Was Red Dead Redemption 2 really that disappointing?
Was Red Dead Redemption 2 really that disappointing?
Yes. World of tanks had better movement controls than this game. But I guess I'm supposed to FEEL like a smelly drunk cowboy
Absolutely not. Aside from a somewhat lackluster ending, it was amazing the whole way through.
Yeah. Somewhere along the line, Houser hacks thought they were making an HBO show, not a video game. The first one is superior in just about every way.
Consider this
It was built to be a way to lure people into an online version ala GTAV
Rockstar games are only ever bad in comparison to Rockstar games. This is how you know they're one of the best developers ever.
Did you miss the part where he said he absolutely loved the game? Why do you think you have to hate something to point out it's flaws?
That argument doesn't make sense considering that the SP was fully realized but MP was halfbaked
I thought I'd hate it and I ended up enjoying it quite a lot
the biggest disappointments about rdr 2 are the framerate, console only and SJW shit not-so-subtly sprinkled throughout.
Incredibly so. Replaying 1 right now and I forgot R* used to know how to make good games. It's so much more fun than 2 its it's almost unreal
Jakey is such a beautiful man. I wish he didn't stay stuck in bumfuck nowhere.
It attracted a bunch of Zoomers who think this was how the first game was played. Felt like an interactive Netflix series than an actual game.
Except that it's world is much more bland and less interesting with infinitely less to do, the sound design is inferior and the story is full of throwaway characters, even the main antagonists are never developed on so you literally never give a single fuck about what's happening
RDR1 is going to be Yea Forums's next meme game I guess to signal how cool they are that they didn't enjoy the objectively superior RDR2 and it's hilarious from normal people's perspective because most people remember it as "that mediocre GTA-with-horses game that came out toward the end of the PS3 era"
It’s a great game to go through once but I have no desire to ever go back to it
Except RDR2 is bad when compared to BotW.
I replayed it recently and was blown away by how boring and shitty it was honestly. Everything feels totally pointless.
I bought it recently and I think it's okay, the story feels like it goes from nowhere to nowhere so I just spend most of the time fishing and hunting
>RDR2 is bad when compared to BotW.
>8 years in development
>$800 million budget
>40000000 gorillian teraflops
>can't compete with a 13gb Wii U game
Are you fucking kidding me?
The controls were atrocious, shame since the game was really nicely made. But the way the character feels when you try to make them do anything just kills my desire to ever replay it.
No. The online is a dull grindfest but that's to be expected from Rockstar.
Yeah. A mediocre game can not and will never be carried by gimmick bells and whistles.
Name one good mission.
I mean... it's pretty true though, isn't it?
Can't argue with FACTS and LOGIC!
RDR2 really feels like a 10 year old game
People is very forgiving about the gameplay since they were invested in the story, same thing that happened with the last of us.
TLOU has great Gameplay compared to fucking RDR2
Rockstar assumed players will eat it up just like they ate up GTA Online and will just dredge away microtransaction money while slowly updating it with minimal amount of content. Well it didn't go so well.
It really is unbelievable tbat sonyghers still post here. STILL going on about some 720p sonygher shitsclusive from 2009 that runs at 15 fps when the oneX is out. LMFAO@u literal niggers
saint denis bank
I liked it more than the first game and as someone that just plays these games once every 8 years I didn't mind Rockstar's dated mission design. Or atleast I didn't find them that offensive. The god tier exploration made up for them.
The gameplay in TLOU is serviceable, but its nothing special or innovative. Granted, I've never hear someone say that it gets in the way of the story like some people do with RDR2 so i will give you that.
>spend years making an almost autistically detailed open world game
>can't make responsive controls to save their lives
honestly stopped playing it after like chapter 3 because it was such an exhausting slog just to wrestle with moving your fucking character. Actually unbelievably bad
It was a shooting gallery mission...jesus christ
this is the most autistic shit I've read today
>shooting gallery
Dunkey is a fag and this is a shitty meme. You mean to tell me you shoot people in a game about cowboys shooting guns? Fucking UNREAL how dare they do this to me Yea Forumsros