Is Final Fantasy XIV officially the most populated MMO on the market today? I doubt WoW is the king anymore ever since people realized how shallow and shitty BFA is.
Is Final Fantasy XIV officially the most populated MMO on the market today...
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Yes. WoW still was probably the biggest up until BFA (Legion was good) but a lot of players have quit since BFA. Even OSRS probably has more players online at any given time than WoW atm.
(former 10 year vet of WoW, quit after playing BFA and moved to XIV. Have not looked back)
>not quitting wow when cataclysm was released
Hey man, say what you will but Firelands was pretty fuckin sweet. Worth the ass cancer that was Deathwing/system reworks? Probably not, but we did at least get an amazing raid tier out of it.
Hit level 50 BRD, switched to SAM, but now I want to be DRG
It's probably still outpopulated by western MMOs, even WoW, but it should still be up there at least.
Probably not, probably not even 2nd at that but its definitely a big contender for one of the Top MMOs at the moment. Still that's not saying much as the Theme Park sub-genre has been losing people all around alongside WoW so chances are every MMO that spawned off its formula, XIV, included will see drops as WoW goes further below. Like this user said and that's not even counting the eastern population for WoW.
Fuck off refugee.
Probably not the most, but top 3 for sure
ESO is probably up there but it’s a lot more niche than a more typical gear progression system like FF has. I personally don’t like it and find the equipment not very interesting looks-wise either.
One of them at least
could you stop having a differentiated opinion and just blindly hate on cata like everyone else, thanks
>OSRS beating XIV
>WoW down to a million
Man, they really fucked it up, huh?
i sincerely do not comprehend the appeal of runescape, it just looks like a budget version of ultima online
>OSRS has more players than WoW
>OSRS has better growth than WoW
>OSRS Is lower than WoW
This shit's all retarded, what's even the point of having a list if the criteria for your placement doesn't actually matter?
>discover mods for the first time
>fapped 8 times that day
Man the clothing people come up with is amazing.
>I doubt WoW is the king anymore ever since people realized how shallow and shitty BFA is.
You underestimate how retarded Blizz drones are. They will keep paying for the shittiest garbage and try and find justification for it.
Look at Asmongoloid. Look at the WoW reddit.
>B-but they released some good games a decade ago...
>8.2 will save BfA r-right?
Classic will be ruined by either its autistic minmaxing playerbase or Activision or both
It also has Star Citizen, a game that doesn't even exist, listed
Honestly the appeal comes into the fact that for many people it was their first MMO in some shape or manner. Kind of helps that regardless of what you do in the game you can get far without having to worry about the treadmill that WoW and XIV have.
A lot of it is nostalgia but the game is mostly driven by the PvP community. If you want a PvE MMO look elsewhere but OSRS does a good job of making an MMO where PvE and PvP can both exist without one being totally fucked.
People seriously underestimate the legacy WoW has and how hard it is for it to "die" in terms of subscriptions. Even if it was 10 years ago, WoW had 12 mil+ subs, and even 2 dogshit expansions can only do so much damage. You underestimate the normies that have played almost no other game other than WoW. It was a phenomenon and even now it won't be easy for it to drop below another MMO's subscriber base. I think it's fair to say FFXIV is second when it comes to subscription MMO's though.
Overall though i wouldn't be surprised if a free to play/non-subscription MMO took over it in the coming years in terms of playerbase. I'm already suspecting OSRS is getting close if not already beating it in active players.
Honestly even with as shitty as WoW has been I wasn't expecting XIV to even be within 300k players, they legit could overtake them when Shadowniggers releases.
They're both garbage.
If Shadowniggas deliver something different besides MORE LEVELS MORE SKILLS MORE JOBS WOOOOOOW
Perhaps, for about 2 weeks. Then classic will launch.
I consider Warframe an MMO (albeit a unique one) because let’s be honest all you do in theme park MMOs is the same as you do in Warframe. Stay in one hub (orbiter) then go do a dungeon/raid and return to hub with loot and repeat (select mission, run mission and get loot). The gear progression in Warframe is mod based instead of gear based. I’m curious to see where it would end up on this list.
how is star citizen on the list? how is it so high? i've been thinking of joining in on the PRE-pre-pre-pre alpha
but everything i read about it is bad news, from the company seemingly vanishing money, to people literally dying going up and down stairs and ladders.
apparently the game is so buggy people claim a lot of the original "investors" have left and are calling it a huge scam.
but considering it's spot on the list, anyone who plays this wanna give me their 2cents? should i blow 200 dollars on this?
Then die 2 weeks later because people will realize how shit classic really was.
I haven't played Runescape since 2004 but I liked it back then because it had really great quests and the variety of skills made it feel like combat wasn't the only part of the game. Even though it looks like shit, as an MMO it did a great job of making you feel like you're part of the world. Even just little dumb things like having the ability to pickpocket city guards, or dropping items on death, or delve into a dangerous area solo to farm hard mobs, makes the world feel so much more immersive than something like WoW or XIV where it feels like you are strapped in to a theme park ride, you can't do anything that would cause negative consequences.
Pathetic. Has ffxiv ever even breached 1 mil players?
Classic will only boost WoW's numbers for about a month, then the people that only cared because of hype will quit, and the much smaller core of people that actually care about it will stick around
Probably when Stormblood launched
It won't. They're literally rehashing zones and reusing as many assets as humanly possible because they have a skeleton crew working on the game. Just look at the devs doing unpaid work just to give the new races headgear. If anything they'll just add more gimmicky shit like BLU and perhaps yet another PoTD. Eureka was a fun idea, but it's already dead. On the Light data center you can't even queue for raids/specific dungeons passed 12:00 AM.
if you're a coward you need to re-evaluate yourself
WoW wishes it could have our devs
Keep dreaming faggot
Stormblood launch. After that it went down to around 600k-ish players. My question for that sit though is how its tracking numbers or active subs?
Absolute fool comin' in.
Smaller yes. But it will definitely not be a small amount of people sticking around. Anyone claiming this is delusional or one of these FFXIV shills just wishing their game was worth playing.
That's true for any MMO to be honest. The same thing will happen with ShadowBringers, it'll spike with new and returning players and will lose a good chunk of those a few months in. At this point given how XIV and WoW have "grown" in regards to their gameplay chances are what we see now is probably going to be the highest peak before a drastic drop for both games by the time of the next XIV expansion.
i love the dev team and how much they care for the game, but as the same time dislike that, due to the fact of how loud degenerates scream, and how easy nips will bend their backs for them
>confused fool
it's so fitting
They track how many people have gotten the achievement for the latest story section, or how many have gotten the most recent story related minion.
So it's not accurate for counting new players who haven't reached the end of the story, or players who did that stuff and aren't playing right now. It's a pretty rough number.
I don't know man, I think a lot of people are looking at it through some really thick nostalgia-goggles and aren't going to be happy when the game isn't like what they remember
>absolute fool
I would say you're wrong but given how I have stuck to it since its inception I can't help but agree. BRD does my job so much better but I foolishly can not abandon the job, I really hope they dont fuck up the rework because its the only thing keeping me in the game now.
Legendary fool , huh
Fair enough, figured it was a tad odd given the Bancho Census itself has never shown it to break the 700k mark in active characters alone since the SB launch. Wonder how much it is when you take alts into account honestly.
That's definitely not how that site does it because the censuses which DO do that put endgame characters at a much lower figure. The lucky bancho census which counts all level 35+ characters that have had any change to their lodestone profile (such as change in HP) has put the active character count at around 600k. On any given server only about 50-70% of players are level 70.
Absolute Madman, fuck yeah.
>implying unpaid devs are a great sign of things to come
The game is running on empty. Every expansion has less and less effort put into it. Wouldn't be surprised if it had 1 more expansion after Shadniggers and then went f2p with small updates every now and then. Then again, it still takes 6 months even now for them to add anything substantial in terms of content.
dead game
>went f2p
FF11 still requires a sub, 14 ain't going f2p any time soon
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Nigger you wish.
XI is a PS2 Era shovelware title with like 200 active players and that shit STILL requires a sub.
Mudfish fixes it.
>Then again, it still takes 6 months even now for them to add anything substantial in terms of content.
You're right that the dev team is stretched way too thin, but they've had a regular 3 month patch interval since launch.
Oh look Yea Forums is using words it doesn't know the meaning of again
The appeal is that you can run it on a 20 year old Brazilian computer. It's the MMO of choice in the third world.
Legion was shit. It was only good in comparison to warlords, which wasn't exactly hard to pull off.
shatter is garbage.
