Wow, That Worked? Moments

Moments you've experienced in vidya that made you react like pic related.

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Hitting gladiator with feral Druid Resto shaman in 2s back in the day when they both were pretty weak at the time.

Not as weak as paladins were. I'd be more impressed if you had done that with a paladin.

Any time I inflict a boss with a status effect.
>MFW I accidentally charmed Tiamat when playing Strange Journey

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In Super Metroid when I grappled the wall during the Draygon fight thinking it was some fancy trick to escape it's grab attack and instead it got flash fried.

I love that boss

>playing vermintide 2
>fucking around doing random parkour shit
>actually find a valuable because of it

I never played the first so I didn't know there was hidden shit like that, became paranoid about checking every corner of the map after that

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Randy Shot (from Desonberi) works on the final boss.

Class imbalance only really matters in the highest tiers of play, I've mained Ele shaman since Cata and I consistently do well in PvP even during the worst times for Ele

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

Kicking NPCs during cinematics.

Unlocking Technology Zero and Jumper Cables in BoI via constant D4 spamming

Doing a BLJ on the HMC elevator for shits and giggles, only for that BLJ to put me in Dorrie's cave near the door to the Metal Cap level.

Walking right up to a Stinger with a Grizzco Slosher and firing straight up. Man it's satisfying to watch it crumble.

bunnyhopping across the moat into the window in the haunted cathredal level to lower the drawbridge in thief gold
thief's movement is fucking great and the ways you learn to move around efficiently and stealthily

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Proccing Kain's Abel Lance on the Brachiosaur and making the hardest fight in the game trivial.

Everything in the Div:OS games, they're made to be broken.


Playing as a race of Barbaric Despoilers in Stellaris. I had imagined that being hated by every race would make the game extremely hard it was the exact opposite. By the end of the game I had controlled half the galaxy and could have kept going. Then of course the Crisis happens and the Unbidden spawned in my system and completely fucked my entire fleet up because they're broken as fuck.

>friend gets extremely rare item in certain mmo
>tell him its worthless garbage and to just give it to me
>proceed to sell the item for massive amounts of gold
I feel no shame whatsoever

using sacrificial pact against jaraxxus in hearfstone

Majora's mask: igos du ikana

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Most every solution in Baba is You

Snorting deathfog in divinity os 2 while shackling to the bosses

FFTA all blue mage run

Shenmue 2, pawning all of my shit before I get robbed.
I did not think the game would let you shop at the start

«prison» and «dungeon» are some mindfucks. How is this the intended strat?

Rocket jumping to the floor above me and railed a dude.
Headshotting an invisible dude in UT Goty when I was falling in low gravity
Stealing shit in nethack, placing every item inside a bag, have the pet pick up the bag and then using a magic whistle.

on sven coop i killed a heavy grunt with just landing on him from a fair distance

literally every time you randomly choose to do a super move in a fighting game and it somehow hits.

Tell that to early wotlk ret paladin.

I've had a lot of experiences in BG PVP where I'd be playing that patch's bitch class and people would just straight up ignore me while I'm crushing shit because they assume I'm no threat.

Of course there's equal amounts of times where I'd just get singled out and deleted from fights instantly, but it's fun to underdog in PVP.