Why arent female characters allowed to look sexy anymore? Games are a fantasy not some political agenda

Why arent female characters allowed to look sexy anymore? Games are a fantasy not some political agenda.

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Because of the pseudoscientific mantra that "sexual portrayal of women in video games causes women to be viewed as objects by males and thus perpetrate violence against them."
Something which is not only not backed by any sort of studies, but can also easily be shut down by asking the person if they believe violence in video games causes violence.
If they say no, you ask why it's different from sex. If they say yes, you show them the extensive debunking that notion has had since Jack Thompson brought it up in the 00s.

Games used to be a fantasy, not anymore. Internet audience increased, and fat women have a voice now.

feminists are ugly and cant handle that guys would rather look at virtual tiddies than have sex with them

Normies ruin everything

Found the redditor

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Accurate, honestly the best decade was 95-05

>muh fag!
Found the homosexual

It's not that female (or male) video game characters can't be sexy anymore, it's just that most people are tired of one-dimesional characters that bring nothing to the table but sex appeal. The people who play video games grew up and more women started to have fun with games, so naturally titty monsters and gigawhores are falling out of favor and the industry is attempting to replace them with actual characters.

Sexy women aren't going anywhere user, they just have to share the spotlight with (arguably) deeper characters. Nothing wrong with that.

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this hurt, being called a loser for playing videogames isnt as bad being invaded and stripped from our hobby.

Because audiences exist besides your microscopic niche you schizo

>Muh western character development
No one really gives a shit about that, do they? Go read a book or watch a movie, fuck away from my video games. The moment we allowed normalfags to infest the gaming community was the moment the industry turned to shit.

Imagine spending 70 bucks on a game where you just watch some 1d slut prance around and do jack shit
That's basically it

>mfw the internet, gaming, and all forms of entertainment became shit from 2007 onwards
It hurts.

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Imagine spending $100 plus tip to watch a literal female ogre making out with a rat jewess.

>It hurts.
That's life.

Fuck off tranny

They're just as sexy as the guys are. It's just compared to the past they look less sexy now because there's not as much emphasis on female characters.

Soul Calibur VI came out just last year.

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SCVI confirms what waifufags dont play games.

>western developed games exclusively have good characters and they all accidentally look transgender by pure coincidence


This timeline went wrong way after giving women voting rights.

"showing unrealistically/heavily sexual female characters in games glorifies treating women as sex objects"

that's the ideology the whole west is embracing right now

it is extra ironic in MK considering that it is the same mentality as "unrealistic/heavy violence in games glorifies real violence", something the MK devs proudly reject

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SC6 is a Japanese game

Because the expansion to more audiences has seen an acute rise in sales. It's sucks but that's just capitalism.

they are

I wish Twitter got shut down. It encourages witch-hunts over the most trivial shit.


This is everyone on this board. It's time to face facts that the market left you behind. If you dont like it, go make your own fucking games.

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It's simple. You see: gore good. Gore very good. In fact, kill ALL women with all the gore, gore very good for everybody. Graphic, highly detailed gore? Good.


Boobs bad. Boobs very bad, boobs are mean to women and they make feelings feel bad. Boobs are extremely bad. Boob very, VERY bad for everyone. No boob, boob bad, but gore good. I hope this helps you understand the topic a little more, user.

>the industry is attempting to replace them with actual characters
Care to give examples that aren't just aping Hollywood or Netflix or HBO or Marvel that have happened in the last 6 years(when this change really started being pushed for)?
Because I can tell you this right now;
Pic-related has more character development in her right tit than any modern western female character does.

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So if a half-naked stripper quotes Sun Tzu, feminists won't get upset? If Mortal Kombat addressed the female characters' daddy issues, feminists would think it's totally fine to put the characters in string bikinis? Bait.

>Sexy women aren't going anywhere user, they just have to share the spotlight with (arguably) deeper characters.

on what basis do you claim that a character being sexy atop of their other attributes takes away from their depth?
I know that if a character like Ivy would suddenly be completely nonsexual you would suddenly find out that her character is deep, but did it never occur to you that the problem is with your anti-sexual mentality and not with the characters visually looking sexual?

also you claim that sexy designs are here to stay, but that's clearly not true. MK11 for example got rid fo all of it's female designs that show skin, there is no diversity/variety in this. Sexual designs are just considered evil and are purged out of games

>Deeper characters

From what I've seen, character development has been getting progressively worse as time goes on. The video game industry has one of the lowest bars of entry for writers, which is why failures like pic related enter it after no one wants to publish their garbage novels. I'll give you the point that if a game's characters are sexy, people tend to be a bit more lenient on it because sex sells, but the notion that removing sexiness is somehow going to result in characters with more depth is a false one.

If you want deeper characters, then the industry itself needs to develop higher standards and not hire useless creative types who can't write characters for shit.

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>go make your own fucking games
People do, the thing is you can't respect people making their own fucking games.
A guy was making a game that showed his views of a cyberpunk society where UBI was a negative. What happened? He came under fire for being a nazi. Why? Because he didn't agree with game journos. He was making is own game for his own audience AND YOU COULDN'T LET IT LIVE.
What about game devs who frequently make their own game only to get lambasted by people who don't even create games reeing at the thought of the game existing?
You act like you want them to make their own games but that isn't the case. Neither is it in any other industry.
You don't want people making content that you don't like so you go out of your way to deplatform them, ruin them financially, call CPS on them to get their kids taken away, dox them, call them pedo and then bringing it up with places they work, the list goes on.
So how about you admit to being scum and be honest for the first time in your worthless life?

Longevity is the word you're searching for

SC6 was pretty successful compared to it's shoestring budget tho

I'd pay $100 to see a literal ogre. You have to prove it's an ogre though, and not just an ugly human.


Shitty dev desu if it affects him that much.

Nah, compare it to MK11, Tekken 7, Street Fighter V, and they have similar sales numbers, and a similar dip in playerbase. The real answer is that nobody on PC buys or keeps playing fightan games.


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There's not enough evidence to dispel the idea that kids aren't influenced by violent media.

Yeah, its NOT AT ALL like those people sent numerous messages to Microsoft about how he's an evil nazi and pressured them to pull funding from him. Not at all like that's the go to tactic of these people, is it?

>money coming from MS
Oh so the game was complete shit, got it

There is no room for fetishes in video games

you're just parroting shit. just because people doesn't argue about it doesn't mean they're "not allowed to look sexy." It has continued unimpeded. Steam sells porn now. Have sex.


When the customers are gamers then that is fine

You know the user who you replied to is right. Calling anybody a Nazi is a dead sentence in our society, the dev just can't ignore it.

but it's worse than than that because faggots overreacting to actually works by convincing normal people and scaring social media and other places for public discussion into deplatforming. it's not giving up being publicly blocked

Because trannies get triggered by seeing actual female bodies.

White women are the most petty, jealous creatures on earth.

There is though, the only point where science is iffy isn't on seeing gore or violence in games but the losing aspect in competition and certain games like soulsborne and seeing how frustration builds up and looking at why it seems to be so much more violent than losing in sports.
The hypothesis is that kids are more violent when losing in games regularly over losing in sports because of the idea they see a game as a toy due to its interactive nature and not seeing it as a piece of entertainment like a movie or music or as a challenge to overcome.
Of course if the hypothesis is correct its hard to prove empirically since it would be based on how people perceive games and it wouldn't be possible to have just a few models to fit them in as each person views things slightly differently and may have a number of views from each or any existing model.

>good plot and character development
>senran kagura

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Daily reminder this is what games would look like if we stopped listening to women.

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have sex

I think MK11 getting rid of skin is an attempt to attract a larger audience.
Games these days cost more and more money to produce and need to bank not only on hardcore fans but also newer ones to pick up the game.
Smash sells an enormous amount of copies while being pretty tame and widely accessible.

>Games are a fantasy not some political agenda.
ask leftists about that

shoo shoo tranny poster

This. They more and more shallow and cartoony.

>lefties: revealing women are gross! Real women don't dress like that! It's all eye candy for creepy men who never gets laid

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>Games these days cost more and more money to produce
>still less content than fucking PS1/PS2 era games
Fuck grafixwhores desu.

