Is RE6 any good Yea Forums?

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Butts were nice

for a quick pirate and single playthrough just to say you played it, yeah

and a cheeky wank while crawling through the vents as Ada
all the DLC content is shit and no-one plays online so just pirate

Mechanically, yes. In any other sense, including providing a compelling stage to utilize said mechanics, no.

>being too poor to buy a key off the internet for $1.50
SP sucks in this game, if you aren't playing coop you might as well not download it at all faggot.
RE6 "mechanically", I am guessing you mean controls and how the game works, is a train wreck.
There's between 250 and 700+ people playing on a regular basis shithead.

imagine being this much of a sperg

Yeah, the controls are excellent. By all rights this should've been the best gun kata game ever made, it's kinda like controlling John Wick. The game does next to nothing cool with this, though. It's too busy being indecisive on whether it wants to be action, survival horror, or a AAA trend chaser circa 2012.

>buying used keys from scam sites
spotted the retard

Imagine being a faggot who pirates a coop-only game and tells lies about it being dead online.
Yeah no one plays the DLCs and public Merc lobbies are dead too, but there's a ton of people hosting public campaign lobbies, with agent hunt as well, and you can always join Steam groups if you really wanna play Merc with others. No point in pirating a coop game to play it with the shitter AI.

The controls are garbage. I haven't played with a controller is a while but even with a controller you're constantly gonna get fucked by parkour prompts and the inability to normally aim while near cover such as walls or debris.
>scam sites
What is a scam is paying full price or full reduced price for old as fuck games.
>muh muh steam sale
Steam sales are infrequent and the game you want to get isn't guaranteed to be discounted. If you unironically buy more games directly on Steam instead of using third party sites you're autistic

Yeah, because the game is DESIGNED like ass. The controls are fine, the game they're in is not.

I've come to like it after getting tired of 2make pretty fast. Even 6 has better weapons than 2make. Leon and Ada's campaign are the absolute worst, just play it for Chris and Jake's campaign and for mercenaires. Gameplay is pretty fun, like a slower vanquish.

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Also "used keys", what the fuck does that even mean. Do you mean the keys don't work? If it doesn't work literally buy the game again, it's still gonna be 10 bucks cheaper than buying it on sale on Steam. I've bought 20+ keys on G2A and other sites and had 0 issues with invalid keys or keys that got revoked later on. And again again and if that happens, which is unlikely to begin with, just buy the key again since it's still way cheaper than buying from Steam/steam sales. Retard.

Yeah it's great no memes I like it alot.

>the controls are fine despite the fact there isn't a single mode where you can actually control the game well
Even playing Mercs is a mess because there's still parkour prompts everywhere you have to run/walk by. Walking isn't a great idea in a gamemode that revolves around doing shit fast and while you're running you're sucked into those spots unless you turn your camera a million degrees away from it.
"2make" is far better than RE6 in every aspect. RE6 has tons of unique locals and assets but that doesn't mean jack shit when the game's trash and the only way to enjoy it is to play leon's campaign over and over and ignore that Chris' campaign exists. Sherry's campaign is shit too but at least it's not as bad as Chris'.

If you have zero appreciation for survival horror and just want an action game then I suppose everything you just said is true, though I would question the bit about 6's weapons being better than 2make's even in that context. Melee's the real money maker in 6, the weapons have never felt more secondary in an RE game IMO.

>please buy the game so i have someone to play with
fuck off, desperate cunt

>the controls are fine despite the fact there isn't a single mode where you can actually control the game well

That is exactly what I'm saying, yes. You are given great tools to do great things in theory but the game design does everything in its power to prevent you from actually doing those things. Prompts being everywhere is a failing of the game design, not the controls.

It controls well. It's ridiculous and laughing at it with a friend makes it worth playing through to me.
I wouldn't bother playing it single player.

>being smart with money is now considered retarded

The writing has never been worse in RE history. But the gameplay is good. It's a decent TPS. Only worth playing if you like TPS in particular because it doesn't stand out in any way.

Prompts hinder the controls and potential good controls mean nothing when you cannot actually use them. Throwing a cupcake into a dirty toilet doesn't make the toilet any more appealing and the cupcake's ruined now.
24-hour peak
No thanks cunt.

