What are some good games based on the writings of HP Lovecraft? Hard mode: no Bloodborne

What are some good games based on the writings of HP Lovecraft? Hard mode: no Bloodborne

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fallout 3 point lookout, that's about it

Dark Corners of the Earth is alright


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Resident Evil 3.5

Okay, that’s pretty based

based, or shall i say, vased

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The splatterhouse remake that was on ps3 and 360

Is this that thing from Berserks thats supposed to be creepy?




I forgot about this game.

that new game from cultic games had a pretty fascinating demo, too early to know if the game will be good thou. forgot the whole name of the game but it s stygian something

Why does Yea Forums love Lovecraft so much? Is it potential for a cool game that is still untapped?

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do you think HP Lovecraft would be a redditor?

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underused when you compare with many other supernatural settings, like christianism.

He'd lose votes due to his based views on niggers

Lovecraft was absolutely based. His cat was named niggerman after all. He was also good friends with the author of the Conan the barbarian series.

There's nothing in H.P.'s writing that has potential in vidya, it's only appealing part is the cosmic horror theme and it's racism

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Tentacles LMAO

The canannite pantheon is the most underused mythos. Prove me wrong.

Late night cat thread.

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Hot. Source?

Blood and Dusk take inspiration from Lovecraft and i think theyre pretty fun

probably but only ironically, he strikes me as the type to cry anonymously here about how fucked up everything is but on reddit call everyone a faggot and just argue for the sake of being a contrarian. I may be projecting though.

>HP lovecraft fags

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It has potential as an overall theme but not as the direct plot/conflict.

It's from a shitty comic, where thos girl gets raped for weeks and just so happens to cure her sex drive problem


Grim dawn, I guess? Darkest dungeon for sure though and theres the call of cthulhu games or whatever

It allows me to draw two cards from my deck

>crawling chaos bullies japanese school kid across dimensions: the game

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Tesla vs Lovecraft.

>hard mode: Not this game that not only sucks ass but also doesn't get Lovecraft wrong
Good job, OP

Codename: STEAM shockingly had a lot of lovecraft love. Each monster had a specific log entry written by Randolf Carter, and they're full of references to Lovecraft's works.

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Darkest Dungeon best incorporates not only the aesthetic, but also the mood and inevitability of Lovecraft. My favorite game referencing him.
Other than that, a lot of games include a bit of references, fucking World of Warcraft is full on cosmic horror atm I think?

Wow, that was the easiest fucking hard mode of my life
All you faggots ITT need to kill yourselves or play more vidya because this was pathetic

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>is a racist and a bigot
>still married a Jewish woman
Was he retarded?

>wrote it when he was 12
>never published it nor intended to
>some kike publishes is 50+ years after his death to discredit him to a new liberal world

Very rude, desuka.

He wasn't a racist and a bigot though. He was the "i am a classical liberal centrist" of his age. Back then that included certain views. He was perfectly normal and very vanilla. Radio friendly toothless views back then may seem extreme today. Examining historical figures with modern morals always produces such an effect.

Yea Forums likes Lovecraft because he was racist. I doubt 99% of the idiots on here have even read one of his stories, which is honestly quite sad because they are all very short and most of them are very good. Of course, the idiots here on Yea Forums also conveniently leave out the part where Lovecraft actually grew to regret how racist he was before he died and the fact that he married a jew.
People outside of Yea Forums like Lovecraft because he has a particular brand of horror that most other horror authors simply don't tap into, or if they do they don't do it as well as he did. We are talking about a man who saw virtually no financial success in his own life but inspired generations of horror authors because he was so ahead of his time with his type of horror. The people of the 20's and 30's just didn't appreciate good weird fiction. A lot of great authors at the time died penniless because of it.

I'd say Bloodborne taps it pretty decently.

