Marvelous Q&A

Rune Factory 5 won't be released by March 2020
Story of Seasons game being considered for consoles
Trimming Sexual Aspects of unannounced title

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Rune Factory 5 won't be released by March 2020
Expected, should be summer or fall.

>Story of Seasons game being considered for consoles
I thought they had already confirmed one that wasn't Doraemon to be in development?

>Trimming Sexual Aspects of unannounced title
Retarded, it's not hard at all to make these games as long as they're not Playstation-exclusive. They're already getting Senran Kagura killed over this.

>sjws wont take away your game-

>Finally, the company commented on sexual elements in its games, stating that they are “getting harder to make.” A sexual element had to be removed from one of its unannounced games, which lowered its sales forecast.
Imagine being so cucked by Sony you're fine with intentionally making your game sell worse to comply with imaginary standards.

Also, this is happening as the same time they said that:

This sucks a lot, guess this is slowly becoming the end for lewd anime games. It's been a good run.



Fuck sony and the so(n)yfags that defend them.

We need to purge SNOYfags from this board

Fucking this.

Should just drop Sony as a platform altogether.

nintendo switch sales overtook ps4 in japan, why are the devs still letting sony cuck them?

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>Story of Seasons game being considered for consoles

They already announced support for switch long ago.
The logo for the series was even on the official jp switch website under future software when it launched as seen here. However the site did get updated and reorganized so it's no longer the same.

Unless something went wrong in development there is no "considering" for home consoles. I wonder what they meant by that.

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PS4/Multiplat probably. But then the budget would be bloated up because.

Unfortunately this sounds like a game most likely 3-4 years in production/development hell that is just being finished while this shit at SNOY is happening

I dont want my farming games with cute girls to be censored. Please no.


>RF4 wont be out before March 2020
Understandable and expected. As long as it's decent Im fine.

>Story of Seasons
So that Doraemon crossover wasnt that game? Cool.

Chicken and Egg problem. No one is making a worthwhile switch game so there's no one that want's to buy it for that demographic (20-30 age range). From what I see in the sales thread the switch is still being treated like the 3ds with kids demographic games and the otaku/20-30 is sticking to PS4 cause they don't want to buy a switch yet.

Doraemon doesn't have the usual team behind it. Or the series director that does both SoS and RF.
It's not even listed on his site.

>>RF4 wont be out before March 2020

What is this thread you posted in about?



>No one is making a worthwhile switch game so there's no one that want's to buy it for that demographic (20-30 age range).
Well from how both Nintendo and Sony treat the whole situation they're gonna have to get the memo. Unless they want to drive their fanservicey series to the ground, that's on them at the end of the day.

>Trimming Sexual Aspects of unannounced title
it's a PS4 title isn't it ?

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Less than a day left to this game's website launching, by the way:

Then I'll be waiting for a localization announcement to wash away the bad taste of Omega Labyrinth Z's ban.

>games need more women
>games are full of toxic masculinity
>incel trolls need to learn we will not take their games away
>*finishes long march the through dev studios*

hopefully jap third party niche devs will move on ton PC or Switch and leave Sony with their cancerous political bullshit and western AAA

SONY needs the PlayStation too much to allow that, they would buy every Japanese company and censor them to hell before they migrated

That's not for Nintendo or Sony( well maybe since they can stop a game from happening but still) to decide. It's from other publishers side. I mean look a the Labyrinth of Galleria, the switch port was not announced for it.

I don't think Sony has enough money to buy every japanese studio, and I don't think the japanese government would allow most of their companies to go in the hands of a Californian corporation

Well it's not like this particular series is going to suffer too much from this whole ordeal anyways.

>I mean look a the Labyrinth of Galleria, the switch port was not announced for it.
I doubt it'll stay that way now that the game has been delayed by almost a year.

You schizos don't even have the slightest clue what video game series you're posting about. You seriously expect there to be sex scenes and mostly naked girls in a cutesy farm game, then get mad when the nonexistent anime porn gets censored. Get a fucking clue pathetic retards.

>SWITCH OWNERS: Buys games

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>unnanounced title
at least read you fucking retard

>what video game series you're posting about
We know it is an announced title and not story of seasons or rune factory 5.
Your blind defence of SNOY is both scary and expected.

Yes but then they won't have enough of a fanbase to transition to switch in JP which is why people don't buy their switch games.

I'm guessing a western release could be happening but a JP one might be 50-50,

Can't you even read the OP? The trimming of sexual aspects is from an unannounced game, not Rune Factory or Story of Seasons.

