I hate to break it to you all, but The Legend of Zelda Oceania of Time is not a good video game. It’s actually very bad

I hate to break it to you all, but The Legend of Zelda Oceania of Time is not a good video game. It’s actually very bad.

Attached: 949AA673-F9D3-4160-89D4-406C58ACD9FB.jpg (667x500, 60K)

Fuck off Arin, go make cartoons again

Miyamoto is such a hack. Who the hell thought a big empty field would be fun to explore. Yet despite that the shitty overworld is the best part of the game, the dungeons are soulless messes with brainlet tier puzzles and insulting levels of handholding.

N64 aged the worst, honestly. I find oot to be boring and creepy

True, the only good games Nintendo's ever made are certain Mario 64, Super Metroid, F-Zero GX and Zelda II: Adventure of Link.

That unironically looks fucking amazing for a game made in the 90s & i haven't even played it before

It's a "you had to be there" type situation.

>mario 64
If gaming children would ever finally discover how fucking garbage that game really was, I think gaming would be cured of its bullshit forever.

Attached: 03-SM64.png (613x238, 100K)

There are games from the 90s that look far better than this, also running on the same console

It's funny because Sony has literally only made 3 relevant games (SoTC, Uncharted 2, TLOU), and everything else is forgotten & nobody gives a shit about it

we could save alot of characters and just say "overhyped"

It looks like shit, pc games in the 90s were far ahead of this

COPE, literally the best in every category

Attached: Consensus GOAT's.jpg (1908x1223, 3.6M)

Not sure who made or not, naughty dog made crash but it's not a sony exclusive, etc etc, if you discount some amazin jrpgs, medievil, patapon, loco roco are pretty cool, psp guy here.

> PC Games
All irrelevant literal who garbage, nobody has ever cared about PC gaming unless Blizzard or Valve were the ones making the games. Don't even bother trying to argue, because you know this is factually correct


>mario cant walk in a straight line
No... you cant walk mario in a straight line

>N64 aged the worst, honestly.

This. I absolutely cannot stand the texture filtering on the textures that the N64 does. It looks so fucking ugly. Is there any way to turn it off via emulation?

TLOU and Uncharted 2 are shit games though. Sony is a shit company now but they used to be great in the PS1 and PS2 days.

Not really.
This is relative to the sea of garbage Nintendo has released, it's a competently made game and has decent, entertaining game design.
So what? You also failed to include the one actually good Sony game, namely Tekken 3.

>those C items

Have we gotten to the point where Yea Forums is starting to call the entire N64, SNES and NES libraries unsalvagably shit either due to this board's inevitable march to call every game ever shit to make it Yea Forums 2.0 or because some literally whos said so? Or is there something I missed considering the past year or two I've seen anons attacking practically every game Yea Forums considers 'sacred' without giving a shit about its past history here? I mean for fuck sake, I've even see a shitload of anons here and there constantly say S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as a series was never good and thus you're shit for ever having liked it.

Jesus i'm not sure if this is bait or if Sony fans are really THIS Asshurt

Yea Forums actually likes games, there is never any shitposting, contrarianism or console wars whenever there's a video game thread. They admit to liking shit like The Last of Us, and nobody attacks them at all like these faggots do

Probably because most of it is either actual garbage or grossly overrated. Same with Stalker, it's a game with a bunch of neat ideas, but really overhyped by autists that love the open world aspect and the slavic theme.

N64 was when Nintendo went to shit and never recovered. Ocarina was a passable downgrade at the time but it hasn't aged well.


No it looks like garbage. This is Quake 3, came out in 1999, one year after OoT, on PC.

This webm shows working mirrors and reflective surfaces, wait till you see the working portal in the next webm.

Attached: Quake 3.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

I honestly can't believe this game came out in the 90's. It looks so fucking good. And no this isn't modded either.

Attached: Quake 3 Portal.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

> Literal who trash that nobody ever talks about & has been utterly forgotten, didn't win a single GOTY award
> This comes out the exact same year, and now has a 98 Metascore, won every award despite being a fighting game
LOL, this kills the PC Faggots

Attached: SoulCalibur.jpg (800x803, 132K)

Snes is the best, fuck off. Nes and n64 aged badly though.

Yeah I never got why people enjoyed it, I played it when it was new and wasn't impressed, tried again years later on the gamecube and just couldn't enjoy it at all. The only good zelda games are windwaker and botw.

>fightan shit

Literal meme genre no one cares. I haven't head anyone talk about SoulCalibur in forever either.

Are you the same "consensus zoomer" from yesterday, you are aren't you. Fuck off faggot. Literally no one cares about metacritic or what some gayman journalist faggot from 1998/9 thought was the best game.

wait- how is that even possible? longshot replaces hookshot, and OoT (needed to turn adult) replaces fairy ocarina

is this some crazy glitch or just confirmation that OP is bait?

Attached: BaitCreation.png (2500x1645, 148K)

SC 1 wasn't good, but 2 was desu

It's zoomers. They are taking over the board. Stalker has always been loved here. That said, OoT is a shit game and really does need to be called out for being overrated trash.

Fuck zoomers though. One of those little shits entered a Thief thread today and tried to shit it up with his hot opinions and faggotry.

Okay, guess I'll just take your word for it.

>Games are sacred bro
>The best games of all times list reads MarioZeldaZeldaZeldaMarioMarioZelda [some pc games].
>No one is allowed to question this. That's just the history
What are you, an opinion cop?

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