>Grows up as an evil ninja
>Yoma attack and kill her mother who saves her life at the cost of her own, even then she gets put in a coma for 3 years
>During this time her best friend cares for her every need
>The mental scars run deep causing a deep seated hatred of Yoma and are the cause of insecurity in who she is as a woman and warrior
>Initially fights to eradicate all yoma and anyone who stands in her way
>Instead of getting friendshipped she keeps a lot of distance between her and the others with only her team and teacher being the ones she allows close and only Imu sees the truest side of her
>Gets a chance to meet her mum before she moves on to the afterlife
>reverts to an almost child like state as the despair and emotions of what she felt that day came out all at once
>gets the closure she desperately needed as she never got to say goodbye to her mother
>After this she's a little more open and only after getting that closure does she smile again
Now, how about you answer the question in that post you replied to?

Ok boomer.

>plublishers hear normies and libtards
>game flops, franchise dies.
every fucking time.

But user, this is what games look like if we have the most gender diverse company in the whole industry make them.

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your post doesn't make any sense
how would putting less variety in costume options into the game attract a bigger audience?

>they just didn't have them oney to make sexy costumes too
the game already has several alternative costume options for each character, they intentionally decided to not make even one of them show more skin for the females (the males also already have a variety between half naked and clothed designs, it's only the females who got "censored")

this is not about larger audience, this is just about the stupid mentality that females looking sexual glorifies their sexual objectification

It's not less variety, it's more in line with censorship.
The hardcore fans will still play MK because it's MK, you're trying to get the attention of the on the fence buyer.
Their data might be telling them this is the best option to increase sales, I don't think there is any malicious intent behind it.
Maybe with MK12 you will see a change if sales decline on MK11 vs MK10, that's just how these companies work user.

Who are you quoting here?

Deeper characters like rey? Alloy? Dumb fucking retard

They litrerally admit they change it because of the outrage, do some research before you try talk big

then don't behave like a nazi. you aren't entitled to adoration, respect, or commercial success just by virtue of existing.

>wahh my safe spaces are being taken away!
so when did you realize that you were exactly the same as the people you hate?

>then don't behave like a nazi
So, how did this man behave like a nazi?
You obviously should have proof of this since it's a pretty serious claim to make, right?

>they're not selling to """"gamers"""""
Pick a AAA publisher you think unfairly caters to the wrong crowd and then show me their balance sheet.

I have absolutely no idea what game he's talking about, not do I seriously believe that his characterization is accurate. My advice is general; if you don't want to be called a nazi, then don't behave like one and things will work themselves out. Incredibly, I have practiced this strategy and it has proven to be very successful.

>lowest common denominator
The worst part is that they dont play games, so they will kill the sales because it contradicts what people buy.

Going for a wider audience was and is allways a mistake.

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What about Subverse?

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Then they will cease to exist in no time. Except, as you can see, this refrain has been parroted for at least 7 years while you morons keep waiting for the pendulum to swing the other way. How's that going for you?

the existence of this thread directly contradicts your image. gamergate and its ilk do as well.

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>I know, I'll make a picture and show them that I'M THE CALM ONE

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I personally believe game devs are just afraid the media and sjws will smear them in this heavily political day and age so they rather not risk their reputation and play safe.

Except 90% of these characters have shit writing as well as not being sexy, so they bring nothing which is like a double whammy of garbage.

>this heavily political day and age
this phrase is dave rubin-level retarded.

>if you don't want to be called a nazi, then don't behave like one
Ah yes, of course, its foolproof.
Its not at all like the people calling others nazis are just insane people who call anyone that dares disagree with them politically one. NOT AT ALL.

2018 should be "LET'S ADD MORE TRANNY FLAGS"

>Games are a fantasy not some political agenda

oh, you sweet, sweet summer child.

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>that 4th grade reading comprehension
you must be over 18 to be here, user

show me what you mean then.

how will this thread influence developers or publishers?
AAA games are literally made to the tune of marketingtron 3000 following trends in twitter

Prove me otherwise then


Not sure what OP is on about. Still plenty of cute, funny and sexy characters in vidya.

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Yea Forums is about cherrypicking games that are publicized on left-wing """news""" websites and pretending its the norm

The Left believes in a prescriptive use of words and imagery. People who aren't insane believe in a descriptive use. That's why people who are moderate, Right, or just disengaged can enjoy fiction. The Left cannot because everything has to meet a checklist of ideals or it's invalid. Ever notice how it was gays and lesbians, then LGB, then LGBT, then LGBTQ, and now on Joe Rogan you witness Twitter's CEO unironically say LGBTQA. There's some dark corners of Tumblr where it extends even further. So in their schizophrenic world view, everything they see has to be "realistic" or it's hateful. Because they're an undisciplined, soft, fat, slovenly lot; anything that portrays women as otherwise it's hateful and wrong.

the image suggests that Yea Forums simply dismisses the things they don't like as being shit. yet here we are for the ten millionth time putting our fragile egos on display because a woman's torso is completely clothed.

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all times have been political. its a throwaway phrase meant to mean "now that people tell me that my beliefs are retarded"

there's no evidence on either side you absolute buffoon

>and now on Joe Rogan
opinion discarded

go dilate


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This is your mind on ((((critical theory))))

Well maybe I feel this way because of all the left wing extremism ready to destroy anything that opposes them even slightly and plaguing the internet and it's culture as of recent years


It's strange that Yea Forums still hasn't learned that bad publicity is still publicity.

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right wing extremism is a much more pervasive threat to society (and video games) than "left wing extremism." Left wing extremism is, what, a few Tumblr SJWs? Unless Yea Forums's going to pretend that it's "extreme" to acknowledge that gays and bisexuals exist and deserve to be treated with respect.

Yet twitter has all the jap artists who draw huge boobs.........


You say that yet in Euro you're arrested for wrong think, something that the communist societies did all the time. That's extremism and we are living in it.

thanks for restating exactly what I said.

Why arent male characters allowed to look sexy anymore? Games are a fantasy not some political agenda.

Why do you people only lie? You would feel better about yourselves if you spoke the truth sometimes.

>missing the point this hard
the image shows no-one listens to Yea Forums

to these retards, left wing ideology is simultaneously a weak willed lunatic fringe with no real popular support, and a menace that threatens to destroy society as we know it.

>Why arent male characters allowed to look sexy anymore
I dunno, I fapped a lot to Takeda's and Erron's stripper costumes in MKX (to use MK as an example since OP's pic is related).

thank god, nothing here is worth listening to.

Just passing through

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And this is why modern women is better than modern men. They can make companies bend to there will. Look at you, all screaming but not doing anything. Pathetic
Nah but for real,why do you people not take your complains to higher ups and companies. I mean forhow much you complain about there complaining,there bears some fruit.

They still do though. Most western male characters seem to be fit rugged manly guys.

Things the right wing extremists do in the entertainment industry
>Get deplatformed
>lose funding/sources of income
>get doxxed
>have threats of CPS coming to take away their kids
>Get called gatekeepers while never once advocating for people to not play games, watch movies/tv, listen to music, etc.
>get death threats
>have claims made against them for sending death threats with 0 evidence
>Only the latter is told to you by multiple media outlets
>get called pedos with 0 evidence
>get called nazis for not agreeing with political extremists
>having both of those claims broadcast to the world by multiple media outlets
Things the left wing extremists do in the entertainment industry
>deplatform people
>threaten those who give people a platform or ability to make income to remove them
>doxx people
>threaten to call CPS on other peoples kids because those people don't agree with them
>Call others gatekeepers while being the only people gate keeping
>send death threats
>lie about getting death threats from their political opponents
>call others pedos while being pedos themselves
>Call people nazis because they dared to disagree with left wing ideals
>claim to be against all facism while literally embracing facist ideals
>Use the media broadcast any lies they want about people often with 0 consequences
How is the right a more pervasive threat to society again?

But user, I do not find them sexy so I do not care what you think. Nah but for real, I never found MK characters, especially males, sexy. Some females are.

Really makes you think

Well, their faces are shitty i agree. I just find it annoying that i can get my beefcake yet they cover up the females so you guys miss out. Either underr everyone or cover them up. Navels are aesthetic as fuck.

If they'd fix their god awful outfits and have them balanced out like they do with the male cast, it'd be fine

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Undress* wtf did i type.

I do not see people calling them pretty. A lot of them look like caricatures of what handsome men looks. I mean that is probably because a lot of them are made by straight men.
Still DMC did calm my urges a bit.

You're right. We should eradicate white people instead.

Why aren't female character allowed to be not sexy then?

>Sexuality and Character development are mutually exclusive

I fucking hate this meme because it completely ignores how that sort of mindset in of itself is demonstrably sexist.

