Rage 2 is apparently out tomorrow and I didn't even realise. How much of a fucking flop is it going to be?
Rage 2 is apparently out tomorrow and I didn't even realise. How much of a fucking flop is it going to be?
Other urls found in this thread:
It looks so unappealing that even if it was well marketed I'd still not be interested, and I love singleplayer FPS (and enjoyed the first Rage).
I'm getting it, looks like doom gunplay in mad max environments. Cringe marketing really shot itself in the foot.
Looks very cool, but I'm low on money.
Does it look like it's going to fix any of the problems of the original? Why did they pick Rage of all games to do a sequel to?
it costs $60. just suck 30 dicks at $2 a dick
Why not sucking two dick at $30 a dick?
>First person only
i'll beta it via p2p.
or just wait until next week for the price drop. not paying over 5 funbux for it.
>it's borderlands but purple!
no thanks
bethesda can't market for shit, this game will be a
Yea seems pretty cool.
Rage 1 was aesthetic. I still remember 1 moment where you fight a bunch of mutants in a brewery like a nuDoom arena, and I built two spider drones and watched the mutants and drones crawl all over the environment and each other seemlessly, it was just a glimpse of something really good.
The post apocalyptic/oppressive atmosphere is gone
I was going to get it until i found out that not only does it run at a measly 1080p on both the X and Pro, it doesn't even use HDR
>Requires 3rd-Party Account: Bethesda.net (Supports Linking to Steam Account)
im gonna pirate it, i dont like open world games but the combat reminds me of d44m
Will it be available to pirate quickly? If not, anyone know of any good deals from shady key resellers?
id suck dick for free
no denuvo, day 1 pirate
I Think its mostly cause its a cheap and forgotten ip. Remember that the original devs are only partly developing it and the main bulk is contracted to Avalanche whose last game is utter shit.
same guys made mad max.
It'll be like 20$ by the time the holidays roll around, calling it now.
me too if an 18 year old twink, I am not even gay
i want to suck a twink dick for 2 hours non stop and be face fucked
It'll be 20 dollars by next month
yeah I wasn't even aware, it doesn't look bad or anything, it's just bethesda's farcry
>looks like doom gunplay
From all the gameplay footage that's out, It looks like what the first game should have been and then some.
>unlocks in 5 hours
who /codexbro/ here?
Because if RAGE 2 ran @ 4K on XB1 and PS4 Pro the most 30 FPS is the max you're going to get. 1080P/60 FPS is the much better option.
I never played the first one and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything about it other than “lol megatextures”. What makes it stand out from any other FPS? What’s its hook?
the first one was boring and generic brown and grey shooter for the 360/ps3 gen
this looks a bit better
At least the gunplay looks interesting.
Borderlands is a terrible fps.
that guy that embezzled like 150 million monies from that facebook kid and that virtual stuff made it
>playing fps on a console
the fuck you doing nigger
It doesn't really have a hook, it didn't grab me at all. Tedious and boring.
it'll be fun. just pirate it.
it's a fps you colossal faggot.
You know games are still being made because of consoles, right, faggot?
>playing fps on a console
the fuck you doing nigger
What does that have to do with being a fucking retard and playing multiplats on console, especially FPS games?
it didn't really have one since fallout kinda stole all the post apocalypse thunder so it kinda flew under the radar apart from megatextures and 20gb install which was a big deal at the time
it's not bad at all though
fucking pirates, not even paying for cock
Don’t you yuropoors have jobs?
>games are still being made because of consoles
Back then they were hyping the driving too but the levels were so stupidly lame and too small that the key driving mechanic was no different to Borderlands. Almost immediately the early side-missions are reusing the first mission.
The sequel is promising a lot of things you'd want out of a Maddest Max game but we'll see.
>being a mutt wagekek
I run my own business.
Well what is this imaginary business? Do you shovel shit for local farmers?
You drive around two fairly large areas that are both mostly just networks of corridors, take up quests in towns and shoot bandits/zombies/big zombies. It's competently made but generic as hell. Desu the biggest takeaway from it is its absolutely atrocious ending of just shooting a few zombies and activating some buttons.