I'll never get people that unironically like Leon's campaign the best. It's the worst of them all, barring Ada. It's the campaign the has the most and worst quick time events, something people always say is way too much in this game, unlike chris's campaign which has practically none, I know I've played it a lot recently, it takes control away from you every second with literal one second cutscenes in favor for a setpiece, leon and helena, who is an unlikable cunt, have absolutely no personality, also unlike chris, who has an actual character arc in the game, same with Jake, whoc is also more likable than expected.
I disagree, 2make's weapons have absolutely no punch to them and have awful sound effects making them feel like plastic toys.

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all these years and i still see the fucking giraffe receiving a BJ.


RE was never good.

Leon's campaign is the best because you're not constantly stun locked by the shitty human enemies who can use guns. Chris' campaign is the worst offender and Sherry's is somewhat playable, though it still has those annoying enemies. Leon's campaign si the most fun because you aren't being stun locked all the time. I take the constant mini cutscenes to show off shit over Chris' "gameplay" any time of the week.
The only way to play Chris' is to just use a trainer and turn off bullet stun completely, so enemies can't knock you down by shooting 2-3 bullets at you.

>Prompts hinder the controls and potential good controls mean nothing when you cannot actually use them. Throwing a cupcake into a dirty toilet doesn't make the toilet any more appealing and the cupcake's ruined now.

I agree with this. We are actually on the same page, I am by no means advocating for RE6 as a quality game because it is not. I am saying that it's so bad that it even squanders the one good thing it has going for it.

I do think it's marginally better than RE5, but only because there are fleeting moments in RE6 where it does get its shit together whereas I despise pretty much all of RE5. A game I hate 90% of is better than a game I hate 99% of, but it doesn't make that first one any better.

Correct you are instead locked into awfully long walk and talk sections, which also only exist in Leon's campaign, that you can't skip, the first 15 minutes of Leon are goddamn awful. Leon's campaign is trying to be something the game isn't, which is an over the top action game. Leon's "atmoshprere" is pretty cheap. Chris at least goes straight into the action and is barely ever interrupted, same with Jake. Also every character in every campaign gets stunned when one health bar goes down, unless you play at the highest diffuculty it really doesn't happen that frequently.

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Leon's is the worst campaign, bar none. It tries the hardest to appeal to RE tradition and in doing so ends up shitting on it the hardest. The church fight is its only good part. I think Ada's does more justice to RE tradition with its puzzles but even then it crosses over with Leon's campaign and guess what the worst parts of her campaign are for it? Chris's is the best but that's because it makes the least mistakes in executing the kind of game RE6 clearly wants to be, while Jake has both some of the best parts and some of the worst across any campaigns, the most mixed bag of the lot.

>I disagree, 2make's weapons have absolutely no punch to them and have awful sound effects making them feel like plastic toys.

6's have no punch to them either, even the shotgun felt like a pea shooter. The only weapon that felt satisfying to me in 6 was Ada's crossbow, both the normal bolts and explosive bolts felt good as fuck and really elevated her campaign for me. The actual firearms are the worst I ever used in RE though, only really good for stuns for melee followups.

>being too poor to buy a key off the internet for $1.50
I'd prefer buying a cup of coffee than a shit game.






I cant stress this enough, its fucking AWFUL and I forked over $60 for that piece of crap.

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There is a sincerely good, nuanced combat system that takes Vanquish's "push your special moves as far as they can go without overloading your stamina bar" and puts it in the action-RE context of alternating between engaging enemies and breaking away to make distance from them along with speedier inventory management. Almost none of it is explained, and almost none of it actually matters in the godawful campaigns. It is great gameplay strangled by a completely incompetent framing.

The biggest tragedy is that it was such a disaster that we'll never see those mechanics again.

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>and I forked over $60 for that piece of crap

My condolences, user. I bought a $10 used copy with a Walmart gift card that I got from work. I don't feel absolutely ripped off but sometimes I wonder what else I could've used that $10 for.