I think a lot of people including myself remember it just fine. The outdated non-quality of life style of classic is what people want. Zoomers and people that didn't experience it don't understand that all the quality of life changes added to the game are what killed it.
True it won't be some complex combat with 15+ skill rotations and bosses with 8 mechanics per fight, but it still manages to be extreme satisfying.
You do realize that without XI being a success you would never have had XIV in any shape, way or form? No 1.0 to reboot and become a WoW-clone for user.
That still doesnt counter the fact that it takes around 6 months for substantial content though user. As it stands Stormblood kept pushing smaller short lived content for the 3 month mark and the 6 month mark always signaled something akin to a raid tier, content that would last a while.
>That still doesnt counter the fact that it takes around 6 months for substantial content though user.
There is substantial content every 3 months, just not a savage raid. EX primals, 24-man raids, Eureka, things like HoH, those are all substantial content.
And it's still nothing compared to the multiple 14 month droughts WoW has had
Adding BLU and 1 dungeon is not substantial. They'll release new raids and the main content of the game every 6 months, and in-between that throw the plebs some scraps in a smaller patch with about a weeks worth of content if that.
Dumbshit I played XI and if literally anyone that used to play still did i'd go back occasionally. I never said it was bad, I implied it was a sloppy piece of shit with terrible combat and a boring overworld which is 100% true. Luckily the music/story/sense of community/gear kept me there up until everyone quit. Now it's an abandoned ghost town of a game.
>Adding BLU and 1 dungeon is not substantial.
They add a lot more than that though. What you mean to say is that they only add the content you're personally excited for every 6 months. There are still major content patches every 3 months regardless of how you feel about Eureka or 24-man raids.
>I think a lot of people including myself remember it just fine
Sure, there are bound to be some who do, but I still think that the number of people like that is going to be relatively small, and even if it isn't, there's still the issue that a lot of the people who were around likely don't have the time for something like Classic anymore, because a lot of them were still in school when it originally came out, and now they have jobs and responsibilities and shit
So you don't know what shovelware actually means but you needed a buzzword so you just picked one out of a hat
How is this site pulling 700k for XIV?
Adding BLU is why we didn't get a new healer. Fuck whatever BS Yoshi is using to try to spin it- and fuck Mr.Shitty and his retarded insistence that 'Oh, this is totally different'. They had job development resources they used on BLU they could have used on a real job.
>Adding BLU is why we didn't get a new healer.
Healer balance sucking shit by their own admission is why we didn't get a new healer.
Even without BLU we wouldn't have gotten three jobs, don't be stupid
No, BLU was made a limited job specifically so they didn't have to use real resources for it. The balancing aspect is the hardest part of making a new job and that's the biggest thing that went out the window for BLU.
how am I supposed to not clip using DA+CarveandSpit during blood weapon?
>These are the most popular massively multiplayer online games, based on activity and subscribers.
> based on activity and subscribers.
Basically gauging it via Reddit posts and Twitch viewers.
Those numbers are basically made up, based on "how many people are subscribed to the subreddit". Official census data is usually skewed in favor of making the company look good as well, so you really can't trust any data other than your own experience.
Tank balance is shit too (seriously, fuck anyone who plays DRK) but we got a fourth tank.
They not major content patches though, because as i said; you can literally complete all the content with in a week, maybe 2. I work 40 hours a week and still manage to do every bit of content they release within 1-2 weeks after release, besides savage and ultimate which sometimes takes a few weeks more. Any patch without a savage raid tier being added is easily completed, sometimes even on the first day. It's not just about content I don't enjoy, i still do the content. That's not the problem.
I suppose next you'll use the argument that Yoshi P designs the game this way and doesn't want you to play everyday, meanwhile still expecting you to keep the sub ticking along every month.
>Raidloggers still think their shit is the "main content of the game" and not a bone thrown to them to placate their autistic asses
How do these people play XIV without even realizing what kind of game it is? They plainly acknowledge they only get 4 bosses every 6 months and yet still somehow think they're the primary audience.
10 more days until the FFXIV producer letter live stream on twitch/youtube/niconico
>Shovelware is derogatory computer jargon for software bundles noted more for the quantity of what is included than for the quality or usefulness.
Hey retard, use context clues next time and try to apply the words meaning to the rest of the sentence. I also think it's hilarious that I call it a dead game no one cares about and all you can fire back at me with is "B-but...Muh definitions" XD Got me bro
>healer cast regen between pulls
>in aurum vale
I'm too tired nowadays to point these things out, especially when I get replies like "so?" afterward
Tank balance is nowhere near as fucked as Healer balance, especially compared to the Heavensward shitshow
>meanwhile still expecting you to keep the sub ticking along every month.
Except he's literally said that if there's not enough content for you, you should unsub and come back when there is
It’s the only mmo currently online where the world has a purpose rather than being a waiting room while you do dungeons through a menu.
I don't know if this is optimal but I always used Dark Arts after souleater and then carve & split after hard slash, since hard slash doesn't have a DA effect.
>They not major content patches though, because as i said; you can literally complete all the content with in a week, maybe 2
You can do that with Savage too, though. Savage is cleared by top groups on day one. The longevity of Savage comes from repeat clears, the same as 24-man raids, dungeons, and Deep Dungeon. And Eureka will keep you in there for plenty long if you bother to actually do it.
It's not shovelware by any stretch of the definition but it's good that you bring up shovels since you keep digging yourself a fucking hole
>someone is doing something harmless
>I can't be bothered to explain why I don't like it
>they don't know why I don't like it
Right-click Regen on your buffs to dismiss it until they get the fucking hint
There is no 'main content' of the game. It's a digital chat room with some game elements attached whose primary purpose is to get you to buy 10 white dyes for your cash shop outfit that you'll inevitably be disappointed in and stop wearing because all the cash shop outfits look like shit and the colors don't match with anything.
>It's a digital chat room with some game elements attached whose primary purpose is to get you to buy 10 white dyes for your cash shop outfit that you'll inevitably be disappointed in and stop wearing because all the cash shop outfits look like shit and the colors don't match with anything.
Whales are derided, even in XIV. Mogstation is pure cosmetics for a reason.
>I can't be bothered to explain why I don't like it
I don't explain to healers why not to regen between pulls. I just let them tank all the shit that runs right past me and straight at them. They usually learn pretty fast.
or even better make a macro
/statusoff "Regen"
I explain it. Same as I explain level 20 SMNs why they should have their pet on obey. It's always angry Germans that go "so?" and don't do anything about it.
I did that.
How the fuck does NIN have a punishing rotation, mudras aren't complicated and you'll literally only be rolling forward or backwards unless you're doing AOE
Bullshit, I've never seen anyone outside of this site say anything bad about any whale
>Whales are derided, even in XIV.
bruh you have to play for 300 hours of main content to reach shadowbringers. what the fuck are you talking about, do you even play the game you retard?
most populated dont think so but is the best the market has to offer
Just right click it?
There's nothing in Aurum Vale that can one shot a healer, if they get background enmity you have plenty of time to grab the add. Stop being such a shitty tank and do your job.
That's a fair point but really only AQ40 and Naxx required many hours of preparation. The rest of the game was very casual friendly, besides the time it took to level, but that was 90% of vanilla content and what people enjoyed. It wasn't entirely endgame focused.
Whales are derided in Mabinogi, fucking Maplestory, XIV, WoW, if some dipshit is wandering around with a $20 cash-shop outfit you bet your buttons there's somebody cracking a joke at their expense somewhere in the game-world. Most XIV cash-shop glamours look like shit and somebody being polite about it or keeping their mouth shut for the sake of politeness in-game isn't endorsement of their behavior
Should I start playing XIV?
When you shouldn't be hardcasting anyways and should come from Ten Chi Jin, assuming the boss is gonna stay in position for a good while
>aurum vale
some low lvl easy ass dungeon and you are bothered by people using their abilities. it takes less than 30 hours to reach that lvl on your first job. for what possible reason is it bad to use regen? are we supposed to look up guides for low lvl easy dungeons or something? wtf
>Whales are derided, even in XIV.
Can I join you in whatever reality you’re living in?
Better they learn now than later
he's probably a wowfugee who bought a story skip
who knows, everyone else playing it already
Infinite free trial up to level 35, you can level all jobs up to 35 on the one character/trial if you really feel like it. Reminds me mostly of WoW during Burning Crusade but it's definitely still a Final Fantasy game first and WoW clone/MMO second.
Are you retarded? If there's any role in the game that is most balanced, it's healers. Tanks are far more unbalanced in terms of dps output and at least 2 of the DPS classes are complete dogshit and nowhere near optimal compared to others.
That's a bold assumption in 99% of the game's content and groups.