A woman does not start being “nothing but a sex object” when she bares her body; in fact, it’s literally impossible for people to be that due to being inherently multi-faceted. It does not erase any of her other achievements or personality. To suggest so is to literally disparage women from expressing their sexuality, and to disrespect them as people.
There’s also the small fact that some women literally cannot help being outwardly sexy. Put a woman with large breasts in any outfit, and I guarantee you, she will have cleavage. She can wear an oversized sweater, a t-shirt, a blouse, or some othe 4th thing; unless it’s a binder, you’re still going to notice her tits. Of course, the retort to this notion is that while women can’t help being sexy in real life, character designers can by reducing sex appeal by covering more skin and reducing body proportions. And while this is true, a question that should be asked is why the mere presence of a sexy woman is so problematic in the first place. To do any of that in the first place is a tacit reaffirmation that a sexy woman’s body is an inherently harmful and shameful thing that should be covered up at all costs, and that any woman that doesn’t cover up is lesser for insisting upon it; is that notion not sexist? Can’t a woman be sexy and a deep character at the same time?

In the end, it just makes it very clear that the types who advocate for aren’t after what they claim they’re after, or at the very least, are misguided in how they’re going about trying to get it. They don’t really care about deeper characters; they just resent the fact that someone’s body could be considered tittilating.

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You're welcome

The problem here is that sexy is different for every human. What one finds sexy, other do not. I remember DMC threads complaining about how girls are ugly. I just couldn't see what others were seeing for life of me.

secular religion is the new hotness and like all shitty religions it's incredibly puritain

I still maintain that Nico is a total babe

God dammit fags, I said not to bring politics to the table. At least jerk off first

We're talking about "sexy", not "pretty".

Because it’s 2015

sexualization is a boring and cringy fantasy, stick to your pedo games

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This is actually correct, there have been studies done to discover the influence television has on people, and they discovered that if someone isn't already holding certain political views that society considers normative, people will usually not be influenced by anything they see on TV if it isn't within that normative window.

This was actually proven correct many times by things like Nazi Germany's television, USSR television, and specific programs that are never watched within areas that generally don't agree with the sentiment upheld in that area.

So seeing skinny and/or sexy women on TV will not cause people to be less receptive to your average woman, but better, having different types of women on TV will not suddenly make people more receptive towards women overall.

But hey blame the modern western world where we no longer want to either have escape fantasies or harshly relalistic things like an inoffensive Star Wars movie or get challenged by growing fond of the harsh and realistic portrayal of an Italian mob boss that is racist, homophobic, and a sociopath.

The modern west very much cares about identity where identities are being eroded, and wants to feel good by seeing their specific identity group kick the living shit out of everything that might threaten its very existence.
It's not about realism or escapism, it's about realistic escapism where the two are entwined to make the harsh reality of life easier to bare by simplifying everything about it, which is very hard to pull off without coming off as straight up propaganda at times because it's so hard to balance the two to please your audience.

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Nono we only focus on the negative things here

>play vm bloodlines back in the day
>all women have hueg tits
>sequel on the horizon gives me hope
>only woman in the trailer is a butterface pseudo-landwhale
The people who supposedly "grew up" are just skinny fuck low test snoyboys who think parroting some white knight agenda will benefit them
I want huge tits in vidya and Im a fit 190cm tall green eyed bro who gets laid on the reg and Im pretty sure I ko'd what was a tranny at a bar once

absolutely based

>I want huge tits in vidya and Im a fit 190cm tall green eyed bro who gets laid on the reg and Im pretty sure I ko'd what was a tranny at a bar once
Based! Post dick though desu.

I never understood why people just assume that your first claim is correct, because it claims that games used to have women just there for sexual appeal, which simply isn't true. Sexual appeal wasn't prevalent in video games for most of its history, look at the top 10 charts of every year, and most of them do not have female characters with little depth just there for sexual attraction, these games have and always will be a specific genre for fans. And worse, this group tends to be Asian countries, and just goes to show how little people like you and other people who push for this female character transformation in video games actually understand about Japan, the history of video games, and the actual facts surrounding both.

In Japan, where titty games notoriously come from, the female characters STILL tend to have a whole lot of other qualities that masturbating to some pornhub video doesn't have, because these games are not just to jack off at big tits, but tend to simulate real life romantic endeavors. Where do you think the whole waifu thing came from? Japan has a serious problem with social communication between its citizens, and because so few men actually lose their virginity early due to Japan's unwritten social rules, men tend to go a long time without actual sexual contact and social interaction with women that eventually transforms into illicit sexual behavior. This made video games with romance options popular in Japan, and it's generally pretty accepted to have implied or even illicit romantic endeavors in your video games there to sell to young Japanese men that haven't been or barely have been sexually active so far.

The reason your ilk pushes this is not because you really care about video games, you care about the ideology you uphold and want to see it reflected in video games, which will never happen.
If you truly give a shit about video games and character direction and writing, start pushing for better writing.

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>ugly people are more interesting
Majority of ugly people are scum because of how they’ve been treated all their life

there's no evidence on either for or against the idea
maybe you aren't trying to be a deceptive shit by only presenting a half truth but it doesn't help your case

>Games are a fantasy not some political agenda
not anymore

holy shit there was a 4 and 5? which one had starwars in it?

how come jack thompson was never taken seriously but sarkeesian was able to reform the entire industry?
ESPECIALLY since she herself believes she's a powerless, oppressed woman living in a patriarchal cabal of women-hating men.

>If you dont like it, go make your own fucking games
we were, and then you fags came along

I would expect a comment like this from someone with a mental disorder

Liking sexy females is not a fetish for the simple fact that it's the norm.
Gore, on the contrary...

This point might have some relevance if it wasn't the case that 18+ rated games are the ones being censored.

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t. parrot.
>Have sex.
by the power of my magic buzzwors... OPINION DIS-MIS-SED!!!!!!!!!

Because desperate incels want to fuck women and therefore bend over backwards for them, not old men.

>so when did you realize that you were exactly the same as the people you hate?
nah... only one of the sides is an invader

honest answer? the people complaining about sexy characters in games are ugly, unfuckable incels

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Games have had political agendas since MGS and even before that while still also having attractive characters.

Imagine being this bootyblasted about video games that you can't even get your facts straight.

Because since Jack's time, nerd shut-ins who don't get any have built up pent up sexual frustration and were thirstier than ever, so people gave in to Anita's bullshit more easily than Jack's.

please show evidences that less people would buy if costumes were sexy

Jack Thompson was conservative. Sarkeesian is a liberal feminist.

According to the modern day media, the messenger matters more than the message.

look at this dum dum. theres a difference between using politics in your story for a theme, and a game having a political agenda. try reading a book.


SJWs want to turn the real world into their own boring fantasy world, they shouldn't be allowed to work in the videogame industry

He's right, tho.
Whatever product those npcs will ever produce will never be a game.

Based truthtelling user sending /pol/ into a seething shoot

offer sex

right except for the desperate incels part
i mean if this place is anything to go by then it's the incels who statistically don't take her shit

it's more accurate to say men
just men, all the men, XY


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There are incels on both sides of the political spectrum you dunce.

>wrong on all counts

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Same thing.

They're really not, ESL-kun.

>sarkeesian was able to reform the entire industry?
what's it like to have to assign godlike powers to your political opponents in a transparent attempt to play the victim card?

This. The female body is obscene and it must be covered to protect male eyes from sin.

>try to litigate against an industry
>someone provides a critique of something
>people choose to listen to some of it.

Shit like this honestly makes me miss the 80s and 90s.

On the topic of sexiness: I want to make a game with highly detailed sexy girls, and be unapologetic about it. What gameplay should it have? Something that allows the user to see the girl from every angle, and that can be made by a talentless hack like me.

Haydee (pic related) is a good example of the concept although I'm not very fond of its gameplay.

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>Got to present before the UN because of mean hurty words online

>Western developers proudly profess their politics both in game, in interviews, and on social media

>Denigrate people who don't share their views as bigots, trolls, etc.

What's it like to be completely fucking ignorant? No one wants this shit to be true, but it is.

Attached: DKcW7qcUMAAdhra.jpg (800x1200, 54K)

>could it be that other people just want something different to me?
>no that's impossible

You guys need to look up "empathy" in the dictionary some time.

Excluding the modern graphics, from the 80's until 00's was the Golden Age of vidya and it should be ok for you to reminisce it.


Video games are not OH SO DEEP you pretentious hacks, games are fun and thats that. I dont give a shit about normies who want to turn videogames into interactive movies. Games are not art, fuck that, a plot is just an excuse to blow shit up, we save the girl just to fuck her, you know?

Agree. They are not games anymore

Why would you make an ugly character when you could make a sexy one?