>wanting it to run worse than it already will on console
>playing shooters with a controller
>so dope
I provide mechanical sealing technology for pumps in heavy industry and production lines.
I wanna play this at midnight but I refuse to preorder :(
Did they not give out review copies?
Wow, so you’re a glue salesman. Amazing
Where are the reviews/DF tech vids?
What a fucking drongo
embargos (reviews drop in a few hours). Welcome to Bethesda.
Jesus Christ, the public doesn't remember the first game and they stupidly keep reminding them about it.
And this is the reason why you'll be a retarded wagecuck all your life.
you sell valves?
Wut. Link please.
Looks like another random FarCry #37 with over saturated colors, hard pass.
Who is this cover appealing to? Looks like fucking shit.
i know it's been like 8 years but didn't Yea Forums flip their shit over how poorly the 1st game ran when that came out
i never bothered with that garbage
I like the armless cyborg looks like silicon life in Blame!
I played it on release and it had atrocious pop-up textures. I thought devs were absolute retards and forgot to turn that shit off for the pc release.
I liked the first one, it was really short and there wasn't much to do aside from the main game other than some races, but it wasn't the worst game I've ever played. Had some nice boss battles and I liked the weapon choices/combat system. Hopefully the sequel is improved enough.
I liked the first one it was fast paced and had bunny hop
Every time you turned around, even slowly, things would be constantly popping in. It's why games shouldn't only render what you can see - you'll move around so much it becomes obvious very quickly.
iirc a lot of the problems were because of the introduction of megatextures. hdds and ram speed/capacity just weren’t up to the task back then. I think it was kinda like how crysis was just a bit too good for the hardware at the time, the difference being that unlike with crysis, hardware did get good enough for rage eventually
It's a bit more high-tech than that but basically yea.
It's good money too.
It'll be a 7/10 singleplayer FPS. Which is actually good as I really like 7/10 singleplayer FPS games for some reason.
I'd bet. After owning a retail shop I said the only way I'd go back into business is if I only dealt with other businesses, and not the public.
He's right tho
Consoles are still the main driver force of this industry wether you like it or not
nope it had problems with AMD that took a while to fix that's all
Will rage 2 have hot girls?
The sequel nobody wanted, to the game nobody played
Sarah was a butter face with a giant ass.
much better dynamic and flexible combat than nuDoom
clearly id has nothing to do with it
that's less dicks
r u rusing me cause that's a pretty flattering screenshot
steam trying to charge 99 dollarydoos, good luck with that you kikes
Only compared to the rest of the punky goddesses
Avalanche are only co developing doing vehicle gameplay you mong
>make all girls ugly in the sequel
yep its a western game all right
fucking cuck bois
The quests are just fetch missions revisiting the same few areas killing a few of 1 of 4 types of enemies then going back. The driving was awful. The world was empty. None of the characters were memorable and the VAs sounded bored as fuck. Parts were nice to look at but it certainly wasn't aesthetically ground-breaking.
why do they do this?
Fem Walker looks pretty cute
>Sarah will never sit on your face.
because they're cucks and women
Lmao day before release. This is why Bethesda sucks
women threatened by other attractive women, even in vidya?
This just looks like reskinned Doom with open world bullshit.
Borderlands gunplay looks a thousand times more fun than this garbage though.
imagine unironically thinking this
Are you retarded? Guns feel weak as fuck in borderlands. They're just boring to shoot. It's like firing a pea shooter.
>tfw slavs are the only whites to make attractive women in vidya
thanks for boosting our shit economies westernbros
After that little kotaku stunt it's got all the publicity it needs :)
We're not talking about your premature ejaculation dick though.
There were great elements in rage, but the game tying it all together was so boring it was hard to play. I've tried many times but never got past the second hub city zone.
Seems like they're trying way too hard for that Borderlands audience with the marketing.
Get out of here, Randy
Borderlands has action skills and leveling. That's what makes it fun. This is lacking those fundamental elements, but also ramping up the edgy.
I'll play it, but I'm not hyped for it.