The quests are great and the grinding is super comfy
>If there's any role in the game that is most balanced, it's healers.
You can use the free trial to get right to the point where the MSQ stops being complete ass
lol can you imagine defending wow over a literal pile of dogshit these days, let alone ff14 or eso?
FOURTEEN MONTHS OF SIEGE OF ORGRIMMAR LOL that's when I went to ff14 as my main and WoW as my secondary for a few weeks here or there, but slowly WoW's time has shrunk and shrunk and oh look, I can't even stand playing it for an hour anymore.
How hopelessly addicted or delusional do you have to be to still be playing WoW? Holy shit
WoW started its decline in TBC (And had hints of its failings during AQ/Nax) when they started down the road to streamlining everything. Sure, the first few steps were nice, but it kept getting simpler and easier every patch until the point where most of the decisions were taken out of players' hands because the dev team couldn't figure out how to balance them for what eventually became the only content they cared about -- raids.
How hard is XIV for a 30 year old boomer that hasn't played an MMO for almost 10 years?
WHM is far more of a black sheep than DRK is. Healers are unbalanced because of how fucking overpowered they are, not because they suck regardless.
whats the point if you manage to clear
>our devs
What a faggot
I know 4 boomers in XIV that play everyday. They used to play MMOs like Ragnarok Online, Everquest, and FFXI.
WHM is to healers what DRK is to tanks- completely fucking worthless and totally overshadowed by the other two jobs. There is zero reason to ever pick either of those two jobs unless it's just because 'you like them'.
Can you see the color orange?
>join treasure hunting group
>two hedgehogs
>two gold whiskers
>don't win any of the rolls
>completely fucking worthless and totally overshadowed by the other two jobs.
Ah, the opinion of a speedrunner meta whore. DRK shines brilliantly in endgame because of heavy magic-damage mitigation.
>confused coward
Fuck you you're not my dad!
Raiding in XIV isn't particularly challenging for the most part.
Almost all fights can be pugged with relative success, there's really only two encounters in the game right now (the Ultimates) that you can't really do that with.
>healer gets themself killed and you wipe to mobs
>they do it again anyway
What's the longest time you've ever spent in a pub?
>DRK shines brilliantly in endgame
Legendary Fool reporting in
>tfw you accidentally drag Crush Weapon into your entire raid party and kill everyone because you confused it for Shadowblade
He's right about WHM though
i can understand why you wouldnt want to be associated with yours
More importantly, why is there a "gap" between your pulls anyway? What your you doing? Playing with your dick after each pack?
Once you have sufficient enmity move on to the next group, let the DPS finish things off. What are you standing around for?
I swear you're the kind of shitty tank who, whenever I'm playing DPS, just ignores adds that head off to attack the casters/healers and meanwhile I take 2 seconds to just move over, stun it and kill it.
What do you think your role in the party even is?
You're there to tank not bitch about the healers healing you.
Learn to play the game.
>DRK Gets both world firsts
:^) Don't worry bro, lots of groups looking for WARs, i'm sure you'll find one soon!
Nah, it's like the 5th, right under GW2 I believe
You've already proven how retarded you are if you think DRK is anywhere near as bad off as WHM is in terms of being preferred within its role, no need to continue.
>Absolute Madman and Legendary Fool
I'm okay with this
oh my shit this can not be real
>reduce magic-vulnerability by 30% at will, 1m cooldown
Combine this with heavily magic-damage oriented raids which has been a trend since ARR, user
Is is real but Celestalon doesn't work on WoW anymore, he's on Hearthstone.
I mean, it's not even the strangest thing someone's played WoW with
SMN is probably the most consistent class for me and I have 170ms latency to the server I play on.
I think it's one of the least punishing classes for people with higher latency that I have played.
>300 hours of main content to reach shadowbringers
This is why 90% of sprouts quit by 40. I've had two friends join the game and when they realized what it'd take to catch up, and how shitty the story is, they gave up all hope. Pretty sad honestly, i was looking forward to playing the later stuff with them.
I also had to practically babysit them anytime they hit a dungeon because even with one of them leveling a healer, it took 30-45 mins to queue for older dungeons and especially trials passed 11pm which was the only time they could play. Our only other option would be to play on NA servers which would be laggy.
I think WoW is still on top in terms of player count, but if they fuck up the next expansion that might change.
SMN is only punishing if you eat shit really
you didnt mentioned that part but that doesnt mean one is related with the other
Yeah, Runescape is primed to overtake them at any minute.
No, you will ultimately be disappointed with it and the shills in these threads will tell you the story is good when it's some of the dullest shit i've ever had to sit through. I fell for the meme and watched every cutscene from ARR to midway through SB and it was utter garbage.
What didn't you like about it, user
I don't know about active, but there's a site that does XIV statistics specifically, and its metrics were simply recording the amount of players on Lodestone with certain achievements (Usually current patch ones like the story progression and raids for active 70s, I don't know what they use for total players). NA was reported somewhere around 220k, JP at around 250k, and EU around 180k, so I wouldn't doubt what they've got listed.
It also reported about 3500 people had achievements for O12S before the echo buff released, meaning out of the 170k level 70 characters, only about 2% of the playerbase actually completed the final raid.
legendary coward/absolute madman reporting in
I don't really put f2p mmos in the same ballpark as subscription based ones.
Sounds good desu.
I legitimately believe if they just deleted/greatly shortened the horrifically bad first part of the MSQ, XIV would have 30-40% more players. All of my friends who tried XIV after like 10 hours of just doing non stop fetch quests. The lore isn’t even good and it’s extremely embarrassing and easily the worst part of the game.
I really doubt there's a game that's above FFXIV besides wow and ESO it even if there was it would still be top 5. We would only be speculating tho
>doing main scenario roulette for the brainless exp
There's actual 45 year women that play this game as well as cripples that play the game with their feet.
Great, guess i'm getting on this train after all, thanks anons.
>doing main scenario roulette
ever since they removed cutscene skipping
no, just no
Did it once after the cutscene change, never again. This was such a fucking retarded change.
Blame Heavensward, for all the good it did in story telling it definitely made faggots think that it made up the whole story. They completely ignored the fact that the story is weak in ARR outside of the patches leading up to HW and that it completely bombed once more in Stormblood in which it got only mildly interesting near the end.
>Star Citizen
>Marvel Heroes
>people actually play ESO
Why? The armor sets look terrible and completely uninspired, the combat system feels awful, and the raids aren’t great. The housing system is based though I’ll give them that.
>30 hours to get to AV.
I cleared ARR on an alt recently and only clocked about 18 hours on /playtime, but a lot of it was spent logging on, doing the daily leveling roulette, then burning through quests until my level was too low. I even watched the majority of the cutscenes.
I will be skipping literally 90% of the cutscenes after the MSQ dungeon though, the Doman refugees storyline was shitty, the Crystal Braves are mostly filler, and the thing doesn't get good until the very end just before HW. And replaying all of ARR's MSQ, it's amazing just how much better the pacing (Which still isn't great), writing, and VA got from ARR to HW.
look at all those "but i thought they already unplug the servers" mmos and wow peak at 12M its not even 10% of whats used to be
>Hur you need to remake assets and model completely new stuff every time
You literally don't know shit about anything my guy.
>All of my friends who tried XIV after like 10 hours of just doing non stop fetch quests.
Good. Better that they quit early instead of having another bitter burned out faggot at endgame complaining about how there's nothing to do because he's playing a story-based game for the progression raiding. The story IS XIV, if you don't like it then you don't like XIV. Don't know why people have such a hard time accepting that.
I strongly encourage everyone to stop playing games they don't enjoy. Seems like that should be obvious but apparently it's not, they'll keep playing for all kinds of retarded reasons.
There are no more subscription based MMOs. FFXIV and WoW are the last bastions, and WoW is at most a few years away from stepping out. Even the story is pretty much entering it's final chapters.
My guess: pvp and the setting. Some people also seem to enjoy the combat.
wowfags on suicide watch.
Heavensward will be free when ShB comes out and you can catch up if you start the game now.
I've seen shittier tastes prevail over greater odds.
if you were tanking properly it wouldn't even be an issue.
by the time regen ticks you should already have overpowered/flashed them and that is more than enough
It's free right now if you have arr.
Imagine taking anything this guy says seriously when he was a casual WoW raider and hasn't even done any lv70 Savage content in XIV.
You know how healing causes enemies to aggro from a long distance? Regen does that in constant ticks, and it radiates from the tank. Soon as he gets close to the enemies, that are probably spread out, they run toward the healer.