Ada is still the worst for me but it's all because of Ada herself. She is an annoying mary sue in the game and her self talks are easily the most cringey writing in the entire game, even worse than Leon's puns. If Ada didn't exist in 6 at all Leon's story at least would be more enjoyable. Good thing that Chris and Jake's story are pretty much standalone, that's why I like them the most. Also pic related is a great moment, at least for me. Also helped by Piers being more likable than expected.

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Aside from Chris's bromance with Piers the entire narrative is a check out for me so I judge the campaigns more on their gameplay merits than anything resembling characterization. Well, that's not entirely true, I do find Leon's multiple appeals to Raccoon City nostalgia quite atrocious and almost offensive given how bad it all is. But the gameplay in his part sucks ass too so even without that I'd still think it's the worst. But for Ada's I actually liked the puzzles and crossbow so it's better than Leon's for me, though I'd almost rather go through a lobotomy than replay his campaign so that doesn't say much.

>walk and talk
Yes, the very first 10-15 minutes of the first chapter. There are no actual sequences like this later on. You have the occasional hallway with the characters talking but that lasts for like 30 seconds tops and there's almost always enemies there too. Chris' and Sherry's campaign have the same talk and walk sequences at that.
>I like being stunned by bullets in the other campaigns
Leave this thread then.
I bought a Collector's edition on release for $70 AND a strategy guide.

Hell yeah it is. Anyone who complains about the controls either hasn’t played the fucking game or doesn’t understand how the John Wick counter system works. Shit’s cash, and Mercenaries is in peak form. On PC you get Mercs No Mery mode, too. Unlimited fun.

>I like being stunned by bullets in the other campaigns

I don't really like any of RE6's campaigns, Chris's is just the least shit.

How can one man be so wrong.

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Here's the thing - RE6 should not have been a Resident Evil game. Functionally/mechanically speaking, RE6 desperately wants to be a balls to the wall action game, it is by no means competent at conveying horror effectively on most any level. Because of this, the campaigns that try to be horror fail the hardest, while the campaigns that go for action...still fail, but they fail less hard. Chris's campaign is at best a cheap attempt at being Gears of War, it's not amazing by any means. But RE6's core gameplay is more at home there than anything else RE6 tries to be, therefore it's the least bad. Leon's tries the hardest to appeal to horror but RE6 fundamentally fails at this, it's just not designed to convey a good sense of horror due to how fucking powerful the characters are, so it by and large just bores, if not outright falls flat on its face with its middling attempts at atmosphere and pacing. And don't get me started on the shitshow that is Helena, I can't fucking stand her and Piers is an infinitely better side character.

>he isn't using nude mods to look at Helena's ass all the time
Lost me there.

>buying potentially stolen keys they can take away any second is being smart with money
Look at this stupid fuck.

I really liked the parts where you have to survive a bio attack when it's actually happening, and not just dealing with the aftermath. Not enough games have the "shit hits the fan" moments.

I've bought more than 20 games from G2A and other sites and do you want to know how many times I've received an invalid key or a key that was revoked later on? 0, zero, nada. I am not saying you're never going to run into an invalid key or have to deal with one being revoked later on, even 10k+ sellers have a few negative reviews because of invalid keys, but in general you will be fine and nothing is going to happen. Even if you happen to get your RE6 Europe key revoked 2 months later, who cares? The key was $1.50. If you really wanted to you could just buy another one and you'll be fine. I take buying a potential faulty key for $1.50 over buying the game on sale for 7.49 or god forbid full base price (20-30 bucks) any time.

The only thing I liked about Leon's campaign was pic related.

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Also no, I wouldn't buy a key for 30-50 bucks off G2A, especially not G2A. But if the key is way cheaper than the game's Steam sale discount I'll just go and buy it there, no money lost even if the key gets revoked.

Nah it alright

This, the rest was shit really especially the plot with the blue-balled CIA man.

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Wished the game would have more replayability. While I already have like 130 hours on steam, re4 weapon customization, actual fucking different costumes for the campaign, seriously why does that not exist it always has for every resident evil, unlockables for the campaign from mercenaires, more weapons would have made it more replayable.

Yes. It's one of the best action games from recent memory.
It has a fun/corny story, great boss fights and some of the deepest & most intricate third person shooting mechanics ever in regards to the amount of moves you can pull off. Literally ever.