It was never going to stay that way by the time we get the game it's guaranteed to release with a switch version just like 99% of NIS games since the switch came out. The original game was vita exclusive for a year then it got a ps4 version then a year after that it finally got a western release with the switch and pc versions. The switch is where all their money comes from in the west. When Disgaea 5 had more preorders on the switch than total sales on the ps4 they went all in on the switch.

Stop fucking replying to mass quoting retards. They do this to fish for at least one (You)

>Get a fucking clue pathetic retards.

To be fair wasn't Disgaea 5 the first JRPG for the switch that also has a mobile following?

moar like snony of seasons, amirite?

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Yes, Disgaea had a following on PSP and Vita but 5 wasn't released on Vita so Switch got the first handheld release of it.

>Retarded, it's not hard at all to make these games as long as they're not Playstation-exclusive
How would you know better than the company itself? If the game is also on playstation 4 which is the best selling platform this generation then it probably hurts sales when you have a strictly worse version of the game on the best selling platform. Trimming it down during developement for all platforms means that you won't have to declare it as censorship, which in basic marketing.

There is no business sense in this, they admitted they already had to lower sales forecasts for the game due to the removal of sexual content: According to their own forecast, they'd have nothing to lose by adding an uncensored Switch/PC version.

>According to their own forecast, they'd have nothing to lose by adding an uncensored Switch/PC version.
I ask you again how you would know this. If there is no parity they could still lose customers on playstation in favor of uncensoring the game for people who might buy the internally censored version. I'm pretty sure the company themself has access to sales data and would know that better than you.

>mass replier

Figures Snoy defenders would be this cancerous.

Seemed like a pretty normal Q&A to me. Don't know what was so "Marvelous" about it.

American companies can't buy japanese companies by law in japan , that's the reason why nintendo and ghibli haven't been bought by disney

>If there is no parity they could still lose customers on playstation in favor of uncensoring the game for people who might buy the internally censored version
Are you saying that the existence of an uncensored version could potentially lead people not to buy the game at all rather than buying either version? What?

What about sharp and foxconn?

>Are you saying that the existence of an uncensored version could potentially lead people not to buy the game at all
Yes. If retarded sony fanboys or people who only own a sony platform see that the game is uncensored on another platform they might not buy it at all.

wouldn't sony fanboys who enjoy such games move out of playstation anyway ?
since it appears Sony isn't willing to catter to their niche anymore

That is the single most retarded logic I have ever seen.

And how exactly would it be retarded? If you tone down the sexualization during developement and never tell people about how the game initially was supposed to be then people on PC/Switch won't even know it was censored, but if you have 2 different versions then everyone knows that it was censored. You literally gain nothing by making the same version for all platforms, while you openly declare you made a shittier version for the best selling platform.

Fuck Sony. Pieces of shit. I bet the PS5 won't play PS2/3 games either, greedy fucks.

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user, those Sony fanboys wouldn't buy it in the first place even if it were exclusive if that were the case.

They're already losing sales by taking away the series tradition selling points from everyone. The Switch is selling well enough and with PS5 coming soon they should let their fans know that if they want their titties they're going to have to change brands or become an idort until Sony stops their faggotry.

I mean the switch can't play a DS or 3DS cart or technically a Wii U disc too (ports don't count).

>And how exactly would it be retarded
Gee I don't know, maybe because the b sonyfags wouldn't buy that kind of game in the first place and censoring it only alienates the potential fanbase that would?

I want to have sex again with Rosetta

>Gee I don't know, maybe because the b sonyfags wouldn't buy that kind of game in the first place
I'm pretty sure the company that sells the game and has access to sales data will know that better than you. Seeing how they specifically cater to those "b sonyfags" it seems like you're in the wrong aswell.

The switch also uses an entirely different type of storage for games.

>I'm pretty sure the company that sells the game and has access to sales data will know that better than you
Yeah because we totally can't access that sales data either and see that for ourselves. Hell even before this censorship there was barely an audience for these games on PlayStation.

As long as Rune Factory 5 is not affected by any of this shit, I don't care.

>Yeah because we totally can't access that sales data either and see that for ourselves
Yes. You literally can't. Japan tracks down phyiscal sales, not digital ones and from what I remember the PS Vita senran kagura games of all things outsold the 3DS games.

Which RFs have (You) played, and what was your favorite (if any), anons?

i only played rune factory 4 for approximatively 200h i think, one of my favorite games on the 3ds
my only complaint was the rng tied events which made it harder to marry best girl

>Hell even before this censorship there was barely an audience for these games on PlayStation.

the problem is, that PS is still the biggest platfrom for these games. maybe it will change after this exodus of weeb games escaping to switch, but it will be very unclear until some time later. so it is likely natural for the companies to avoid the risk to invest in the platform they will be getting profits. friendly reminder, PC has been never/will be never an alternative for these games.