Tanks don't/can't usually do their AoE aggro move first. Aggro doesn't just happen. They gather enemies around them with their ranged aggro move, and then when the connected (you see the little lines between) enemies all finally waddle close, they do the AoE, radius of which isn't that big. If the enemies are all spread out and running in different directions, it's chaos, especially if it's 5+ enemies and you have to kind of pixelhunt the right one (while the healer is running away around the corner of course).
Shielding spells don't have the same effect, which WHMs don't have until late levels, but WHMs have stronger healing which should carry the tank for the start of the fight, you can apply regen on the second or third GCD or so.
That's right. Seethe.
It's not bad, for the time invested it's roughly the same speed of exp/time as leveling. It's just a lot more boring because you're tabbing out for minutes at a time to do anything other than watch cutscenes you've already seen.
I got close to 3/4s of a level at 69 from the Praetorium, can't go wrong with that for about 50 minutes of dungeon.
1.0 was a better game.
>some low lvl easy ass dungeon
Then how come every party wipes in the first room?
It wouldn't be an issue if healer wasn't a drooling retard. Nobody needs those regen ticks, they're negligible anyway. Just let me sprint and pick up enough trash mobs, I'm not going to die because I didn't get that one tick for 4-5k of healing because I've got fucking buttons to mitigate this shit.
Private servers when
It's aurum vale where the enemies are spread out all over the place, and you actually have to pull carefully (in 99% of random groups at least). Not level 70 faceroll dungeons where you run forward, flash, and aoe.
The site isn't measuring subscribers/active users at all. It measures activity on the game's subreddit and then guesses the number of users based on that. There are games on the list that are only online in the form of private servers like Warhammer.
Good God no
How many expansions are they allowed to fuck up in a row? Feels like people been saying this for three of them now.
The lack of sub fee makes ESO pretty casual to play on the side. Been futzing with it to pass the time until ShB.
You just know the only reason so many faggots say this is because 1.0 isn't readily available anywhere to play so you can prove them wrong
What do you think his screenshot was taken on?
>going through ARR zones to do leftover quests
>all those low-stakes stories that give the area flavor
Comfy as heck.
One thing that bothered me about ESO is that you couldn't go five steps in any direction in any given zone without a voiced npc charging full speed at you begging you to help them with an urgent high-stakes quest to save the world, and you'd repeat this process throughout the entire zone. Got kinda old pretty quick. In XIV you go from ending centuries old wars between elves and dragons to pooling together resources to buy a local hard-working priest some cinnamon cookies.
I thought everyone had given up. Or been C&D'd
People don't know bout Kikipu and the Silver Bazaar
I still wish we'd get an RPG or two where the entire story is mostly something that only concerns a small area like a single city or county and the events are relatively mundane in the grand scheme of things. It feels like things always escalate to global or cosmic level threats in a short span of time in a video game, with writers/devs trying to one up each other on how big of threat they can make.
He's right you know? If you're not playing FFXIV for the story then why are you even playing it at all? At the end of the day its pretty much one of the most generic MMOs out in the market that'd you would be better off playing one that pushes you to endgame faster. You'll get the same burned out experience without having to suffer a story that's only good in one expansion
Speaking of housing, I have not played WoW in years. Have they finally added any customizable player housing? People have been asking for this for years. Displaying your armor sets on mannequins in your house would be kino as fuck. FFXIV added this a little while ago.
It's not, but it's extremely difficult to replicate a lot of aspects of a game that were server-side driven, especially one not thoroughly researched by its own community.
>Hurrdurr I'm a flood Youtube with 1.0 cutscene uploads and not the entire quest containing all the little story instances between cutscenes where you interact with all of the scripted npcs, or get called by npc LS, or triggering events in general
24-35 really should have been where they introduced beast tribe quests
why does he look like that
Fuck no. What are you gay? WoW players only like CHAD content like Gnomeragan Pet Dungeon and terrible looking Robo-gnomes and mctitanforging.
It is hard in ongoing games like MMOs because there always needs to be some kind of logical progression. It doesn't feel right to take down some interdimensional necromancer lord and then go back to slaying rats and thieves. WoW has had this problem for years. They simultaneously try to make your character out to be the chosen one ubermensch who saves the entire universe on a daily basis, and also some random nobody who needs to collect mushrooms for the local farmer.
Is it worth paying 20 dollarydoos for the base game of ESO if I just want to fuck around?
Depends what you mean with "fuck around".
If you want to be a degenerate ERP faggot with tons of bimbo mods then yes, I guess?
No. They had "garrisons" in WoD but that was the equivalent of a mobile idle game where you click menus to automatically send guys on timed missions to get resources.
I meant get a taste of the game
Probably. There's a lot of fucking around you can do, including being a dickass thief.
Honestly the game is fine for giving first impressions. It's when you try to get more into it that you start noticing the glaring flaws.
I don't really have any friends to play with and queuing with randoms throughout all the content seems lame. What's the community like? Would it be hard to find friends to level alongside?
>display armor on your mannequin
>it takes up one of your retainer marketboard-sell slots per piece of armor equipped
Yeah no. Even XI had proper-ass mannequins a decade prior with no strings attached.
He did clear Nael min ilvl so there's that.
ARR's pacing is pretty terrible. Like, the opening quests before you leave your city state aren't that bad, they generally set you up with an interesting take on the lore of your city state and the Ascians investigating you. It then takes a nosedive with three back to back dungeons, all of which are 15+ minute queues if you're playing a DPS, a tiny bit of interesting lore followed by another long ass queue to fight Ifrit, followed by a ton of cutscene exposition in which you pick a grand company, hearing the same speech three times.
Slyphs feel like they lead nowhere until 50, Titan and Garuda feel like a slog, and then things pick up the last few levels before 50 where you finally start to deal with the empire in earnest. Throughout this whole time, you're dealing with stilted VA dialog at times where it should be a high point of the story, along with occasional romps through seemingly unrelated dungeons that only really serve to take you out of what you're doing. Same goes for the amount of quests that just are there to kill time.
It's easy to take HW and SB for granted, but damn did they come a long way into actually improving the game considerably, even if it is still flawed in parts.
That's not particularly challenging nowadays.
The fights are basically trivial compared to when they came out, especially when you get carried by people that have run this shit hundreds of times and cleared UCoB.
>What's the community like?
It's fine enough, a bit polite/coddling compared to other MMOs but nothing you can't work with if you have anything remotely resembling social skills.
>Would it be hard to find friends to level alongside?
A bit iffy to, but sooner or later you'll find a Free Company that gels.
Honestly the only issue with WHM is that they're SS tier only in trash-littered dungeons and not in serious Raid content. But at least they do have their niche.
Actually they are good in ultimates and I believe whms have quite a lot more clears compared to asts.
It was the point at which I had the most fun. Everything was so magical.
>they're SS tier only in trash-littered dungeons
Did you forget they made SCH top-tier dungeon DPS awhile back?
SCH is the worst healer in high level dungeons. By quite a bit too.
WHM is absolutely amazing, AST a bit below it but still good, and then SCH is significantly worse than the other two.
Chain Strategem doesn't cut much time from the bosses and their AoE damage is garbage even with the addition of Miasma II.
I played through the whole game without any frens , but made some in my journey
does anybody have my balances?
objectively true, however i like my astro being meta so fuck off
it's cold out
Assuming the tank isn't garbage (and even then), SCH has the most upkeep of the three healers because the fairy plus excog, and adlo between pulls where applicable, do all the healing you need, allowing full dps.
i legitimately do this to keep the tanks at max hp going into a big pull, then stack with them so they can yank hate off me with aoes, i won't be taking damage for the rest of the pull anyway, and it buys me time to apply balance and arrow to the dps/apply dots and not just spend all my fucking time spamming benefic/physic
>Still no graphics upgrade
I presume this was made around the time where a buffed Balance was literally Raging Strikes, prior to being nerfed for Deltascape Savage.
Not happening and there's no real need for it to
Here's the truth y'all. If you're doing non-ultimate content then it doesn't fucking matter because you suck and anyone can heal you and you won't fucking notice the clear time differences. Same thing with Extremes and such.
Otherwise... Let's say you're doing endgame content but you all suck and need those clears. SCH is the best, because it can still dish out heals while DPSing.
You're doing endgame content but everyone knows what the fuck they are supposed to do and doesn't get hit with anything they aren't supposed to? Obviously WHM is the best because WHM has the highest consistent DPS spam of the healers whenever the healers are actually allowed to DPS.
Let's say you're doing endgame content and you have a great static that can actually plan ahead and utilize composition to actually benefit the entire raid? Twin AST is the best because they can chain buffs.