I've been making this point since I was a horny teenage boy. Even then, it made no sense to me that so called feminists and "allies" were at the vanguard of professing that female can't be both cute/sexy and interesting.

Attached: DwYGDjCU8AAAYpa.jpg (1200x1091, 192K)

Ugly people shouldnt even exist in reality

is that why they literally cheer when censorship occurs and advocate for people redesigning revealing female character designs while simultaneously insisting that doing so for other artists is morally wrong?

user, people who don't like sexuality in games, anime, etc. are just puritans for a different cause. They need to be mocked incessantly so they understand their views are actually retarded

yes and after that she went to the basements of a thousand incels and literally, physically took away their video games

Go dilate

I dont see why you incels get to work and do a decent game, you have Unreal and Unity, go make a game with big titty sluts or something, if theres truly a market for it, it will sell. Use the power of capitalism

god kerry hoskins was hot as fuck

game devs had sex and you didn't


rightards are notoriously incapable of creative expression

Typical bitch goon strategy of deflecting with irony

It's not just incels that have a problem with Sarkeesian and people who think like her; on top of that, it's not about her taking away games. It's about what was mentioned earlier: Jack Thompson is considered a joke in video game history while Sarkeesian and similar figures inspire unfounded conviction in gamers and developers that's resulted in tangible, observable consequences. A lot of it is easy to ignore but only if the stuff you like isn't affected

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>”called me a name”
>tried to get their kids taken away with CPS

You are a sick and broken person.

>Why aren't they allowed
They are allowed
>Not some political agenda
Be says while making a political agenda

This is unironically the final blackpill.

Attached: Cristina.jpg (727x1024, 107K)


she used her mind control rays to force devs into submission. can nothing stop this monster?

if you ever want to see sexy women again in an MK game, they're gonna have to have penises.
t. Netherrealm employee

If they do it would just get censored, the devs smeared, etc.

See: Hatred, Huniepop, etc.

Very nice midriff, I don't know who these characters are but I like the image very much and will add it to my collection

they are, no one banned sexy video game characters. Companies who make games choose to have them less sexual and who fucking cares? We have plenty of erotica and pornography for free on the internet.

if they had the motivation to make a game they'd have the motivation to improve themselves to the point of being enjoyable to have sex with
they're whole worldview is refusing to accept responsibility for who they choose to be as a person

And creatives are notorious for coming up with ever more inventive ways of expressing how empty their souls are

Pretty undeniable that the same boys that scream about Sonya not having E-cups also hate trans people, non-Whites and women's rights.

Hopefully someone will kill her

It'll be worth her inevitable martyrdom to know that she's dead

I think they are from Senran Kagura

Yeah, yeah...we got the message and we're working on it.

Attached: built your govt.png (1000x1000, 102K)

Not a single woman would ever have sex with a man that honestly believes this.

you should rise up user. do it yourself. it's the only way to liberate us gamers from her tyranny.

me too# stereotypes deep

Attached: ac316ed028c2c0659f2b32b9144570581bbf66e2d40397d344f0bae52468d7bc.png (400x480, 167K)

I've heard conservatives are bad at creativity because they lack empathy.

That's only because they have good sense

Trans people are abused by themselves and their "allies," minorities that don't just keep to themselves are really irritating, and women's rights is comedy gold

I apologize for the delusional incel vitriol your based and truthpilled post attracted

>Games are a fantasy
Fantasies are ideology. I like boobs though.

or you can gtfo, invader

I'm talking to a guy right now, we'll see

I mean, thanks for proving my point.

Everyone who called that poster out is getting fucked, you'll have to try a different point

good on you user. gamers all over the world salute you. truly a hero standing up against impossible odds.

Also imagination, good upbringing and sufficient brain folds. If you grow up in Strip.Mall, MO where there are more churches than museums you won't have the preparation for any cultural endeavour.

I've heard libtards keep using the word empathy, without knowin what the word means, then deflect parroting stock irony

I started to years ago, but I'm not cut out for it. I can't even finish a 2D platformer.

I notified the authorities

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You made an observation that was correct, your problem is you assume holding any of those positions is bad.

You'd be happier if you didn't try to achieve solidarity with the mentally ill for nothing other than their approval. Just game, bitch

Attached: DLFJPPwWAAIa71Y.jpg (404x397, 30K)


>Games are a fantasy not some political agenda.

You'd think everyone would have thia mindset but no, there are people who want games to reflect reality in the most mundane and politically correct ways.

Conservatives tend to be low in openness, which means less accepting of new ideas. Liberals tend to be too accepting of new ideas. The advantages to being low in openness is you’re more practical and are actually good at running shit.

>Right wingers make a funding platform.
>Immediately start giving an actual Nazi thousands of dollars.

This is why the right is losing the culture war.

>above average women are porn.
>above average women are porn.
>above average women are porn.
>above average women are porn.
>above average women are porn.
>above average wo.... beeeep
>end of message

>female chracter can't be sexy/attractive because then she has no character and is a dumb bimbo

Lmao, the people who spout this stupid argument like you only inadvertently reveal their own bigotry, sexism and lack of imagination.

Attached: 1557670667418.jpg (1280x720, 376K)

Quick. Let's sterotype the opposition! That will defeat them!

the fuck are you even trying to imply? There are women of all shapes, sizes, colours and looks in 100% free and easily accesible pornography. Anyone older than 16 wanting games to also be masturbatory fuel has severe issues that should be socially stigmatized

>Sexy women aren't going anywhere

You gaslighting assholes have been saying this for years as the designs get more tonnes down, games get banned, releases get canceled, and censorship grows every year.

In the west politics has been infused into gaming because the tech sector as a whole has become a hotbed of political activism and social engineering. In Japan, games are still seen as fantasy and escapism and it's reflected in their games. In the west, everything is about 'Realism' to attract the normie Big Bang Theory audience who are turned off by actual 'Nerd' culture, and instead want the sanitized Hollywood version popularized by BBT. Basically they want something as close to real-life as possible to substitute for actual real life, which is pretty stupid but that's what people want. Compliant sheep and guys who won't go out and breed.

Are you forgetting Asswatch and all the pornography that game inspired thanks to it's fetish fuel female characters?

Only a reddit leftist could strawman this hard

go back there nigger

it's not a stereotype if it turns out to be true 9 times out of 10.

>characters can't be "deep" and have rich backstories and proper character development because they're attractive or have large breasts
Faggot have another (You) now go choke on a million dicks.

>people who appreciate beauty is the same as people who appreciate beauty!

you are a freak of nature tranny

Factually incorrect statement.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Senran Kagura. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical player's head. There's also Daidōji's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Senran Kagura truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Asuka's existential catchphrase "I will show you a dance cloaked in shadows!" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Takao Yoshioka's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Senran Kagura tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>trans people, non-Whites and women's rights
all of those things are unnecessary and shouldn't exist

>above average women are for masturbation
>above average women are for masturbation
>above average women are for masturbation
>above average women are for masturbation
>above average women are for masturbation
>above average wo... beeeep
>comply or be socially stigmatized. End of message

>a woman cant be good looking with good character

Coping ugly faggot detected.

Because liberals and leftist Jews haven't been humbled

Attached: 1556929968913.png (400x461, 444K)

wanna bet you won't be considered pure and white enough if you actually get your ethnostate. There will always be others claiming they deserve more or should have power over you because their bullshit bloodline is more pure than yours.

>Sexy women aren't going anywhere user
Factually incorrect.

you let women be involved in your hobby and watch as as they slowly kill it because is not about them

are you saying I'm some sort of an NPC? You do realize the NPC meme used by the right wing is the most ironic misuse of a meme ever?

notice how none of the redditors itt didn't reply to this post, they have no arguments

Prove it.
Hard mode: your imagination and stock opinions don't count as evidences

>pretty characters in games are somehow immediately masturbation fuel
You should rope yourself you fucking degenerate.

Once you understand the jealousy of real life landwhales and ugly feminists towards attractive fictional women you see why they push for this view that sexy character = dumb/incompotent and only there for sex appeal

Why? Because the appearance is all the jealous landwhale and feminist can focus on, ignoring all other aspects of the character and judging them solely on appearance which is "wrong and shameful" if the character is sexy and attractive but since males do not have such jealousy instincts built into them they manipulate them by saying the character "objectifies women" or is there only for sex appeal and needs to be made uglier or as plain and ugly as the vocal feminist so it no longer presents a threat.

This toxic mindset is the result of female jealousy towards fantasy, nothing more.