Might be neat, but I'm currently in the process of a full series playthrough of Borderlands 1 Enhanced, 2, Pre-Sequel, and Tales of that will probably last me until 3 comes out, and even if it doesn't, I've still got MK11 in the metaphorical shrink wrap on Steam.
I'm thinking this'll be a black friday purchase for me.
Why would you care about this garbage when Borderlands 3 is comming out in fall?
That 1 hour gameplay reveal looks better than this entire garbage dump combined
Borderlands 3 killed all hype for Rage 2.
>muh single player loot shooter with shitty fps mechanics
No thanks.
Helooooo Randy!
Ty Randy
I realise Borderlands 3 is the last hope for your company, Randy but the constant shilling is a bit pathetic. At least keep it to twitter.
>Borderlands 3
fuck off randy slappy
What's worse, having your info stolen by the chinese because you're launcher has chinese spyware in it or because the people that made the launcher are so incompetent that somehow anyone can literally log in to your account by complete accident
hello randy.
>Good gameplay
Are you serious? They'll be humiliated by releasing their game in the vicinity of Rage 2.
>steamfags mad because they're not getting GOTY
having your info stolen by the chinese because you're launcher has chinese spyware in it AND having a shit ceo like randy who can't walk down a simple street without showing the opposite of charisma to all but his fanboys
>he didnt play brother in arms
bruh look at this bethcuck shill go fucking play elder scroll blades lmao
Literally nobody gives a shit about Rage 2. The reveal on May 1st made everyone forget about that game since the King of looter shooters is around the corner
Gonna pick it up from best buy at 8
>feminist pink shooter
Direct to flop release
You know that you kill the goons right?
Probably right.
>$2 a dick
you're not very good at making money
>Borderlands has action skills and leveling
Pretty sure this game also has a leveling system
Yeah and I'm just going to do fucking nothing and play zero games for 4 months until BL3 comes out. Brainless argument.
>not releasing alongside a Rage 1 remaster
I kind of want to pick it up, but I also know this is going to be a game that goes on sale for like $30 in 2-3 weeks.
not him but BIA was a shit fucking fps for its mechanics
opposing force is the only decent thing gearbox has ever managed to shit out
not really hopeful for a lot of rage either, especially vehicle combat but at least it isn't fucking boredlands
He is good at having fun.
And protein
you have the unique opportunity to become the white mans silicon valley down the line.
will you take it or will you hire diversity harpies from california ? you decide
Hope it's good, concept is kinda like fallout right? I'm interested but never played the first.
If it gets an 85 or above I'll pre order it for $60
>Someone mentions Borderlands
>Immediately a bunch of posts shitting on it appear
Why does this happen?
No idea. If there was to be Rage 2, i would very much like it to continue the story after the Rage 1, with significant improvements to gameplay, such as more vehicles, more upgrades for vehicles, a much bigger map with a lot more to do, more guns/tech, an upgrade tree for weapons/armors/tools/vehicles, more loot in terms of salvagable junk that can be traded for money. Mad-Maxey shooter with good RPG elements and hell of a driving.
Instead we get... this.
>playing the even worse borderlands
>went from cool western like setting to DUDE WACKY LMAO
bethcuck shills will defend this
Same thing happened with the 2nd game. Once the dust has settled we'll get some decent threads going
The marketing and game itself look different
Uh... who does this design appeal to?
But it will have MEGATEXTURES? Carmack shilled that shit for years, and when Rage was released, it was complete utter shit.
because it's fucking terrible.
Nudoom and wolfenstein both still used them, so yes probably
Girl raider must have been drowned in raider cocks her whole life.
Those games have some god-tier optimization though so Rage 2 should be running smoothly too.
>Carmack shilled that shit for years, and when Rage was released, it was complete utter shit.
blame consoles.
Finally an honest review? Doesn't seem too shabby.
Why is it so hard for devs to make a decent FPS like this, Rage looks like everything I wanted in a single player open world FPS but I'm still skeptical it will be good and not just a better controlling Farcry
>How much of a fucking flop is it going to be?
I think it will sell well and it will be realy good game. But marketing is not exactly great and cover art is ugly.
It's using Avalanches engine not idtech
Uh oh. What other games use that?
Mad max and just cause. JC since 2 hasn't been their main team.
