Wow classic : who is the most based npc and why it's defias pillager ?

Wow classic : who is the most based npc and why it's defias pillager ?

Attached: huhdefias.jpg (453x634, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread: Blackrock Slicer&page=1

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Defias are based, fuck alliance scum, typical politicians and scammers.

cant decide on professions for my mage, but since I want to PVP heavy I dont think i can skip out on engineering, i guess just boring old mining/engi

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if you're going engineering, definitely take mining at first. Mining isn't that rough to level as you go but either way you'll want it.
At 60, once you make your gadgets, you may consider dropping it for something else - i'd suggest tailoring or herbing. Tailoring you could easily power yourself through, and herbing would bring you far more gold than mining if you don't mind running around and would pair well with phase 2 dm:e farming if you went that route.
Re: mining, once engineers and blacksmiths level their shit, they don't need a ton of ore/bars anymore, so the real money is dark iron and arcane crystals, and crystals are a lottery (except for dm:e again) and dark iron will be farmed hard. I always find herbalism a bit easier plus you'll save a ton on mats for consumes, and you'll have more than enough gold to buy yourself mats for grenades or reflectors, seaforium, reflectors, etc etc.
Enchanting is good too and another one you could easily boost yourself through as a mage, but i dislike sitting in org or ironforge barking for an hour or two to sell enchants. If you're into that then it's great.

Just my gay opinion tho.

thanks user ill consider this

Progress phases

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Do we know how long between phases? specifically 1>2. I want to farm the shit out of DM on my mage so i can fund my alts


I hate MoP so damn much.

Reminder that they were never elite, and you got Berensteined.

We don't, I'd bet probably not long though since the crazy people will be attacking blizzard daily for the next content after they kill ragnaros first day

>mfw alternate timeline expansions
>yfw they officially override the modern wow lore

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Who the fuck ever thought they were elite? The problem was that they aggored from a thousand yards away, usually stood within aggro range of other mobs, and hit like dump trucks. They died super fast when you actually got to them.

Imagine TBC and WotlK done right

For me the expansions were dumb, if they had just continued launching major updates every 6 months that would have made the game better. The big mistake was raising the level cap and invalidating all existing items. And then you can talk about flying and LFD of course.

The good thing about vanilla is that gearing up is more than just having the latest raid on farm.
At least until AQ, anyway

It’s a common misconception, stemming from one of the early changes in vanilla that removed a lot of elites.
The fact they hit like a truck made people think they forgot to tweak the damage.

>all of them are as bad as the current latest expansions.
Would you really want it though?

>expecting modern-day Blizzard to produce something good on their own

>real Draenei for the alliance, with Akama as the leader
>Kael as the BE leader
>heroic mode dungeons are still there, but now they’re the full wings in one, with an extra boss as the true final boss
>daily quests never go above 10, and ideally get set to 5, so you have to work opportunity costs for faction levelling and the economy doesn’t get inflated

as long as LFG,cross realm,and LFR are not put in the game, the game is good.

Two weeks for each.

They should of left level cap at 60 and just made new zones raids and dungeons. TBC talent tree tho is the best IMHO, they added abilities that were in beta like crusader strike for retpals ect.

+1 except no daily quests at all

it was shit

>Real Draenei
>Kael as BE leader

Good God imagine how it could've been

Daily quests mainly became an issue when they were seen as a checklist with no way of ever failing to do them all, and when they became so ridiculously numerous that they were making the end game money sinks trivial.
I think a lot of people forget just how vital those end game costs were for the economy.

*patrols ur quest zone*

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I don't want to be forced to log in an do same thing every day, like a korean phone game.

At least doing tasks in korean phone game just involves a bunch of cookie clicking shit while doing something else in real life
Doing MMO dailies is so fucking straining and it prevents you from doing anything else

>paladins only alliance
>shamanes only horde
>no flying mounts
>no elfs for horde, brown orcs instead
>bloodefls for alliance
>actual zones with quests instead of chaingrinding conveniently placed mobs next to questgivers
>more 10 man content, more 5 man content
>no raids vs major wc3 lore characters
>no resilience gear
>no arenas, no more battlegrounds
yep that would have been great

>hurr lets change some minor details about the races that just by being there ruined the lore
fucking brainlet

>see hogger
>call the guards
>they put him in jail

>sauce: my ass

what group level is required to complete deadmines? 20?

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This guy knows whats up

No, mine.

You didn’t originally.
Dailies were initially there for the vanity factions like nether wing or Skyguard, or as a minor aid to grinding with the heroic factions. Dungeons and heroics were the main way to get reputation until Sunwell.
The money was nice, but Elemental Plateau and professions was where the real money was at.

19-21 ideally, probably get it done with most at 18/19

I want Gobbos for horde.

there is always some sub lvl 20 leech trying to get in

I'm not sure if setting a hard limit at 60 is the way to go, but I certainly agree with your points.

>no arenas, no more battlegrounds
Did you mean "no arena, more battlegrounds"?

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I think it's phase 1+2 at once, then phase 3+4 in one go and 5 and 6 separately

wouldn't make much sense otherwise, i.e. releasing only 2 out of 3 bgs, or releasing zg much later than bwl

So will they eventually release BC?

>Draenei being their real Frozen Throne selves
>minor detail
Nigger, the eredar retcon is arguably the single biggest lore issue in the game. The snowball effect it caused is still causing fuck ups now.

Thats how it was released in vanilla though

Hoping a few months at least.

18/19 is the best, with one slot for a 17/20

20s will steamroll it, and 16s/17s will struggle at the end.

zg gear finally makes warlocks and mages compete with melee dps

true no battlegrounds was a bit too much
after all they secure even numbres for both sides, making it a somewhat fair competition

Will people sperg out if mail/plate users roll on leather gear, even if it's their bis?

As a mage I will DAB on u in MC

Why would they even bother differentiating the phases if they are putting them out together, user?
We can safely assume they are not doing phase 1/2 at once, i have no idea why you think that makes any sense at all.
We won't know the time span between until they tell us, we can only speculate.

retail cucks will but those who know how things work won't

Fuck all you level 17s getting indignant nobody wants to carry your ninjapulling ass. Get to an appropriate level, then, well you still shouldn't spam people.

delusional magelet

I've had rogues getting pissy I got the rend swords. Doesn't have anything to do with armor class, people just hate losing loot and will use any excuse to whine about it.

Pretty much this.

For me it's about the specc though. Unless otherwise stated you only get to need on loot for the specc you are currently running.

>[Tank]: Mind if i roll need?
>[Hunter]: Oooh, nice for pvp!

