*doesn't drop armor pieces*

*doesn't drop armor pieces*

Attached: B8onNre.png (969x807, 1.35M)

The one in the gutter does

>Enemy Drops piles of assorted precious metals, jewels, stacked 3 feet high
>7 gold acquired.

Attached: missandei.png (949x466, 659K)

second best armor in the game

No shit all that crap is only worth 7 gold when every enemy drops mountains of it.

best armor in the series.

You know, user, I almost went the whole day without becoming irrationally angry.
Then you reminded me of all my farming attempts.
At least it was better than the Insolent Set.

Attached: 1513957985279.jpg (894x894, 138K)

me on the right

God DS2 was a fucking disappointment
I still wish we got that demo

That's not Faraam
Which is actually available

2 had some good armor designs
simple, but elegant

Attached: Royal_Soldier.jpg (463x491, 49K)

you wot p8

>went into DS2 with no expectations at all
>willfully ignored trailers because I thought the idea of a sequel was just in bad taste
>came out without hating it too much
I will not lie though, the DLC is way better than the base game.

Attached: 1401826569470.png (1113x1173, 129K)

>drops his sword
>sword is so good it can be used on the complete playthrough

But they drop them?

So now you'll know how your parents feel

*exists in the worst game of the franchise*

>farming iron keep for alonne greatbow with bonfire ascetics
>end up at NG+7 iron keep when it finally drops
>proceed to farm some seeds and btfo invaders

good times

>Alva's set as the poster boy knight of DaS2 was viciously murdered by a plastic boy that didn't follow the armor style of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1

For what purpose?

Attached: Alva concept.jpg (2232x3486, 843K)

He doesn't exist in DS3 tho

>play about halfway through DSII
>that big update/upgrade to DSII comes out
>start playing again
>enemy locations and even some item locations have been changed around for seemingly no reason

Attached: but but but.gif (350x185, 1.8M)

I never did try Scholar of the First Sin

The DLC is what happens when the developers had enough time and a proper budget. The whole game could have been like that...

I have a savefile with 100% of the items and if feels good

Attached: 236430_screenshots_2014-05-08_00010.jpg (1920x1080, 584K)

The worst part is when a demo came out with all these QoL improvements and they gutted them from the main game.
>no spell charging
>no heavy spells
>no free aim
Thanks FROM, I was afraid magic was gonna be fun and not the same boring pewpew bullshit it's always been.

>dude, what if we put some pigs in the main town that can kill you even when you go up 10 levels

>lol lets put the lord vessel in the basement of a house lol

Literally killed one that dropped the helm 10 minutes ago

DSII is infested with hackers.Any time OI try to summon somebody, or just want to try some PVP I get nothing but fuckers with unlimited HP or magic casts/items.

I just play by myself. Its very lonely.

Is anyone going to mention the fact that SotFS completely changed how you interact with this enemy?

lots of people on Yea Forums don't like it but i think it was better, they added a dragon at heides tower of flame among other things

>trying to farm shit off enemies and they just stop showing up because all enemies have a limited number of respawns

Attached: RAGEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.png (512x384, 247K)

>mfw farming the painting guardian sword off of that one guy behind the painting in the mansion
Must've used at least 50 bonfire ascetics to get the damn thing

Attached: 1556919574747.jpg (492x647, 42K)

Company of champions retard


>farming for drops in dark souls
just use collector's edition

How many newgame+ did that take?
I've thought about doing a 100% character but given how many special weapons require the same unique soul it has put me off from it, like it would just not be worth the hassle.

Ive platinumed the game and NG+2 is enough to get everything, buy if you are too lazy you can just spam bonfire ascetics

It's a guaranteed drop you retarded faggot

SofTS is the shit, way better than the original, and the changes to Aldia's Keep and Dragon Aerie made my dick diamonds, its a shame that the other Souls games dont do gimmicky areas

Its worth to take into account that DS2 adds new shit to the game in NG+, so running through again is a bit more enjoyable