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Played it for a few hours and I can't see the obsession with this game.The artstyle is nice and the humor sometimes work but other than that it's extremely generic.Is this one of the "it gets better after 20 hours" meme games?
monster side had the feels, but the human side was where all the badasses were. sequel never despite having more soul than any FF game
Can someone remind me what happened in ending?
I only remember it was depressed as fuck
In one you kill your """waifu""" and subhumans, in the other you kill humanity
Sequel never
Nope. If you weren't hooked within the first few hours, you never will be.
>keep kicking a dwarf
>Dwarf kicks my ass
Depends. If you feel too constrained when you play it, once you unlock the town it opens up more. Game is mostly about the characters and story. Its very charming.
hows tri-ace doing nowadays?
Love this game. Too bad I didn't get to finish it. Is it playable on emulator or would I be better off getting a cheap ps2?
The music is great, this and tales of legendia are the two ps2 era rpgs I loved the most
but you get to live with scalies and furries
Bros before hoes.
I dont think i ever finished this.
Phoneshit slaves.
Barely surviving through shitty mobile games.
this game had the most interesting NPC activities on human side
But the money they make from that will reboot SO
Star Ocean? They already tried and torpedoed it by making a bad game that self-censored for the west.
>tfw no new VP game never ever that isn't gachashit
why bros
being real tho how is the VP game thought about trying it
It's typical gacha dogshit with no redeeming qualities.
not even a half decent story or anything? god damn it.
>Half-decent story
some gacha have okayish stories (my bar is set pretty low because they're gacha games so I judge em based on that)
Gameplay is above avg. great gfx
3rd neutral ending dlc when?
It's kinda surprising that Jack just lets shit spiral out of control so far and at no point steps up for the sake of his own ideals and tells some to cut this shit the fuck out. Really Jack? Not gonna call out your girlfriend's autistic genocide-seeking? Not gonna call out the human leadership about wanting to kill off the other races? Not gonna tell the non-humans that betraying their friends is fucking disgusting? Not gonna slap around the faggot dragon who demands humans get genocided? Not gonna have ANY opinions?
Fuck humanity it kept ruining the order of things, Jack as a spirit slave to posessed Tsuncunt is best ending. HFY faggots seething.
The Silver Dragon literally wanted humanity to shine, he didn't want to kill anyone. However, humanity was going to kill the planet by fucking with the dragons who tried to preserve the order of the world. Also Algondars was going to kill everyone due to humans fucking elves and fucking the planet.
>girlfriend's autistic genocide-seeking
Ridley not once wanted to do that, the Fairy path is about trying to save her from being the vessel. Jack is just branded a traitor for doing what his father would have done. Jack literally cannot use The Arbitrator on the human path because that path is what ruins his ideals and instincts to help Ridley.
Thanks for reminding me this exists
replaying this after i finish zodiac age
can somebody make a "SHUT THE FUCK UP, ZOOMER" image? because you epitomize the need for it.
Radiata Stories has charming characters and locals, a great battle system, wonderful soundtrack, and the graphics are timeless. Radiata Stories is always going to be a nice looking game.
>Ridley not once wanted to do that, the Fairy path is about trying to save her from being the vessel
Except the whole time you just go along with helping the genocide and in the end let humanity get genocided completely.
gacha stories are equivalent to fillers in chinese cartoon
Humans keep fucking with the dragons because the dragons keep trying to kill them.
It gets better once everything opens up and you start recruiting characters.
How do I get Lizard to joins my party? I have Valkyrie why won't he joins me?
>My dad would chase pussy even if it resulted in the death of my entire race so some elves can jerk off their revenge fantasy!
Maybe he was a shit role model then?
He doesn't join.
Radiata Stories is probably one of the few games that has multiple endings where no matter what you do, you get a bad end.
human side motherfucker
lets run them down boys
It's a real simple choice. Will you:
>Let the aggressors genocide your race and meekly let it happen with no resistance at any point
>Genocide all the other races who are attacking humanity and won't stop so at least humanity can survive
>cultivate racism in kids game
What are they thinking?
Sometimes the world isn't pretty user, that's an important lesson.
Both sides fuck over the dragons and unlike the Elves they're not completely fucking insane or completely deserving of it.
Need a third route which is like human except you Gold and Silver team up to burn the elves to the ground.
Elves and dragons are both a shit and need to die.
Too bad about the plot.
When you actually start recruiting characters and exploring the giant, actual "open world" open world that is a ps2 JRPG, and you still don't like it, then this game isn't for you.
I wish there were more games like that. I love the city and the fact that almost every character was recruitable
>Resonance of Fate gets a High def/40k update
>Last Remnant gets a re-release
>Radiata Stories the best PS2 Suikoden gets forgotten
I'd kill for a remaster especially if they add a third "fuck both factions save Ridley and the World" route. C'mon Square throw us a bone
No Jack dies too, the faeries were working with Ridley/the Gold Dragon to kill all humans which was needed for some sort or world re-balancing. I don't think the humans wipe out the faeries in the human route
Leona was the cutest, I don't remember much else
>Need a third route which is like human except you Gold and Silver team up to burn the elves to the ground.
Better idea
>Recuit the moderates on the elf and human sides that don't want to commit genocide
>Third route is longer than both OG routes because you have to deal with both sides and intervene in many of the conflicts
>Forced to start off solo since you're an enemy to both sides
>Have to fight both OG final bosses AND the Elf king to save everyone
>Option to ditch Ridley for another waifu
>That magical girl idol that you had to stalk and catch her transforming back into a loli by talking to her at the exact moment the transformation sequence starts
That was a doozy.
Man if there was ever a game that deserved a third ending it was this. Both endings are terrible ways to finish a game.
Don't you remember the ending? It's you and Ridley walking into the empty human city with no regrets like a bunch of evil fucks.
I played this game over a decade ago and still think about it a lot.
Is there anything even remotely like it?