The only thing in desperate need of work is the textures,
Stopped reading right here
Wasn't Raging Strikes 20% originally? Old balance was 20% single target unbuffed in the last bit of HW. shit was retarded
Upkeep is absolutely worthless in dungeons. Even running The Burn (the most healing """intensive""" dungeon by far right now) on AST you don't use GCD heals outside of Mist Dragon. A Noct Aspected Benefic while you are running, Essential Dignity, Earthly Star, and Collective Unconciousness are all you need to keep the tank and party alive.
It doesn't really matter much since dungeons are trivial to heal and nobody cares to optimize much, but WHM and especially AST delivers a hell of a lot more damage in them.
I will never not detest the fact that healers are expected to dps in this game. just let me buff and heal people for fucks sake, its why i picked HEALER
Well simply go back and play FFXI then you fucking trog.
Legion was only good at the start, all the content that came after was shit.
What feels as super dumb as opening a pull with Lucid+Lightspeed->CO -> Gravity spam.
I kinda like some of those old animations. It's a shame they binned so many fucking animations and effects to never be seen again launching SB, wasted effort if ever there was
whm is safer than sch because of holy stun too
That Ifrit looks and sounds so much fucking better than ARR's version. Especially those flame effects. Shame about the framerate problems and shit optimization.
no because im not playing the husk that is 11 now, it's fucking hot ass and i refuse to play an MMO only to summon npc companions to do everything for me, it's only angers me slightly more than playing healer and mashing a single key for "maximum dps" it's just a punishment for my keyboard, there's nothing challenging or engaging about it, sure buff upkeep isn't challenging but when i play AST i enjoy digging for balance/arrow and the screams of orgasm when my black mage gets the arrow for 70 seconds
Is there any real strategy to lost canals, or is it entirely RNG?
>only to summon npc companions to do everything for me
A bit of a shame 5.0 is heading in that same direction.
fuck off this is so much fun
Door rng is rolled upon picking the door, it's not pre-calculated upon entering.
PoM Holy feels better desu, it has much more "impact" than Gravity and the stun is hilarious
don't get me started holy shit
I have a feeling Trusts are going to be about as competent as Squadrons but without the ability to swap your DPS buddies to Archer to abuse the busted AI. So nobody will ever fucking use them beyond what's needed for achievements.
Dumb in the good way, user.
I only bother with WHM if I drag a tank along I know, since I can't trust most DF tanks to not fuck up their CD usage and have it get entirely wasted by stunlocked enemies.
Why are there so much drama and stalkers in this game? Square is retarded for not allowing players to switch their profile number when changing their name/server. You can't even IP ban a crazed stalker because they don't give a shit about their ping.
>Solo job/msq instances have helper NPCs
>Your skills consider them as party members
>Game doesn't bother actually adding them to your party to make it easier to watch over them
Another thing 1.0 had that they removed in ARR that I'll never understand.
Entirely RNG. Don't believe people who say they've figured it out even if they say it was their friend/other that did, it's a bunch of bullshit and they're either retarded or looking for suckers to give them money for their flowchart.
That makes much more sense
xivg used to stalk each other and I know a few people who were stalked before moving over to other games
It doesn't help that ARR has a worse audio engine in comparison. Hell, it's been five years and the game still doesn't detect changes in default audio devices, rather crashing half the time if you so much as remove a usb headset.
>The only thing in desperate need of work is the textures,
Shadow resolution and rendering distance desperately needs improvement. Indoor lighting needs improvement as well.
>playing with people from any chan
>fuck up their CD usage and have it get entirely wasted by stunlocked enemies
Isn't Holy's stun 4s, 2s, 1,33s? At worst it "wastes" half a cooldown.
>and you actually have to pull carefully
in literally just the first room, and even then a competent group can bull every thing just like every dungeon
>maze like living manifestation of nature's rage that hates humans is mazelike
>competent group
am I gay if I play a cute lizard girl?
>t. shitter who made a bad rep for themselves and tried to flee to another server
can't run bitch
WoW definitely has more by what is no doubt a significant margin, and it'll be even worse when classic drops.
The intial 4 second stun on holy always makes me wonder if I should use that free gcd for something else besides queueing up the next holy.
Those people you are referring to are mainly already subbed to wow and will just go back to bfa. Classic has huge, co sistent demand and it has effectively had it since BC dropped.
I met the group I play with through a guy from here
it was honestly life changing for me. now I have people I regularly talk to in VC just to shoot the shit and play games with. never had that before.
Elder Scrolls Online unironically has more players than World of Warcraft at the height of its popularity (across three platforms)
FFXIV does good though.
Aero 3's the only other thing that seems like it'd possibly be worth it, and only in long pulls.
>ever willingly associating yourself with /xivg/ degenerates
You poor, gullible fuck. Yeah, sure, "lifechanging"
t, slut that fucks literally every cock that moves
/tesog/ is better tbqh
lizards are the cutest race in the game.
I don't find skin cancer cute.
a guy from HERE, as in Yea Forums
Trannies please go
>Xes literally can't accept the truth
I usually Aero 3 there if I didn't get the whole pack on the run in. Either that or Aero 2 something and weave in the PoM+TA there.
Every mmorpg loses players over time user, that you think xiv just keeps getting bigger is hilarious.
It's not hilarious. It's headed into its peak now, the decline hasn't really begun for it just yet. That's thanks to Blizzard shitting the bed so hard with BFA causing eyes to look elsewhere.
For anyone interested, FFXI is having a free access fortnite from the 16th of this month, the game is also 67% off during this time too.
>legitimately being unable to keep aggro because of a single regen tick
>being unable to predict the mobs going straight to the healer because of the regen and just flashing in their path
I tank dungeons all the time and it doesn't bother me at all, stop being a faggot. It doesn't cause problems at all unless the tank is dogshit.
there's absolutely no problem with doing this even in expert roulette as long as the healer stands on the tank at the end of the pull, where the tank will naturally be aoeing/aggroing everything anyway
Opinion discarded
>That's thanks to Blizzard shitting the bed so hard with BFA causing eyes to look elsewhere.
Reminds me of the whole Diablo shitshow and how it ended up helping Path of Exile's growth desu.
Nobody asked for your opinion on actual tanking, you designated OT scrub.
I don't understand this old gameplay at all
Is it some kind of weird mix between turn-based and real-time action where everybody has 5 seconds to queue an action, wait it out, then it all blows at the same time, rinse and repeat?
>free access fortnite
A fortnight is two weeks
I would love a 4k textures pack for the game desu.
My PC can handle it
Why does it look like toys compare to 1.0?
just starting to use squadrons to level archer
Is it best to just give the entire party the offensive augment or is it best to give the tank/healer ai defensive/balanced augments?
PS3 limitations
cause they're zoomed out 5 times as far?
>That WHM who always use Medica 2 before pulling in a trial/raid
But why tho?
Offensive, squadron don't do mechanics, so only option is to rely on squadron ridiculously boosted stats to kill bosses before they kill you.
I don't play MMOs faggot
>Don't play mmos
>Pretending to know anything
Go to Yea Forums if you want attentions, tranny
>Legendary Madman
I do always chuckle a bit to myself when running casual stuff like 24mans and the dozens of bodies cropping up end up lying there for a while because I just used my Swiftcast on a Broil so I can Energy Drain just a bit harder
I miss Heavensward.
ESO will jump up because Elsweyr next week.
FFXIV with Shadowbringers in July(?) if I remember.
Blizzard put WoW classic under the "Retail Sub" for the sole reason of being able to count both playerbases as one since in essence anyone who pays the sub can play both meaning they are going to inflate MAU.
and here I'm just playing GW2 waiting for War Eternal
The game does a poor job at explaining emnity. The only way you find out is through an optional tutorial helper section. I'm a savage pugger that cleared O12S and I didn't know about it when I started a little over a year ago, it's simply the fact the game says fuck all when there's 1 million new things the player is shown and introduced to when starting the game.
You should play ESO on rotation with Guild Wars 2. They really supplement each other given the horizontal progression structure. By the time you get bored of one you can swap to the other rinse and repeat
I've played ESO on and off for 4 years and I could write an entire book on why I hate that game with every fiber of my being at this point.
GW2 is still "new" so I agree they are similar in how they play and it's probably I just don't hate GW2 yet.
That's not the problem with it, a Medica 2 is not going to take aggro from the tank while they pull. On some fights the regens last long enough to cover part of a raidwide. Usually it's just completely pointless.
