
Oh cool thanks.
I know a pretty fun game, you just need a rope and a chair
every goty for the last 15 years
No I'm more interested in a good game. Based on story, characters and gameplay. You check those off or at least two of them in a modern game then I'm sold. And yeah mechanically wise 2 was improved.
But let's not act like the bullshit with the little sister harvest wasn't a waste of time. That's bad game design. And playing what's essentially a janitor in an underwater Utopia, while making for a fresh perspective doesn't do much for character development.
Just because something is stripped back doesn't make it bad. Yes infinite is stripped back but more focus was put in on this like setting and characters and the crux game
>a good game. Based on story, characters and gameplay.
>playing what's essentially a janitor in an underwater Utopia doesn't do much for character development.
>more focus was put in on this like setting and characters and the crux game
But all of these are wrong, user. You don't have shit taste, do you?
>story, characters, and gameplay
So, which 2 did this game so well for you? The story was retarded since it was rewritten like 8 times while in development. The characters were even stupider, why did they think they'll be able to move a factory's worth of machinery with only two people for instance? Characters also came and went randomly as you jumped through portals. And the gameplay was even more basic than the previous games.
>there were multiple tutorial popups that were literally never relevant
I've played Infinite many times, and while it does have it's flaws, you're full of shit.
They also explained Handymen and they actually made more sense than Big Daddy's did.
The powers were also all vastly different and combos are a lot more than "fire and shock in water"
I'm not trying to defend Infinite, but you're just spewing lies.
Typically round faces with no bone structure which lead to their face having less definition. Notice how people who are considered attractive generally have defining features.
I liked the alternate world's theory explained using the games own imageries and words and it was presented in a satisfactory way
>It was rewritten
As if that even matters. No draft is set in stone, believe me. The only exception is by the last minute.
I imagine that the vox just wanted the weapons locked down, obviously no one expects them to do that
I easily remember fink, Elizabeth, Comstock, slate, the lutesces.
The gameplay was not that basic and again, different genre of game.
I think Infinite was great and knocked it out in all three areas
It's a straight line, hacking mini game almost doesn't exist, same with plasmids, then there's the story. It's very different from the first two that's for sure, and I would say it's not even the same genre almost.
And I think you're objectively wrong, and Infinite fails both in gameplay and especially in the story department. And that's a fact
>be subtle or you'll draw suspicion in public
Saw this popup once, never relevant, made more sense in versions of the game they showed off before release though.
What was the explanation then? Heavy lifting? That's fucking retarded, why would they convert a human into a retarded monstrosity to do the job of moving freight, which the sky rails do?
And what combos did the powers have? I only remember the this power deals damage kind. All the revenues just kinda stuff there and took it. It would actually help if you said more than "no you".
It's funny how a DLC that's supposed to fix the story fucks it up even more. Way to go Levine.
It's literally not but go ahead. Deprive yourself of a fun game simply because faggots on Yea Forumstell you. Or because
>It's not like the other ones
It's a fun game and the bashing of it is unjustified. Best game of it's year and should be in anybody's top ten
Easy. Don't play it because none of the games in the series are really any good. Prey 2017 did a much better job of being a modern take on System Shock. I'd suggest playing that instead.
The only one I remember having any kind of "strategy" was Bucking Bronco; you could shoot people out of the city. Bonco + Shotgun made for pretty much one hit kills
I've actually played it, worst shock game, easily.
Tried to get into this about 15 times.
Get up to the bees every time and then drop it.
It's not a good game I'd rather play Mankind Divided again.
Play System Shock.
Good post, I usually dont say this but op is asking a retarded question. There are three fucking games its not quantum physics. Play the first, first.... Genius
I played the game on release date you inbred, you can like a game and accept it's a steaming piece of shit just don't try to unironically say it's good because it's not and the proof is out there and has been covered intensly
>Best game of it's year and should be in anybody's top ten
>a fucking fps on rails after they made 2 of the best games of their genre.
I feel sorry for you then. Sucks that you can't enjoy one of the best FPS ever created
You're trying a little too hard, buddy
Except it's not. The only complaints I ever see are people complaining it's not like the original and that the game's story is up its own ass and the mechanics have been stripped back.
But people fail to realise that that's the reason 2 wasn't well received so it makes sense to go ahead and put it in a new setting. And I already agreed the story sucks itself off but it was entertaining and cohesive none the less. And yes the mechanics are stripped but the add new ones, the sky hook, the tears, the gear.
I unironically believe it's on the same level as one.
Literally name another more thoughtful and fun fps around infinites time frame. FPS games for the longest were taking the piss and have only recently since Wolfenstein the new order gone back to it's roots.
>Implying 2 is anything more than table scraps from 1s plate.
Fucking Christ
>I already agreed the story sucks itself off but it was entertaining and cohesive none the less.