The game looks like it will be good for some mindless fun at least
Though I am gonna have to get a new controller for my computer, since my ancient 360 controllers cord is dieing and I can't find a store that sells those fucks anymore
get a job
Ahem. No.
have sex
Idk it had some marketing, there are a lot of posters of the game with its release date around the city I'm in
>That pop-in
It looks generic in every single aspect possible, like you've already played the same shit 1000 times, hope i'm wrong and its fun but got 0 hype
looks breddy gud
>can turn off CA, motion blur and other cancerous shit
>FoV slider
> No hot girls like in RAGE 1
A hard pass.
waiting for crack desu
ANd the game is breedy gud
RAGE 2 early review scores
Destructoid 8
USG 4/5
Game Informer 7
PCGamesN 7
Gamespot 6
GamesRadar+ 3/5
Also gamespot is giving that 6 because the reviewer cant play FPS for his life, he's one of the reseteratard who are anal with id for the DOOM eternal jokes, and they are still ANAL about bethesda telling those sjw shits to fuck off with the redguards threads
I won't buy this nor another Skyrim Todd.
and before someone asks it, some gamespot shitters were trying to force racism unto redguards claiming that they were victims of tamrielic racism from the evil white men imperials, redguards and nords, until someone shut their mouths about they never reading the fucking lore.
thread theme
He needs to finish JJBATAS
I liked Mad Max because it took itself fairly seriously. I'm getting too old for these wacky Reddit humor games that Rage 2 seems to be going for.
>nords, imperials and bretons
fixed, some mods were trying to push SJW shit talk into Elder scrolls until some people including some devs who used to post on gamespot before they were banned went there and cockspapped them with lore talk, that even fucking ESO shows that racism against them never existed.
the threads were deleted in full asspain
Tes redguards arent WE WUZ types, they're basically aliens that evaded the apocalypse by coming to Tamriel. They werent slaves or enslaved.
>BL3 shotgun floors enemies, only removes 1/4th their health bar (On level 2 enemies no less)
>Chain-gun has the accuracy of an assault rifle in any other shooter and no recoil
>In fact every gun that isn't a grenade launcher has no recoil
6-8 hours campaign, 13-15 hours if you do the copypasted shit. It's dead.
was this some shitty gamespot drama recently?
Reviews are starting to come out.
It sucks. Lol
old drama from 3 or so years
OK randy
t. Todd
besides gamespot the scores seem ok, where are you getting "sucks" from?
Well at least those games don’t have engine problems, as far as I’m aware. Their issues are just with game design. So they could potentially fix that, but judging from these early reviews people are posting, it doesn’t seem like they did
That number looks really familiar.
>No MP
Only reason I'm not getting it from what I see
tank girl fans.
i enjoyed mad max desu
Mad Max was fucking kino I expect the same from Rage 2 fuck journos.
The gameplay in every multiplat shooter is adjusted for controllers anyway. Unreal 1 times are gone if you haven't kept up
Better off having no multiplayer than having mulitplayer that is shit.
73/100 is too high for Mad Max. Every part of it was mediocre besides the graphics.
I really liked the first game but there isnt really a reason to remaster.
This game looks like it's one of those "make your own fun" type of games, which is exactly what a Journo (who, to be fair has to rush the game as quickly as possible and write up a review to meet certain deadlines) always shits on for not being cinematic enough or whatever.
not buying it because of the feminist dyke on the cover
will wait for 50% off in 2 weeks
>open world game
>15 hours maximum
That's because it is an assault rifle
Excellent rebuttal. It's the worst aspects of Ubisoft style open world sidequest design, with trash collectibles everywhere, dull missions, an awful story and no motorbikes.
If it's not a 6/10 then no game is.
You do know that you're murdering "feminist dykes" not playing as one right?
fuck you and fuck niggers
This industry needs to die anyway
There already are a bunch of threads now due to waifufagging
driving was fun the sandstorm mechanic was great I liked the fighting stay butthurt.
Right but they're choosing to market a specific political image and that's what I don't like.
If a game doesn't have a dedicated clap harder button so they can clap at the epic cutscenes, the average journo hates it.