Just pick the left door every time, like our FC does
Happened a few times even when the floor lit up to point at the right side door
Leveling right now to become
>absolute coward
at level 50
Is RDM really that easy? I want to roll it for the style points.
rdm is objectively easy, but don't let bullshit infographics influence what you want to play
They should just delete Medica 2 and replace it with something more thoughtful and with more depth. That spell is one of the biggest reasons the WHM playerbase is so fucking bad at this game and incapable of understanding the concepts of overhealing and minimizing GCD usage for heals... despite playing the easiest shit available.
Confused Coward here, just go with whatever you find cool desu. Might be me getting old but if i'm not having fun with my class i tend to get bored/drop the game altogether.
>Friend got to the very start of Heavensward and quit
>Trying to get them back but they've been gone for a year
They were so CLOSE
RDM is super easy to play, yeah. It just flows very naturally and has very few things you need to keep in mind regarding optimization.
I like the class, but personally I think it's pretty boring on boss fights. On the other hand it makes you feel like an absolute god in HoH/ PotD. It's one of, if not the most, burst heavy class there is and has amazing mobility. Nuking down single enemies in HoH, using your gap closer to move from enemy to enemy, throwing out the backstep to get closer to the next hallway and rush ahead of your party, just unleashing utter devastation in your path killing entire rooms before your party members can even get to you. It's just incredibly satsifying for that sort of content.
What's the most brainless job? I just want a game I can play semi-afk at times.
off-tank Warrior
BLM lets you alt-tab during your casts if you are quick about it. They just have extremely few oGCDs you have to worry about and almost everything you do has cast times.
I regularly shitpost in the middle of Savage fights and still pull orange parses. Requires a lot of fight knowledge to do though.
the burnout in the 2.x post ARR quests is very real, there's over a hundred of them.
WHM or PLD. Though all jobs are doable with low focus as long as you aren't in the latest extreme or savage.
I'm still mad that they've removed berserk in favor of Inner Release after you hit 70. I don't need those 5 fell cleaves, I can live with 3+ all the extra damage that I can do.
Also Shake it Off is such a fucking meme ability
Yeah, let me blow my CDs to shield party memebers for less.
I just re-did them all on EU since I got tired of having 200 ping if no one was there to play with me, they really arn't *that* bad. I just did 1 of the patches a day and then left it until tommorrow or fucked around in some dungeons or leveled some classes. I can only play in 2 hour bursts right now anyway so I didn't have a lot of choice. But then again I have Road to 60 so having 2x on all my classes is something most people won't have.
Shake It Off is amazing though. It's one of WAR's most useful skills.
It's also one of the most situational ones, right up there with Holmgang. I used to just pop Mantra during group-up phases, but now I have to waste CDs that I might actually need.
So i just started doing some quests for the Sylphs, when are things getting interesting?
Having two different different Berserk windows that require proper gauge management to maximize was too hard for your average WAR.
People talk about how fundamentally unfun DRK is but WAR is almost at the same level, except instead of pressing a Dark Arts button every time, you press fucking nothing every time until you get your 10 seconds of meme cleaves.
What the fuck am I reading
Holmgang should be a fixed part of your CD rotation on almost every fight
>Holmgang should be a fixed part of your CD rotation on almost every fight
What the fuck is wrong with you user. How the FUCK is Holmgang supposed to be fixed part of my rotation when it is LITERALLY an "oh fuck" button?
You aren't actually raiding, are you?
Holmgang/ Living Dead/ Hallowed Ground are used to take tankbusters and/ or mechanics you would usually need heavy mitigation for in just about every fight in the game. They should be a mapped out part of your cooldown rotation for the fight, if you are just throwing shit out randomly I feel extremely sorry for your healers and co-tank.
Plotwise? not until right before HW, so a long fucking time. Gameplay wise? level 60 at least.
Meant plotwise yeah, my bad. Thanks user.
There's no "oh fuck" moment when you're a good player.
You are dense, aren't you? The only reasons to use holmgang are:
-When you really need to stand still/don't want to move just so you could assert dominance (like in Titan EX)
-When you KNOW that the next hit will kill you, which is fucking shouldn't, because if you're doing mechanics right, you usually don't let personal stacks get high enough for tankbuster to fucking kill you.
IF you're using Holmgang against tankbusters as part of your rotation, then most often then not you're wasting an ability, because chances are you'll get rooted into place and eat an AOE afterwards that could be avoided, effectively making your health lower than it would be if you'd just use normal CD and ran away.
IT'S A SITUATIONAL BUTTON and you are out of you fucking mind if you genuinely use it as part of your rotation.
High effort bait.
And here I thought you were being serious. GCBTW
Predict how Yoshi will ruin your class come the next liveletter
Holy fuck get a clue dude. Don't try to talk about this game when you don't go past expert roulette and unsynced extreme primals.
>Final Fantasy X|V Online
so how viable are endgame raids for a casual player?
one thing that put me off the game before is the constant requirements to link your FFLogs to get in raid finder or risk getting kicked, in fact the entire raid scene was completely obsessed with the thing to the point where if you made it private people wouldn't invite you at all.
I'll admit, I'm not the greatest player but i always ended up doing a good job and the expected DPS for my class (blue parses i think?), it's just i hate dealing with elitist people in MMOs, i just wanna play the raid, have fun and clear it but i guess the best bet would to join a casual raiding guild or something?
Nigger I did all EX primals way before Heavensward hit. And not once did I actually have to use my Holmgang. Not once.
Name me a single instance of when it is actually beneficial to use it.
My buddy pugged the first two sets of omega when it was relevant. Just don't hop on at the end of the patch,ie; right now, because that's when it's all shitters scrambling to gear up.
Based retard
I've been doing a fuckton of party finders for the last 4-5 months and have not once encountered a single person asking for logs to let you into their party, but honestly you should really just look for a casual raid group and tackle the content on your own pace with people you like, that's easily the best way to go at it.
>requirements to link your FFLogs to get in raid finder or risk getting kicked
What the fuck??? Are you guys seriously doing this?
No, they're full of shit. Nobody does that and if they did they could literally just look it up themselves. Nobody kicks greylets either.
I've only ever seen this for Ultimate PFs of statics that needed to rep someone for the night and were looking for people that already cleared.
Never for Extremes or Savage raids
Not surprising if you want to join static, but in PF never cares about fflogs.
It doesn't matter if you're a good tank when healers DON'T FUCKING ADJUST FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING SCHOLARIC KIKES HEAL ME OR PISS OFF!
I see "static" being thrown around here. What is it? A group your get reinvited to?
Only shitters do this. If you ever see a EX PF group with the tip top ilvl req, you will find they are dogshit and just want their gear to carry them. It's the same principal with raids, they want to increase the chances that you aren't a fuckup so they can get a carry.
What is FFlogs even? Just started so i know shit about the game (on PS4, if it matters).
Your own raid trannies group
you and 7 other players agree to all logon at the same time every week and work on clearing end game content. Could be people you know, or just some randoms you met through PF.
No, I've never seen anyone kicked because of logs, only ever seen people badmouth them once they left the party.
No, I'm genuinely baffled.
What "heavy mitigation" do you even mean, when every single other defensive CD WAR can have is faster than holmgang?
You have 4 buttons for straight up "recieve less damage", plus Reprisal, plus 2 buttons for increased parry chance, most of which have CD of 120s or less.
In which particular fight do you have to use Holmgang, bar some savage encounters?
>doing unsynced content for zodiac weapon
>things like Titan or first boss in Lost city literally require at least one other person or else you die to their shitty capture moves
Holy fuck I hate it
A static is a group that agrees to meet at predetermined times (usually a couple times every week) to raid, so you have a consistent group to grind gear with.
Use with ACT to monitor your DPS, PS4 can't use ACT though.
I mean, people quit FF14 back in ARR when they realized that its both shitty and shallow.
>In which particular fight do you have to use Holmgang, bar some savage encounters?
Yeah gee I wonder in what content there are regular tankbusters doing sufficient enough damage to one-shot a tank without cooldowns
Isn't that what FC is for?
Fight data so you can review it and see what went wrong/right, but e everyone just looks at colors and treats it as ePeen meter without reviewing the info
Pretty much a second job. At first it's something new and exciting and you can't wait what challenges await you. Then after some time you figure out that your colleagues are absolute dog shit at their job that you rather have to explain their job instead of figuring it out themselves.
2 months later you get fed up and just leave.
I think they mean use it like a CD for big dick hit when the healer focus on dps and not healing you.
It's common if the group want to maximize dps
In M+F a warrior can eat the last heavy tankbusters for both tanks while building LB and allowing both tanks to use strong cooldowns on the previous busters.
In exdeath a warrior can do the same thing.
In many many other fights there are frequent enough strong hitting busters that your main 3 CDs won't be enough.
>Isn't that what FC is for?