No. The fact that contrarians will actually defend it now that we have 7 and 2 remake astonishes me. Mercs is fun, but it would've been better if you could play as more characters in that mode like 5 Reunion.

6 is a great TPS.
7 is a garbage FPS.

That's because 6 tried to be a TPS instead of a Resident Evil game and succeeded and 7 tried to be a Resident Evil game instead of an FPS and succeeded. Both of them are also very, very shitty RTS games because neither tried to be that at all.

It wasn't a good Resident Evil game either.
Resident Evil games have good gameplay, good boss fights and enemy variety.

>6 is a great TPS
It has solid fundamental mechanics but the entire game surrounding those mechanics is dogshit. 7's a much more solid product overall with an actual sense of identity and focus.

What sense of identity? It's a hodgepodge of old horror movie tropes, with liberal doses of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and SAW of all things, mashed together and branded as a reboot if a franchise which it has nothing to do with beyond the act of collecting puzzle pieces.

Try and pass it off as being derivative all you want, but the rural bayou setting is pretty originally in horror games, and the Baker family are some of the most memorable RE characters. Also it's obvious that 7 is being used as the foundation for the story of the next couple of entries. It's not some off shoot branded as RE7, it's likely RE8 and maybe even RE9 will be dealing with the same virus.

It's all right.

every single time


The same virus that turns people into extremely boring and generic black goo monsters with no variation? You sure about that? They're making shit up as they go along, there's no plan.

It's a good action game with some awful bits here and there. Also the cutscenes are kino, pure entertainment. RE fags are not to be trusted, they think that pathetic shit stain 7 is good just because marketing told them it was.

5 does the coop so much better, 6 pacing is all over the place

When RE6 "works" it's comes close to being/is great, the problem with RE6 though is that there are only a small handful of parts that "work". Mainly in Chris's campaign, and partly in Jake's, as these campaigns embrace RE6's combat mechanics more and have at least some chapters designed around the combat.
However everything that isn't these specific situations/chapters, is either mediocre or fucking awful.

Only in coop

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Mercs 6 is easily the best

the single worst RE


way too many unneeded QTE

It has some of the worst controls for a third person shooter.

Not to mention you get being every freaking cover and corner even if you remotely get close.
A stamina system that is not necessary.
Weapon upgrades removed for a skill system where most of the skills suck outside of "free healing when picked up"
Damage sponge enemies
Playing dead zombies that can't be killed
Dodging that is useless because you get caught on scenery

>Not to mention you get being every freaking cover and corner even if you remotely get close.
i assume you mean behind not being either way this is a lie
>A stamina system that is not necessary.
without a stamina system you could spam some extremely overpowered melee moves
>Weapon upgrades removed for a skill system where most of the skills suck outside of "free healing when picked up"
weapons are strong enough don't need upgrading
>Damage sponge enemies
they take a couple of shots at best plus you can parry them or use one of the many cqc moves to disable them
>Playing dead zombies that can't be killed
they can be killed once you trigger them
>Dodging that is useless because you get caught on scenery
another outright lie

What guns? Most of them are shit besides shotguns considering the bullet sponge enemies and you'll be scrolling through your inventory of 10 guns to pick one that doesn't even feel good to shoot until you run out of ammo trying to kill one dude that keeps mutating into a lizard man or a grasshopper everytime you """"kill"""" him.

Almost every boss fight in RE7 is better than ones in RE2 and the gameplay is almost identical. Functionally there are almost as many enemy types too, the problem is that they're all monochrome.

>villain's main motivation is getting cuckolded by ada
truly ahead of its time

>they can be killed once you trigger them
This perfectly sums up why RE6's design is diametrically opposed to Resident Evil. It's not about survival or making sure to maximize your chances at survival by being careful. Even tapping zombies to make sure they're dead before proceeding has been disabled in favor of instigating a conflict first and then engaging the predator on more equal ground. They had absolutely no idea what they were doing with that piece of shit of a game.

