I've never played any Deus EX games so I decided download this one. Before that though I've never seen much threads on Yea Forums about it or maybe I didn't pay much attention to them so how did you guys enjoy this?
I've never played any Deus EX games so I decided download this one...
spend all points on swimming in deus ex 1
Mankind Divided is great. It has microtransactions, but the game doesn't feel unbalanced at all (apparently they were added in the few weeks before launch). The overall story ends on a cliffhanger because Square made Eidos literally cut the game in half to get a headstart on the sequel, but otherwise, MD is fucking fantastic.
Why are you playing this one first?
Its a direct sequel to Human Revolution.
The original has the best plot, MD has the best gameplay.
Heard there was a recap and to see if the gameplay clicks with me. Then I might go back to the older ones.
There is a recap. I prefer MD to Human Revolution. The level/world design is better.
MD is 1/4 of a game.
It's the second best one in the series, behind the original. It's a direct sequel, but it does have a slightly different tone, and there's really not a whole lot you need to know. If the conspiracy aspect of the story draws you in, go and play the original.
Be prepared for jank-ass early 2000s controls though.
>It's good, always remember that there's almost at least 2 ways inside an are. Look for vents and breakable walls behind vending machines and heavy objects.
>Spend points in wall break and additional str to lift really heavy objects if you plan on playing stealth.
>You can go full pacifist, with tranq/tazer/punching people out. You can actually go through the entire game without killing a single person and people will comment on your actions, weather you Kill/KO/or avoid hurting anyone by using stealth.
>Augmented vision is probably godlike for stealth and surprise attacks.
>Play it on the 3rd hardest difficulty if you want the game to force you in to using cover and stay mobile, since you die in a few bullets.
>Get the persuasion augment if you want to go for the pacifist route.
>If you're gonna play pacifist don't bother with weapon stuff.
>Get all the utility and then put the rest in hacking.
>Buy smoke grenades/gas and emp grenades.
>Don't sell mine templates, combine them with any of the grenades to create a mine.
>Enemies will investigate smoke grenades as if they were any other thrown object, they'll check it out, and then walk away, yes it doesn't really make sense that it doesn't alert them that a smoke grenade has been thrown, but such is life, you can use this to walk right past enemeies while smoke is up.
It's a good game, shame it's only like 24 hours long.
And that's if you do all of the side content as well.
its a great game
Will they someday release the next part?
cassie, glass cloak, and jump aug break game
you don't need silent leg aug
It was Human Revolution 2, literally no one wanted it.
DX >>> MD > HR
plot sucks though
they said they would but last they said there was no active development
the most recent things that have happened are a new Deus Ex trademark (meaning nothing) and new job openings for artists/programmers, however the art director for HR left
>not starting with the original
The original and the prequels might as well be two separate series
this, prequels aren't even as grounded in reality as much as the game that takes place like 20 years after
Do NOT fucking play MD first. Start with HR. Or DX1, then HR. What I'm saying is going back to HR's gameplay after MD will just be a direct downgrade.
Good side missions and thats about it. Barely better than invisible war
Played the first one recently, currently on my second playthrough at the naval base, and I think the game didn't age at all aside from its graphics, but that might just be me. I find it very modern despite its age
garbage pc port, babby's first augs storyline. decent stealth and cover shooter gameplay. don't play it. play deus ex instead.
>I've never played any Deus EX games
>plays the latest game instead of starting from the first
Fucking casuals.
I think the writing's retarded but besides that it's good
It took me 50 hours in total, so I'm pretty sure you were just speeding through it