You don't know what schizophrenia is.
You've got it though.

I'm relieved they're not rushing it, though I hope we get a sneak peek soon. I wanna see what the new girls look like.

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Because PC has better Eroge anyway (笑).

>from what I remember the PS Vita senran kagura games of all things outsold the 3DS games.
Yes because there are only 2 localised senran games on 3ds, while there's like 3 or 4 on vita. That said only one ever outsold the 3ds versions, after that sales plummeted.
Its also worth noting that they didn't sell too much more on the ps4 either despite that large playerbase with Burst Re:newal selling less than any other game in Japan.

Life looks kind of shit compared with Z, so I'd still rather see Z on PC or something.

>that PS is still the biggest platfrom for these games
Not really. Sales for these types of games don't really change between platforms.

>Yes because there are only 2 localised senran games on 3ds, while there's like 3 or 4 on vita
That's not what I mean. SKSV was the highest selling senran game and sold more than SK2, despite the difference in "playerbase".
>Its also worth noting that they didn't sell too much more on the ps4
Which would in return make the PS4 version the best selling version of the game. So what exactly are you arguing here? The whole point was that "people don't buy games on sony platforms", yet in a roundabout way we've established that it's the best selling platform for those games and you are advocating that marvelous should cut into those sales by making better versions for other platforms.

Once again, you don't have the access to sales numbers the same way the company has and once again they specifically decide to aim for parity for those games on all platforms during developement. It is pretty obvious that the people with access to more data don't want to lose the playstation customer base and your emotional response won't change that.

>SKSV was the highest selling senran game and sold more than SK2, despite the difference in "playerbase".
>That said only one ever outsold the 3ds versions, after that sales plummeted.

>Which would in return make the PS4 version the best selling version of the game.
Are you being retarded on purpose? Factoring in the additional development costs only for an additional 0.1 sales is meaningless and only proves that there's no real gain to releasing there if they're only going to get the same numbers at the cost of censorship.

get a clue

and thats a good thing.

Don't forget
>If you ignore them they will go away

Release something for PC you god damned assholes!!

such an EPIC meymeyword of the week. What eceleb are you parroting there?

>they could still lose customers
lol no. wtf is that mental gymnastic.

Not to mention SK2 flopped in Japan anyway, it's a bad comparison.

>Trimming Sexual Aspects of unannounced title
thanks snoy

>which is the best selling platform this generation
Switch already surpassed it in Japan, which is these kind of games´ main market.

Since we're talking about echigames what are the sales expectations for Omega Labyrinth life.

Sk2 bombed because it tried to be edgy and which Japan didn't like us was okay with it though

>Getting hard to make games with sexual expression
Sounds like bullshit considering games like unless they want to outright release a +18 game, and of course, anything on PS4. Feels like Marvelous just wants to shy away from games with any kind of sexual content altogether, so mostly Senran Kagura at this point.


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It’s been made obvious that these type of games are gonna disappear from the PS4. Maybe that was Sony’s goal but it’s retarded to just give up on a market like that.

I still like my PS4 because It’s a smooth experience overall and it has enough power to run most games at optimal settings. Plus it gets every game I care about like the FF7 REmake, Persona, etc.
However this policy is blatantly asinine and I wish Sony fans weren’t so chucked that they let it happen. They backed down in the glare on trish’s ass so if we make a big stink they will stop.

Yeah but it doesn’t have a fucking way to read those things physically.
Not only does the PS4 read cds and DVD’s, you can hack it to read your PS2 discs and run the emulator they use for the PS2 on PS4 garbage they abandoned.
They also have that ps1 emulator they used for every PS3 just going unused

I guess Story of Seasons Switch was cancelled if they are only now considering a console version of the next Story of Seasons, even though it was announced at the start of 2017.

Sony fans made fun of Nintendo for years about censorship and almost no lewds games in that console. But Karma bit their ass act like full hypocrites telling people is fine like nothing will happen. The first warning wasnt enough for them maybe they need something even worse.

>which lowered its sales forecast

At least they're acknowledging that these boycotts have teeth. Now are they going to do something about it, or continue to make excuses like Takaki use to every waking moment

>Sony ruins it for everyone

Sounds about right

>You seriously expect there to be sex scenes and mostly naked girls in a cutesy farm game
Yes I'm, specially with the single milf who owns a business, and the magical/monster girl who lives alone in the forest.