Jesus christ that image hurts my eyes. What a terrible aesthetic
More like 15 hours minimum.
Okay why are game covers so fucking ugly these days lads?
Meme culture. People need to shit on Borderlands to fit in
>he liked it
Mad Max is only game i bought for full price and it was good choice. Not 10/10 but above average for sure.
Kys faggot.
the person who thought that dyke would be a good face to market a game for young men is fucking retarded
I agree, it's the same reason why people shit on Fallout 76.
to reminds you the current love for borderland is a marketing viral campaign, and you can easily dig archives of Yea Forums or other sites to see that no, this game was never "a thing" or even "an hidden gem". They are just marketing it toward zoomers who were 10 when they played it.
See also : the witcher 3.
>the current love for borderland is a marketing viral campaign
Who would ever do such a thing? Not based Randy.
It's especially funny since the first game had a nice cast of girls.
I want it and will get full content later.
No ammount of sluts could've saved the borefest that Rage was
Its in Steam too.
how can a game thats sold millions be a hidden gem
noone ever claimed it was one anyways
I want to buy because I haven't played a western game in a while.
Why shouldn't I pick it up?
Because you should be picking up Skyrim for the Switch instead.
how do i get this gig and how much does it pay?
becuase dude
Yea Forums will not like you anymore
>manlet tears
Thanks for the reminder
lol /pol/fags are so fucking pathetic
That cover is pure Kino though
oh fuck thats hilarious
76 was shit on every level though. BL2 was one of the best games ever made and BL3 looks to be much better
I feel like the game will just be fun to fuck around in and have lots to do open world wise but it was barely marketed because:
A) It's a Bethesda published game that isn't made by Bethesda Softworks
B) There's probably barely any story
C) It's a sequel to a game barely anyone played
D) Games media don't like Bethesda because Bethesda don't like games media.
They're basically the same game, looter shooter RPGs set in a fairly open world. Fallout 76 is amazing you memelord.
>BL2 was one of the best games ever made
Speaking as someone that genuinely does enjoy Borderlands games, AHAHAHAHAHA HOLY FUCK NO
I know, look at the manchild with his cap on backwards and his stupid grin. Hopefully the time he spent locked up behind bars made him grow up a little.
Good taste user
lmao why would you care about boredlandzzz when RoR2 is already out?
Who? Another indie obscure game?
>God I want to fuck and be fucked by attractive men! The more throbbing man cock the better! I want to feel hot sticky strands of chunky testicle gravy running down my chin!
>I'm not gay tho
but Borderlands entire dialogue is based on meme culture and trying to be 'le quirky' so I don't know what point you're trying to make
Yea Forums hates everything that reminds them of themselves so they hate Borderlands (or at least the vocal minority of it does).
>thx op I cum on cat and it hiss
good times
>but Yea Forums's entire dialogue is based on meme culture and trying to be "quirky"' so I don't know what point you're trying to make
>quads wasted on a seething manlet
worst timeline
it's like they want you to pirate it
the only person that needs to grow up is you, literally
>rage 2
there was a rage 1?
It worked fine on consoles. The problem was that the hardware ecosystem for PC was so diverse that the compatibility they tested for was extremely inadequate.
nice digits manlet
So was RAGE, but I liked it. It was very average but I liked it.
that's 30 returning customers to gouge next time. whos dumb now?
>I liked the fighting
Lazy Bam Ham derivative garbage. You have no standards.
Forsen is streaming it right now
this. salty journos are making these "FUCK RAGE 2" threads
lol who are you even
wasn't it just fucked on ati cards?
Seriously, this voice acting is fucking terrible
I bet he's gonna """forget""" to finish it next stream just because of how much this pile of garbage reeks of onions.
Hopefully a huge flop, but more than likely it's going to sell enough to make its money back.