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>tfw I'll be in greens for years because I'll be too scared to roll on anything as a hunter

Cata was the beginning of the end, but in a lot of ways better than what came after.
>T11 was great
>Ability pruning only did it's first step, so classes were still better than later with more pruning
>heroic dungeons were hard at launch (though nerfed to death)

Based Hunterchads not giving a fuck about anyone else. Who needs other people when you got your pet by your side?

>[Master Loot]: No. This goes to the rogue.

>Pandus bad
>Me am smart

that said, pserver autists didn't seem to have a problem with TS and other bis gear but then again those chucklefucks reserve everything nowadays

>wasting tankstriker on r*gue
brainlet ML

this didint even proc at all

This except the draenei and blood elves belong to their own faction and you do illidans bidding

yeah man because hybrids spend their entire time outside of dungeons in their healing role
obviously there are some clear items they shouldnt be snagging from the pure classes but if you're going to go down the faggot road with loot you'd better be prepared to have a rough time finding healers.
that would be like a raid forbidding resto shamans from grabbing ele gear because "lol its not your spec you're resto lmao".

Stay in the cuckbush, huntard.

healers and tanks can obviously roll on their dps specs if they want, opinions of dps simply doesn't matter

Kurzen Medicine Man > Defias Pillager

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It's alright if a warrior or rogue rolls on rend swords.
However, if a hunter rolls on it, I would feel kind of pissed. The set is just a bit less than 0.5% crit for them over wearing 2 13agi weapons, while it's a huge dps boost to melee.

You can easily do it @ 16 if people know what they're doing, but it's optimal at 17-18 so you'll level up in there and be able to wear the rewards asap.

>using daggers

>if people know what they're doing
where do you think you are right now

>if people know what they're doing
good luck getting 5 lvl 16 who know what they are doing within the first month of the launch

well that would be freaking awesome, but it would be much work to do, while I was focusing on things that just require some shuffling around

also it's questionable as to what impact a 3rd faction would have

Firelands Cata was amazing. Classes felt good to play, Firelands was a good raid, the dungeons were in a good spot.
It's the Dragon Soul patch that ruined Cataclysm, and WoW forever.

New raids also invalidate old items.

yeah, that was as a warrior way back when
hunters dual wielding is just plain stupid in the first place, and fuck grinding UBRS when the alternatives are so easy to get

to the rogue's credit though, he did have the other piece already so of course anyone would get a bit pissy. probably done dozens of runs hoping for it.

>Server would undergo maintenance
>Go to another server
>40 man lv 1 raid on Hogger

I allow them to roll on dps gear if it's established with the other players first.
In my experience it's usually easier to get a dps that will share rather than a new healer.

At any rate it's important to spend 20 seconds establishing that shit at the beginning, so you don't have to spend an inordinate amount of time finding new members when a group falls apart.

Cata was shit, classes felt like shit with many skills removed.

not if you have to gear up in previous raids to do the new raid

Fair point.
Foolproof team: just say no to hunters and you'll be fine, especially if you're the tank. 16+

>cant decide on a class / spec because all fun specs are useless garbage in Classic
Where's the (good) roll image at?

Fuck off. If you got a second month of wrath or played anything thereafter your opinion is worth less than dogshit.

I don't know, man. I played Hunter and felt amazing in Firelands. A haste-based Aimed Shot build was extremely comfy, and felt more hunter than hunter has ever felt.

as a tank I'd say it's just not worth the risk of utter failure, I'll just wait until I'm 18 so I can cherry pick 3 lvl 20 cloth dps so I don't have to deal with huntards and melee dps cunts

If this is not based, I don't know what is

if you're a special needs kid who needs some dumb meme spec just go druid and you'll have 4!

>mfw there are people who actually WANT timegating

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If anything good then get a class people need.

Go Priest or Druid.

Always welcome and always needed.

I thought Firelands was pretty dogshit aside from Raggi. Only 7 bosses and only one great one. (and one of them was also rhyolith)

I just don't want to play generic WRPG crap (Rogue, Mage, Priest or Warrior), Nightelves are ugly and there's no tree to hide behind, Paladins are discount Priests in Classic and I don't feel like playing casino(Shaman).

I agree about establishing it first, and as a shaman or paladin i'd say it first thing and if they dont like it they cant find someone else - typically i'd know exactly what i want anyhow.
But at the same time i've only had someone disagree with me maybe once out of a fuckload of groups, and that was a warrior mad that i was going to roll on corpsemaker. And since he was the tank i just left and found another group, fuck him. He's going to get ww axe anyhow but whatever, not going to waste time arguing as that's a waste of time.
Re: corpsemaker if anyone gives a fuck, with classic being so hyped, if you're leveling "with the pack" it should be relatively easy to find a group of shamans (or paladins too tho thats a bigger journey and bonerbiter isnt THAT far away) to 5man the first boss of rfk over and over until everyone has the axe. For shamans especially its amazing since it lines up right when you get windfury so its a great boost for 10 levels or so.


I don't like it when stuff is made immediately obsolete. Fingers crossed we get a good couple of months on each phase.

those are classes, not specs

Most of them are restricted to one spec thanks to viability.

Just tell them them they pull it they tank it.
They learn eventually.

Fair enough.

I experienced quite a few shitters as paladin.

or how about you babysit your own fucking children

If you split WoW into two eras, MoP was peak WoW after latter end WotLK brought the fall. MoP was peak world and class design and only the brainlets which created the echo chamber which lead to WoD disagree.

>and I don't feel like playing casino(Shaman)
outside of leveling or for fun pvp or phase 1 before spell damage gear, there isn't a lot of reason to stay enhance, user. Obviously if you just love it that's one thing but it has no real place in 40mans and 30/0/21 is far more flexible in pvp.

And? If you've dismissed the class already, what's that matter?

> tfw I played vanilla sometime during the Ahn Qiraj world event
I feel like a newfag seeing all the phases the vanilla game went through.

MoP was already pretty pruned, it was just the last time the class design was good.

anime avatar clueless about die off on non gated vanilla content


Not him but i agree, mop arena was the last time i remember arena being fun. Certainly not balanced but that's not what i mean.

there is only one true class for that peak vanilla experience

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>not training your own pets new skills
>not catching new pets to learn skils from them to teach your pet
>hunter felt more hunter than ever

Textbook example of shit opinions.

>posting about an Activision-BLizzard product
>in 2000+19

>3 cloth twenties
>wanting to do DM once they get the chest and/or wand
Good luck

catabbabys idea of hunter was being a mage with bow

If you’re having problems with DM due to one seventeen, chances are you’re just shit.