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Not much since art looks worse than previous one. Sadly I hoped they would sell well and make more these type of games in switch. Problem switch fans doesn't support these titles much and suck on that rehached mario and zelda.

Switch is already getting a Story of Seasons game, the Doraemon one.

>Finally, the company commented on sexual elements in its games, stating that they are “getting harder to make.” A sexual element had to be removed from one of its unannounced games, which lowered its sales forecast.

Marvelous killed Senran Kagura because they still wanted be friends with SONY and Takashi couldn''t take it anymore.

I wonder if the Next president will make it even worse

I just hope takaki will make something on another level with cygames. Problem CERO is bigger cancer than sjws but if he could pull an r18 version in dmm will be happy.

It was confirmed that that wasn't the game, The Doraemon game unironically looks like the best Bokujou in well over a decade.

Senran Kagura was kusoge series that relied ONLY on titties to survive.
Just watch hentai for free online.

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>Problem switch fans doesn't support these titles much and suck on that rehached mario and zelda.
You're talking about 2 totally different types of public there.

Is Story of Seasons fortunate enough to allow Marriage with Milfs/cakes? RF doesn't allow it even when the cake doesn't have a partner.

The story of seasons mentioned there is different from the doreamon one. It was clearly stated a few weeks ago.

Can't be cancelled since they specifically said that the Doreamon one is different from the planned Switch Story of Seasons.

The thing is you need to raise a fanbase first, which is the problem though since it's their first go. Koe Tecmo and Nisa had the right idea with multiplats but I think we also need exlusives like what Omega Labyrinth is doing to entise the weeb market.


>Just watch hentai for free online.
>for free
But Senran Kagura is free too.

This isn't the issue you fucktoy.

I already jumped ship but in the end of day consoles will never be on dmm level cause of cero. These otakus should never be loyal to sony or whatever and jump ship. Hopefully ps4 will be hacked in newer firmware so I could play sakura wars. 3DS days had amazing titles like toushin toushi, no amazones game and project x zone. I'm waiting for switch offering though the pinball kagura is nice.

>Can't be cancelled since they specifically said that the Doreamon one is different from the planned Switch Story of Seasons.
>announce it for switch
>years later still considering if they will even release it on switch
Things are looking good for Switch, it's so bad that companies aren't sure if games they announced for it will be coming to it anymore.

Oh it will.
However, they will use deep neural networks to automatically censor lewds in old games.

Switch exclusivity aside it's a different game as said before retard. Also Marvelous has been shit on supporting switch so whatever. I only care for RF and as long as that's good that's all I care.

I know it's a different game tard, but you aren't listening, switch exclusivity isn't even relevant, now a game announced for the Switch, in a series that has traditionally sold best on Nintendo platforms isn't even for certain on the Switch anymore, this is the shitshow of the Switch. And you can bet PS4 games aren't being moved.

PS4 is my last Sony console. Already have too many games for it, and their first party games are definitely not for me.
Hacked Vita is also a blessing and has enough games for a lifetime.

Overseas sales are always better profit wise and you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise

Harvest Moon (the real one, the current Story of Seasons) was never exclusive to Nintendo. Rune Factory basically was (only Oceans had a PS3 port) and 5 is still Switch-exclusive.

Are you seriously this retard?

Eiyuu Senki uncensored mod on vita was a bless.

Because even though Switch sells better it's very different audiences. Switch is the kiddy console, PS4 is the gaymer & otaku console. It's too late in the current gen for that to change.

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Are you getting the Doraemon game? The palette is pretty nice.

>PS4 is the gaymer & otaku console
>otaku console
That was the Vita.


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>2.5K-5k represent more than 6 millions consoles solds in Japan

The way I see it it's because of
>Trimming Sexual Aspects of unannounced title
That they're now considering making Story of seasons a multiplat. And as I said before Marvelous has been shit at supporting the switch from the start. Let's list the games that's been released for the switch so far

>SK Refle - cashgrab spin off
>SK Peach Ball - cashgrab spin off
>Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star - late port with all DLC not bad considering it's in the launch year
>Fate/Extella Link - late port with chibi characters

All I see is that they did not even give the switch a chance.

>>Trimming Sexual Aspects of unannounced title
>That they're now considering making Story of seasons a multiplat.
They wouldn't need to trim sexual aspects on a fucking Story of Seasons game. It's very probably related to other game.

I don't see what kind of sexual aspect would've need to be removed from fucking story of seasons.

I agree with late ports and pinball game had few characters and stages at full price. SRW had less sound options if not mistaken. That said DOA was the better version yet it sold less. Switch fanbase is disappointing and companies always release late ports and expect high sales.

