>play game
>it’s hard
>play same game but localized for a different region
>it’s easier
Play game
You don't need a prescription to buy insulin in Canada?
For profit healthcare industry is the biggest scumbag thing about the USA that is just disgusting and I can't thank every divinity out there that this madness doesn't exist in my country.
>anericans need a doctor’s note to buy something the human body naturally produces
Type 1 isn't fat kind though
American healthcare is literally the best type of healthcare in the world. If you're weak and inferior, you do not deserve it. If you are morbidly obese and not taking care of yourself, you do not deserve it. Plain and simple.
The doctor's should decide who gets treatment in this world. Not the average brain dead normie consumer.
the human body produces a lot of shit that can be very harmful to you if you inject yourself with it
>If you are morbidly obese and not taking care of yourself, you do not deserve it.
yet this where most of the american healthcare goes to
Cut 'em off. Let them suffer in agony.
does anyone else have problems trying to read lines with emojis where it just becomes incomprehensible instantly?
>Carrie Fisher's Twitter
>The doctor's should decide who gets treatment in this world
except this isn't the case, your finances dictate your level of care in the US
If you're a frail cancer ridden right-off, but you have a fat wallet, you bet the doctor will happily oblige to pump you full of chemo and hand you the bill even though it does nothing to help.
When a hospital's primary purpose is to turn a profit over the care of it's patients you know the system is fucked up.
Need ongoing treatment but have no money? Don't worry, we'll pay for your taxi to the homeless shelter.
could you imagine being a subhuman burger and being afraid of what is essentially a large insurance risk pool that would actually save money for the country in the long run?
fucking monster hunter 3u
The example medical condition in the OP (T1 diabetic) can happen to anyone at pure random. I live in small Northern town in the UK where there are a disproportionately high number of T1 diabetics. All the UK's major treatment facilities are based here because of this.
The reason there are so many T1 diabetics in this area has been linked with pollution in the area and the way it affects the human body when growing up around it.
So this fellow I'm replying to would leave these people to die if they couldn't afford the insulin to treat their medical condition which has effectively been caused by the greed of private enterprise in the area. The private enterprise gets away with it completely - but in a private healthcare system, you, or your wife or your kids will die if they can't afford their medicine.
TLDR - you don't understand how diabetes works. Let's just hope you don't catch it yourself (living in your shithole country where environmental regulations are even lower than they are in UK).
There are also the false claims you make in the statement (for example, the US healthcare system is the best in the world - not true - Globally, it's by far the least efficient and the outcomes are worse than in any other developed country on earth (i.e you pay more and get less). By any quantitative measurement, it's actually one of the worst in the world. A single payer system would halve healthcare spending in the US whilst improving outcomes.
TLDR - Americans do not understand basic science. I thought at least one qualified medical professional ought to chime in. I'm out.
>the doctors should decide who gets treatment
I mean they take this oath
My thoughts exactly, what the fuck man.
>The (proven to be dishonest) insurance companies should decide who gets treatment
>If you are morbidly obese and not taking care of yourself, you do not deserve it.
This is true, too bad the American health care system rewards and encourages their behavior.
Unlike the proactive system used everywhere else (regular checkups, advise on weight loss, addiction, exercise guidance, proactive medical condition checkups etc).
Americans are too dumb to realise this. They would rather spend more than any industrialised country on Earth for healthcare whilst getting worse outcomes. Then again, not surprising considering they also have a lower quality of life (which is still on a downward spiral) than any other developed country on Earth.
I love laughing at Amerifats!
>get cancer
>either die or be forever in debt
>be perfectly healthy
>exercise, eat right, have no health issues
>marry healthy wife, have healthy kids
>still forced to pay over 50% of your paycheck so fat or otherwise unlucky fucks can get free shit
this fucking hurts so much, 30% of my paycheck fucking GONE every month. Yet the government still sells cigarettes and isn't taxing soda and junk food. FUCK fatties and FUCK smokers.
epic twitter screenshot thread
very video games related
High risk behavior should have a special tax as well, but universal health care just makes more sense still.
yeah, and big corporations like mcdonalds, cocacola and marlboro will let these taxes slide...
>>be perfectly healthy
>>exercise, eat right, have no health issues
>>marry healthy wife, have healthy kids
and then your kid gets cancer and you can't afford treatment.
seriously, just imagine living in a country where people die because they can't afford treatment? that's 4th world tier
>be perfectly healthy
>pay medical insurance 'just in case'
>could live a long healthy life and die peacefully in your sleep at 101, never needing to claim on healthcare
Explain how this is any different than paying it in taxes instead of to an insurance company's pocket?
>hurr I can choose not to pay
enjoy being bankrupted by a yeast infection
>Be young, fit, healthy
>Get sick regardless
>Insurer denies coverage
>Die young and in excruciating pain
The American way
>Pay twice as much as necessary than anywhere else in the world
>Get worse outcomes
>Get sick
>Insurance company denies coverage
The European Way
>Pay less than half of Americans private insurance bill via national insurance
>Live in a society with better outcomes (less crime, happier population etc)
>Get sick
>Get cured
Not to mention
> No $30,000 bill to have a baby
> No stupid ACA rules forcing employers to cover employees with worthless insurance, taking money from small businesses
>Medical bills are the no.1 cause of bankruptcy in the US
>Doctors spend more time doing administrative work (dealing with insurance companies) than treating patients
I'm sure wasting 10% of your GDP every year is good for the economy (lol)
C'mon Americucks, I thought you were no.1?
is this what american indoctrination looks like?
