Games that are due for a remaster.
>pic not related
Pic definitely not related. I'm not even sure it's due for a port. It's polished to hell and back as it is and it'd be hard to translate that control type to a more standard controller scheme.
I'm actually curious as to what people would expect from a remastered KI:U on a console that isn't a 3DS.
Like, the one thing I remember about the aiming was that it was squirrely yet precise in a way that only a touch screen, mouse, or IR pointer could replicate.
The fuck do you want, a pro-controller? To turn it into every other third-person shooter?
motion controls like RE4 on the Wii would be sweet, unfortunately the Switch doesn't support such tech very well
thumbstick controls with increased precision via gyro could work
>not even a decade old
>due for a remaster
This is getting ridiculous.
touch screen on handheld, gyro docked
include a capacitive stylus with purchase
So i should give it a try?
Yeah. Kid Icarus is great mechanically and nails that Saturday morning cartoon vibe. I hope you are right handed.
Yes you absolutely should. It's one of the best 3DS games that exist and well worth it. Just try to get into a position that won't cramp your hand, because if you hold your 3DS wrong it will hurt to play after a while. Otherwise the game is godlike.
The WiiU would be perfect for it
No. Give me a sequel. Nintendo is stupid for not following up to easily the best game they've made in over a decade. I pity the people who couldn't handle the controls.
>I hope you are coordinated
I'm left handed and picked up on the controls during the first ground level.
Going sanic fast and dodging everything in multiplayer with claws was amazing.
God forbid a company respecting a creator's decision not to make sequels rather than handing the franchise off to someone else to milk it dry.
>respecting a creator's decision not to make a sequel
Tell that to Smash Bros. Sakurai didn't want to make any more of those either but I don't hear anyone complaining about him doing it.
I don't think Sakurai would be offended if some other developer took on Kid Icarus.
Kid Icarus was not Sakurai's baby
True. But without Sakurai, it won't be nearly as good.
>this whole post
I literally don'tknow how to react here. cause
>Itoi or whoever created mother was statisfied with mother thus they stopped at 3
>sakurai has no desire to do KI 2 thus haven't yet, maybe drawing ideas who the fuck knows. I want fuckinglegs thogh and kneecep a fucking eyeball.
>literally making sakrai slave away his life for smash bros after he was done following brawl's release.
yes and no. plus might as well make a new one, revive ice climbers, f-zero and more.
Please post more shotas so I can cum
Sakurai is doing it to himself, he's not a Nintendo employee and they offer to replaces him every time. Hell, during Brawl a Nintendo producer physically forced him to stop working and takes a vacation. It's just that Sakurai is a workaholic and super anal and want to do everything by himself.
Then Nintendo should shell out some big bucks to entice him like they do with Smash. It's obvious why they don't when you compare the sales and money involved, but I wish they would.