No you little dumb dumb, FC is for clique and ranting about your transition
No, most people do not raid with their FCs especially since the advent of cross world PF.
>PS4 can't use ACT though
So i can't use it at all then? Not that i would even if i could.
To be fair it's unnecessary in one or two fights like O7S unless you're really milking those 50 potency hits from Vengeance. You're doing a better service to your healers just mitigating normally.
Imagine being such a sociopath you can only think about group activities with other people as a job
>tanks complaing about regen ticks
>tanks complain about diversion use
Are tanks just a bunch of divas
>raiding with my FC
fuck no, honestly some of the worst players I've ever seen
Pretty much, i tank sometime and most of them are faggots
I've been casually raiding since Creator. Something you'll have to accept is that more experienced people won't be willing to take you in to a team right away so you'll have to settle with lower skilled company when starting out.
But get that experience in and learn your shit. Once you get more stuff under your belt more teams will be willing to try you out. You don't need orange parses. A good goal to set would be higher end of blue (60th or so). By then you should be confident enough to apply for better more consistent teams.
Unless you have an entire FC dedicated to raiding, it's hard to just pop in and go "hey, let's throw an 8 man savage together" in any reasonable timeframe.
Also you must remember that if someone has a clear that week in your party, you get less chests, so it's easier to have a preset group clear it every week, instead of everyone trying to avoid losing potential gear.
t. greylets
Well, someone could use act to monitor your dps for you if they play on PC like a friend if you have those
maybe I'll play ffxiv and get one of those infamous mmo girlfriends that everyone seems to despise
I dunno. I think WoW is still the King really. But I've seen a lot more like long-time veterans or streamers of that game bitch about it whenever they can. I'm not sure why though.
I play FFXIV but not right now, waiting for at least a month before preparing for Shadowbringers. But even this game is not as deep as people think it is.
What I like about it though is that I can drop it anytime and wait for the next patches and then play again without worry of being left behind or something.
But then it literally means that it's situational, because not every boss has soft or hard enrage timer for you to be forced to do a DPS race, so you don't have to pop it just so your party could pull more damage.
It's like I'm talking to a goddamn wall.
Of course you can take one more extra tankbuster with it, but it's always better to play safe. In the end it all boils down to your static composition and the encounter. I'm miffed that some user has the audacity to say that it's somehow suppposed to be b'n'b part of my rotation.
>Read guides of dungeons since I'm learning how to tank and don't want to balls it up since a dead tank in a fight is usually a wipe
>Guides make old content sound horrifying even though they probably die in like 2 minutes nowadays
t. anklet
>Pug Alexander with a static
>They invited me because i was good
>Join and have a shit ton of fun
>Daddy Liquid killed the static
I miss those bastards
Yeah, it's so much fun wiping to the same mechanic over and over again only to hear that "at least we tried! XD"
Fuck that shit.
What gave you the idea that using cooldowns that make you unkillable is unsafe?
>like a friend if you have those
Yeah, imagine that, haha.
They're not unsafe, they're inconvenient for everyone but yourself.
As opposed to wiping to the same mechanic because you keep swapping people in PF? Just get a good group you fucking retard or, you know, just stop playing the game if you don't enjoy the activity so much. It's not rocket science. People band into statics for efficiency and they're free to set whatever goals they want. If you don't like that don't do it, but you just sound like a bitter shitter who couldn't cut it and blames everyone but himself for it.
You can straight up ignore most dungeon mechanics as a tank and still come out just fine. Just stick to the basics of don't stand in orange circles, pick up/kill adds if they appear, and that works for 99% of fights. Other mechanics you can pick up as you go.
I miss the times when I used tons of macros to get delicious Esuna as a tank
No they're not.
If you seriously think pressing Essential Dignity or Bene after a tankbuster is hard you have brain damage.
I don't trust healers in my statics and pugs to actually pay attention. So yes, I do think that it's hard for them.
What's the most populated server/world? I wanna go on one to make new friends. That may be asking for too much already tho
Yeah since this game is all about finding a static. 10% of the player base probably take part in raids. The rest just want to enjoy the game as Yoshi-P wants us to.
Also I was in a group with people I know and it turned into such a shitfest that we pretty much split up after that.
So take your pent-up frustration up to your lovely static.
Absolute Madman(MNK/BLM) and Legendary Coward (SAM).
Been a while since I've played. How does playing monk endanger themselves? Riddle of Earth? Or because when they absolutely try to land those positionals everytime and sometimes you can see them almost fucking up because of it?
This. Also most weird mechs, like the zombies in tam tara hard, for instance, target deeps/heals. Tank n spank works for almost everything.
Positionals I think.
Don’t know about others but in O11S I don’t stay with the group during Pantokrator to hit my positionals. I put myself AND my party in danger.
tk minmax autism
>Also I was in a group with people I know and it turned into such a shitfest that we pretty much split up after that.
Big mistake my dude. You should be in a group with people who are as good at the game as you.
I'm just saying, look at shit like this.
They make it sound like a big serious thing but I know for a fact that if I go and do it that everything will melt, especially if the DPS are half decent. Maybe it just intimidates me because it's in big blocky paragraphs instead of "dodge the aoes, kill adds as they spawn, remember to do X"
Not trusting pugs is natural, but not trusting your static is retarded. Any raiding healer should be watching for the TB and be prepared to respond to Holmgang or LD. If your static healers cannot do this, kick them, or leave.
>Yea Forums is actually full of goddamn casuals who barely play video games and don't know shit about shit
>What's the most populated server/world?
How hard do raids/dungeons get, mechanic-wise? Cause i still have PTSD from some BnS dungeons (don't think i managed to do Irontech Forge with randoms right up to the end).
I remember my last static where I had such a good synergy with my co-tank that everything just clicked. Combined with competent healers who understand their role and the fight. Unfortunately you always had one DPS who performed so poorly or just flat out died to the most simple mechanics.
>tfw you have ARR and HW but must wait for the release to get Stormblood and Shadowbringers
I plan to switch to Dark Knight once it's unlocked, but it's annoying knowing once lvl50 I won't be able to play RDM or SAM because of preorder fuckery
Wikis like to be wordy. Almost every boss has only one gimmick and it's usually obvious what to do for the thing. But being a tank, even flubbing every mech doesn't mean death if your gear is decent and healer isn't retarded.
Just please rampart if you know you are about to eat a mechanic.
Pretty much, that shit is listing literally everything every boss does, right down to their random damage attacks. Once you actually do the bosses you will see there is almost nothing to them.
>Psycheflayer - Just pull him towards the front of the room, he will die before anything bad happens.
>Demon Wall - Don't stand to the sides because he can knock you back off the platform
>Anantaboga - Point him sideways so his tail doesn't cleave the group. Hide behind a statue when a big red orb appears in the middle of the room.
That's literally it. Even if you ignore most of that you'll still probably clear.
>being proud of knowing about Tranny Fantasy XIV
how do I level up my secondary jobs fast after all my daily duties
it's been almost 2 years since i last played
which of the following is most liked/needed for endgame stuff? (NIN, BRD, DRG, MNK, SAM), i like them all and want to try and focus on only one if i get back into the game
Palace of the dead
yeah instead you're just waiting for the meta monsters to stop being attacked by other players so you can meta level and do meta things.
Unless if FFXIV likes to start a crossover event with WoW.
Someone post that unironic soul vs souless osrs pic
I wish they made Ultimate dungeons that are as hard as UCoB and UWU and you could swap jobs inside.
The only 4man dungeons that really have annoying mechanics are the a few of the 50's and 60's. Any of the non-level cap ones are baby mode. The mechanics aren't really hard in those ones either, but sometimes it's not immediately obvious what you need to do and fucking them up can actually kill you.
I used the zombie one from tam tara as an example because it's the worst offender and it killed me the first time. It's not obvious that you need to drag the marker into the horde, but you will all die if it isn't done right.
From my understanding BRD are a must in most endgame groups., but all that shit will change when Shadow hits,
NIN and DRG are close but every party can use a BRD. BRD is also the most popular raiding class though so expect a slight bit competition for slots.
first time I'm hearing about this. it sounds kinda cool.
how fast is it?
Only MMO I really enjoyed was Ragnarok Online. My buddy keeps pestering me to try this out, will I like it?
The fastest to get to 60, but prepare to have your soul crushed. I couldn't get you an exact time, but about 2 days or so for me, dependent on tolerance for boredom.
>mfw first char and going for Bard
Fuck, that means i will have to actually get good.