>He wasn't a racist and a bigot though.
On the Creation of Niggers(1912)byH. P. Lovecraft

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
InJove'sfair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympianhost conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

The first Mass Effect borrows a lot of ideas from Lovecraft. For instance, you spend much of the game fighting the crazed followers of an unfathomable entity. Though obviously it departs from him in many other ways as well, particularly when you actually manage to kill the Reaper at the end.

No, I'm sorry. You are wrong. Even by the standards of his time, Lovecraft was EXTREMELY racist. He later grew out of this extreme racism to be more in line with the people of his time, but by then he was a few short years away from his death at a relatively young age.

>wrote it when he was 12
smarter than the average kid nowadays.


Why aren't you preordering Sinking City? A cute girl helped to create it

everyone was like that back then, he was no worse than the average, unless you can prove he was part of the Klan, no one here is going to give a fuck about it.

During his time people publicly hanged blacks for petty crimes, and children were allowed to leave school to watch the hanging and dance and play games near it, and people across the country were trading postcards with pictures of lynched blacks. You grossly underestimate how shit the USA was on race. It wasn't just "like today, but in the other direction". It was balls deep retarded irrational hatred.

Fun fact: Lovecraft's wife would go on to say that the man was DYNAMITE in the sack.

Not yet released but I'm almost certain shit will be dope.

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>Though obviously it departs from him in many other ways as well, particularly when you actually manage to kill the Reaper at the end.
This doesn't depart as much as you might think. They defeat sovereign in the end, but it comes with the knowledge that the Reapers are still out there and nothing will stop them from coming to wipe out humanity. The rest of the galaxy then proceeds to brand Shepard as crazy and deny the existential threat they are facing. This is in line with Call of Cthulhu where the people in the story, who woke Cthulhu up early, actually split Cthulhu's head open by ramming it with a boat, but he reforms and sinks back beneath the ocean to wait for when he is actually supposed to awaken. The narrator and the survivors know that humanity is eventually doomed even though the threat was delayed, but no one would ever believe them and a secret cult is out there actively trying to murder them to stop them from telling anyone that would believe them.

>I doubt 99% of the idiots on here have even read one of his stories
I've read many of his stories, love his mythos, and do that in spite of him being racist.

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Clive Barker's: Undying

Such a great game. Too bad it was rushed and never truly completed.

still more complete and longer than 90% of the shit out there today.

Where HE lived most people did not hold the views that he did. Not nearly as strongly, anyway. The US was no more homogeneous in its racial views then than it is today. He very much based his racist views on the opinions of those that came decades before him because he was mostly self educated from extremely out of date books from his family's library. He very much believed that people that weren't white new englanders from specifically where he was born were ALL inferior. It wasn't just blacks. It extended even to other white people. The man was xenophobic to the nth degree. After moving to New York it got worse for a time, but exposure to other people/cultures as well as writing with his literary buddies across the country actually turned his views around.

Wow, so HP Lovecraft was actually a progressive cuck.

>based on
Bloodborne is not based on any work of Lovecraft
it just has cosmic horror/lovecraftian elements

Darkest Dungeon. Most of the monsters are straight out of the pages of Lovecraft, the story is 100% Lovecraft, and even the very oppressive nature of the game is Lovecraft. Your characters get stressed, go insane, and you yourself will find the game punishing. Exploring can be just as detrimental as it can be rewarding. Some books are best left unread. And of course the ending is great.
The narrator did a bunch of Lovecraft audiobooks, so he has a perfect voice for it too.

Angry goy 2

Amnesia the dark descent

>All these DD cucks.
Your game's a shit.

based boomers



>born in 1890
>written in 1912
He was 22, not 12. Come on user, basic math

I really hope dishonored would have a game that borrows a lot from shadow over innsmouth, the tone and themes have a lot of overlap.

A fish! N-no!
*goes mad*

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World of Warcraft Classic, because you never specified how much of the game had to be based on his works : ^ )

t Never actually read a Lovecraft story.

I like the genre he kinda created but the guy himself seems really insufferable.