You have no idea how easy it is to fill group with any dps you chooce. Tank privilidge is very real.

yes I'm sure you clear the whole boat in one pull no problem you're so good please fuck me oh god you're so cool

Fucking savage, catababbies will never recover from this

Oh god you really are fucking awful.
I’m so sorry for whatever accident caused it.

Enjoy being everybody's bitch then, lmao.

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1.12 itemized Honor Gear will have mages/locks shitting on everyone in BWL. Seriously feel bad for tanks in guilds that'll have multiple R10+ cloth, Locks gonna rip aggro all damn day

It’s easy to fill with three dps, but getting overleveled dps with little incentive to be there isn’t as easy.

I was going to call bs on this pic because I was sure DM was released with BWL but I got that wrong. That'll have an impact on moneymaking for sure, not to mention better gear all around.

This guy. Just get the mob off the healer when the fucker dies and /w your healer to not waste mana on retards.

yeah no, the warlock pvp gear doesn't have enough hit so you'll be playing casino

it is very easy to get bunch of lvl 20 clothies for DM lol, you really underestimate the amount of people who leave dungeon quests hanging in their log until they turn green

Most likely going shaman. What is leveling like?
Enhance? 1h shield shock shit and melee until windfury 2h weapon? Can still heal dungeons with enchance?
What about 50-60? Is elemental any good and if so, when?
I just like the idea of ghost wolf pre 40.

>mage gets 6% welfare hit from talents
>warlock gets 0%
it just isin't fair

Fuck off. You get selfress, pest, free mounts, free pots and all sorts oh shit.

>Can still heal dungeons with enchance?
i want to laugh but im imagining a level 30 resto shaman and all he would have is like 10% max mana and some totem buffs.

30/21 ele is good raid heals and pvp
leveling, you hit things and heal

Well there will be a rush of idiots when classic hits, I suppose, and the tank is a professional ‘tard wrangler.

man I saw warriors looking for DM groups arguing they couldn't tank because of their 9 fucking points in fury
in 2017

>play a paladin
>running from town to a quest area
>see a guy running back to town
>throw a blessing on him
>he /thanks me
>dumbass doesn't even realize that by the time he gets to his quest after turning his stuff in and selling vendor trash, the buff will be gone

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Literally no one thought they were elite. That's just your own retardation.

for raiding 6% hit is many times better than:
>having to ss the fucking healer every 30 mins
>having to keep imp phaseshifted as stamina battery
>free mount at lvl 40 that won't matter after few levels
>having to farm shit ton of shards to give retarded melee health stones
Being mage is such easymode it's not even fair, even your FG enchants have fucking hit and warlocks get fucking stamina

Neither does MC gear. The Spell Hit available in 1.12 vanilla pre AQ is still quite limited and pieces like Ban'thok's remain BiS because 17% is virtually impossible anyways.

What's more is most people seem to agree it's post BWL that locks start mattering more, but if you compare T2 to Honor, Honor is just straight up better, so Locks/Mages will be scaled sooner.

it's the Bloodvine set from ZG that really makes warlocks viable dps, before that you are glorified support class, not that there is anything wrong with it and I guarantee you can find raid guild easier as warlock than as mage

You won't get fucking one-shot by aimed shot at least.

>should of

Haha my memory is fuzzy and can't remember much of my vanilla days. I think I was shy of hitting 40 with my alt.
Just like healing but never did as shaman in vanilla. Had a 70 dorf priest in bc.

I just don't want to be a fucking rogue again. Gearing up was a nightmare, especially again on a private server full of minmax autists

I forgot Paladin buffs only lasted like 5 min in vanilla in exchange for them being meaningful and stacking with priest/druid buffs.

with classic being based on 1.12 I'd assume the 30 min versions are in

I really like the idea of gear-driven expansions, but then ilvl fuckery would be even worse than it is now.

On the flip side there WOULD be items from the first tiers that would still be relevant in later tiers. I like the idea of having multiple options and the best item not just being the biggest stat stick.

>Warlock crying
lel. Give me a healthstone and take out your imp, i need more stamina.

I think they said at least 3 months between

>first two phases will have wpvp all day

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No. The blue pvp gear for locks is garbage compared to other options. vs vs vs

Funny how those aren't even raid pieces.

can't fucking wait

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Boggles the mind that warlocks with their endless utility and quality of life advantages would whine.

Planning on play a resto shaman but ive never played wow. Any tips or leveling builds? Should i go enhancement and respec later ? Planning to do all dungeons and not speedleveling or anything...

Is AV gonna be the multi-day clusterfuck it was originally? Those were fun times.

Here's the results from our poll (only respondents from Yea Forums).

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Not restricted but people always want to min-max so they just want the best specs. Alot of specs are viable and the raids are so piss easy that everyone can do them, but the problem is that there are 40 people in a raid, and if 15 out of those 40 really know how to play and the rest are not in the best spec and don't know how to play there just isn't DPS.

It's entirely possible to tank with druids and a prot but if the druid tanks are not good at the game, then it's just easier if they roll warrior because less room for error.

>Stop being a meta slave and don't listen to what HC raiders who play at private servers who want min-max everything

>169 votes

>tfw farming Furbol for Timbermaw Hold rep
>10 rep per kill
>for Defender of the Timbermaw

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What did he mean by this? You want more? I only posted it for about 3 days.

they are using the söyfied version but it can still last half the day if both sides have enough retards

Gnomish or goblin engineering?

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post the poll faggot

Nah, make your own poll fag.

Old Deadmines were so much better, the only problem is that back in the medieval times soldiers of marching armies often was low on supplies and had to eat whatever they can catch, as well as eat expired food. This usually led to quite a few of them having severe diarrhea. Smart generals found the opportunity and had afflicted soldiers to shit into burlap sacks, that come to be known as Good ol' Sack-o-Shit. Tied to the end of the string, such sack was a truly terrifying weapon, against which there were no defense.

Truly, when it hit the enemy shield wall the disgusting substance splattered over the opposing troops blinding them and making their weapons slippery and unusable. Soldiers who tried to attack Sack-wielding warrior were reluctant, for they knew that strikes from swords and spears will only rupture the sack, covering them in disease-ridden filth.

During sieges, Sacks were loaded into catapults and hurled over the walls into the enemy settlement. Bombarded in such manner, denizens had no other choice but a quick surrender.

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>mfw loads of mechanics and strategies will be totally different and invalidated because of the different engine version
Can't wait for the drama

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Tauren aren't ugly

because they were good at killing alliance

Goblin, blow shit up.

But what was their tax policy?

