Yea Forums...
Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is not a nintendonboa-
Is based, only contrarians, console war faggots & PC elitists will disagree but they are not relevant to this board’s demographic. They belong on r/gaming
> Most popular company in the world who has been making games for 30 years dominates a best game list
Shocking i know
>only two randomly selected options shown at a time out of 119
>everyone is allowed an infinite amount of votes
>no sample size is collected, only the total votes
>certain options can randomly show up to be voted on several times in a row while others could potentially never appear
I know Yea Forums is full of underage and retards but surely even you faggots know why this poll is shit
>99% japshit
Source: OP's ass
The sample size was like 1,000 to 1,500 people.
Are you actually a fucking retard? There was a thread up on the front page for 15 hours, almost everyone knows about it by now.
Yea Forums was created solely for discussing anime, why does it surprise you that nobody likes western trash?
>western trash
You mean the reason Japs have games in the first place? All their games are rip offs.
>3 nier
into the trash this list goes
It makes me so mad that most of my favourites are at the bottom.
> 1. Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
> 2. Trails in the Sky FC
> 3. Trails In The Sky SC
> 4. Persona 2: Innocent Sin
> 5. Digital Devil Saga 2
> 6. Final Fantasy X
> 7. Chrono Cross
> 8. Final Fantasy VI
> 9. Mother 3
> 10. Persona 3 Portable
> 11. Xenogears
> 12. Chrono Trigger
> 13. Zelda: The Wind Waker
> 14. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 15. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 16. Final Fantasy IX
> 17. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
> 18. Shadow Of The Colossus
> 19. Zelda: Majora’s Mask
> 20. Metal Gear Solid
> 21. EarthBound
> 22. Zelda: A Link To The Past
> 23. Fatal Frame 2
> 24. Bioshock
> 25. Metal Gear Solid 2
> 26. Valkyrie Profile
> 27. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
> 28. Mass Effect
> 29. Xenoblade Chronicles
> 30. The Last Of Us Remastered
> 31. Resident Evil 4
> 32. Undertale
> 33. Kingdom Hearts II FM
> 34. Skies Of Arcadia
> 35. Persona 4 Golden
> 36. Beyond Good & Evil
> 37. Final Fantasy VII
> 38. Silent Hill 2
> 39. Jade Empire
> 40. Super Smash Bros Melee
> 41. Journey
> 42. NieR Replicant
> 43. Zelda: Twilight Princess
> 44. Metroid Prime
> 45. Vagrant Story
> 46. Resident Evil Remake
> 47. SoulCalibur
> 48. Mass Effect 2
> 49. Star Wars: KOTOR 2
> 50. Star Wars: KOTOR
>top 3
nier is two times on the list, nice bait
Literally says “2018 List” jesus fuck, why is Yea Forums so illiterate?
>4 of top 5 is 2 Zelda and Mario games
>Throw in a good but outdated game and a pretty good game with ass
>"Oh don't worry just throw a bunch of random games under there and that's a shitpost done right!"
This is actually real though, why are people so hellbent on denying it now?
>110k votes on Yea Forums
I practically live here and I've never seen a single strawpoll on this.
kys you subhuman shitposter
yeah dude strawpolls work great
>new vegas is just 43
Hipsters being hipsters i guess. I find it funny how NV was once one of v's favorite games, but now that everyone loves it, it's not that cool anymore
See the number of votes at the bottom, this was after 13 hours
It’s literally not a strawpoll, if you were actually on here on Saturday you would have seen it
Wasn't a strawpoll, just something designed to be even more riggable.
It’s pretty impossible to rig since it’s completely RNG based
seems this new list is a reaction to last years and an attempt to be even more contrarian, this board is just so shit it's fucking embarassing at this point
>completely RNG based
How is that supposed to tell us what games are actually most popular?
ah yes rng. that makes statistics accurate.
It’s misleading, while they were actually that many votes. It was counting the amount of matchups, each game was voted on 1,500 times so the person running the contest should have used that in the picture instead
The order of games that it forced you to pick between was RNG, each game was still voted on 1,5000 times & the games with the highest win percentage were calculated into a list. Only 5 games got higher than 70 %
>The order of games that it forced you to pick between was RNG
how many people do you think actually stuck around to vote until RNG gave them all 114 voting options an equal amount of times? that's not even accounting for good/bad matchups either
How were the nominations of what got voted on chosen? Just a list of OP's favorites?
here's the real list
It was on the front page for an entire day, so yeah i read that it got like 70,000 votes during the entire time the thread was up
People just nominated games & OP just chose random ones from there.
> All that boomer trash
Yikes, the average age of this board is 20. Your garbage games stopped being relevant ages ago
>OP just chose random ones from there
Ah so OP's personal selection of games were voted on by Yea Forums.
i'm 22
It started out with 100 games back in the first thread, now we have 245. He probably chose the games that consistently rated highly on past Yea Forums lists
These are the only acclaimed franchises without a game
> Total War
> F-Zero
> Bayonetta
> God of War
Everything else has been added at this point.
>FFVI over VII
It's shit.
>all of these RPG and FPS trashs
Is this poll for Zoomer?
Much better balanced, what happened to this board's demographic? Is it because of 2014-2016?
Not terrible, we are improving