Codename Steam, when the developers of Fire Emblem decided it was a good idea to make a strategy game based on American literature & Lovecraft aliens

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I wonder what he would think of Bloodborne

Sunless sea, iv'e been playing it all day it's insidiously addicting. It's just like don't starve though in the sense you can lose a 20 hour playthrough over one fuck up or you encounter something you don't fully understand that's deadly.

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Yesterday, while waiting on a parcel to arrive, an uncouth youth who lives just outside the city limits rang at my door. I know his kind well, him coming from a particular batch of New England folk that I daresay skulked too much about wharfs in the passing centuries, mingling with all sorts of mongrels on their temporary stay. As a result he is touched by a tinge of swarthiness, wobbly gelatinous physique attached to a steepled frame but better to hire a half breed to cut your hedge than I nigger, as I always say. Anyway, this was not a day when he was supposed to come so I was surprised to find him carrying a sort of a black monolith under his arm, with grooves that looked like they were not cut by a human hand. He started prattling straight away about how I have to see this, knowing something about my reputation as a writer, and that this "ludonarrative" (he used this exact abominable word construct) is something that I might find interesting. Well, I don't know what overcame me but I had a spare electrical outlet for this contraption, so leaving him on the porch I gave it a quarter of an hour of my time. Straight away I was assailed by most preposterous images, like those you see in a cinemascope only arranged in a manner bereft of art or artifice; bulbous animal shapes with eyes piled upon eyes, molluscs sharing vague human forms and attempts at emulating Musorgsky that sounded worse than Mississippi nigger music, I could tell straight away that this feeble attempt at depicting fear could be something an island tribes do in their unnameable rituals. And do you know Robert, I wasn't far off - turns out this is a Kitaic form of entertainment, despite being aimed at a child and adult alike: with numbers and calculations popping up in the midst of the caricatural violence, like something a Hebrew would design. A slant eyed creature was mentioned as the "creator", another vile yellow product. Well, I promptly unplugged it and sent the mongrel on his way.

For some reason Dishonored says Lovecraft to me
>weird aquatic occultishness
>bleak setting where everyone eats shredded fish guts
>psuedo Victorian setting
Really Dishonored is like what if Poe and Lovecraft wrote for a video game

He comes off as that kind of guy who would get big before or without reddit and would be there to cause trouble but no one can really do anything about it. Like Notch on twitter

This unironically.

He's not a particularly good writer. It's a case of his ideas and imagination outshining his writing style. I particularly enjoyed everything he wrote about the Dreamlands, especially the Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath. A lot of the themes of his works don't translate that well into video games, but Darkest Dungeon pretty much nailed his ideas perfectly.

Also, always remember that Nodens is best god.


that's a good game based on the writings of HP Lovecraft as per OP's request, great find user

They create this interesting setting but then the main stories are just boring fucking power struggles. Death of the Outsider was nice though, possibly the only good story Arkane has ever made.

Only after they bought books on how to do it. He was intimately retarded when they first started dating.

Suck it, people like lovecraft for the stories. Yes he was very xenophobic and that made the horror in his stories real.
He was also scared of deep water which is why so many of the creatures come from or reside in the ocean.
That fear of the unknown and fascination with science fiction was imprinted into every story and poem he wrote and that's one of the reasons his work that failed to find a foothold in life is pretty much mainstream now.

But I feel trying to make a video game based on H.P lovecraft's work (based not inspired) is a fools errand. His narrative style just doesn't transition well into visual media.

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dark corners of the earth
Call of Cthulhu from last year
alone in the dark

>it's a "Lovecraft turned into a non-racist person later on in his life" episode
it's all so tiresome

also you are a fag

Infra Arcana is one of the only roguelikes I've actually had fun playing.

I highly recommend even if you don't usually like roguelikes.

Yeah regicide is a very played out theme, but I do enjoy how much lore they put into it

how did his works get popular if they weren't popular at his time?