The problem isn't with the spec being able to do it, the problem is finding 40 other people who aren't minmaxing autists or even tolerate people who aren't minmaxing autists in their raid.

>mfw pserver cuck think they know how classic works

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Stuff like decursive shouldn't be working with the legion/bfa client so we'll see if people are capable of clicking names instead of boxes.

>World buffs will have cooldowns so min/max-shitters can't stack them before raids

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So how do you even make money for your mount if nobody has money to buy your shit from AH?

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Orgrimmar gives me headache, Tauren are cool though.

The only thing I would be ok with them adding is Karazhan. It was meant to be released in Vanilla and it would allow for Atiesh's use ability to actually be useful. They could even put in off-spec gear to give classes more variety.

buy gold from china farmer.

that too, it's fucking ridiculous now that people have all the info that they won't even tolerate if you are not in the optimal spec, back in the day people weren't and didn't even know or have boss addons and still managed to beat those raids.

I would love this, fuck world buffes

Does anyone know if vertical wall-walking was still a thing in 1.12? I remember being able to climb into all sorts of weird places with that bug.

>mfw not even blizzard knows

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it was in real classic wall-walking or jumping got patched out in the pre wotlk patch when they changed how texture were working, if they use the legion/bfa engine there is no wall walking or jumping.

its 15 minutes.

To be fair, everyone has already seen those hidden places long time ago.


I meant the 30 min versions that cost some reagent to cast

Exploring random places with walljumping was really fun even if it's not leading to some hidden place or whatever, just jumping up a big mountain was neat. I'm really sad it's not gonna be in classic.

The way gold comes into the economy in classic wow is through quest rewards and selling items to vendors, early on it would probably be more beneficial to bring more gold into the economy by doing that rather than selling items to other players

>Wanting Karazhan but not Grim Batol

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Yeah, but it still allowed you to climb into all sorts of weird places like straight into Thrall's chamber from Durotar, jumping on top of the zeppelins, etc.

These only exist in TBC, vanillhad 5 minute buffs and 15 minute with reagent which buffed whole class.

>why not both

Lets get mount Hyjal in here as well.

>To be fair, everyone has already seen those hidden places long time ago.
For me that's honestly not the point the mechanic behind wall jumping was very fun for me because if you're good you could actually jump from Azshara to Hyjal, and if you go all out and say it will be like classic but don't add the classic bug/mechanics it's not very classic like right?

Anybody love multiraid progressing?

Like how mid-range guilds clear some of AQ40 and some of Naxx.

I wouldnt mind Hyjal end game zone.

Don't die. Repairing costs money.
Don't buy all your skills. There are a ton of skills you can do without. You don't need all the poisons for leveling as a rogue, and additional ranks for skills like kick simply increase damage by a tiny amount. Only buy the skills that are actually necessary.
Crafting professions are goldsinks. You can either level them up later, or if you do, make sure you don't buy all the recipes, but only those you need.
Avoid buying skills/items from factions you're not honored with.

And for actually getting the gold, it's all about vendoring things. Make sure you pick the highest value item from quests if there's nothing you need. Quest gold, rewards, drops from mobs will get you your mount money.

Ofc its not like classic, classic didn't had SJW dictatorship policies.

well fuck, so glad I don't intend to play söyadin

Fuck reservewhores. I'll get my own UBRS key and start groups to avoid that nonsense.

>confirmed for 2020

Kara is an actual, fleshed out raid. Grim Batol is loot pinata trash.

> tfw one of the few faggots with +riding speed, don't remember if enchant or spurs but apparently it was really rare and the faggot tryhard leader of my pvp guild was jelly as heck
I also got it from some random guy I met on the field while questing. There was something special about vanilla I tell you.

I only remember world bosses from MoP, but man they used to be such fun clusterfucks
>having your group split up to spam aoes on the 3 spawns of Shah of Anger and flying over when someone in your group managed to tag it
>actually wiping on Shah of anger during the first week because half the raid wasn't even max level
>tha guildy who took 2 days off to camp galleon, but the boss spawned while he was at the bathroom

I think he wanted a proper grim batol zone or raid.

Leveling / tanking in dungeons :



Is skinning profitable at 60? The idea of just grinding beasts and skinning for money sounds comfy to me, and I don't like professions that rely on competing for nodes like herb/mining.

That's interesting, any other popular classic addons that probably won't work?

>be palading right after tbc release
>riding alongside some other guy, both on epic mounts
>remember I have this sick new aura now and activate it
>slowly building up distance between him and me
>starts cursing me over whispers

+riding speed was really nice

>tfw you have a secret skinning spot that you will never ever reveal to the day you die

leveling fury after 40 is pretty good. esp if you get the vanquisher sword and the one from SM

also idk what most warriors spec to level but you almost certainly dont need to put any points into tanking

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I used to farm Blasted Lands for reagents for the buffs, it's not a bad place to supplement with Skinning. Then there are perks like Beast hide or Onyxia skin but only if you have 315 skinning (enchant and a special weapon you get from Beast or in ZG).

Cata deserves a little better.

do NOT put a single point to prot while leveling you humongous retard, you can tank everything up to 60 without prot talents
and your lvl 60 spec is even worse: improved thunderclap seriosuly?

lots of bad choices in both those specs user

How bad will be scripting and botting in classic. Complex macros should not work right?

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>60 build
Imp. Shield Bash and Cruelty are very good, and Tactical Mastery is almost mandatory for any warrior (at least 2 points, preferably 5)

the secret dies with me, punk
If you aren't tanking with this spec you are confirmed cuck.

tfw top secret leveling spot that caught me up 4-5 levels on northdale launch. no exploit.

and an optimized goldfarming route that got me an epic mount in 4 days as a holy priest right after 60

Attached: 1493747550636.gif (375x375, 179K)

close but here's the non virgin version


desu best way to get mount money as holy priest is erp

MoP is the only expansion that I would play again post-nuWoW (Cata and beyond). Fuck the haters the pvp was fun and rogues weren't broken for once.

>an optimized goldfarming route that got me an epic mount in 4 days as a holy priest right after 60
what, sucking dick?

Whats the best race for holy priest ERP

yeah, give it a shot!

this is your mind on blizzard-juice, symptoms are to still have hope for anything from these motherfuckers

human or nelf
if h*rde nigger undead

Was he the reason for WoW's success all along? Everything went to shit after he was removed.

Attached: azshara-kimjael.jpg (580x235, 44K)

*sheeps you off your 60% mount*

Attached: 0018f31727d50d0a8e644c.jpg (500x395, 44K)

this is absolutely retard, you level as arms and stay arms until you get soft hit cap, enjoy being useless otherwise

vurtne no!!!