>Massive deductibles / co-payments (insurance is worthless if you develop a medical condition or need surgery)
>Highest prices for prescription drugs in the world - illegal to import from cheaper countries
>Pharmaceutical and healthcare companies wasting revenue on things that do not improve outcomes (PR, Television advertising, lobbying etc) - none of this in European healthcare systems (no pharma ads at all)
>Insurance companies regularly unlawfully denying coverage to poor people without the means to legally challenge the decision (leading to innocent deaths)
>Forcing disabled kids off parent's insurance when coming of age - leaving them to die with un-affordable bills when they should be starting their life
>GoFundMe is now mostly Americans trying to raise money for healthcare bills
>Healthcare denied to insured patients as they are unable to prove they have insurance (i.e - even if you are insured don't count on getting help in an emergency)
I'm sure I can think of even more problems if you like.
All this at double the financial cost of just insuring everybody.
Truly, the Americans are enlightened
Thank god I live in Europe. I have type 1 and I heard some Americans still use those old syringes to measure and administer the amount of insulin.
A "very easy" mode was added to Catherine because Americans couldn't beat "easy" mode.
1. If you are taxed at 50%, then you should get a new accountant as the highest tax rate is 37% before deductions (on earnings over $500,000 a year, so sorry if I don't cry you a river but you aren't exactly struggling on >500k (which you obviously aren't on anyway because you are on Yea Forums arguing with strangers about tax rates that you don't understand))
2. Single payer saves money, so your shit argument about financial cost doesn't really stand up. Think how much money the average family would save with no insurance contributions, no co-pays, no deductibles, free dental, sight and hearing care, free prescriptions etc.
3. Healthcare bills in the US are the leading cause of bankruptcy. You don't think that saving trillions of taxpayer dollars and preventing tens of thousands of bankruptcies every year will lead to a healthier economy? Or have a positive effect on crime? Or the community where you live?
15 y/o edge-lords arguing about things they know nothing about
In that case there's a lot of harmful shit you can buy that you don't need a prescription for at all, they're more concerned about you getting high or addicted, not purchasing drugs that only serve a useful purpose.
Do people with shit genes feel guilty about passing off their faulty genes into the pool? Do these people grasp the concept of natural selection?
If you're severely fucked with a genetic history of cancer of mental illness, probably. Not so much for people with bad luck and inconvenience illnesses like asthma, poor eyesight and type 1 diabetes.
If you're in a shithole like the USA where you're going to bankrupt yourself with anything higher than a cut or bruise then yeah they probably feel guilty.
If the people with these genes are succeeding at reproduction then obviously they do.
>BTW T1 diabetes in linked principally to environment (i.e pollution), although you can be genetically predisposed to it. The majority of T1 patients I see do not have a genetic history - when they do, it's usually a pregnant woman and the pancreas goes back to normal after pregnancy (again in my experience) or a very young child. So the "genetics/natural selection" argument is just total bullshit anyway.
Wait, if i'm muslim i can get stuff for free in Canada? Sign me up!
I remember when Americans used to delude themselves that they came out on top in healthcare debates.
Thankfully those days are over (except for a few exceptionally stupid individuals). I hope you all vote for Bernie as it's him who made this change.
yes, it was passed on the same law that made estrogen prescription free
wow, the more you know
She would have a point if that guy weren't married and Star Wars + Capeshit being huge with normalfag chicks too.
there's "married" and there's "tyrone the bull comes around on tuesday nights"
Why don't they move to Canada if it's so great?
Insulin is fucking dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.
what the fuck is that mark on his face anyways?
The more I hear about America the more it looks like a dystopian place from some edgy cartoon, hell even the politicians sound like cartoon villains, not caring about poisoned water because "people can drink soda lol"
I like the way you think, To bad it isn't true
>come to video game forum to talk about politics
This is not a hobby, incels.
this but unironically
the key is "obsessed", incels. most of them going to theaters are consumers forced to be hyped up to consume these garabges by commercialistic corporate media, not nerds sincerely obsessed with cheap and absurdity SF soap opera, and the kitsch stories of heroes covered by spandex all over their bodies.
Bro just stop being poor and get a job, oh oops I just got fired because literally no job in America is stable. Bro just stop being sick, oh oops I just got poisoned by the water and food because health regulations are meant to be broken. Guess I'll be dying homeless now but at least I'm FREE.
Cancer. His own body rejects him.
Roider and trannie paradise.
>tfw 320 lb down to 270lb and lowering
>somehow never got diabetes but still scared it'll appear somehow
>Be perfectly healthy
>Suddenly have an accident for no reason whatsoever
>Forced to pay 500k in debt and go bancrupt
v-video games...
How many jewish dicks can you take in your ass user?
2nd type diabetes isn't that bad. The scary shit is the first type.
He would be able to afford treatment if he didn't have to pay other people's shit for all those years