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>But I feel trying to make a video game based on H.P lovecraft's work (based not inspired) is a fools errand. His narrative style just doesn't transition well into visual media.
I feel like it'd only work really well if it's very heavy on the visuals, to go with the overly descriptive style Lovecraft had. That and atmosphere. I thought Bloodborne did a good job on those two counts, especially when it comes to the supernatural all being either spawns of corruption, hubris, or distant enough from humans that they generally don't care that much.

With that said, it's certainly nowhere as easy as fantasy.

This shit keeps me up at night.

I was horribly racist when I was younger, but got over it.
Now that I am doing pretty well for myself, it worries me that the shit I used to do will come up and ruin my career.

He had one friend that spent alot of money and time trying to get everything published after his death.
Lovecraft only published one story in his life, that was shadow over innsmouth. Everything else was only put in magazines and newspapers.

I'm a bit fuzzy on the details.

Sometimes someone gets incredibly interested in them and will fight tooth and nail so others would appreciate it as well. It's no different than someone desperately trying to get people into a series you like.

In Lovecraft's case, much of that falls on August Derleth, a correspondent of his. When no publisher was really interested, he founded Arkham House, and things eventually rolled into place from there. While his own contributions to Lovecraft's works are questionable at best (he's the one who pushed for alignments and elements to be associated to them, among other things), but his work in helping Lovecraft's work life in is pretty undeniable.

I hear you.
This fear only amplifies if you've spent your dumber years online.

It's hardly unprecedented, many of history's most famous and influential writers and artists died very poor, never meeting success in life. Relatives or friends working to preserve their works and decades of republishing, restoration, exposition and word of mouth may eventually get the deserved recognition.
Could be an indication of works that were simply way ahead of its time.

Boy did that backfire.

I don't even have a fuckin career and I'm scared of this
I made horrific jokes and shit even just a couple years back so I'm paranoid about anyone finding out

I feel this every time I use my Facebook powered VR headset to play questionable games.


Thats some dedication to bring his works to popularity 50-60 years into the future while other authors like Clark Ashton aren't so. Although that might've been a good thing since Lovecraft rose to meme tier

>Impossible to discuss HL Lovecraft games without Vice, Vox, Eurogamer journalists thread derailing about racism

Why, why can't you all get real jobs

>HL Lovecraft
Haha, what a loser!



If you like it read Providence. It serves as a prequel/sequel to the events that take place.

Stop being scared of your past you whimps.
If jokes get you fired, what should scare you is present time you live in.

Everyone point and laugh

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I think that's a terrible way to look at it. Even if he got dragged to meme levels, there have been a lot of things and people who did manage to not only enjoy his work, but be influenced by it in many way. If an author is simply forgotten, then that's the end of it, nobody gains anything and it may as well never have existed.

>Stop being scared of losing your livelihood haha

You're a fucking neet aren't you, faggot? You wouldn't know fear if you had adrenaline injected into your cock as you were forced to watch

10/10 made my day

Both apply, to be honest.

>Howard Lollips Lovecraft

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It's not like government would cancel neetbux I guess

why can't i just shoot chtulu

I hope they do, fuck neets, fucking drains on society that should honestly just be killed


>Darkness Withing: In pursuit of Loath Nolder
>Darkest Dungeon
>Grim Dawn
>Lust for Dakrness
>Tormentum: Dark Sorrow
>The Void

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Well you technically can. But not only it will do fuck all, you'll also lose your mind before the bullets even hit.


The secret world. Probably only decent mmo

>The Void
My nigga
what a weird fucking game that was

No, you pathetic excuse.
If you live in times where over 10 years old
spicy post gets you fired, then you should support any movements to change this mentality.
And no, I work fulltime nigger.

There are none, because Lovecraft translates very poorly into videogames and movies. Just read and reread his works.

god i want to be fucked by that fish man.

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How long/tedious is The Void compared to Pathologic? Pathologic's great and all but I've just completed the Changeling scenario and want a game to keep me busy until Pathologic 2 but I can't stomach learning another obtuse game in and out.

Who'd you rather fuck, a Mi-Go or Mother Hydra?