>make your own games
>make your own game console
>make your own internet
>make your own bank
is you fags who don't want to coexist, you want to change everything for your own needs

Fun fact: Sonya's actress in MK3, Kerri Hoskins, used to be a Playboy model. There are nudes of her online.

Attached: Kerri.gif (350x250, 1.93M)

Actually, more truthful than that, dudes lust after these fictional females and then end up using the uggos as practice girls. Imagine having no value to your partner other than being a physical hole to dump semen into. Drives those turds mad

This thread alone should be proof enough. But you can always test it yourself by making another thread complaining about lack of big tiddies in video game and see how long it takes before people start mentioning trans people, feminists controlling corporations with their feelings (the most laughable conspiracy theory anons ever came up with) and jews.

>Games are a fantasy not some political agenda.

Thing is women looking sexy isn’t a fantasy. Unless you’re one of the hideous beasts that works at a minder at these content companies. And that’s the point.

Your average woman will work very hard to get male attention. An ugly or unattractive woman will try to change the rules of the game so things like youth and beauty aren’t supposedly valued anymore (can’t beat biology though).

People have know this forever. Aristophanes wrote a play about it 2500 years ago. It’s the nature of woman.

you must be a fag who shivers when you see boobs but let me tell you that senran kagura despite being fanservicy, it has a lot more character development but of yourse you guys can´t see them past the piece of meat which makes me question who is the real bigot here

not a single man wants to have sex with an ugly feminist like you

t.butthurt tranny

A ton of chicks are open about liking the game, and the devs didn't want to fuck with it for that reason

Remember that Blizzard tried to remove the porn from the web

That nice, but we require the nudes of her to be in character. Do those exist?

cry more tranny

better to be a butthurt tranny than a degenerate nationalist undermining his own future while being deluded he's saving the white children.

No EA used their money and effort to send her to Sweden to give a talk at DICE and that clearly had an influence on them considering the games released and developed after that
>Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2
>Battlefield 1
>Battlefield V

You can find the poison of critical theory and anitas holy teachings in all of these games.

>actually taking Joe Rogan seriously
He really started being shit once his stand-up was not the focus of his career.

You assumed the user supported an ethnostate based on what? You leftist scumbags are insufferable, just because we don't care about your tranny filth and whining non white bollocks doesn't mean we want to kill every non aryan on the planet.

Get a reality check you skinny fat reddit using numale

Really goes to show how little you understand. Why are right wing nuts such babies?

Attached: funny_picdump_3013_640_15.jpg (656x600, 33K)

The post was referring to the twitter CEO being on joe rogans podcast, not joe rogan himself. Reading comprehension, l*ftist.

>the right is losing the culture war

Attached: European race war soon.png (591x528, 334K)

Look at the oeuvre of any prominent feminist and you’ll find at least one part where the frumpy Jew (because they’re almost all Jews) was in high school and ignored by Chad in favor of the pretty blonde cheerleader. feminism is their revenge.

There’s a screengrab of Jessica Valenti writing an article about how she’s is sad about how nobody is catcalling her in the street anymore. It’s tough for men to understand just how important male attention is for these women and how the disappearance of it drives them nuts.

go eat a shit asshole. If you actually followed the posts you'd see he said that "trans people, non-Whites and women's rights" should not exist. If you're really gonna say that my jump in logic that he's also a race realist/faggot nationalist is unfounded then you are also a deluded faggot.

>according to this fringe guy

Life is too comfortable to start shit

What else do you want them there for? If not for your desire to seek sexual gratification there would be no problem with ugly females.

While the censorship does really get put of hand, so too does the pandering and obnoxious design of many female characters.

We have plenty of weedy guys in games, I don’t see why we can’t also be fairly representative of women that aren’t 10/10 supermodels

If we had more of a balance we’d have more varied characters and possibly the SJW crowd would get off peoples back to have the more outrageous titty monsters

In short many female character designs are a scattershot of what gets people hard rather than what fits a situation and we’re getting the feedback like 20 years late

SJWs are a false flag attack designed to get public support for overturning the Supreme Court's ruling on marriage equality. If you have any place, ANY place at all, to escape having your nose rubbed in SJWism, you won't be mad enough to grab your torch and pitchfork when they tell you to.

indeed. she has her tendrils everywhere. absolutely unfathomable power.

as a european I've found these kind of titles hilarious. I've seen a regular stream of fear mongering tabloid-tier news about how Europe is turning to shit for like 15 years now, yet birds are chirping, the sun is shining, people are doing regular shit outside.

>right winger says war soon
so never then lol
you faggots are all talk and no action, and when you try to act, you just embarrass yourselves

>rightard reads something he wants to read and accepts it as holy gospel

Quiet tranny

A sudden economic downturn can change that.

>basically admitting that you're a tranny
lmao go back to plebbit and keep whining about muh non-whites and wammins rights over there fagtron

>fringe guy
maybe 5 years ago.

Attached: global right wings united in Verona.png (1065x814, 996K)

What is the play?

I like how all the shit we argue about now is little different from the shit the ancient Greeks used to argue about, just in different form

Pumping someone with chemicals because they think they're the opposite gender is unethical. The train of logic here is dumb.

The problem of EA is that is a huge ass company, so the fat feminist of middle management keep pushing feminist shit to the executives because they tell them it will sell more. And because executives are always completly out of touch with reality they eat it up and lets put tranny niggers in WW2

>assuming all those things about somebody based on a single post
So this is your brain on hormone pills.

In the US, yes

Not in fucking Europe. Have you seen France, Germany, and England lately?

You are correct. Censoring and thought control is done by moderate leftists.

Yes everywhere in our hobby it seems, and her idealogy is the one people are forced to adopt or be ostracized. Thats soft cultural power, but its a concept too subtle and complicated for your feeble little satirical mind to grasp.

>actually thinking I'm a tranny
you take everything at face value? Do you actually try and correct retarded insults that people throw your way? Are you a mentalist?

Or maybe...you just can't stand the fact that not all of the women are in bikinis now.

How did you survive traffic long enough to learn to use a computer?

hahahahahahahaha you actually believe in her power don't you. for you the tendrils and mind controls aren't satire, they're "fact." think about that for a second anonymous. who is interested in you believing this?

also to add, women shouldnt be taken seriously

>the left want to take my problematic shit
>the right want to take my degenerate shit

What side should I pick in the civil war

I guess it’s a matter of perspective but when I go outside on a bright sunny day in NYC I see attractive women everywhere, and they’re all wearing clothes that emphasize their best parts. It is indeed a “scattershot of what gets people hard”.

This idea that beautiful women who show off their tits and ass is some weird anomaly that must be corrected in content is fucking weird. It has NO basis in reality whatsoever. When you see shit like the new fatass 300 lb female operator in R6 Siege, that is more of a fantasy than a woman with big breasts wearing a low cut top.

>I think MK11 getting rid of skin is an attempt to attract a larger audience.
And how are their sales? Is their plan working?

>You do realize...
I use it when it's appropriate.
Do yourself a favor and grow some self awareness.

How are you not dangling from the ceiling yet?

Attached: the left isnt mentally ill-.png (593x909, 261K)

>Do yourself a favor and grow some self awareness.

Try not to poison yourself with a such strong dose of irony.

>you take everything at face value
You did the same exact thing with my post my dear autist.
Now begone and don't @ me.

they tried to hang me but I balanced myself on my big veiny cock.

You mean your discord tranny friends that cut themselves?

nope, your sexually frustrated violent nazi larpers.

>needing lifetime of research to figure out it's a mental disorder

>Americans giving predictions about Europe

Fuck off mate. Look at American rallies, they are civil war esque.
Wherever people dislike stuff we get violence.
Except for Austria and Switzerland, those countries are chill af and always let Germany take out the trash

>silicon valley algorithm techheads
>the left
>not the first up against the wall if a revolution actually kicked off.

If you want to see someone on the right deny science then just start a conversation about climate change. Anyone who is an ideological zealot, left or right, is eventually going to butt heads with reality and you can't win that fight by any means other than information control.

no one is denying climate change is real
climate change has always been happening, long before humans existed

there are plenty of fighting games featuring sexy girls

nice projection there

>Something which is not only not backed by any sort of studies, but can also easily be shut down by asking the person if they believe violence in video games causes violence.
It's rare, but I've seen liberals try to claim the effect of "sexist" games is more subtle and takes time to notice or some shit.

In 20 fucking 19, when people say climate change they almost always mean "man induced global warming"

Voice of Europe is American?

True, all solid statistical evidence comes from anonymous image boards.

Only if they are created by a man. If it is a woman making a sexy woman, then she is brainwashed by the patriarchy.