>looks like doom gunplay in mad max environments.
and gay pride aesthetics on top of that
Yea Forums is so fucking retarded. There is constant hate on empty open-world games with crafting mechanics and collectives but the absolute epitome of that which takes it to the absolute next level with hundreds of fucking locations and none if it that actually matter (Mad Max) gets praised every single time its mentioned
gggman promoting another crappy bethesda game
reminder that he said fallout 76 was good
>people are surprised avalanche studios released a new dull, boring and repetitive open world game
Mad Max had the best vehicle combat of any game ever made. Although you probably couldn't tell because your ADHD prevents you from paying attention to anything that isn't pastel and bright.
those MM threads were max comfy while the rest of channel 4 was circle jerking each other off in the snake threads.
>muh dik is DIAMONDS
its not fair bros
>Bethesda paying streamers 1 million each to stream the game
>only 66k total viewers
given the current state of bethesda they are really going all out.
For the love of God have sex alresdy you fucking nutcases lmao
>paying streamers to play a singleplayer open-world shoot random shit game
fucking why
Next you're gonna tell me it's hardlocked 60fps and made with the 20 year old Creation engine (just like all of their recent releases has been)
Metro flopped hard m8
You sell seals for penispumps?
>fucking why
It's the new way to market games, get with the times old man. More people will see the game compared to buying ads when the majority of the target demographic uses adblockers
Like every game Yea Forums hates this will sell well
>why isnt a single player game popular on twitch
Is Yea Forums dumber than Yea Forums at this point?
>Bethesda paying streamers 1 million each to stream the game
Epic Games inflates sales numbers with their own bank account
For what purpose?
What's the point of bringing back the fanservicey boomerang tutorial girl to make her a 47 year old mayor in a pantsuit that doesn't even look like the same person?
to be honest, Yea Forums made twitch more famous then Yea Forums but you'd know that if you weren't so ummm, new.
the wall is real
wow cool game PogChamp (1$ has been sent to your PayPal account, remember to remove this part of the message before pasting it in chat. -Bethesda).
>Doom clone with microtransactions, shit optimization and botnet DRM
>looks like doom gunplay
Yea but without that :D
ill never understand twitch chat culture
Why is this game Rage 2? It seems to be totally and completely different from Rage 1.
When did they make Rage 1????
Is her sister in the game?
She was the hottest piece of ass, wonder how they've ruined her too.
because you gotta go iNcLuSiVe you biggot twat
diversity hiring
Unpacking it right now.
chance of this being half price or less in a month?
How fucking mentally ill are you that your incel ass sees a color and immediately applies a bunch of political lunacy to it? Get help
lol who even are you
>I want fun games to fail
Why are incels like this?
The lighting in this game is so fucking terrible. I hated how all the shadows were green.
wasn't Wolfenstein New Colossus -50% 1 month later?
oldfags don't use b
>le borderlands texture pack for rage with a 2 hour story
haha no this shit will only be worth it in a humble monthly
Well, every Borderlands game has ranged from mediocre to horrible and they're filled with DLC, microtransactions, and horrific SJW writing. So, no, I will never buy your game, randy. I might pirate it out of spite, but I doubt I'll even play it.
Have sex fatass
rage 2 looks like shit but BL2 gunplay is fucking terrible man
What the fuck do you faggots even want from an FPS game?
To be honest I'm more hyped for this game than any weeb trash released in the last 5 years.
incel is just a rebrand of virgin and everyone on Yea Forums is a Yea Forumsirgin anyway
I'm not
good gunplay? literally most first person shiiter have better gunplay than BL2
what i want from rage 2 is a game that isnt lazy open world shit and has an actual campaign to play through prefferably in co-op
speak for yourself m8
>everyone on Yea Forums is a Yea Forumsirgin anyway
not anymore, we Yea Forums 2.0 now
Bethesda doesn't give out review copies in advance because their games are usually Fallout 76s and the New Colossus's. Doom was a fluke
it already a metascore so I guess they did
There were horrible texture popins all the time, but the real cancer was the terrible, terrible gameplay and the pointless, dead world. Everything was a fetch-quest and the shooting wasn't even decent.
Settle down tranny
Wait what, that actually looks kind of good.
Why hasn't there been any promotion? This seems very fishy
Not him but how about gunplay thats good.
Want super mobile? Go with DOOM. In the past even Halo was pretty mobile and decent for consoles. Destiny, for its faults, is pretty solid in the gun department for mobile gameplay
Want tactical? Go with Rising Storm, or Insurgency. Heck Metro 2033 og had good gunplay with weight too. Many such cases.