Horde is troll with that one face that does not have wrinkles.

nah he just ran herb circles in Azshara like every other retard who thinks his "secret spot" is actually secret

nah it's undead by far, trust me


femtrolls would be pretty cute if they could use shoes

*splits your skull*

Attached: arc reaper.png (331x181, 17K)

On Horde I'm rolling a Lock(main), Mage(Alt)
Alliance I main a Paladin, but I don't know what to make as an Alt aka Gold farmer. Are Hunters good for farming gold/mats?

fem trolls have many things going on for them like being the only horde race that doesn't have the niggerish hunchback but those feets are just too much

they are hideously ugly and completely un-wifeable


Attached: 1533937292688.jpg (500x500, 60K)


Hunters can farm Mara or DMN tribute (unless something in classic is changed w/ the mobs or patrols).

Hunters will have the highest gold per hour farm routes in dungeons if Blizzard doesn't nerf them.

Magus BRD farm makes the biggest cash but knowing nu-blizz, they'll somehow make it impossible

>wearing shoes
what is wrong with you?

Attached: really.jpg (528x716, 109K)

Fair enough, just keep a shield and 1h weapon around if you want to tank. Just level up in arms. The level 60 build will need tweaking

I'll be honest, the only time I tanked with a warrior was in Cata so I'm working off old and probably useless/redundant memories.

There are literal people in this thread talking about min-max optimizing their fucking lvl 20 Deadmines groups. That's not classic either. Private server tryhards are going to kill Classic more than anything Blizzard will do.

At least with robe/skirt you can't see them while standing still, but when they run... there should be like a super long and wide cloak.

Can humans impregnate trolls?

You'll want to have a macro to switch to sword and board anyway since you'll be running from mobs a LOT.

you are only allowed to go shoeless if you have cute feet, femtrolls most certainly do not

You may not be able to solo farm BRD on Classic. Clearcasting procs per cast and not mob hit but most importantly, some mobs were given nets to throw on characters.

LF Dawrf and Gnome only guild.


Just finished up 1-40 combat swords and tried to quest as much as possible. Quested 1-32 but it was taking ages and my brain was hurting so I did 32-40 grinding.

Here's the results. I'll follow this post with 1-40 face stab pure grinding.

Attached: 1-40 Combat Swords Questing.png (2151x1039, 2.36M)


Here is the results of dagger face stab pure grinding.

It took more hours to do, since I didn't have a solid grinding route, but it took less IRL days passing by, which is more important.

Attached: 1-40 dagger humanoid grind.png (1898x898, 2.09M)

can't wait to be evil again, pic related

Attached: evil.jpg (1920x1080, 380K)

Tanks get ironfoe you mouthbreather.
Daggers are also shit, the myth that theyre good stems from the fact that rage generation was bugged on nost.
A dagger is only better if youre permanently ragecapped which wont be the case.

>2 gold at level 40
you need to sell all of that shit, dont spend 20g on mining, and be frugal with your skill training

>responding to benji

bonus proof for warlock being best class

Attached: evil2.jpg (1920x1080, 285K)

There have always been retards like that though. They’ve festered in their circle jerks and have got to the point where they think their opinions are normal, but they’ll get hit by reality when they get overtaken repeatedly by other groups that don’t do their gay shit.

It was like 126 total. It's main + 4 banker alts. Face stab came out with better loot, better trade skill progression, less IRL days, and more money overall than questing.

>full raid buffs and flask
wow nice job


how is "irl days" a metric when you have 5 days played at level 40?

Reminder if you roll on a pvp server you shouldn't level as combat

works with shitgear as well, don't worry

Attached: evilpill.jpg (1920x1080, 492K)

Reminder that leveling daggers is trash tier and you won't be able to backstab aggro'd mobs on classic.

>implying anyone said anything about leveling daggers
keep guessing user

>not levelling as Sub

Attached: tgt_meep.png (328x392, 233K)

It means I can focus on playing more and spending more time in the game than distracted by the real life.

I'm a NEET with no family and just a girlfriend so there's no reason /played shouldn't closely match IRL days from character creation. I only sleep 3-5 hours a day so 20 IRL days is 100 sleep hours or 4 ish IRL days. So if my /played was 5 days realistically 10 IRL days at most should pass. However due to burnout / gym / food / sex / it's not retail means my attention gets divided.

hemo is a meme

This. Only thing combat had going for it was improved sprint.

My data says face stab wasn't. I will do another 1-40 run where I will level as daggers and NOT do face stab at all. (Gouge for backstabs, ambush openers, kidney shot into backstabs, etc.)

every rogue spec is a meme, that's what makes it such a fun class

can't get much memer than sub, hemo is a joke btw

healer with good solo pve grind capabilities?

I liked hemo for PvP only after I got CTS.
Leveling with it sounds like a chore.

none unless you try to aoe farm with holy nova on priest.

make an alt.

It's a bit slower for questing etc but some of the talents are more useful in pvp

"good" ? none

they all can aoe farm except shaman

holy nova farming is whack, until maybe DM comes out.
You're better off pewing smite and wanting shit



Legion should be C.
CAT and Pandaria at D.
Other than that i´m fine with it.

>I started playing at BC and never enjoyed as much doing a dungeon as release Grim Batol HC.
As said, only CAT downside was it´s last raid and the begining of meme-lore

Attached: official blue post spec raking vanilla.png (2040x856, 908K)

>virgin combat
>Chad Assassination
Any """rogue""" who uses swords might as well roll warrior.

seriosuly now

nah legion was trash, nothing good about it, and if you like solo scenarios you're a fag

>playing alliance.

>playing no shoes, huncbacked, somalian mudhutt niggers

Nothing is sadder than a frail wannabe warrio

>still arguing about factions

>not superior undead

back to shitstreets of stormwind with you fleshfag

Prot Warriors using Daggers has literally nothing to do with Rage. Heroic Strike deals a static amount of Threat, which means a faster weapon by definition does more TPS than a slower one, and daggers are the fastest weapons.
That's also why Bears do more threat than Warriors, unlike HS, Maul is a threat modifier rather than a flat threat bonus, so bear threat scales better with gear.