>the Baker family are some of the most memorable RE characters
No one is memorable except Jack and that's because of the hundred or so scripted events where he taunts the player. Even the STARS members that die in the opening of RE1 are more interesting.

resident evil stopped because survival horror on the release of 4 my dude

No, Resident Evil 4 stopped being survival horror when RE3.5 was cancelled. Outbreak File 2 still came out after 4.
Jack is a former marine who's kid was an engineering student who took part in many design competitions. There's almost no background for any of the STARS members.

a singular game came out after 4? well jeez man you know what i guess it still was survival horror even though outbreak file 2 is a spin off

It's not as bad as some say but it's a shit Resident Evil game

Well it's a canon spin-off according to RE7. And with RE5 and RE6, and File 2, Revelations, RE7 and RE2Remake, there are more survival horror games that were released after RE4 than boulder punching ones.

Females were the hottest they have ever been in a RE game (RE:2 claire still a cute)
Leon looked and sounded the best hes ever looked (RE:2 leon is still top tier)
Mercenaries on most maps

Also this

revelations isn't survival horror my guy

>Wasting 2$ is "smart with money" because it's cheap, despite the fact you gotta pay another 3$ for "insurance" to get your 2$ back
This is your mind on poor
Just buy from a reputable site, invalid

A step in the right direction at least. The game doesn't revolve around dopamine hits based on incentivization of maximum kills due to timed drops of mario coins used for incremental upgrades. And since this board insists on defending RE3, it even has the unreliable invisible QTE -based dodge mechanic from that game too.

gotta disagree with you pal i don't think it was a step in the right direction

>You are given great tools to do great things in theory but the game design does everything in its power to prevent you from actually doing those things.
These are the most frustrating kinds of games because they can never ever be fixed. I'd honestly rather have something that's 100% shit because at least with that there's no wasted potential.

I'm not your pal, buddy and even if it wasn't a step in the right direction, it wasn't further steps into the wrong one unlike RE6.

listen friend i respect you i really do but i personally prefer the more action based horror games like RE6 i think we should have the best of both worlds and have capcom develop the action based horror games under a different name while giving resident evil it's old survival horror gameplay

while there may be people playing they are also not all in the same playlist, merc mode, agent hunt, unlimited ammo/team damage settings or just already playing coop with their re bro. it can be very hard to find a lobby that isn't 3rd world wifi warriors and I'm in NY just outside of nyc. and good luck ever trying to find a duo of coop partners for the few 4 player coop sections/boss battles. been on ps3 since launch and moved to pc after that came out, only had 1 match where that actually worked due to having to get lucky and sync with another team. best way to play is join a re group and do custom lobbies or try and sync up two duo teams.

Get out of here with your reasonable opinions and compromises that benefit everyone. And take this with you

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Yeah well thanks for pic i guess and i hope you have a good day to loser

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>single playthrough just to say you played it
But I do this with every game I own. Who the fuck replays games anymore?

Why are the gloves still on?

Because she doesn't want to touch you.

It was pretty good, the girls were hot, ada, sherry, carla. Dirty chapter 2/3 helena where she's soaking wet and got smudges all over her chest makes me diamonds. I want to call her mommy.

Don't forget the almost infinite amount of gunpowder in 3 that ensures you'll never EVER run out of ammo. Survival horror for the first 3 minutes of play then its just a rootin tootin lootin while pointin and shootin

Nuh uh

Not that user but Revelations was absolutely the best RE game to come out in 2012. The map design and claustrophobic setting of the Queen Zenobia alone was more successful in execution than any idea in RE6, let alone some of its setpiece moments like the comms office fight or chasing Rachel through the ship. It felt like they took RE4 and tried to rebalance it more into a survival horror game to mixed effect. It was still an action game but less of an overt one than RE4 was, let alone RE5/6.

The switching characters after every chapter really hurt it's pacing. One minute you're scraping by, upgrading weapons, trying to find keys etc. then the next minute you're in some random snowy area blasting through wolves as Chris

That is true. That's the one way Revelations being a 3DS game really hurt it, they designed it episodically so as to be sufficiently bite sized for a handheld. The chaptered progression also prevents the game from utilizing the map design as well as it could've. Just play the last mission of Raid Mode, which lets you freely navigate the ship and see what could've been.

It also has adaptive difficulty that makes educated guesses regarding what you might need and puts those items into the level. So no area of the game is actually balanced around a specific setup of items and enemies.