What I DONT want is wimpy pea shooters with 0 weight. I get that its an rpg shoot-looter so health bar is going to health bar, but you can at least make the guns fun to use. Except Maliwan and i guess Torgue. those can stay how they are. Only Jakobs seemed to have weight and impact to them.
Is there anymore deals where I can get RAGE 1 for free with purchase of RAGE 2?
why would you want to?
Uh so I can play RAGE 1?
GMG has that, but Rage 2 is a key for Todd's launcher.
Have sex
Has it iron sights? Please say no
Driving looks awful, no body roll, stiff handling and motorcycles look just as bad as jc3. 0/10 effort Avalanche.
You’re sad
Bought a key for 35 euros ..gonna have a blast tonight
it's a reskinned just cause
>Todd's Launcher
What is this bullshit?
I don't want that shitty Bethesda launcher.
Satisfying shooting. I mean, play an FPS that isn’t borderlands.
Then get it on Steam. All re-sellers keys are for Beth.net
How does it run?
>manlet telling people to grow up
>runs on my 2600k no need to upgrade
it wasn't developed by bethesda
what is life
Avg. 50fps at 4k ultra with a 1080 ti
That prime pussy was the best part of Rage 1.
>tfw can't get a VPN to work properly for my "trip" to Australia
Anyway, how's it run so far? Anyone with any AMD cards that it doesn't run like shit on them?
>I'm here for the job interview
no one's done it yet?
alright, here goes
imagine the smell
It's in the lore. Play the game before shitposting. Thanks.
she got old and hit the wall?
The game is set several years after the first one isn't it?
Only 3 years. Wall hits hard in wasteland.
user, I...
It's very mediocre game, lads. Shooting feels nice but there's fuck all to do.
I got a 980 Ti and a 8700K, do u think I can run it a 60Hz in 1440p?
30 years
Looks realy good from gameplay. I would buy it right now if i could to be honest.
It will be 50% off during summer sales.
gee, I wonder why
id Software : shooting
Avalanche : everything else
It's basically nuDoom by avalanche, of course I'll be buying it on release.
yeah the gamelay looks decent, but I can't stand the neon colors and le punk crazy people
the artstyle is garbage
it looks so fucking awful, just like that stupid movie CHAPIE, shit all of this reminds me of that retarded african ghetto band of trashy metheads
I think you'll be fine.
looks boring as hell
There's barely any difference in the game play. Also rage 2 has better graphics
It barely works, megatextures look like shit, it’s bland and brown and the game doesn’t have an ending, it’s only saving grace is the enemy ai is neat
not true. now you can slide like in COD. everything else is same.
Is this true?
Is this the most under-marketed game in history?
>New Anno hasn't been cracked
How long will this take?
>It's out tomorrow and it's behind God of War, KH3, Spider-Man and GTAV in weekly sales
fucking dead on arrival
This could have been a fun time waster but no sexy females like in the first one and sneak Denuvo addition make this a hard fucking pass. Fuck you Bethesda.
You know nobody cares about this game because there isn't any memes around it.
Rage 2 has 10/10 gameplay, that is only thing that matters
So what? Crack guaranteed out in 2-4 weeks.
>It's behind the four best selling games in the past year
>It's dead on arrival because it's not the number one selling game
So, nicely optimized?
It's a sequel no one asked for to a game no one played. What the fuck do you think is going to happen?
>King of looter shooters
King of the retard contest?
It's a sequel to a game no one wanted
The OP pic is the cover art for the game and plastered all over whatever marketing the game has had since it was announced. Tell me, does that look appealing? Because I find it genuinely hideous to look at and it makes me not want to buy it. It is aesthetically fucking ugly and cringe. I can't imagine anyone finds that cool or interesting to look at. Even if the game is fun to play, and according to most reviews out right now it sounds like it is, who the fuck is going to want to buy it when this is the foot they lead with?
Is best (western) girl making a return?
Yes, past year. And GTAV is ancient at this point.
