40GB patch, not allowed to play without it

>40GB patch, not allowed to play without it
>Not allowed to play without an ubisoft account and constant online connection
>Character creator defaults to a woman every time, and a non white woman more than 80% of the time
>"Change Body Type" button (it's a change gender button but gender is a social construct oy vey)
>Character randomiser gives you split of 30% black, 30% asian, 30% hispanic, 10% white, basically ever 10th time you hit randomise you'll get a white guy to show up
>Tutorial mission has you led into battle by stronk black empowered woman
>Opening title crawl narrated by stronk white empowered woman
I'm only 15 minutes in, how much worse does it get?

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loot sucks until you beat the campaign


You sound like an insecure fag
>Oh noes a women shows up in my video games
Grow up nigga

I bet you're the type of faggot that kicks off when women complain there are too many white male protags

Women don't belong in combat roles for a variety of reasons.

>It's a video game!
is not an excuse. It's as immersion breaking as if they had a toddler with an AK47 teaching you how to shoot.

Have sex unironically

99% of people who buy games are straight white males, why shouldn't 99% of games star straight white males?

>as if they had a toddler with an AK47 teaching you how to shoot

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>Reeeeeee get out of my TV games, reeeeeee
Have sex

Thats a big yikes form me OP

Thats not a toddler

Imagine being this flustered over a pair of tits

Video games are and always have been the domain of straight white men, nothing will change this

Why are you even here?

You do realise Yea Forums isn't the place for "progressive" politics right? Literally every other website online caters to you and you choose to come to the last place that has open racism and misogyny and complain that people are racist and misogynist. Fuck off to r eddit if you don't like it.

Buy shit game, get shit on. What dont you understand?

>Imagine defending m'lady online

>15 mins, tested character creator for hours
>40gb patch (Aka downloading the fucking game)
>Whines about females
Yep its Yea Forums shitposting again, brain dead and full of autism

Even old Yea Forums didn't use to be this beta.

>buying ubishit
how are people still falling for this

Ahh yes, Yea Forums is for retarded shit posting and no real conversation argument

>For not wanting video games flooded with stronk womyn fanfiction

Go back to where you came from


The first one has lots of gay and black women snipers

>Video games are and always have been the domain of straight white men
are you braindead? video games are all around the world, you dumb shit.
go to reddit if you can't handle differing opinions, you shitstain.

>It's really just a massive grid of empty corridors with less than 1% of buildings being enterable
>Every 2nd or 3rd grid section you encounter the same dumb ass enemies you shoot at with your god awful guns

>are you braindead? video games are all around the world, you dumb shit.
And yet 99% of protagonists are straight, white men. The biggest demographic who actually buys games. Third worlders don't buy games, and all non whites except Japanese are third worlders.

>go to reddit if you can't handle differing opinions, you shitstain.
Go to reddit if you want to defend jewish political brainwashing and propoganda in games

>The biggest demographic who actually buys games
yeah, no. asia in general is a thing, you know?
>m-mommy they have an opinion other than mine, why aren't they just hugboxing me, tell them, mommy! ;_;

>yeah, no. asia in general is a thing, you know?
I said buys games, not donates their entire paycheck to mobile games retard. Mobile games are not real video games.

>m-mommy they have an opinion other than mine, why aren't they just hugboxing me, tell them, mommy! ;_;
Your opinion is what exactly? That women are stronk warriors who can do anything men can?

women are non ironically shit at everything and should be kept away from videogames.

>No new content for a whole month

This game is fucking dead

>have sex
How many libtards who use these terms are projecting?

All of them.

Every time a secret pedo is exposed, surprise, surprise it's always a "male feminist ally" hiding in plain sight.

Oh no i'm not being properly represented in videogames.

>40GB patch, not allowed to play without it
>Not allowed to play without an ubisoft account and constant online connection
>Character creator defaults to a woman every time, and a non white woman more than 80% of the time
Welcome the games as a live service model. This shit has been happening for at least 10 years now, people justifying that everyone has internet now and it's not an issue. The result is this stuff being completely normalised. Reap what you sow. The only solution is to not buy games like this.

