Most popular zelda design

>Most popular zelda design
>Only has like two scenes in the whole game

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>Most popular zelda design
That may have been true at the time but it sure as hell isn't anymore.

Are you implying SS or BotW Zelda look better?

I don't think it was ever true.

It was the most recent design at the time so it was used in Brawl, then when 4 came around they decided to use it instead because it was more traditional than SS's design. The main reason it's so popular is it's inclusion in Smash, not based on the game itself.

Hyrule Warriors and Ultimate Zelda both do.

Twilight Princess is one of the bestselling Zelda games. It played a big role in the design's popularity too.

That is an acceptable opinion.

she looked like an ice queen and everyone wants to fuck the ice queen!

Also the official art had Zelda holding a sword, which got a lot of people excited about the thought of Zelda going out and doing something.

I can believe that, I've barely played any nintendo games but TP is one of the few Zelda games I've ever touched. That and Majora's Mask are the only two I've played

>drops sword in her first cutscene
Top ten anime betrayals.

>best zelda
>only in 1 game

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>tfw OoT Zelda is still my favorite

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you're probably the only one who thinks this except for the people that want to waifu young zelda in that game which is an entirely different story

Made me want to buy the console and game back then

>Possesses the Triforce of Wisdom
>Is a complete retard
What did the game designers mean by this?

Solid taste, but wrong age

Refined taste

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I never liked her much, mostly because her N64 in-game model gave her a huge forehead and made her look balding. Guess I'll just cheat and say that HW made me like her.

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My brother, you are not alone.

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