>And yes the mechanics are stripped but the add new ones, the sky hook, the tears, the gear.
>I unironically believe it's on the same level as one.
I hope you're baiting because if not I'm sorry for you
Wonderful insight
Imagine being this much of a retard
Imagine having sex
pretty good sensation desu
I know you should try it some time and stop imagining it user.
Yea Forums doesn't like it. Everywhere else it's quite popular.
I'm married user, inb4 cuck buzzwords
With the years even normies have realized the game's bad.
so like fuck off underage zoomer
>Wastes time trying to validate his retardation when he could be with alleged wife
You keep ignoring her and you're gonna wonder why Tyrone keeps calling her user.
We're both working user. Well, I'm shitposting but that's because I'm my own boss. And you couldn't resist the zoomer buzzword could you? What's the matter, anons don't like your shit game?
You can play it. Though you will most certainly regret it if
A) You've played more than one FPs
B) You like what makes Bioshock, Bioshock.
It's whatever at this point. Pissing on great games is gonna be a constant thing because retards will never stop hating on shit that's actually good and will continue to suck off anything that resembles the rusted dick they're used to instead of eating out the golden pussy of creativity.
The third itself is terrible, however the DLC for it I rather enjoyed because it was a return to the first two games. And although the DLC does kind of shit on the lore a bit and do a rather unpleasant plot thing with it, overall I still enjoyed the DLC enough to like playing it and not regret having done so.
So while I can't recommend 3 at all, if you really like 1-2, then I would recommend the DLC for 3. Which, kind of unfortunately, you may need to play 3 to fully understand the DLC.
But the Infinite we ended up getting isn't a great game, people hate it because it's shit not because it changed things because if that was the cause the hate would've started before release. Oh wait, people loved the pre-release footage that ended up being cut...
I'm up to the end of Bioshack 1 and am fucking pissed with this escort mission. I saved all the Little Sisters and think it was absolutely retarded that you had to get all the parts to become a Big Daddy. When you are in Tenenbaum's place and the girls were all around they didn't fear me, so why the need for a Big Daddy costume?
If I remember right, those in the Tenenbaum place were the ones you saved, the rest still run around with Big Daddies.
Nah I replayed the game recently and the ones you have to protect are Tenenbaum's cured kids. The whole point is you need to protect them on your way to Fontaine especifically because they're cured and thus susceptible to damage as the sea slug has been removed.
This Is OP and I’ve played a bit of the first game. I like It.
A little rough and playing without auto aim Is a death sentence but I like the style and atmosphere.
elaborate on why pls
lol, fpbp
does saving the little girl worth vs taking the adam.
also bioshock 1 seems grimmer compared to infinite
Two weapon limit, unfun powers. Corridor gameplay. Most of features highlighted in trailers missing (such as 'timewarp' and rail travel). Idiotic story. Mediocre graphics.
Worst of all, the game actually doesn't feel that bad at start. Hell, I liked it at first but it wasn't until I sat down and thought about it that I realized how I got tricked. The only thing that stuck with me in a good way was this 'hidden' tape (
Fuck Infinite, play 1, 2 then play System Shock 2 and get your mind blown.
If you're playing on OC search for how to disable mouse acceleration. Enjoy it, playing the first two BioShocks for the first time is rather unique
You end up getting more ADAM by saving them all, actually
dont play it at all its jewish propaganda
PC* fugg
>BS2, Minerva's Den
>BS:I Burial at Sea episodes
Despite what people say INfinte is an alright game, go in expecting CoD in an awesome setting and you'll like it
wew lad, i'm glad not burdened with your shit taste.
Yes and my annoyance with this section of the game is because of the fetch quest to assemble the Big Daddy suit. Also you can't tell the Little Sister to stay still which is the most frustrating thing. I played Resident Evil Revelations 2 not to long ago and that was a much better experience than this.
Why do people say bioshock 2 is good? Does it get good? I played through the first one in a day, loved it. Played the second for 30 minutes, turned it off and haven't played the series sense.
I have infinite as well and I hear that one is worth playing and more like the first. I dont know if I should finish 2 before playing it though.
Handymen were supposedly made from terminal or disabled people who would be worse off otherwise, or so they were told. They are in constant pain and anger, so yeah, dying might have been better.
Anyway, the reason I don't like them, as with most of Infinite, is the disparity between technology and the time period. I know there's the "hurr de durr, rifts in reality" thing going on, but it still feels... stupid.
I only remember the characters you capitalized. Funny, almost as if they were the only ones worth capitalizing.
>infinite is more like the first
Play 2 you dong
None of the bioshocks was great, 2 being the best one
watch a recap of bioshock 1, it's not a good game. Reeks of missed potential. Play Bioshock 2, it's the best game in the series. Play Minerva's Den. There, done.