If you're implying I'm a nazi too, well giving those fags their own medicine is my both my pleasure and my social responsibility.

Please. Only because there are tin-foil hats here and there, it does not mean that we are an hive-mind like your side.
"We" as in real people, not as in wathever politcal windmill you are trying to fight

>Sexy women aren't going anywhere
Dilate morph.

Attached: metoo.png (979x1032, 79K)

I don't understand why rightards get so defensive when you call them rightards

Unironically based.

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>playing moral kombat

Attached: 46288959_482716628802914_6543850012042660349_n.jpg (1080x1350, 76K)

There are reasonable doubts about the extent to which man is responsible, the extent to which we can “fix” it, how bad the impact actually will be, flaws with the policies enacted and proposed by the left, etc. The fact is that the people who have proclaimed disaster for 30+ years have been spectacularly wrong to date, with probably false statements like in the late 80s saying “NYC will be underwater in 30 years”.

It’s not “science denial” to point this out.

Those games can still exist while people also try to improve storytelling in video games. You don't have to throw everything out just because you deem it to be not working.

speak for yourself, plenty of people love sex and aren't afraid of it like you are incel

>/pol/ shitter blames others of turning things political
>insists on taking his politics everywhere he goes

religious conservatives have to be some of the most mind-numbingly boring people on earth

There's plenty of ugly/fat chicks in real life.

i think it is incredibly naive to not consider the vested interests in this question

>There are reasonable doubts
no, those doubts are not reasonable, those doubts are raised by corporate lobbyists. Almost every single scientists on the planet in the last several decades has claimed it is happening and is proven time and time again (imagine that, you can measure the temperature every day and compare it to earlier data) and if you care about survival at all, you should consider it gospel by now.
>It’s not “science denial” to point this out.
It's exactly that.

>Why arent female characters allowed to look sexy anymore?
Isn't there a fetish porn game that got millions in kikestarter bucks really fast in development, right now?

I know because it was being shilled here heavily.

Because modern devs know females aren't beautiful creatures which deserve your admiration. Truly redpilled.

>You guys need to look up "empathy" in the dictionary some time.

Attached: 1536556699444.png (1392x6620, 1.46M)

yeah i guess the ice age was caused by evil nazi scientists going back in their time machine to build factories

You are delusional holy shit.

Thank you for simultaneously demonstrating both right wing science denial and the amazing capacity for self delusion humans possess that enables a zealot to deny reality.

leftists absolutely hate anyone who is different from them
they dont even try to hide their racism against asians
empathy, huh

Yeah I mean you are definitely getting some opposing skew and overcorrect but people losing their shit at that one archer in Dragon age 3 speaks some volumes

the ice age was a natural process. Modern rise of temperature is caused by modern heavy industry and industrial resource gathering.

>if you care about survival at all

None of these issues will threaten our lifestyles until decades after we are dead, if not centuries. And ultimately, the world isn't going to end. Humanity will find a way to survive. Or they won't. Either way, it's not my problem.

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>ignoring all other aspects of the character and judging them solely on appearance
Isn't that... wait for it... objectification?


is it opposite day?

100% agree. I'm not a fan of monster titty games out of Japan, but people who want that experience are welcome to have it. It's obnoxious how one group of people who want something are trying to demonize and control what another group wants. If it was something truly obscene like pedophelia, then it would be a totally different discussion. We're just talking about titties and ass on presumably adult women.

>they just have to share the spotlight with (arguably) deeper characters

Attached: howbaddoismell.jpg (559x472, 22K)

every game would look like something out of the skyrim nexus?

Why you are like this? At least try to make an argument

Advertisement to lesbian feminist land whales who buy more video games.

>we run things around here, goyim!

bitch, even within our lifetime, a small rise in temperature can have EXTREME weather and global socio-economic consequences. So unless you are a part of the upper class then you are also fucked, your lifestyle can completely change, your luxuries gone. It might not be a cataclysmic event for humankind, but it might be one for your lifestyle.


Attached: party time.png (611x2214, 499K)


It's only got something like 40,000 donors. It's not like it's going to sell millions because the whole world loves animated porn or anything. It's just whale bullshit.

Unfortunately no, but here's the most SFW pic I could find.

Attached: 1515732030970.jpg (377x690, 53K)

No way, fag.

Attached: 1555361436826.png (2915x2368, 2.99M)

Indeed, they objectify women by reducing them to their appearance and judging them solely on it.

But both parties are guilty of this desu, the amount of times I've seen faggots on Yea Forums calling 2B a whore or hooker for dressing that way and being attractive. They judge her as being attractive and therefore incompetent, and SJW's judge characters like her as being attractive and therefore misogynistic

Both parties are guilty of objectification in this sense, as well as a totally shit imagination which makes you wonder why they even play vidya

Also neither side seems to be able to appreciate beauty for beauty's sake too, its either sexist and oppressive for one side or "something that belongs in porn" for the other.

Attached: 1551508958495.jpg (744x1074, 153K)

why bother? you guys don't give a shit about words. you'll say anything and the next day you'll pretend you didn't.

this is why I don't understand why you get so defensive when called by name. when you care so little about what you say yourself, why care so much about what I say?

For nu-Yea Forums, sexual gratuity doesn't count if it hurts their feelings by being yucky cucky.
It's too painful for them to get what they want while the monkeypaw also makes it hit too close to home.

Attached: laughing starwhores.jpg (415x325, 14K)

Tranny derangement sindrome.

This. Fuck trannies for ruining my videogames.

Also I just realized we've been having these arguments and these threads on Yea Forums about this topic since 2014.

I saved pic related from here in 2014

Attached: 1401741007767.jpg (622x420, 44K)

Sexy characters still exist, just only outside of western media. Development studios and journalist have been taken over largely by papmpered millennials who were brainwashed through whatever university they attended on mommy/daddy's dime and had joined the pc mob. Most of the people who potray sexiness as being bad are often white knights or tumblr queens who have zero chances at being laid so they attempt to act pretentiously nice and sophisticated in hopes that they might get a piece of ass eventually, but never any kids or a family because the idea of personal responsibility is more freightening than a massive pair of mammories to them.

Looks bad. Go buy a high-end hooker so that you can have sex and find out that it's not as incredible as it is in your fantasies

daily reminder that we have pornography for free and that we don't really need polygonal asses to "admire" on top of that.

Nukige nowadays are better than ever before and some even have quality romance that can make you feel. I don't have to rely on the west anymore to play games with sexy girls anymore. I'm free.

>women complain about sexualization in video games
>"haha make your own games if it bothers you"
>women start making their own games
>"w-wait, no, not like this..."

Have you? Do you have any idea of what it takes to start a civil war?

Hint: A good quality of living doesn't start a civil war

>graphics are photorealistic now
>but the female designs are ugly and deliberetely unnattractive


>we have pornography for free
the games are free too retard
kill yourself

Mobile internet, social media. Send the T-800 back in time to axe the right people.

>women start making their own games
I wish.

So are we being raided by a tranny discord or what

>>women start making their own games
they didnt though
the games are still made by men, they just have a few women in the company who tell the men to make the female characters ugly
the women arent developers

>if you care about survival at all,

Even if you think that it is gospel nobody is actually proposing anything that would fix it. It’s clear there is no political will to actually lower emissions and fix the problem globally in a real way if it can be done. A lot of the countries that talked big about it are actually making the problem worse as they move away from nuclear, like Germany. Nobody is actually willing to lower their standard of living in global terms to reduce emissions, it’s all about magic fairy solutions that don’t exist.

Now I’m of the opinion that if this was actually a real and pressing survival threat the political will would there.

Have sex

>But both parties are guilty of this desu, the amount of times I've seen faggots on Yea Forums calling 2B a whore or hooker for dressing that way and being attractive. They judge her as being attractive and therefore incompetent, and SJW's judge characters like her as being attractive and therefore misogynistic

Ever consider the possibility that both parties are one in the same? I've often wondered if many of the people who shit on games like Nier or Code Vein are actually part of nu/v/'s resident coven of toasty roasties.

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not addressing my argument. My argument was that no one should care or not if games somehow overnight all became completely asexual things, because you can still very easily find things to excite you.

this is what you get for posting your shit opinion on Yea Forums

Have sex

Not allowed. I'm a wizard.

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>Triggered lefty.
Kill yourself. Seriously. Your lot always turn out to be fucking pedos. Every time without fail.

Hot opinion
Sonya has only ever looked good in MK1, 3, and maybe 4
Every other Sonya is trash

... True it is sexist. I really can not fault your logic.