Lovecraft is all about setting more than story or action. The whole point of his horror was that mankind and even the entire earth were insignificant.
The issue in videogames is that they can't help themselves from setting a cosmic entity as the big bad, which the hero has to eventually face, which instantly diminishes its power.
Off the top of my head, there are two ways to circumvent this.

1. The cosmic entity flat out never appears in your game, but you show the player the effects that its presence does to a place and its people. Besides the usual madness you could show how spacetime is distorted where there was an attempt to summon it or where it stretched its tentacle while yawning. As much as you can, keep the player from knowing he's in a lovecraftian horror until he's invested and then turn the world on its head, using the old gold as an explanation for the abnormalities rather than as a plot device.

2. Decrease the scale of the story. If your hero is to challenge the cosmic entity, make it a personal nemesis. Keep its shrouded in mystery still, but instead of making the hero fight off a creature that could wipe humanity, have him fight for his own universe. Still terrorizing, but makes victory believable while leaving in the possibility of more lurking shadows with unfathomable motives in the empty space of the void.

It takes tons of stuff directly from many books, even some really good scenes but the gameplay falls apart halfway.

>I can't stomach learning another obtuse game in and out.
I recommend not playing The Void then. It's a very interesting game and fascinating in some ways, but if you thought Pathologic is obtuse, The Void will drive you nuts. Following the 'tutorial' will kill you, and you will only realize you're in an unwinnable state ~5 hours in. It can take up to several tries to really learn the ins and outs, and even then it remains impenetrable sometimes. ICL issued an easy-mode patch themselves because they believe they went overboard. Great game, but if you're not down for the steep learning curve, I advise putting it off for later.

The Void is all about the feeling. The gameplay is tedious as fuck. You're supposed to "imerse" yourself into the game. That said the game is not long at all. You can beat it in under 10 hours if you know what you're doing.

Pathologic is a bit obtuse but fairly simple once you complete the first few days and get the hang of things. The Void is far more obtuse and complicated in my opinion and I could never get into it even if I loved Pathologic. I wanna give it another try at some point, though.

It's like, you read some guide on basic stuff for Pathologic and you're like yeah alright cool I got this. You do the same for The Void and you're like uhhhhhhhhh the color does fucking what?

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Ahhh the good old days.

This game would be a masterpiece if it wasn't half-finished. You know what I mean when you reach halfway through the game.

Is it doable with a walkthrough or something? Does one even exist for such an obscure game?

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cosmic horror works in vidya


This is a competent playthrough of the game if you don't mind spoilers.

It's not obscure, it's fedora tier.

I was hoping for a "go there, do this specific thing, return here, grab this". I just want something that allows me to experience most of the content in a playthrough or two.

Yes and yes

>it's fedora tier.
Oh come on now

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>shit was fucking crazy bro i can't even describe it you had to be there man. niggers.

GTA San Andreas.

fukken saved

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hp was racist, but it was just a product of its time. can't you just separate the author from his works?

I've read a few of his stories and I quite like them. I never really gave much thought to him being racist at all. You also really have to admire the guy for single handedly creating the cosmic horror genre

No. Purity tests are important, I get annoyed when a creator doesn't subscribe to the same views I do. My beliefs are correct, so if they don't think the same way, it's because they're evil.

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>make thread about unique vibe
>he was a racist btw
>no even for his time
Yeah yeah, racism bad no fucking shithole get off the soapbox and post vidya lest you promote ironic racism/more shit bait from people who just wanted to discuss fun.

Pathologic gives me Lovecraft vibes. There are forces at play you cannot comprehend until you've played as them.

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Just ram it with a boat.

This but unironically

You guys are fucking pussies. No one cares enough about you to waste their time digging up your past and you shouldnt give a shit either way.

You generally safe unless you have people that either really hate your guts or you become famous in any way.

Being a shut in autist NEET, forced to live around the niggerest of niggers will do that to anyone. He frequently changed his views about different races when he actually met them and had a deep admiration for the Middle East and Japan.