>Character creator defaults to a woman every time, and a non white woman more than 80% of the time
>"Change Body Type" button (it's a change gender button but gender is a social construct oy vey)
>Character randomiser gives you split of 30% black, 30% asian, 30% hispanic, 10% white, basically ever 10th time you hit randomise you'll get a white guy to show up
>Tutorial mission has you led into battle by stronk black empowered woman
>Opening title crawl narrated by stronk white empowered woman
This is just typical white supremacist incel Yea Forums poster rant, like diversity and progressive ideas are somehow a bad thing, and white male is not the default it's somehow bad. Completely invalid points.

that there's nothing wrong with devs making their games the way they want to, wether it panders to you or not.
>i'll just keep denying so that i don't have to readjust my worldview
last reply

>taking Yea Forums meme slogans serious

I could use you as a case study. Have you ever had sex?

i'm gonna marry soon

If 3rd worlders bought games, the default in 99% of games for the past 50 years wouldn't be straight white male sweaty.

I know you want to feel important but no one cares about niggers. You were just unlucky to be born subhuman.

What amazes me is that you picked up and actually played a mass-market, shill-fest, piece of shit game like THE DIVISION 2, and expected anything else than mass-market garbage devoid of substance.

Fuck you and everyone else in this thread. "Yea Forums was never a place for progressive politics", get fucked, old Yea Forums wouldn't have even given this game the time of fucking day because SUPRISE, IDIOT, IT'S CRAP MADE FOR LITERALLY ANYONE AND EVERYONE TO GATHER A WIDE AUDIENCE.

Remember when we used to not even discuss Halo here? "Babby's first FPS"?
Fuck, if only we policed the board as well as we did then, we wouldn't have you shit-sucking faggots playing a multi million dollar videogame and getting pissed that they're trying to check and represent every goddamn market box available, and then coming to Yea Forums to make yet another thread bitching about it.

Fuck you, you're the worst thread on the board. The Division 2 is fucking trash and you should've known that from the get-go, you fucking moron.
You represent the total failure of this board's moderation. I wish we were like Yea Forums and your shitty threads would get blocked on sight.

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absolutely based and redpilled

E3 trailer was enough of a red flag

Got it for free, I got my money's worth out of it. Uninstalled after reaching endgame and realizing there was nothing else to do besides chase a horribly balanced carrot on a stick.

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how the fuck can OP even recover from a post like this

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>oh noes
Found the discord tranny.

>You represent the total failure of this board's moderation.
I don't even like The Division 2, never even played it in fact. But when you say shit like a thread about a video game is a failure of a board's moderation, a board which is about video games, I have to wonder if you are really that fucked in the head not to see the contradiction here.
The contradiction that should give you a hint that maybe, just maybe, you are the retard in this situation.

>triggers faggot like you
Ubisoft is based as fuck

Have sex.

You lost me at that third line and you deserve it for buying a live service game, retard.

Good post.

The board is called Yea Forums - Video Games, not Yea Forums - Only Certain Video Games and Not Other Ones

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Who the fuck cares?

Why do you care so much about race OP? That's what racists do, and I'm not trolling.

why, you jealous?

answer the question user

>Remember when we used to not even discuss Halo here? "Babby's first FPS"?
the good old days wewwwwww

The only reason it gets used here is because it guarantees (You)s, nothing else. It's quite obvious that it bothers the vast majority of the users here, otherwise there weren't that many (You)s every time it gets posted and you could ignore it.

I stopped this game at about level 20, it was the same fights in the same environments with the same five weapons. Only a handful of skills are remotely viable and the AI is literally braindead, often running to take cover right in front of me (as in running in a straight fucking line towards me). Any somewhat interesting cosmetic is locked behind a paywall, or you can have a .0001% chance of looting it in the world. Any Dark Zone I entered was lifeless, but I'm assuming max players only enter and they've implemented a weird fucking grouping system for it so it makes sense I saw no one because they designed it that way. The story is braindead the characters are absolutely uninteresting and the different factions have zero life between them with their differences being one or two changed units. In The Division 1 you could stumble upon players in combat with enemies but for some reason in 2 you only see players at the main hubs (and usually there's like two people at most). There was also a laughable bug during the first week that caused skills to instantly poof and go on cooldown. Game was shit and I wish I could have refunded.

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I'm a racist, so what