How about you have sex

>women start making their own games
*taking existing series and making it their own giving the middle finger to old fans with glee.

>nobody is actually proposing anything that would fix it
the fuck are you talking about. Cutting industrial emissions down to a certain percentage, cleaning the oceans of plastic using newly designed ships, using nuclear, wind, solar energy instead of coal...

People are far more educated now when it comes to nuclear energy, it's not considered something anti-ecological anymore, especially since modern nuclear power plants are not the same as the early cold war ones. Nuclear power is now considered as a helpful tool to combat global warming.

Its called sex. Having sex will allow you to do that.

this pic right here is proof of how fucking petty, jealous, and insufferable women can be when there's another woman who most men would say is more attractive

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Why are you promoting race culture

No. I'm doing more to help women by keeping to myself than most feminists ever will in their entire lives.

I congratulate you for getting so many people angry. Ahaha, oh god Yea Forums is something else.

How come everyone on Yea Forums is a deranged woman hating incel then?

Use your magic powers to have sex

>he thinks social media screencaps can be used as an argument

>it's just that most people are tired of one-dimesional characters that bring nothing to the table but sex appeal
>developers instead create characters with ZERO value and no sex appeal

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Think about what you're suggesting. You don't want innocent women to be sexually harassed by virgins, do you?

That's fine that youre a crazy person but it doesn't mean any company has to pander to you. Woman hating incels only cause bad press with their endless crying and death threats. Why would a dev make a game catering to an audience like you?

Please have sex with consenting adults and stop projecting your shit fetishes on people.

Why are w*men so negative in the interwebz?

Because I like racing games and it's a genre that's dying bruh

I wonder what other women think of this. Because Yea Forums is acting like bunch of toddlers here.

The value is they trigger incels. What do you fat virgins not understand? You're fucking ugly smelly losers and normies don't want to play games if you're around. Just go be a good hikikkomori nd stick to jap VNs on steam and shut up

Could be, or its just the plethora of normalfags we've had for years now.

Normalfags are the people who say "just watch porn lmao", they don't necessarily have any ulterior motive in their criticism and views but its still normalfag as fuck. These anti-anime anti-beauty normalfags and SJW's are criticizng the same thing but using different arguments I guess, SJW's have more of an ideological slant to their criticism which they learned from critical theory type material, while the normalfags are just normalfags who play vidya for different reasons than us, but can't comprehend that others enjoy vidya for their own different reasons too, that or they're insecure or too egotistic who the fuck knows.

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No. I want you to have sex.

Well, in MK11's case, it's because the character designer thinks that

-it's immature and degrading to have fictional women look attractive and be dressed sexy
-a woman would never wear sexy clothes in a fight for her life, she would always be completely covered and have armor if she could
-Mortal Kombat needed to grow up

He also begs you to ignore how eight of the male characters are either default half-naked or have half-naked skins in their fights for their lives and that brutally beating and gorily killing women is far worse than making them attractive and sexy.

0/10 bait, try harder

Have sex you fat fuck, God I feel so sorry for the fathers on incels

That's not what conservatism is. You can be conservative in lifestyle or economics and still be receptive of others

No amount of sorcery will ever get someone like me laid.

Anime is ugly and degenerate.

Fap to better art.

>Normalfags are the people who say "just watch porn lmao"
listen to that advice. It's for your own good and self realization. Normalfags can actually be right sometimes.

Try at what? I'm just enjoying the daily crying from the sexless freaks that need cartoon tits to not kill themselves. It's a goddamn goldmine of mental illness lol


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>Another thread where resetera and resetera tier Yea Forumsirgins and /pol/ losers fight and spread propaganda

High population Yea Forums was a mistake

Women are upset about women that look better than them. Even virtual ones.
Truly the niggers of gender

It's hilarious how quickly you people proved him right.

Do you know how utterly disgusted women would be with themselves knowing that a creep like me tried to flirt with them? Learn some empathy, man.

Absolutely BASED Incel faggots blown the fuck out

>nobody brings up pol
>brings up pol for some inexplicable reason


Skyrim with mods/Koikatsu/CM3D2/HS/WildLife/MGQ/etc... > regular lame boring porn videos with no interactivity

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The left went so far left they became puritanical

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>Weeb trash
Sure buddy

>These are the people who use Yea Forums now

Yea Forums got filled with normalfags awhile ago

SJWism is societal cancer aiming at reversing virtues and values to destroy society.

Beauty used to be power. It is now a sin. Attractive women should be covered up and ugly women are equal and to be accepted.

This is too close to home.
I was a kid when things like pokemon came around. In like what '98? Even though that blew up it was mostly boys. The girls would look at us with gameboys as weirdos. MInd you this was in elementary so that makes sense. I kept playing that into high school and still you have some thot saying "eww, your playing pokemon". that was in like '03 or '04. Now? The same girls that where making fun of my friends and I for enjoying some good old vidya have long infected our groups. Saying shit like "we been into this all along". So they treated us like shit why? Because of appearing like nerds or geeks?
Even worse its getting harder to find good games without their stink all over it. Shit sucks, I wish games stayed in the hands of basement dwellers. At least I could sit down and have fun with game that were filled with dirty jokes, violence, and fun. Only the crazy christian moms would bug us.

it's going to be over soon, right user? Soon we'll have fun?

Am I in fortnite or do I reside in syphon filter. Someone let me know so I know whether to enjoy myself or not

God I wish I could use her upper body as a pillow at night

Because we hate having to change what we like so 1(one) women don't get pissy.
My video games shouldn't be subject to a crazy bitch's monthly mood. I'm gay by the way.

those mods bring you short term hedonism at the price of long term alienation and frustration.

mention 5 "deep" female characters in good games without sex appeal.

Is that not men? Complaining about nothing pleasing them? Both genders are pathetic. Well men more so. Because women actually make some change (ot at least blackmail developers).

>better arts

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been here since 2007 faggot.

Tough love for incels, trying to get them off videogames and into the real dating world. Good luck incels!

This, fucking neo-puritanism, we will look back on this repressive, sex-negative period of history and wonder how we could be so stupid and regressive as a civilization.

The pendulum will swing eventually, society and history are cyclical.

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I know that doujin, you have good taste.

>Tough love for incels, trying to get them off videogames and into the real dating world.
Sounds like a lose-lose for everyone involved.

If they are able to influence games art and character design, then they kind are.

And who are you again?

Maybe for you they do, also you're saying watching porn doesn't?

If anything porn is worse, it leads to cuckoldry and unrealistic expectations about sex, while in vidya its all unrealistic by default so you don't think real life is like your porn if you are somehow unable to seperate the two.

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>Self-awareness approaching 0%

i think it is time to start to consider the possibility that women do not have mind control powers, and that the devs are just making the characters they want to make

I want 2b to break my ribs with her thighs

>haha guys i'm on a japanese image board crying about japanese things i am the hip fly man

watching pornograpgy is at least socially acceptable today, fapping to video games is still considered pathetic behavior.
>but I don't care, I'm a strong independant person that doesn't need anyone
if you were gonna say something like that, you should do some soul searching and really ask yourself if you really want to be alone.

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Yup, dude anyone who tries to refute this is shitflinging. I remember the 1990s-early 2000s playing GBA and I still have my old GBA and gameboy color somewhere. I am ok with being a loser if it keeps normalfags and women out of my hobby. At least I have my motorcycle hobby to keep them at bay.

I married my high school sweetheart and I have a 4 year old son, I'm 100% sure I've achieved more sex and just generaly more in life then you'll ever have.

>Why arent female characters allowed to look sexy anymore? Games are a fantasy not some political agenda.
Because selling 'sexy' DLC costumes are 'lewd lootbox' bonuses are considered sinful to western business.

Thats making money the no-no way

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If you can draw 10/10 males and females, anything less is a design failure.
Different ways of being 10/10s are welcome, tho

>fapping to video games is still considered pathetic behavior
And? I'm a wizard.

>if you were gonna say something like that, you should do some soul searching and really ask yourself if you really want to be alone.
See above.

That too. I mean people are just getting way to emotional.

>West trash

have you not seen what twitch thots make while they "play games".
there are a fucktone more "desperate incels" then people that wont take her shit.

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>socially acceptable

Don't care.

The rest of your argument is typical normalfag fake-concern shit too.

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I mean this is sad. Abusing your libido to drain money out of you. And you are using this as good example.

despite their magical powers, even wizards desire company of others, it's only natural. Why do you think being put in a solitary confinement is worse than sharing the same space with other potentially violent criminals? Even dangerous people are better than no company at all.