I wish I had the "I rolled horde for racials" picture saved

All of them, just pair up with a Warrior and do DM tribute runs. If you are dead set on solo, then Druid, since it can solo tribute runs as well as a hunter.

i'd play swords again over fury any day
pve realmers need not respond

Attached: Saved4L.png (591x400, 594K)

>More time /played at 40 having bought yourself leveling gear than randos have at 60 on FRESH

I Shiggy fuckin Diggy guys

Attached: costanza.jpg (375x375, 34K)

Attached: FOR THE HORDE!!!!!!!!!!!!.png (564x288, 289K)

>played nothing but Horde in vanilla
>thinking about creating an Alliance character in classic to experience the other side
>feel like a disgusting traitor

Anyone else feel like this? I don't think I have the heart to kill my Horde brothers.

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oh boy theres so much wrong with that list, i dont even know where to begin.

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Only reason to play alliance is for the human racials and paladins.

same except swap the factions for me, nut up bitch nibba

tl;dr you wannabe

Taurenchads RISE UP

RIP Private servers.

Attached: Cy26HLuWgAARufS.jpg (1024x818, 126K)

Stay horde you sandnigger

as long as you don't make the mistake of asking an overly homogenous group, you will get results with about a 5% error margin with just 50ish people

the n=1000 is more about reducing margin of error to less than 1% and relevant for statistics that you want to use to convince people of something

if you just want to reliably figure out the rough direction of where things are going, 160 is more than enough, unless you get results like 50:50

it's very clear that only a minority of somewhere between 10% to 20% of people want to keep 1.12 forever AND that is only now without the damn thing being released, i.e. it's likely for that % to shrink even further a year or so after release

nice keybinds

Bait. Or a Wotlk babby trying to be vanilla

So as a warlock who never played vanilla, what am I in for? Will I be putting corruption on ten people or rolling improved fire mage? Also is fear busted in pvp?

>BRD at lvl 40
am i missing something here?

More than you need to play classic


Totally accurate for my tastes.

Attached: 1554036393018.jpg (480x447, 39K)

I didnt name myself god damn Naruto.
It was posted on wpsg a while back

yes, yes, yes

Im just gonna roll horde for pvp server and alliance for RP server.

Attached: 1549424131398.webm (960x540, 2.28M)

Didn't do BRD at level 40.

In the process of doing 1-40 he ran BRD one time to get Outlaw Sabre.

fuck off anytime

Literally nobody thought this

He meant BFD

What the fuck is this? It doesnt make sense in any xpac

You lack of taste has been noted.

Gnome, you can shrinkray bosses.


Attached: 1543008664028.jpg (125x125, 3K)

how about roll Alliance on RP-pvp server

It'll be up soon. 50% uploaded. Might be 10-20 minutes but the premiere function of Youtube is fucking neato.

Attached: Junkboxes.png (1280x720, 1.34M)

Light's hope lockpicking is not blizzlike. just fyi

I will if they announce one.

It's covered in the video. I have old spreadsheets of lockbox data and it's WAYYYY fucking off.

>people 'theorycrafting' ways to make Ret to decent DPS using pserver builds
>the latest 'cutting edge theorycraft' is to just wear full Tier 2 and wield a fast 2h with int/spdmg on it

These people have lost it. Every Paladin back in the day had full Tier 2 and one of those 2h weps (because nobody else wanted them). If they were actually good DPS in gear that every raiding Paladin already had, someone would have figured that out.

Beta invites going out today. Check your email

According to who

Every time new private server opened there were some retards thinking that they could make ret work, obviously it never does no matter how much loot you funnel to yourself and how many consumes you stack.
I'm sure Classic will have thousands of delusional rets too.

Shhh, its just an excuse to look sexy.

it did work on that stupid server that mistook AP for SP

even there they could just barely beat tank

>not stacking diferent ranks of crusader judgement to achieve +2000 holy dmg like that madman in the vid

well yeah but that's still, what, triple the usual?

wtf new leak??
they might be working on the unfinished zones in EK

Attached: 1.14.png (1273x957, 2.49M)

>Hurr durr heroic strike has nothing to do with rage or rage generation

the plague gives you a nasty debuff

Attached: eaf28afg7.png (1275x960, 2.57M)

put some pants on slut

It premiered but the quality is garbo. Gotta schedule it next time dawg so it can finish encoding and get that 1080p 60fps goodness.


hey benji how are you gonna afford retail classic?

pls repond

Yeah but at least some of the previous attempts got creative with some gear set/consumes/blahblah that maaaaaybe nobody just ever tried out properly in retail, maaaaybe nobody noticed that this 'adds 3 fire damage on proc' scaled 100% with spellpower, etc. etc.

This latest 'proof Ret can dps' meta theorycrafting is literally using gear that every raiding Paladin had in retail vanilla. It's gonna be sad.

I am sorry you don't have any testosterone so you need a male character to feel anything like a man.

I have eight years of savings and I've only been a neet for 4 months.

Once I buy a month sub I can sell all my old ultra rare items I have stored apparently for millions of gold which then should be able to buy those wow tokens or whatever for game time. According to reddit I have enough rare loot that can sell for multi-millions that doesn't exist in the game anymore and that should be able to afford me 4-5 years of subscriptions.

As you can tell from my images I am quite the pack rat, and in retail I had 7 bank alts, each with their own guild, each with maxed out bank slots, filled to the brim with stuff. My main is an ex guild leader of the biggest zerg guild on the biggest server so emptied that shit out before selling the guild and quitting.

last i heard spellret memers used a fast caster 1h

tranny logic.

I wonder what drives them. After 15 years they really should be catching on. It's not even fun playing a an auto-attacking casino character.

Based and "Huh?"pilled

You can heal as enh all the way up to 60. Just keep a resto set on-hand

yea boi i wonder what drives people to experiment in video games.

godspeed benji, what a plan

It's not like you see hordes of people trying to "prove" slam warriors work, or melee warlocks, or anything like that. It's just paladins.

Worst progression gating through reputations and dailies that paved the way for legoogoo extreme miss a day get booted because muh artifact power, awful class design, most raids were boring, yet another daily island, welfare legendary garbage, timed shit that paved the way for the mythic twitch spas shitfest.
MoP was the peak of post WotLk if your idea of a good MMO is literally a 9 to 5 where you have nothing to do after you clocked your hours but you get fired if you miss a day.
Not to mention the PVP systems.

>biggest zerg guild
>biggest server

Attached: 1982407.jpg (400x400, 111K)


Ret works though, to some extent.
Works well enough for people with sufficient hubris to delude themselves into thinking their skill will make up for the difference. Half the time they're right.

itt nobody actually played vanilla and are basing all their knowledge on private servers which aren't really vanilla

>never making it beyond level 20: the post

i wouldn't, shaman heals are ass until you can lolchainheal, you need shit to die fast with windfury totem or grounding totem to cheese bosses, which doesn't always work out for shit groups, let the priest or druid do the healing if possible

t. also didn't play vanilla and fell for memes

Attached: ok2.jpg (481x358, 22K)

>Worst progression gating through reputations and dailies
Just like vanilla and BC.

