*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Attached: 1557664075782.jpg (252x179, 10K)

99? I'm shit at riddles.

Literally not enough info to answer but idiots will argue for the next two hours about this.

always switch doors


I'm gonna guess it's 50%

text me

His nostrils

But what does the "M" on Mario's hat stand for?

>it's a can't be fucked teaching so you whip ouot Layton puzzles just to kill time in class episode
I'm sure I could somehow tie it to the curriculum, but that sounds like even more work.

tvelve metchsteek

You should be able to solve this.

what more information do you need you fucking sub-human? the answer is 22.

3(33-p) = 33

99 - 3p = 33
99 - 33 = 3p
66 = 3p
p = 66/3
p = 22

Despite only being 13%? How does that work?

Ligma balls


11, it's just worded poorly.

Fuck off layton your cryptic shit is gay

What was his tax policy?


Fuck off, Paul


It either is
Or it isn't
Therefore it's 50%

Nice impossible shit riddle

It's fucking middle-school algebra. Don't know where you third worlders live, but this is taught to literal children in the great USA.

nice try but it's 2/3 by Bayes' theorem


Word problems are retarded



Holy shit user, thanks for 23 (You)'s



Trick question. Paul died 3 years ago.

Finally a correct answer.

But who was the phone

I got it wrong

Dude, I haven't had to do math shit since high school over a decade ago, people forget things when they're not constantly doing them.

Paul checks into an infinite hotel. Every room is booked full. His brother Phil is already checked into room #1. Is there any empty rooms for Paul?



Wrong. Paul is a broke ass bitch with no money. No money, no room. Sleep on the street, Paul.

>Every room is booked full.
>Is there any empty rooms for Paul?
no, not until you move everybody.
moving everybody is however impossible because the hotel as zero energy density and everybody is dead.

I'm gonna say something dumb, like 11.

Funfact: It wasn't 20 years ago.

t. Boomer

Also wrong. I don't have to move everybody. I can just move every 10th person.

it literally doesn't matter what mapping you use, once you enter the hotel you will die

its 22 but whatever sadistic motherfucker worded this question needs to die

Not that kind of hotel. Everyone is immortal in this one.

last night I bond burgered your sister

You cant move anyone, the rooms are all booked. Read the question better next time

What are we supposed to think, that this is some sort of magic hotel?

Attached: blunder.jpg (500x375, 32K)

Paul is 33.
When Paul was the same age as Phil is today, he was 3 times older than Phil.
This means he was 3 times older than him at one point but NOT currently.

yeah even moving every billionth person will generate infinite complaints which will lead to inevitable bankruptcy

ur not getting it. Cant move anyone. all the rooms are booked.

Most of us have concluded middle school at least 3 decades ago, but it is more than expected for math to be fresh in your zoomer mind.

There's infinite rooms. Always room to move people over to another room.

yeah, and moving people generates complaints
I don't think you really understand infinite hotels dude

Yes because he's already checked in, so unless he's in his room it's empty and will remain empty until he steps into it

We don't listen to complaints because we have infinite 5 star reviews on Yelp.
Not if his room was occupied up until the second he checks in.

But he already checked in so it's empty

A = 33
B = ?
(A - B) = their difference in age

"When Paul was the same age that Phil is today" = (A - B) years ago
Phil was B - (A - B) years old at the time, or 2B - A
A = 3 * (2B - A)
4A = 6B
B = 2/3 * A
Phil = 22 years old today

When Paul was 22 years old, it was 11 years ago, and Phil was 11 years old at that time.
33 = 11 * 3
Checks out.
Phil's 22.

They are newborn twins

How are all the rooms booked in an infinite hotel?

Yeah but all the rooms are full. Nowhere to move anyone to.

I don't get why it isn't 11. Paul is three times the age of his lil bro Phil today, so 33/3 would just be 11.

>phil is 22 today
>when paul was 22, phil was 11
>11 times 3 is 33, Paul's age today

No, unless you move Paul into room #2, the person in room #2 into room #3, etc for infinity

Yeah I watched that youtube video.

Yeah, just fuckin join Phil.
Fuck you, when you say all rooms are full, I'm not dealing with the shifting people around nonsense.

You just move the person into the next room and they don't have a room for a few minutes while they move their stuff. Since it's infinite this process goes on forever and there's never a last person who doesn't have any where to go, even if all the rooms are full.

You're not getting it because it's using ESL hell wording.
>Paul is 33, Phil was 11 when Paul was the same age that Phil is now.

Disprove this.

Attached: rrr.png (639x464, 13K)

They cant move. All the rooms are booked

I can't even parse the shitty wording. That doesn't make it a hard question it makes it incompetently phrased.

>unironically taking the time to draw this

You've misinterpreted the question, which is fair for how clumsily it's worded.
It's saying that current Paul is three timed older than past Phil, not past Paul.