Yes, as an old lady since the game takes place like 40 or 50 years later
GTAV has/had one of the longest lifespans I have ever seen in a game
Could be better but it's fine
Which post apocalyptic game should I play to get Mad Max vibes? This, new Far Cry, Metro Exodus or ELEX?
Reminder that the BFG is behind a paywall
elex but there is also a game about mad max
They're all shit
A whole chapter in Metro Exodus is literally Mad Max : Fury Road in a video game. And far better than the other shit game by Avalanche.
The Mad Max game by the same devs as this.
Is this what farcry looks like?
This. But not having a proper tutorial and ps2 graphixs is a bit hard to swallow to average people.
You can thank Epic for that. I was going to buy it day 1 but then they sniped it off steam. I doubt it'll even get on to GoG now, either. At this point I'm not buying it out of spite because the publisher fucked it all up for 4A.
How is the PS4 version or can I run it fine with a GTX 1060?
It doesn't matter if it didn't sell. The publisher got his fortnite-money rain with the exclusivity contract. Even if it only sold 1000 copies.
Pirate the shit, the game was still fun
That's the worst part, the publisher doesn't even care.
I honestly don't like pirating games, and when I decide I won't play it I never will. It's been a decade since I boycott the CoD series and I still haven't played one in all that time. Same thing with EA games since ME3 and C&C4. Yes I'm actually that stubborn.
What a incel. Steamcucks are worst sort of gaymers.
Mad Max
Not that guy but the Ebin store is a barebones trainwreck and provides no benefits to the consumer. If they passed the "savings" to the end user instead of having publishers pocket all the money, they could be real competition.
>5 yuans have been deposited in your account
You missed the part where I mentioned using GoG, too? I have the Metro games on that, as well. I have like 80 games on GoG.
lol bethesda still trying to push their DRM after Fallout 76 failed to be launch their store.
I always get a morbid curiosity to try the first Rage. A post-apocalyptic shooter by id should be a great idea, in theory.
Then I look up a gameplay video and it's Borderlands.
You wish it was like borderlands.
borderlands single handley ruined the fps genre
you cant prove me wrong so dont bother
The gameplay is pretty solid, the most entertaining stuff is actually watching the animations of the guys you're fighting. Shit is on point. I made the mistake of preordering it way back when and it ran at a solid 5 FPS on my machine for months before they could patch it and fix it with my ATI drivers. It isn't borderlands, the writing isn't campy or memey. It's all played straight and the setting itself is pretty interesting. All these years later I'd say it's worth picking up when it's on sale since most of the problems have been fixed. Release was just a fucking nightmare.
The same was said about cover shooters, health regeneration, gimped weapon pool or load out and so on.
>"Games" you only give the stank eye, the thread.
health regen didn't stay, most popular modern shooters don't have it thankfully.
how would you know if most modern shooters didnt have it unless...
oh god
your not one of them are you?
pubg and fortnite and overwatch.
Keeping up with how games are currently is what you do if you don't want to come off as an ignorant boomer
Rage predicted that Rage 2 and Doom 5 would come out at the same time
>and give you really bad farts.
did they end up fulfilling the prophecy?
No buying zenimax crap I made an exception for doom 16
And maybe eternal
>shit looking "FPS" with shit gunplay and cringe writing made by a scam dev is one of the best games ever made.
what is wrong with these people? do they not know what real FPS is?
I want a fun shooting game and this looks like a fun shooting game.
graphics look like they'll give you epilepsy. check your eyes shill.
graphics look nice but the gameplay is a decade old, it's just a corridor shooter designed for consoles.
boring levels and dumb enemies
Am i the only one that liked the first rage, and not this weird mess?
Too much doom/borderlands/bulletstorm crap.
Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.
I can relate. Modern games are over the top with flashes, screen shakes, light-dark adaption, blur, screen splatters (bloody screen so real!), flares and what the hell else. It's fucking awful, and you can't take it off.
I had to put some games down because of that.
It looks good but I'm not totally sold on it, maybe I just don't feel like picking up an open-world shooter right now
>and you can't turn it off
Imagine playing games on a console
far cry has garbage gunplay compared to this
Objectively wrong
they also predicted that they will go -50% very quickly