>thing has development, and here's the lowdown on it
>>haha but it's still a thing from country i dont like so it has no development by default!

That's when the iPhone was released, when Facebook opened to the public, and when Tumblr was founded.
The Big Bang Theory also started airing in 2007.

I mean yeah, but that is with every franchise. People remake games with there own spin or take on characters all the time.

>Why arent female characters allowed to look sexy anymore? Games are a fantasy not some political agenda.

No its for tricking indies, startups and smaller companies to self-neuter themselves not to benefit sex appeal or edginess.

Large game developers, publishers and established IP, are always going to be fine regardless of being puritan or sexy.

>no one can possibly enjoy being alone and prefer solitude and their own company!

Oh you poor clueless normalfag allow me to prove you wrong - en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Thomas_Knight

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That's not how it works retard. The affirmative claim has the burden of proof. You have to corroborate the idea that they do before anyone can debunk it

>you should do some soul searching and really ask yourself if you really want to be alone
Why do you think he's alone though?
Why are you so certain he has no one?
>He doesn't have a GF so he's clearly lonely
And if he has great friends who are with him through hell or high water, what then? Is he still lonely or is he just not getting sex? Which is it?


If I had the money maybe.
I do model building to keep myself sane these days. Gundam stuff, but have been getting more into military tanks and planes as gundam is slowly but surely getting poisoned. Not many but there are female gunpla builders. For every 1 girl that builds because she loves it, and post pics of her plamo there are 10 that for every build photo there's a pic of them, or pic related.

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(((They))) sided with Anita.

Twitch thots are getting the audience that the western gaming market is abandoning

>comparing prison life in a restricted 5m x 5m cell vs. being on your own, on your own terms

Lmao, what a pathetic comparison

>and that the devs are just making the characters they want to make
then why didnt they make ugly characters before
why did this only start happening when they started hiring feminists

women control beta men with sexual threats and offers
>if you dont do what i say i wont have sex with you!
>if you do what i say, maybe i'll have sex with you (i wont, but as long as you believe i might, you will do what i say)
>have sex!

If video games made people violent I've have been arrested and executed for mass murder years with all the violent games I play.

>sandy vadge

I wouldn't expect reactionary NEETs getting their information from clickbait to have an accurate picture of real life events.

its no wonder why games are starting to stink the big one

Bump. Just to end this thread already.

>truly believes virtue is what gives people power and real estate

good luck with that one

I keep to myself for the good of mankind, user. No one deserves to suffer my company.

he didn't deny it also I didn't mention getting a gf at any point, I assumed he's completely friendless thanks to his admittance of downright pathetic behavior. I've been a bottle pissing WoW addict for 6 years and even I would think twice about hanging out with someone who actually masturbates to video game characters.
you can, but for a while, not for most of your life. And good fucking luck trying to follow the example you listed. Also despite not being able to know this, I'm willing to bet he was depressed at times too.

>it's all about me ME MEEE MEEEEE
fucking kids
maybe it has no real point to think about the effect on males
maybe girls don't like to be presented as pieces of meat
maybe companies are tired of pandering to thirsty beta incels and are trying to get girls to like them instead
maybe you should have sex

They did make ugly men all the time. Sometimes women. And who are those ugly women you keep talking about.

It sucks man, but Ive accepted the world is rot and everything I cherish is being destroyed. But stuff like riding a motorcycle is a solo enjoyment going through the gears etc. But those games I enjoyed still exist and I can play them as they were then. I just don't socialize with people as much, Im less angry when I dont acknowledge most franchises made after 05+.

As opposed to your everyday person getting their information from carefully controlled and filtered media sources that scrub out all the inconvenient truths and news that doesn't fit their carefully constructed "progressive and tolerant" narrative?


What you find sexy was modeled by patriarchism.
We must go back to Rubens era. Was still patriarchial yet they wanted fat women.

what's the "accurate picture" of literal record-crime in Europoor countries and England's violent crime rate surpassing New York's you cuckold sped?

Keep seething and I'll keep fapping to my videogame characters

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>I've been a bottle pissing WoW addict for 6 years and even I would think twice about hanging out with someone who actually masturbates to video game characters.
I would too, I mean imagine being friends with a bottle pissing faggot who thinks he's better than anyone despite not being able to use a toilet. You're barely above an Indian, unless you want to admit to shitting in something that wasn't a toilet in which case, if true, your name is now Pajeet.


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bitch, anyone getting news from one source is borderline retarded. If you think all big news outlets are left wing and progressive, you are retarded too.

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Bump to end this thread.


but I am better

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>bab who even wasnt born in the 90s where Lara Crofts tits were everywhere

Because Feminists are mad that they can't any dick.
That's why Feminists hate gamers. We are desensitized, would rather jack off than rape a bitch, and unfortunately we can't get it up to ugly women due to the nature of our fetishizing and ugly women constitute the majority of Feminism. Basically Feminists only have a chance with lower-tier males, and lower-tier males have found an outlet that's better than involving themselves with ugly women, a historical precedent made possible by technology and taken to levels impossible in past history.
Basically put:
>gamers are voluntary celibates when it comes to ugly feminists
>ugly feminists are involuntary celibates when it comes to gamers
>the roles are actually reversed
>feminists are buttmad and want to destroy what makes this possible

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so, shit people are being cattered to. I see.

its turned into an "its not porn so its acceptable" version of live cam shows. i am extremely jealous of the money women can make just showing a bit of skin while pretending to care about playing a game, and extremely dissapointed at the thirst that men that pay them for false affection and friendship that they offer, and amazed that this is a great example of capitalism working from the ground up. and sickened by the corruption of twitch for letting them slide throguht the T&C because of said money they are scalping of the top of the johns.
honk pills comming on strong

>that 2018
Fucking based and redpilled

>Because Feminists are mad that they can't any dick.

>he never gave any feminists a dick
how fucking embarrassing can you get?

>all this incel cope

Triggered trannies

>can't get dick from any gamers because they'd rather jack off than fuck you
>call them gamers
No roastie, you are the involuntary celibate.

Based and redpilled

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NEET that jacks off to anime girls
>Can use a toilet
>Has basic hygiene
Some fag WoW addict that pisses in bottles
>Can't use a toilet
>has very poor hygiene that basic hygiene is beyond him

Even Muslims would rather fuck a goat than fuck a Feminist and there's no religion more Chad than Islam.

I choose not to use the toilet so I my massive DPS doesn't stop coming. You can't choose to have sex so you masturbate.

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Where do you take your motorcycle user?

Fox News is still the most watched news. I know you're trying to justify your victim complex in a specific way that makes your enemies obvious and powerful, but it's not that simple.

>Sexy women aren't going anywhere
Yeah, right.

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at least you acknowledged it as an ilness, it's the first step tranny, if you still had your balls you could have been saved.

>trying to excuse himself for not pounding feminist nookie
doubly embarrassing

I am European and have traveled to Germany twice and to England thrice, they literally are some of the best places to live in the entirety of planet Earth you dumbfuck

Anybody rational would excuse themselves from AIDS and fucking mental retards.
Having sex with mentally ill people is anything but ethical.

It's all downhill from here, user.

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I stopped giving a shit about Feminism when
>airconditioning is sexist
>castrate all men
>pic related
>spread of anti-semitism in Feminism
>Boghossian Exposure (Grievance Studies expose) which entrenched the fact that Feminism itself is radical retardation when the academia itself is
>Mein Kampf rewrites from a Feminist perspective being returned for re-editing for academic publishing because they were not extreme enough
Feminism is a dumpster fire.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-4-27 A Talking Raccoon Is Taken More Seriously Than Women by Male MCU Fans [Feminism (643x1341, 367K)

Women are allowed to be sexy, it's just that with shifting demographics, the straight male gamer pandering is seen as counter productive since everyone wants normies playing their games because they saw an esports tournament on ESPN.

>good looking people

Top frame must be around 2010. This is how it felt like when I found 4chin.

>I choose not to use the toilet
You're literally unhygienic. You're above NO ONE.

This char is highly inaccurate. The BBC fact reporting and actually presenting a complete picture of a situation? What a joke.
NBC censoring "mean and bad" handgestures now when they're previously reported that its all bullshit?
The guardian pushing for migration while advocating the local populace to NOT reproduce?
How very balanced and fact based.

>concentrated incel cope

The mechanical seems the be the way through it all. Sure there will be women that ride, in my case that shoot, but things like that are still enjoyable solo time.
Hopefully they don't make it illegal to have a rifle. It's one of my last few things I can enjoy on my own.
Best of luck user, enjoy your riding.

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