Do we regret Rising Up?

99% of gamers do so to escape real life and yet (((someone))) forced the worst aspects of real life into our isolated hobby

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Other urls found in this thread:

nice ironic false flag

I don't know about all that. What I do know is that I'm gay.

Where did this forced meme come from anyway?

one fine day all degenerates decided to infiltrate the gaming industry. this came out of nowhere

I unironically like how sad joker looks.

Ahem fuck Niggers

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Is this trailer the most Kino trailer ever or what? I have seen this several times for some reason.

Unironically resetera.

13% and 40%, stay mad tranny

I hope Batman or anything "superhero-y" doesn't show up in this movie.

Look up what false flag means, retard.

it means you are mom gay haha

There's a subreddit for it filled with cringey losers who listen to that contrapoints retard

you miss the part where he cheers up Bruce Wayne who just turned into an orphan?

9gag and then got adopted by /pol/ to spam racist/sexist phrases under the guise of "video game" pictures.

>Shitters design joke around disparaging people who find racial shit funny
>These people find their joke funny and run with it
>They drop it like a sack of shit because it's genuinely creating funny shit now
Oh ho ho ho ho




>never a fan of gossip
>never participate in drama unless to break it up
>notice assuming things about others' identity is a root of drama, race, idpol
>stop doing it
>diversity for diversity's sake comes knocking
>pushed as progressive, positive, for 'my kind'.
>"hey I'm good with this"
>it's just a fucking marketing tactic people attack other people for holding an opinion over
>the token minority character whose character is being not Anglo and not feeling like a real person is now a majority of the cast
>all these shit one dimensionally written characters are immune to criticism short of both fearing and no longer caring about opening a can of worms from honest criticism entirely separated from visual identity
>feel this way as a gay nigger people do not know is openly gay because there's more to me than enjoying cock let alone the mentality/companionship of another man

Nice. Glad we got that representation we needed so bad in the form of whitey's new marketing tactic to other white shareholders, stay woke though as you surely already are, OP!

But most videogames protags are Chads...

Who are you quoting?

It originated on Yea Forums


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His mothers sex diary

Well done retard. You just shat a tldr essay

....personally after rising up i immediatly drop a game if a social minority is even mentioned or shown for more than 5 i loved like San Andreas i literally gave to my dog to chew

It was from the gang weed facebook group, made by SJWs and trannies trying to mock gamers questioning identity politics and censorship in games as cringy edgelords. Ironic memesters spread it around from there.

If /pol/tards weren't dumb, they'd take over jokerposting and make joker memes with 13%.
But instead the retards made soulless clown pepe and proved they can only be funny when 100% serious.

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>haha le edgy clown nohilistic humour

i hate americans and thir stupid hollywood movies

Actually it came from kikebook.

Seriously the liberals are retards if they think this somehow upset anyone i mean people likes the joker

It didn't.

Good thing you're loosing the culture war

gamers simmer down


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>make stupid meme about "ebic gaymurs"
>"haha guys rise up, fuck minorities lmao XD"
>actual racists show up and join the group
>le le le redditors are unironically surprised
This is just a whole new breed of retarded

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/pol/ and Yea Forums absolutely seethe at this meme, though. Just look at the responses in this thread.

Me on the right

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Keep repeating this to yourself, it will make it up for all the times you cried yourself to sleep over trannies in vidya, for the Zion Don betrayals and 56%->51%.

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the left cant meme

have sex

Only because the Neofaggot refugees are fuming this little "jab" didn't work as intended, it's fucking hilarious, the main demographic for this place should have a girl they couldn't get, their "Veronica", extrapolate that with chad taking Veronica and being a gamer, because surprise we're on Yea Forums, this shit is funny, the fact that people get mad that people own the piss take makes it even fucking better, fuck them

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Wow this is exactly what happened. Maybe not the fuck minority part that much. It was always about Veronica and how she's with chad instead of them. But the rest of the shit pretty much happen just like that

feels pretty good not having meme opinions

Gang weed is a facebook group.

>He thinks it’s Resetera getting mad and not /pol/
Don’t delude yourself. /pol/ can’t stand getting made fun of.

The Joker was first associated with gamers on Yea Forums

I don't give a shit, I think it's funny, it's funny because touchy niggers are mad and tranny niggers are mad I'm not a touchy nigger.

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not him, get laid trannies

the left cant meme



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Not him, but the right has completely fucking lost the culture war. You literally cannot endorse Donald Trump anymore without risk of losing your career and being blacklisted from whatever industry to worked so hard to get involved with. The left hold the power, and they aren't losing it any time soon.

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After transitioning trannies get the opposite of what they want (hetero Chad)- they get creepy trannie fetishists

If that's true that means Yea Forums is full of SJW faggots on facebook.

It originated somewhere like Resetera or Reddit to mock gamergate types. Then the people being mocked came up with "clown world", which is basically "WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY" but played straight.

>Authoritarianism=winning the culture war
If you think for 10 seconds the "silent majority" bit in Trump's jib jabbing wasn't about this you're obviously fucking retarded

You don't have to be an SJW to make fun of people who get mad about women and miniroties in video games.

Im not a tranny but i'm mad at 40%. It should be much higher