>muh artifact power
There was no AP in MoP

>awful class design, most raids were boring

So you're just someone who never played beyond leveling to 90 and then complained in an echochamber? Got it.

I like the conflicting narratives:
>Everyone posting here didn't actually play vanilla
>Everyone posting are just nostalgic for vanilla, it won't be the same etc etc.

Did they remove the ability to see when you first subbed? It only goes to 2012 in the transaction history.

Attached: 1535133537952.png (404x406, 230K)

Link? I kinda wanna see this shit

>800g took 4 days

The only daily shitfest in TBC was Quel'Danas, the rest was either optional like the drakes or the rays or catch up for reputations you skipped while leveling, and classic didn't have dailies, only repeatable quests.
MoPbabs are the worst because they actually defend gating essential pre-raid gear and enhancements behind time gated daily quests

Nah I had 100 days on vanilla and nearly 100 on post nostalrius servers.
They got it right. Any discrepancies like monster resists are relatively minor.

Attached: gate opening.jpg (800x600, 368K)

>they got it right
quests were literally giving tbc xp until k3 figured it out and a ton of mobs people grind to speedlevel on have 0 armor

Who here has tracked down xivtrannies and retailtrannies and is ready to kill them when classic releases?

yeah hence why I brought up nostalrius, not some russian garbage.

dailies were fine, no worse than wrath, and they got nerfed a million times anyway, and it's not like rep gear even matters when lfr drops tier

guys im having a hard time deciding

UD lock
UD mage
UD spriest

PLEASE HELP. i played mage and lock in vanilla loved both. demo was pvp awesomness as was mage with frost aoe grinding for cash. never played a priest but io love healing

nost had the old values you megaretard, northdale have it fixed thanks to k3 but none of the servers before did

Why dont they just play actual DPS class

I dont believe you

Attached: super retard.jpg (330x269, 43K)

then you can simply look it up on their bugtracker
those 100 days on vanilla sure didn't mean much

What are going to be the hardest classes to recruit/prevent being sniped by higher up guilds?

Geared warriors ofc, buit also iirc in retail on Horde at least, it seemed like we were always, always recruiting Resto Shamans. I assume because it was a boring shit class, and also because we always wanted to bring like 7 of them for totems. 1 Druid, few Priests, fill with as many Shamans as you have remaining healing slots.

if you invite me to a group for a quest mob I'm gonna decline that shit and tag the mob with my instacast shock while your bitch ass is stuck waiting there for another 5 minutes


resto shamans, priests, locks

ah yes. slightly better quest exp totally negates the rest of the classic experience.

For me it's Arugals Sons.
You're just minding your own business, questing and shit. BAM!

lmao, point is that if you didn't even notice two glaring things you'd never have noticed smaller things

Who the hell levels resto shamans? You do ele (or enh if you want to be memetank or just an idiot) and then respec.

>If you split WoW into two eras, MoP was peak WoW after latter end WotLK brought the fall.
>If you split WoW from good to bad then MoP is the highest point of the pile of shit that was WoW after Cata!
Yes, very impressive.

>AV in Classic won't have Korrak

>smaller things
oh noes

the real nostalgiafags are those who think tbc-wotlk was good only because they still felt afterglow from vanilla

At least WotLk didn't have insta respawn WB moot piñatas

elysium didnt even use nostalrius core. so you're talking about purely kronos and elysium?

MoP is a meme addon made as a joke because of panda kung-fu movie.

Resto shaman is actually great fun to level as, especially with a buddy.
Enhancement and ele are shit.

>region lock
>right click report
>renamed items
>no wall jumping
>multiboxing cancer
>vpns not banned
>only 3 day bans for botters
>nu blizzard
enjoy your stay, homefaggots

Attached: 1339322765125.jpg (418x363, 41K)

>niggas with no brains thinking legion was shit
big thinkers in the thread

wrathbabies always try to split things up like that to damage control for wrath
>dude if you make up special rules and only count this 3 month period wrath was amazing!


Someone should shoop the crying StarWars reaction guy into this.

Attached: 187y9qqvuviz.png (2536x1080, 1.57M)

At this point private server is more true to vanilla, my nikka.

Which non-boss mob had the best/smartest scripting? The elves that shapeshift into snakes in WC comes to my mind.


this is the official shit tier list, please post it in future threads.

>they renamed the nicker

oh no, my favourite trade chat joke is ruined
game is shit, I'm out

Beta invites going out right now

Attached: 1528170818718.jpg (1280x1440, 225K)

Prove they will rename items on classic

The basic “stun/freeze you and run 2 inches away so you can’t melee hit me”.
Because they run so close but yet so far it’s like they taunt me and it tilts me

3 faction would be great.

>Horde: Orc/Tauren/Trolls/Night Elves
>Exclusive Class: Shaman
>Bound by "Beastmen" brotherhood of Kalimdor. Fighting for their "rightful" place in the world and the right to be respected as a sapient species. Night elf druids given choice like pandas, since Cenarion Circle is Neutral.
>Home: Kalimdor

>The Corrupted: Blood Elves, Forsaken, Worgen
>Exclusive class: Forsaken Death Knight
>Bound by shared tragedy resulting in monstrous changes, asserting that they, though horrific, retain their sentience and deserve to be recognized as a sovereign nation.
Home:Northern EK

>Alliance: Human/Dwarf/Gnome/Night elf (Majority)
Exclusive Class: Paladin
>Basically Nazis. Only pure hominid-like species should exist and are to be respected. Night elves are low key second-class citizens. The horde are wild beasts that should be put down and the corrupted are nothing more but monsters. Gilneas and Lordaeron are lost causes and should just be cleansed.
>Home: Southern EK/Teldrassil

sorry buddy, but this is the TRUE tier list.

Attached: file.png (390x758, 191K)

Too bad I am alpha.

The Nicker changed to The Cotton Picker

>Horde: Orc/Tauren/Trolls/Night Elves
All the elven women are raped to death on day 1.

fuck off wrathbaby Blackrock Slicer&page=1

blackrock slicer in beta dbc, entry 13285

>Elf druids don't shift into bear to take tauren cock on the regular

not really
[Blackrock Slicer] stole my bike now has even more power ironically

Why would they shift into bear form?