Lmao these are niche ass games retard. And ironically those sell better on switch than PS4 in the West. NISA’s recent stint with switch ports outselling the PlayStation versions confirmed this.

>senrantrash ironic garbage shitting the thread
fuck off already cancer

sony is a literal gaming nazi now how can people support such a fag

Bro if you can't read preschool level nip you shouldn't try to make these posts

Why should they support the Switch more in the first place when their games continue to sell better on the PS4?

Rune Factory should be moved to PC, it's made for it. Every Rune-Factory-like has been a massive financial success on PC so might as well bring that here where you don't have to think about censoring yourself as a dev and can do all you want to do.

Hell, i had to emulate some of their games because they didn't provide the original jap dubs while the English VA sounds like dogshit endlessly running out of an anus.
So they can also provide this feature too.

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Purchase Playstation Now.

Maybe wrong translation and they meant unreleased title which is the new senran kagura.

Niche doesn't matter, the sales from overseas consumers is usually higher than Japan's and the Switch ports are for a newer console with fewer games and that's only just an exception since other multiplats sell better on the PS4. Valkyria Chronicles 4 sold a mere 5,000 copies on the switch whereas the the lions share of sales was on the PS4. Switchfags are fucking deluded

Nintendo and Microsoft have been worse

Valkyria Chronicles 4 did come too late to switch and sega basically killed it's sales not that it sold well on ps4. It's dead series with little interest from people other than it's vocal fanbase.

>sites overseas being higher
>then sites late port in Japan
Are you retarded snoyboy? We know that switch versions of niche Japanese titles sell more thanks to NISA. Hell indies also do better on switch.

>Came too late

You fucking retard, it was a simultaneous release

It's not SoS that has the sexual aspect it's the other game that had "A sexual element had to be removed from one of its unannounced games, which lowered its sales forecast."

Hey why don't we not give this platform where we've done good business in the past support like an idiot.

The precious media create sales you switchfags slobber over even show that multiplats sell better on the PS4 and all you switchfags can bring up is NISA

No it wasn’t you retarded snoyboy. VC4 released in March 2018 in Japan on PS4, but the switch version released in September with the worldwide release, in Japan

Sony fags continue to be a blight on Yea Forums.

PlayStation 4
JP: March 21, 2018
WW: September 25, 2018
Nintendo Switch
WW: September 25, 2018
JP: September 27, 2018
Xbox One
NA/PAL: September 25, 2018
Microsoft Windows
WW: September 25, 2018

They release games on it faggot, you're basically asking for more attention while your competition platform has better sales which makes no she ae

>can’t tell the difference between Japan and overseas sales for Japanese games
Lmao stay retarded snoyboy. You don’t even know the difference between a release in March and on in September.

Simultaneous worldwide and still sells worse

Yeah a spinoff and lateports is the same support as a multiplat.


I only play RF3 in DS. What sexual aspects did they mean with this? There are no sex in RF4 right?

There are no worldwide numbers. We only know the percentage debut sales the three console versions had in the UK and it was something like PS4: 50%, Switch: 42% and Xbone: 8%

They don't mean Rune Factory, they mean a different, unspecified game.

They announced RF though. Most likely another game. I think they meant unreleased which is senran kagura 7 is butchered.

have sex


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Please that unannounced game be Valkyrie Drive 2

Why would you want it butchered. That said since it's lesbian trash i'm alright with it lol.

>They release games on it faggot
I've given up hope on SK on Switch, but their support has been shit. I get where you're coming from, but how can you judge sales figure of a console when you barely release anything on it?

Oh thanks. I don't really follow Sony anymore. Why are they censoring games even in Japan? Pleasing SJWs?

You're the fag begging for ports and more games. The salt is on your end my friend

Oh and you also forgot that historically there hasn't been a Valkyria game on a Nintendo platform. Who could have fathomed that the 4th installment of a series on a Nintendo platform would not sell more than the platform that they have an already set install base on.

American roasties hate young girls and they have control in commiefornia now over sony. That said steam seems got pressured to remove cunny too and sjws take over steam too.

Lmao retard, wrong user. I get the snoyboy is assblasted, but please stop embarrassing yourself

American imperialism.

Story of Seasons is Harvest Moon right?

Yeah the devs fucked off from Natsume which is still using the HM IP to churn out soulless games IIRC.


It's not quite that, the developers still own the rights to the series' name in Japan (Bokujou Monogatari), however in the west they were kept by the western branch of Natsume who now makes Harvest Moon games internally (and they're much lower effort), so Marvelous USA/XSEED had to use a different name.

Fuck off tranny cunt.
Go dilate.