Any strategy rpgs that are at least half as good as this and don't have edgy retarded shit like Disgaya?
Any strategy rpgs that are at least half as good as this and don't have edgy retarded shit like Disgaya?
Tactics Ogre, but you probably already knew that one.
Seconding ticktacks ogre
But also Sengoku Rance, though it's a very different kind of strategy rpg
I don't know if it's really good but you should check out vandal hearts.
I never really played it but my boomer dad loved it back then
Sorry user, this beautiful genre is dead.
Front Mission 3
stella deus
Depending on what your definition of edgy shit is
Devil survivor 1&2 are great too though LUCT may still be better than Desu1
How the fuck is Disgaea edgy? The primary mascot of the franchise is a race of exploding penguins, and the plot is usually the silliest shit
Only half as good and no Disgaea?
Knights in the Nightmare.
Play Fell Seal Arbiters Mark
while graphic is meh
gameplay is fun
I second this. Vandal hearts is good. I also liked Vanguard Bandits. I think suikoden had a tactics game too.
Fft advance
I always go back to Tactics but just discover it's got a good mod community. 1.3 Insane Difficulty remixes the whole game and makes it hard as hell. New skills, weapons have unique attributes, it's like playing a whole new game, you have to check everything.
>really want to properly get into tactics RPGs because it seems a whole lot of them have fantastic stories
>too much of a 60 IQ brainlet to actually enjoy playing them
it hurts bros
This reminds me I need to finish Ogre Battle but it only had like 20 something maps and I'm too much of a lazy shit to try for every ending.
This seems like a good thread to ask this.
Should I get Disgaea 3 and 4? Already played 1, 2, D2, and 5, but wondered if I should go back and actually play the other two games I haven't tried yet.
I've tried getting into FFT twice, I just got bored with the very slow battles. I plan on trying one more time sometime this year or next, it's been several years since my last attempt. Every time I try a different version. First it was the PSX version, then the PSP version, next I'll try the Japanese PSX version.
3 is eh, 4 is better and has Flonne
>Devil survivor 1&2
>Knights in the Nightmare.
no and not a strategy rpg
Hey user, made me look. Looks awesome. Pirating it right now. Any tips?
What Disgaea game did you play? I played the one where you can form massive stacks of people and throw exploding penguins who call everyone dood.
He's most likely talking about how in Disgaea you get the level 9999 ninja doing 250,000,000,000 damage with his counter-counter-counter-counter-counter attack, compared to the FFT level 32 guy attacking the enemy for 76 damage.
How would you even decipher that amount of retardation without being OP himself? That has nothing to do with edge, OP. Just say you don't like the big numbers and over-the-top shit, and everyone will understand instead of using a word that has nothing to do with that.
>it's another japan sells the west a DUDE FUCK CHRISTIANITY XDDD video game episode
wow wouldnt it be epin if we kill jhc guise
>it's another christfag taking everything too seriously episode
>believing in god
how much of a faggot can you be?
Shining Force I & II
Front Mission series
words that get tossed around like memes basically lose their meaning, cringe being another example
Have you actually played the Disgaea games?