Attached: 1551231157505.jpg (359x359, 30K)

So what as we saw at blizzcon they have some legion stuff left over

Reproductive Isolation: "Lack of Fit"

What makes you think that tauren cock is like horse cock

Do you really fucking believe nuBlizz inclusivity wamen entertainment will leave this horrible nazi alt-right KKK propaganda in the game?

t. horde bestial erper-larper

Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 7K)

Yes. Stop being dramatic, they might be a pro nwo corporation but they dont think like sjws

they added fatties to WoW

Im pretty sure that would fit normal night elf vagina.

their healthcare plan includes covering genital mutilation

pandaren are based

fat humans

>Retail becomes the alternate timeline



I wish we had greater varieties in bodies in games.
I can't stand fatties, but I want fat characters in my games.

You fags said they would announce it soon and that was early fucking april.

i'm sorry user, let it go, the nicker will never come back

Isnt it standard for all americans to have their genitals mutilated?

Who the fuck else would need daggers more than the rogue nigger? Swords arent good every phase

yes but not to the same extent as necrovaginal surgery

delusional tank mains

so what
future nwo standard

*pops AR+flurry and cleaves 4 warrior niggers at once*

the alcors meme got debunked years ago

it's bad rage efficiency
you need core leather gloves and perds + wf at the very least to make daggers worth using, and ironfoe is still better

alcors is good for vael and thats it

>future nwo standard
as is racist revisionist denial

What's with the huge beta soon hype? Did streamers get NDA info?

Some bigwig tweeted a pic of a vanilla Coke and said he'd drink it on Wednesday

>want to play wow
>dont want to play retail
>don't want to deal with chinks on private servers
>classic "coming summer of 2019"
It hurts

Attached: 1556994320116.png (637x170, 174K)


Why is every private serverfag hyping it up as well along with retards like Toweliee?

Are there any rare enemies with good drops in vanilla? I've never camped a rare, but from the probably hundreds I've killed in different expansions, I'd be lucky to even get a green item.

Because they're starved for a release date.

Imagine being part of a faction so shitty that their champions are felled en masse by hedge wizards that only know one spell.

they said it would release this summer
it's almost summer and there is no public beta yet

because its the new FRESH meme
these retards farm new servers in bandwagon cycles with all content on farm within the first few weeks of deployment

I'm just really, really happy that there won't be any blood elves. Things just haven't been the same since it became the Elvish Horde.

What will ex-BE players who never played vanilla roll as in classic, you think?

Attached: bm.jpg (250x229, 8K)

There's one that drops a stun trinket in arathi that's farmed by pvpers.

>Look at vanilla wow rogue abilities

Aww what i have to maintain 2 bleeds, and armor crush debuff and an attack speed buff? That doesnt sound fun wtf


Three to Five months between.

Assuming an August release in the middle of Q3 2019, here's your three timelines:

(Three Months)
Phase 2:November 2019
Phase 3:February 2020
Phase 4:May 2020
Phase 5:August 2020
Phase 6:November 2020

(Four Months)
Phase 2:December 2019
Phase 3:April 2020
Phase 4:August 2020
Phase 5:December 2020
Phase 6:April 2021

(Five Months)
Phase 2:January 2020
Phase 3:June 2020
Phase 4:November 2020
Phase 5:April 2021
Phase 6:September 2021

Oh yeah I remember that one, are there many others with unique loot or just a few, with the majority being random trash?

Prince narjak drops tidal charm, but it's bop. Several high-level rares in WPL, EPL, and Silithus have the potential to drop the best wand in the game.

I wanna do the epic mount and alliance versions of the paladin quests so I'm gunna roll alliance

>Classic is an elaborate setup to sneak WoD changes into a new timeline
>This was all an elaborate long con for a reverse invasion to save the future

They'll play NE or Human.

Attached: my-image.png (799x508, 204K)

Any of these makes my dick diamonds

Me too, but real fobbos from 2 and 3, not the bizarre italian/jew stereotype mashup we got.

There's a wolf in Darkshire and a Cat in Badlands that are top tier hunter pets. Not always about the loot. contains a list and links.

lolno you can't use rupture or expose armor

Is this the new golden age for twinks?

Thanks, I think I'm gonna roll hunter but probably won't even try to go for the rare pets because I imagine they will be camped hard.

Humans, chads like me roll UD.

Attached: 1544191200061.jpg (1420x1008, 397K)

tfw they patched broken tooth

>Maintaining bleeds
Wut? Slice n Dice + Eviscerate. Done.

They are camped hard, always remember to kill the beasts when you see an opposite faction hunter trying to tame as you run by.

Wait what, explain, why wpuldnt i want to keep expose armor and rupture up all the time on an enemy?

>tfw the word "twink" will never be the same

lupos wont deal shadow damage either that shit was so fun in bwl vs drakonids and chromaggus

Debuff limit

Your tank will sunder armor, and eviscerate > rupture

Everyone wants to go back to Vanilla all triumphantly and high speed, so we're going to have OVERWHELMING numbers of rogues, warriors, and mages, and all of those cunts are going to have engineering.

Ironically, in trying to be optimized you're just going to be another NPC.

There is no way to be unique in WoW user.

Huh, okay i guess if eviscerate just does more damage than rupture, that makes sense. But that raises the question, ehy do those moves exist if rupture is worse than eviscerate and expose armor is functionally redundant?

Maybe female blood elves, female night elves are no joke. Of course that's not represented well in WoW

rogue duels

Fury Warrior not below incel tier,
"that's a yikes from me bude"

Ah okay i suppose

>Arms warriors, survival hunters, shadowpriests, boomkin druids, ret pallies, enh shamans, arcane mages, and subtlety rogues


you forgot Smite priests

because classic wow is fundamentally flawed on multiple levels

>boomkin druids
>arcane mages
>ret pallies
>survival hunters
Thats not unique, thats just being fucking retarded.

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System mastery, to borrow a term from D&D

There are a number of trap options in Vanilla you're supposed to know better than to use

raiding was an afterthought in vanilla, every class has reduced spell selection in raids

Every expansion had major mistakes that had irreversible negative effects on the game that piled up to completely ruin not only the game itself, but the entire Warcraft universe too.

Play xiv !

Twink has had that meaning for longer than WoW has existed

Why play FFXIV when you can play FFXII and get the same experience with much less of the bullshit

Im feeling you with illegal danish

Because blizzard has no idea how 2 game. Same reason shit got pruned after awhile and why xiv is shit to play.

Arcane mages are retarded? Probably the best specc in MC and BWL

More to wow than raiding

Vanilla had that too

All of those specs are viable for either PvE or PvP or both except for Boomkin and Ret.

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city






Based and lightpilled

Imagine being so autistic you devote 12 hours to pickpocketing mobs.

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