>nidhogg rapier is the only good red mage wep
>but its still ass because of the extra particle effects on top of the red glow
rapier with nice even red shimmer when
particle effect dyes so I can enhance the nice looking levelling rapiers when
not him, but i honestly thought the tranny stuff was a meme until it happened to my FC
>"girl" joins, her name is mira and shes a friendly cat girl and a bit flirty
>everyone likes hanging out with her but she starts thinking the FC leader doesn't like her for no reason
>calls out the leader saying they were saying shit behind their back etc and of course the white knights protect m'lady
>a subset of the FC form their own private discord to circlejerk mira, i infiltrate it and turns out the girl is a guy who likes using a cutesy voice and wearing skirts
>he shittalks the FC leader constantly turns out he made it all up because he wanted to make his own FC, FC leader has enough and kicks out the tranny and his followers
>a few weeks later our FC is down to 18 people, most who don't come online and is disbanded
we had a good thing going and all it took was 1 tranny to ruin it.
XIV has a huge (terrible) story mode that is 99% fetch quests that you have to play alone. It will even kick you out of your party in certain quests, so you can't even circlejerk.
as a NIN do i need to use Shadewalker/Smoke Screen every fight or is that only for bad teammates?
Yeah you will, the other guy is a faggot wowshill.
Sounds like the problem was the submissive, horny shitheads who orbited him user
In ffxiv I'm traveling around as I gather mats to level crafters or to sell for cash. Other than that I'm in hunting parties or queuing for raids. Haven't looked back to Eureka after I got my ozma mount.
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
Smokescreen the tank shadewalker the blm
if he's a good blm it's basically just fastforwarding the fight ~50sec anyway
RO was my first MMO and I enjoy it. Don't expect any similarities though; if you're looking for another RO this isn't it.
>shadewalker the blm
its the absolute opposite of RO.
world is dead and useless, progression is 100% story bound, jobs are all samey, everything is unresponsive.
music is good though. not as good as RO but good.
there's really no comparison between the games. FFXIV is more like a JRPG with some online elements and RO is a lot more sandboxy with minimal story. there is a free trial though
death to male viera The god has spoken no means no
>NIN and DRG are close
Whatever it is that you're smoking, you should quit it.
>one person joins and turns out to be a manipulative bitch, doesn't matter whether it pretends to be a female or not or is an actual female
>a bunch of spineless, witless people get taken along for a ride
That happens all the fucking time in every single mmo. It's not exclusive to XIV, lmao, the stories of "girl gamers" breaking up gaming groups date up to two decades back.
>jobs are samey
You literally don't lose anything but applying both prepull. The same is true as they come off CD.
you get the best rdm glam as soon as you hit 70, if you absolutely need a glowing one do anemos
absolutely. you havent played a MMO with actual job variety.
What's so good about anemos?
Name one.
Why don't you just get the non-glowing version from the actual trial ya big dumb-dumb
nothing, it's just a way to get glowing versions of artifact weapons
not him, but i'm curious which one is better?
>maplestory 1 has more players than 2
>"hey, let's throw an 8 man savage together"
This is exactly how I got my static formed back in Gordias. Never even raided before and we were inside our first lockout a couple of days later.
I'm willing to bet their engine is so fucked they actually can't put in more than 7 races, so they just put two different races together and called it one. They're being vague about adding the missing genders because then they'd be forced to admit their engine needs to be fixed.
I want a good even red glow I don't want edgy black swirls and red lightning
RO. Duh.
when it comes to FFLogs, what's the lowest percentile that's acceptable to you?
Both are shit. DRG just gets you pity commends if you die in a funny way.
>SCH/MNK dual main
feels good man
75th percentile highest run is about the mid point I would imagine so anything above that is acceptable in a pug.
blue for savages, upper green (at least 40%) for ultimates.
>pity commends
People do that? I thought my 5 reccomends as an Archer were cause i was good!
As a healer I just join progs, ask for discord info and dont be a weirdo. Usually gets me static invites.
Yeah you're never going to fill a party
If you get big multicommends its because the rest of the people with you were in a party, user.
>Literally instanced Based to the point you can’t go through a city without multiple loading screens
75th percentile for highest run is not hard to achieve. Under 50th percentile is generally a death or a bad composition while making multiple mistakes.
All I ask is that you were in the upper half of players who know what they’re doing at least once.
the vast majority of puggers are casual so as said you will literally never get a party unless you wait 50 min+
i feel like any green and higher is completely fine for anything not savage.
Sounds terrible
I'm well aware that the game is nothing like RO, I wasn't expecting it to be. Still, massive mandatory boring story before you can even do the fun content doesn't exactly sound enticing.
Oh i see. Still learning about that stuff (just finished that Copperbell Mines dungeon), thanks user.
Not really
boomer here, i haven't played an MMO in years
i remember back in the day to join a guild you would have to register on their website and fill out an application just to join.
are most guilds Discord based now? is it pretty easy to get into a non-serious guild and still be able to do 99% of content? (non-savage)
What would raiding comps look like the LB penalty for bringing multiple of the same class didn't exist?
the fun part is that they force you through all the main stories of all expansions.
also the way the game is laid out you essentially cant even level as a group on your first job.
He's projecting his commendletness onto you. Getting all the commends from a party happens but it's not something you should assume.
If you play well or are memorable in some way you'll get commendations.
Yes they're usually discord based. You just add the guy who's recruiting, tell him you're interested, and bam you're on the team. Most don't even bother with try outs because they need members. A casual 500 man guild (free company) will probably invite you the instant you walk into a main town or you can try to find a good small one. Most people do not raid with their FCs.
Come to lamia and we will make sure to give you a warm welcome.
Up to you tho
3 bards, 1 Dragoon, 2 Paladins (to take advantage of 3 Mana songs) and 2 Astros.
4 summoners
>No Indom or Chain
AST/SCH would still be meta.
>Bloodspiller doesn't interrupt your melee combo
this is definitely a
>how the fuck was i supposed to know that
moment for me. This changes everything
Being in a guild or 'Free Company' can mean nothing. People are incentivized to recruit people for in-game currencies. You could easily find yourself invited to a FC and it would change nothing for your life in-game. It just depends on what type of FC you join. But discord is a very popular platform for coordinating a lot of in-game activities, especially raiding.
>Still ogcd aren’t real ogcd
>Animation lock still exists
This is it, this is the face of the man who killed WoW.
Not surprising with all that Twitch prime stuff and wow dying.
500 ping BLM reporting in. My survival strategy is burning the boss down as fast as possible before his mechanics become relevant.
It's the most shilled game on Yea Forums.
>He thinks he killed wow
>not pic related
Ion killed nu wow for classic as he is a classic bvll scarab lord.
When classic releases all trannies, subhumans, etc... will be hunted down and exterminated on the streets.
Your days are COUNTED xivtrannies.
>pic related
>no pic
God damn it can wowniggers just die?
>the fastest to get to 60
but dungeon spam is faster for tanks/healers and squadrons is fastest for dps, assuming you have any form of exp boost (such as xp boost earrings, rest xp or fc+food buff)
I just wanna say FUCK FFXIV and FUCK you Mentaiko, stop playing it and go back to drawing you piece of shit!
Come on, the one computer in his retirement home doesn't have enough power to download a single jpg
Star citizen is a scam user. And pay to win, think about it.
Wait for the game to release and see.
Sorry tranny just posting between sets (not like you’d know what that is).
Classic is white pride. You WILL be hunted and killed like in your degenerate fantasies
Yes really. Party members cannot commend each other, only people part of the party.
UwU benefits from holding back on damage though.
This is my wife
You started each battle with zero tp and had to perform basic attacks in order to generate tp to use skills. The game was based around using very few skills and mostly auto attacking.
What's wrong with her eye?
She looks like she has two pairs of eyelids... like a lizzard.
>ten layers of make up and photoshop
She put eyeliner in the middle of her eyelid to make her eyes look bigger.
Fake eyelashes
I mean you're overestimating how much this happens
>wait for it to release
might as well invest in getting an actual spaceship instead of a pretend one
Are you coming from 1920's or something? Ever heard of contact lenses?
Classic is incel pride for niggers who peaked in middle school and who think having it back will suddenly make them not as worthless, because they can google how to do all the shit they pretended to do the first time around.
That's no contact lense my dude. Look at it.
This seems like it's correct looking at the picture again a bit more closely.
Might apppear better from a distance, but in a close up like this it looks really really bad
Looks more like eye reflection to me. You do know eyes reflect things, right?
nice try, lizardperson
*blocks your path*
That's no reflection. It's trying to make the eye look bigger through the use of make up and fake eyelashes but failing miserably.
looks like she half assed her eyeliner
First couple of raids in Cata were actually really good.
I quit and my guild disbanded after completing Dragon Soul. That shit was so bad.